l'esti\;1|.;1n illlllllltlL‘HIIIPCIIIIUIIltll'}ttllllg I
muslcians \\ hiclt dates back to I‘ll”. ()n I” .lanuzu'} . I);l\ltl Horne. a Illsslslit' Young Kinsman ol the Year! winner. will pla} Raehinaninox ‘s \'.u rationson .1 theme b_\ (‘orelli and \Iilssoigski's Pictures lroin an I‘ \lnbition. .-\tlllil\\ltlll b} programme tl.(‘ont.1el gallery lot lurther details.
I GRAEME MURRAY GALLERY 1.5 Scotland Street. 5511(ill2ll. 'l ue l'l'l Illani .5pm. Sat lllani lpni.
BirjitJurgenssen t 'ntil 3s .lgin, .-\ mung; Anslriun .u‘tist using photograph} in all manners. It l\.l stiungee\hibitioiiol light photograph) \ll_\ behind llllL'\llL‘IL'lIL‘tl gun/es \\ Inch go e both texture and depth to the IIIII\IIL‘tl image 'I III\ I\ the \L‘U‘litl hall ol an ewhange between the ( imeine Murray (iallei) anil(i;1|eiie llubeit
Winter. Vienna. w ho took .in e\hibitionol
'I‘hoinasJoshua’s photogiaphsezuliei this sear. Worth a \ isit particularly ll photograph} In unlisual guises l\ 1 our interest.
I HANOVER FINE ART ZI.\ l)lllltl.l\ Street. 55o3l5l. .\lon I'l'l Ill.un (111111.841
lllnin Jpni.
I Ianm ei has lust reopened in .i new basement galleit lll I)lllltl.l\ Street .uuong the New I own galleries. It seems llleHl \e‘l} sensible mine. making the gallei \ more accessible to l‘tti\\\c'l\ than the upstairs rooms Ill I lanoxei Street \\ lneh ltoused II ox er the past three i cat s
Artists Newto the Gallery 1 'niil .‘Slnn. Ronald Mavorfitllgin 15 Mb. Villeti thtelte paintings,
I ITALIAN INSTITUTE 5’3 \icolson Sti eel. .\lon l-ri‘liun 5pm.
Christmas Cribs from Naples 1 mil 3‘ Jun.
.-\n e\h|lution of photographs oIa folk art special to areas ol Italy gunl(ierm;mt. lllL‘\L‘ \L'Upnlllttll L‘t'll‘ \L'L‘llc‘\ ( IIIULIL'I\ usuth can L‘tl in wood are set In naturalisticscenes rather like :1 mini-stage set i hm e been handed do“ it through one ltllllll} and though are newt on public tll\[‘l.l} the} can be seen in thistrm elling exhibition ol photographs.
I KINGFISHER GALLERY \"orthuinberliintl Street I .me. 55‘ 5~15»l..\lon Sat
Ill;llll ~l..‘\|lpm. Sat lllam lpm; Sun CltT\L'\l.
Glasgow Colourists I‘Hnn 11 let». .-\ \elcclttltl HI \Htl l\\ l‘_\ e‘\llll‘ll\lIL‘tl conlenipotat} (ilasgow .n‘tisls. I.o\\. Kirkhiun. l-orresl lllIlI ( 'unnuighani are among them.
I MALCOLM INNES GALLERY (i"( ieorge Street. ZjoJlFI .\lon l'l‘l‘Mlll opnr Scottish landscape. sporting and natural histor} paintings.
I NATIONAL GALLERY OF SCOTLAND The .\lonmI.."5ti.\’t)21.\lon Sat Illuni 5pm; Sun: .5pm.
The Vaughan Bequestandthe Campbell Vignettes I 'nlil Fl Breathe a sigh lor the annual show ing ol the National (idllL‘IA 's llll net ls. L‘\t|lll\lIL‘ little gems that the} are. llns l\ the but time that the SN 'l ui'nei watercolouis and the Ill illustrations .ue show n in the new drawings (\llll‘llltm area go me more room and \ iew ing space lor \\ hat I\ oneol the galleis‘s yearly highlights.
Drawings and Prints by Andrew Geddes (1783—1844) I ‘ntil 31 Ian. ()ne ot the first l‘lth centui} ;Il'll\l\ to l'L‘kll\e‘tl\ er the possibilitiesol etching. ()\L‘l'\lliltlt)\\L'Ll in his tune b_\ trieml andeontetnporar}
l};i\ ltl \\ ilkie. little remains ol ( ietltles‘
Open Eye Gallery, Edinburgh
Tom Wilson said he would never do it again. But despite the organisational hassles of last year’s exhibition The Chosen Few, its undoubted success has led to The Artists' Choice. And so again a host of selectors choose a favourite artist. Last year, those working for and writing about the arts
were asked to come up with a name and
their reasons why—this year it is the artists’ turn.
In many cases, senior artists have avoided naming colleagues of their own generation and have plumped for younger artists they admire and who usually work in styles very similarto their own. Elizabeth Ogilvie picks Anne Bevan working in the landscape monotones of her own preference, Will Maclean chooses one of his ex-students Edward Summerton, whose skull and jug explodes blue into the first room, while Alberto Morrocco is tantalised by Ann Patrick's purple plums. Duite independently, Ann Patrick chose her ex-teacher Alberto Morrocco and reading their reasons on the enlightening labels which accompany all the works, it is hardly surprising. Their love of colour, sun and the sensuous beauty of the world, the Mediterranean in particular, twins their sensibilities without reserve.
Selecting a ‘stalwart‘ in Ian Fleming, John Bellany’s choice moves a generation forward. And as if paying tribute to his selector, Fleming‘s tall seascape reflects the yellow light so often present in Bellany's own work. Colourist Carlo Bossi picks David Donaldson in colourful mood, George Donald takes the work of fellow object
Bittern by Sue White Dakes
:' arrangerElizabeth Blackadder(a
particularly beautiful golden picture),
and Elizabeth Blackadder admires the ' anatomy of shape which Charles Stiven
so cleverly moulds in grey. While spotting the artist in this
light-hearted exhibition, the Open Eye
have also made it possible to fit in a little bird-spotting. Of this feathered
; collection it is Sue White Daks‘ bittern which reigns supreme (see photo).
Standing on one giant foot its
3 burnished leathers curl softly in metal. ; Tackling bird life lorthe first time, she
does it with great aplomb. Alice Palser’s birds are small and shy, more the type that hide in trees. Blue tits and wrens are deftly shaped in painted clay. Michael and Liz O'Donnell‘s sycamore nests with painted totem
. animals are worth looking out for as are
the graceful swan jugs by Barbara and
Michael Hawkins and the lions with
feathered friends by Anna Noel. Altogether a good 1989 opener for the Open Eye. (Alice Bain)
Now under independent management A LIGH'I‘TOUCH
I3 Artists’ expressions oflight A'l‘ W'ORK IN THE FIELDS OF THE BOMB Photographs by Robert Del 'l‘rediei
CERANI [CS by Anne Lightwood 13th January — 12th February
(ialleries open free to the public every (lay Mun—Sui lotto—Tint) (S11112.llll--3.lllll (Iruw‘lonl .\rts ( Ienlre. (l3 North Street. St .\u(lre\\ s. l'lllt'. lel. lliil 7 llilll
Subsvd/sed by the Scottish Arts COUFTCII
I . ' (Mcfl x17”? / _ .r w r
’z " :7.‘.. f; ,l../.'.
,1 I
GLASGOW PAINTERS —1989 19January — 1'] th February
Gallerv open Mon~ l5i'i Illanr-Ifillpin Sat 10am 1pm
5 Northumlwrland Street lane .\'\\', lidinburgh Ill 13 (ill. Telephoneth 557 5454
SIR DAVID \’()I'.\'(; (CAMERON. RA. RSA. RWS, RS“ l 186549451 0“ paintings. watereolours. etchings 'I’III'I S('()'I"I’ISII (‘()l.()l 'RIS'I'S Drawings BRI'CI'Z McLICAN Prints & Works on Paper INNOVATIONS: (ilass by Liz Lowe & Earthenware b} 'l'essa Wolfe Murray (‘()N'l‘l‘l.\IP()R.-\RY l)l"l‘(‘II .II'L\\'ICI,I.ICRY
7.]anuary— 1 February
.‘i'iii: seo'l‘l‘lsll 94 George Street “MI-H“ Mon—Fri Edinburgh 10am—6pm 031 225 5955 “" " ‘ "'J Sat 10am-1pm
University of Edinburgh, Old College, South Bridge. Tel: 031 667 1011 ext 4308
12 November—1 7 December
Janet Patterson
DREAMTIME A Traveller’s Images of Australia
Tues-Sat 10am—5pm Admission Free Subsidised by the Scottish Arts Council
The List 13 — 26 January 43