IAIbion RoversvStranraereliiionhill. (‘oatbridge I ll) rnins ('oatdyke station). 3pm.
I East Stirling v Stenhousemuir l-‘irs Park. Firs Street. I-‘alkirk. 3pm.
I Queen's Park v Oumbarton l lamptlen Park. (ilasgoyy (5 mins Mount Florida and Kings Park stations). 3pm.
Saturday 7
I Celtic v Hamilton (‘eliie Park. (ialloyy-gate. (ilasgoyy . 3pm.
I Dundee v Dundee Utd I)eiis Park. Sandeman Street. Dundee. 3pm.
I Hearts v St Mirren 't‘y neeast le Park. (iorgle Road. Iidinburgh. 3pm.
I Motherwell v Rangers t-‘ir Park. Motherys'ell (all Motheryy'ell buses pass ground). 3an
I AyrvAirdrie Somerset Park. Somerset Road. Ay'r. 3pm.
I Falkirk V Kilmarnock Broeky'ille. I'alkirk (Itlll yards from (irahamston station I. 3pm.
I Morton v Meadowbank Thistle ( ‘appiettm Park. (ireenoek t5 mins(‘artsdyke station). 3pm.
I Partick Thistle v Raith Rovers I-‘irhill. Firhill Road. (ilasgoyy . 3pm.
BEBE}— Tuesday 3/Wednesday 4
I RV! Ay'r Raeeeourse. 3 \Vlilllells Road. Ay‘r. ('lubiltl. Iiglinton £5 eaeh day . 'l’he first race in this National Hunt meeting begins around lpm.
Friday 6
I Edinburgh Mtisselburgh Raeeeotirse. Musselburgh. ('hib £8. I’addoek £4. National Hunt meeting: the first raee startsat 1pm approximately.
ICE HOCKEY Saturday7
I Murraylield Racers v Nottingham Panthers Murraylield lee Rink. Riyersdttle ('reseent. Edinburgh. o..‘\tlpm.
I Ayr Bruins v Streatham Redskins .-\y r lee Rink. Limekilns Road. .-\y r. ". 15pm.
I File Flyers v Streatham Redskins Kirkealdy lee Rink. Kirkealdy'. 7.15pm.
RUGBY Saturday 24
I Glasgow V SOUIII I Itighenden. Hughenden Road. (ilasgoyy. 2pm. The South would seem unlikely to be troubled ifthe home team’s yyeak performance against Edinburgh is anything to go by. FRIENDLY MATCHES
I Corstorphine v Royal High tinion Park. (‘arrieknowe Parkway. Iidinburgh. 2pm. I Duntermline v Stirling County MeKane Park. Nethertown Broad Street. Dunfermline. 2pm.
I Edinburgh Acads v Edinburgh Wanderers Raeburn Place. lidinburgh. 2pm.
I Glasgow Acads v Dundee HS FPNew Anniesland. Iielensburgh Drive. Glasgow. 2pm.
I Heriots v Preston Lodge (ioldenaere. Bangholm Terrace. Iidinburgh. 2pm.
I Kilmarnock V Selkirk Bellsland. Queens Drive. Kilmarnoek. 2pm.
I Musselburgh v Kirkcaldy Sitit‘ley'hlll. Edinburgh. 2pm.
I Watsonians v Portobello Myrcsttie. Myreside Road. Edinburgh. 2pm.
Monday 26
I Edinburgh Acads v Co-optimists Raeburn Place. Edinburgh. 2pm.
I Glasgow Acads v Glasgow High/Kelvinside
Neyy Anniesland. llelensburgh Drive. (ilasgoyy . 3pm.
Saturday 31
I Anglo Scots v Glasgow Murray'lield. Itdinburgli. l3..‘~llpm. Preeeded by the mateh betys eeii llie I\\U l'nder :1 sides (kiek till lItttll I.
I Ountermline v Leith Academicals MeKane Park. \elhertoyy ii Broad Street. Dunl’ermhne. 2pm.
I Kilmarnock V Ayr Bellsland. ()ueeiis l)ri\ e. Kilinarnoek. 2pm. Musselburgh v Corstorphine Storiey hill. Izdinburgh. 2pm.
I Portobello V Broughton (m aIry Park. l)uddingstoii Road West. Iidinbtirgh. 2pm.
I Stewarts Melville v Gala Iny erIeitIi. l-erry Road. lidinburgh. 2pm.
I Watsonians v Heriots .\Iy'reside.
.‘yly reside Road. Indinbtirgh. 2pm.
FRIENDLY MATCH I Heriots V Hawick ( ioldenaere. Bangholin 'I'erraee. Iidiiibui‘gh. 2pm.
Saturday 7
I BIueszIiites \Iurraytteld. Iidinburgh. 2pm. IIIIS is iisually \s hen the resery e team ys ins eoiiiprehensiy ely . proy iding the seleetoi s \\ itli a maioi' headaehe belore the tortheonimg l-iy e Nations tournament. FRIENDLY MATCHES
I Ounlermline vAyr \Iels'aiie Park. \ethertoyy n Broad Street. Dunlermline. 3pm.
I Edinburgh Acads v Kelso Raebtirn PIaee. Izdinbtii'gh. 3pm.
I Edinburgh Wanderers v West at Scotland .‘yltirray Iield. Itdinburgh. 2pm.
I Glasgow High/Kelvinside v Stewarts Melville ( )Id :\lillle.\l;llltl. ("royy Road. (ilasgoyy 2pm.
I Musselburgh v Melrose Sloney hill. Iidinburgh. 2pm.
I Portobello v Royal High ( ‘ay-aii-y Park. I)uddiiigston Road West. Iidinburgh. 2pm.
I Preston Lodge v Corstorphine Pennypit I’aik. Rope Walk. Prestonpans. 2pm.
Tuesday 27 — Friday 30
I Bank of Scotland Scottish Junior Open (‘olinton (‘astle Sports (’lub. Katesmill Road. lidiiibuigh. 'I‘he lirst day seesthe preliminary rounds. yy hieh begin at noon. Action on the other three days startsat ‘)..‘stlani. Iiaeh day‘splay yy'illeontintie until sometime between '7pni and 9pm.
I depending ol eourse on the length ol
TENNIS Wednesday 28 — Friday 30
I Scottish Junior Inter County Cup Allander Sports ('entre. Milngay'ie Road. Bearsden. Times to be confirmed. Phone Mr I). l.yndonll3| 225 138-1 Iordetails.
I The Open listings are designed to listany event that would not lit in to one at the other sections. You‘re invited to send inlormation on talks. walks. political meetings etcto. The List. 14 High Street. Edinburgh EH11TE. to arrive at least seven days belore publication date.
I Boring Machine Exhibition Museum ol
‘I ianspoi't. Rely in Hall. Alp} le Street. (ilasgoyy . 35" 393‘). I hid 1-..Itlll. .\Ioii Sat Illam 5pm;Stiii 2 5pm. Free. .\'odtill diggersoi' tedious typeysiitei'sheie Instead. the eyliibition leatiires a lzlll seale repliea ol the dy iiaiiiie di ill birth by James I onydeii tk (‘o l .td ot ( iI.isgo\\. soon to be tised to ei'eate the ttiiiiiel \\ hieh \y ill eoiineet Kent and Normandy '1 his eseitiiig eseay aim is a quartei ot a mile in length and oy ei .S metres in diainetei . and not only boresthiotigh solid ioek.but shores the tunnel “all \\ itli eoiiei'ete segments as it goes. l’ind out all about II at this exhibition.
I Edinburgh Bisexual Group End otYear Partylesbian tk (iay (‘entre. SSA lii'oughton Street. 55" .‘ililll. "..‘~llpiii. .r\|I “L‘IL'UIIIL‘.
I Edinburgh Bisexual Group Newcomers‘ Nighllesbian & (iay ('eiiti'e. SSA Broughton Stieet. 55‘ .itiltl. E..‘~llpiii. .'\ll yyeleonie. iegardless oI se\ua| orientation
I Lecture: Biological Clocks— How Living Organisms Measure Time Boyd ( )I'l' Building. ( ilasgoyy l'iiiyersity . I'iiiyersity .-\\enue. Iiilo: .‘~.‘\‘).\‘S55 e\t~1241l 1.15pm. I-i'ee. This year‘s yyeekly ptiblie leetuies kiek oIt \yith I’rol .\I B. \ViIkiiisdisetissiiig time as a purely organieeoneept. Siiiee his baekgi'otind is in Botany . he \y ill piobably eoneentrate mainly on plants.
I Plants Around The World: A Ouarter ola
Century at Benmore Roy aI Botatiie ( iat'den ZIIA Inyerleitli Roys. Izdinburgli. Illltii 552 71"] Arthur I la”. eurator ol the Younger Botanie ( iarden. Argy Ilshire (an outpost of deinbtirgh‘s Botanie ( iarden I tor the past 35 years. talks about the gardens splendid ( iiatil Redyyoods I the \yoi'ld's tallest trees). Douglas l-irstliritain's tallest I and i'hi)dodendi'ons (not tall. btit yery substantial). lle yinl shortly be retiring. so this may be the last ehaiiee to i hear his expert eomments.
Adirectory ot holiday services.
Your loeaI 24-hour poliee station yy ill normally has e a dispensain lor urgent treatment. 'I‘he poliee should also hay e a list (it loeal eheinists yy hieh are open. Beloyy yy e list ehemists kiioyy ii to be open on speeilie holidays.
GLASGOW: 25 Dec: RII. Broyy'ii(‘hemists 263 Alderman Road. (313. 95‘) I‘M-I. Illam—(ipm; 693 ( ireat Western Road. (3113390013. ItIam—bpm: 77 l.oehend Road. (LN. 7'73 Still}. lllam- 2pm;4tI2
' 'I‘o Indinburgh lllpm. i
.\'itshi|I Road. lllam hpni .l (' Stittie IIIJ [)i'y meii Road. ( in] . ‘HZIL‘EJ.
llani lpm. 26 Dec: R II. Himy II ( 'heiiiists Iii'aiielies and times .is pei 35 Dee
R.(i I)iumniond I (‘iotyn .\\enue l)eyelopiiieiit.(iSI.‘I52‘I51lI.Illaiii lpm 27 Dec: \Itiiiio ( 'heniist lo I )otiglasStieel. (ibT. “So 5335. iiooii lpm (Ian ( IleltllSI .‘i‘ll .\ Kilboyyie Road. ( i\l . 95: ill". Illam lpm. 1 Jan: RI l, liioyyn ( 'heiiiists Bianehesand times .is per 25 Dee :.I.Ill. RI l Iiioyy n ( 'hemists Iiiaiiehes and times as per 25 Dee. S..\Ie( "till [-13 I )uiitoehei Road. ( i.\l . ‘53 "llbb. lllaiii Ipiii 3Jan: (‘laii ( ‘heiiiisl .WIA Is'ilbo“ ie Road. ( i\ I. 053341". ltlam lpm
EDINBURGHI BOOIS IS SIi.iiid\\ iek l’|.iee.
I' l I_‘. 3.35 (75“ is open eyeiy day dtii mg the holiday peiiod. .it the lollo“ iiig times: 25 Dee l lam J, ‘yllpni So. I" I )L'L
‘laiii bpiii LS .il I)ee\ Jilin ‘Ipiii
Ham 4 fillpni I. .‘‘ opni Mohammed Iqbal "ii \le‘tIIMIIl Slieel.l its. ' ‘._‘..1.I.iii Iliam hpiii James Ferguson :3 l Iillhotise Road. I i t 1. 333 .‘iblll. 3b I)ee Iti.,§ll.iiii I.‘ ‘Hpiii e I)et“);llll lpm.: 5pm llaii
Ill..‘~ll;iiii I_‘.3Hpni FIaii‘Liiii lpiii.
3 5pm.
I’he loIony trig petiol stations are open II Iioiiisduiiiig the holiday peiiod. GLASGOW: Eglinton Service Station .Ti iii l-glmionsiieet.(iS. 13‘) Rii_‘.l.AnniesIand Filling Centre tun-\nmtsiami Road. ( ".l 1. ‘l5‘lllll5 tshopalsoopeiil
EDINBURGH: Link Service Centre Intrtiem I’Iaee. l' l I III. _‘.‘.‘l‘l.\5‘l t shop .iIsoopeiii Thimblehall Service Station hellisetl I 2pm Sat II \aiii .\Ioii :b I )ee; and Ill 3' lpiii Sat .‘il Illaiii Mon 2 Ian. btil isotheiyyiseopeii Hhoiiis. "days
liiiiei'geiiey sery iee a\.ii|.ib|e _‘-I Iioiiis throughout the holiday pei iod Iioiii the tolonyiiig tiiiiis.
GLASGOW2Alert his 1 .\i’gyle Stieel.(r.i. III ~1.“); I Steyyait Stieet. \Iiliigay ie. "\(i Suit
EDINBURGHzAt Emergency Plumbers .1:
\Varrendei l’aik Road. I' I Is jjiis" lll
Buchanan Street. Glasgow to SIAndrews Square. Edinburgh 1 ast bus on :1 .tnti .11 Dee isat I lpm. Restricted service Irom Buchanan Street to all destinations on 35 Dee and I .laii Details. (Ml .‘sfljlll‘ll
SIAndrews Square. Edinburgh to Buchanan Street. Glasgow I.ast bus on _‘»I and 3| I he isat midnight.
Restricted service irom St Andrews Square to all destinations on 25 Dee .llltl 1 Ian Details: Il3l 55(iS4(i~I
Glasgow Central/Queen Street 3i :4 544. Edinburgh Waverley Finltfii
.\'o sery iees yyithiii Seotland on 25 Dee oi 1 .Ian. limited sery lees on other day s. as detailed in broehure. ay ailable Iioiii HR liilormation desks.
Lasttrain on 34 and 3| I)ee Iioiii( ilasgoyy Queen Street: In Kings ( ~i'oss “SI ltiiti.
I I.itl
Lasttrainon 2-1 and 31 I)eelroiii Iidinburgh \N'ay'erley: 'l o Kings ( 'ioss 5.30pm; It)(il;isgoyy lllpiii
The List 23 Dee 1983 --il_2fl.Ia-ii DIRT) 51