
Street. 552 8681.

I Folk Session l lalt Bar. \Voodlands Road. 332 12111. I’.\elillig. instrumental music oti t'iddle. accordion etc.


I Archie Fisher Izdinhurgh I-olk ( 'ltth. ()shourne I lotel. York l’lace. 55(i55"" Spin. £2.5lltLl .5111. You'll notieethe horse. Archie's transport or delight.

tethered outside. SunSctS 1 “me ( ialloped

Into is the latest alhttrti lront Scotland‘s hext lot ed l'olk Singer.

I Alchemy BitiiliL‘fiiiilliS Bar. ( ‘ou gate. 55(i3254. I:\ening. New I-olk onstnth. tiddle. lltrtc and \ oealx,

I North Sea Gas I’lattot'm l.Rutland Street. Iit'ening. Resident ptih tolk hand. I Guizer Scotch And Rte. 511 ( icorge |\' Bridge. 225 MS]. Iix citing



I Hamish lmlach Star I'olk ('luh. ( ilaxgoxt Society ()1 Mtisreiatis. Berkeley Street. heSide Mitchell 'lheatre. Spin. L l .5”.


I Green Tree(‘o\\gate. litenirig. I'olk Scene SeSSion. I.ate hard

I Colin Ramage/Robin Laing lirtSlgli Ii“ art. I.a\\ iimarket. l'.\ eniug.


RIDAY 23 Glasgow

I George McGowan Trio with Linda Fletcher Blacklriars. Bell Street. Merchant ( it}. 552 5924. Iivening. Regular crowd tor resident hand \\ itli StiiigSlt'L‘SS.

I Glasgow Rhythm Club l'nitarian ( ~hui'cli.

72 Berkele) Street. 7.45pm. 'I'alkstttth gramophonc records. 'i‘onight XmasJeer with Dick Blauer atid Bill Martin.


I Alpha Jazz Quartet Iillei‘Sle}' l louse Hotel. Iillerslc) Road. ('orstorphine. 337 (i888. S— l lpm.

I Spirits 0t Rhythm Basin Street. Ilaytitarket Terrace. 337 ltltlti. Iix'ening. 'I‘rad hatid.



I Willy and the Hand Jive Blacklriars. Bell Street. Merchant (it); 552 5924. Special (‘hristmas Iit'c Night of 50‘s and (itl'x jive and rock and roll.

I George McGowan Orchestra Berlin Lounge Bar. 8- In West (ieorge Street. Queen Street Station. 335 2382. 2 5pm. Free. The Big Band Sotitid. old and new. I Ron Moore. Rikki Fernandez I.a ’l‘at'erna. Lansdownc Crescent. 33‘) "/1107. 9.30pm. Free. Music in the har.

I Society Quartet Society ()1. Mtisicians. Berkeley Street. 221 (i1 12. Spm. 511p. Music and dancing with Ted Bosley. guitar; Jimmy Alston. \‘oealS; (ieorge Morrison. hass guitar: I’at (iallagher. drums.


I Barony Jazz Barony Bar. Broughton Street. 557 (1546. Jack Hammereand 9—11.3t1pm.

I Shore Music The Shore Bar Restaurant.

The Shore. [.eith. 9pm. 'l‘onight Ewan Baird Group. guitar. piano. haw.

I Alpha Jazz Quartet Izllersle} Ilouxe Ilotel. lillerxlei Road. (‘orxtorphine. 33" hSSS. S- l lptit.

I Toto And The Jazz Bostons I’reSer\ alion llall. Victoria Street. 22h 3810. 2 4pm.

I Doctor MacJazz Basin Street. lla}niarket 'I'errace. 33" H" 1h. I'.\ enriig. 'l'rad haiid.



I Bobby Wishart I lalt Bar. \VoodlaridS Road. 332 12111. I'.\Ciiillg. leading SaXophonist's tan and tuxion hand.

I Jazz Academy Bonltanls. I3} reS Road. 3573424. I:\ citing.


I Swing '88 Malt Shoxel.(‘oekhurii Street. 225 (MS-l3. Inciting. 'I‘ttogtiilarS. clarinet illltl\;l\. Ilot (‘luhxottiid

I Louisiana Ragtime Band \ax aar‘ l louSe I lotel. Ma} l'ield (iardenx. tilt" 2S2S I‘.\elitng.

I West End Jazz Band Basin Street.

Ila_\ market 'I'crt'ace. 337 With. Izteiimg. 'l‘rad.

I Shore Music the Shore Bar Restaurant. The Shore. [.eith. 9pm. 'l‘otiiglit Robert Pettigrew and Kenny Ellis. piano dtitlhle


WEDNESDAY 28 Glasgow

I Sandy Taylor/Alex Moore Duo ( iIQISgtiu Society ( )1 MuSictanS. Berkele} Street. 221 hl l2. S3llpm. 511p. Bar.


I Jazz Pool l.':\ttache. haxement ot

Rutlatid I Iotel. \Vest Iznd. Princes Street. 9pm. I-ree. Drummer Bill K} Icot'gaiii\e\ tlihl‘niitl. l‘xuallt piano ke_\ho;ird\. haw.

drums. guitar. and lira“ and or reedS. Modern. hop. some mainstream. hltiex. Mm ed lrom ‘l'hur'sdat lilg'lllS.

I Shore Music The Shore Bar Restaurant. The Shore. [.eith. ‘)pm. 'l‘oitight Sixteen Strings three piece guitar so mg.

I Charlie McNair‘s Band l’rexen atiori

I lall. Victoria Street. 22h 3Slh. I'.\ ening,


I Chick Lyall Blackl'riarS. Bell Street. Merchant ( it} . 552 5924. Iixening.

Kc} hoard ace's hand.

I Riverside Blues Rn erSide. t-‘m Street.

' ot’t(‘l_\deStreet.9pm l2tiiiditight.Three



I Edinburgh Jazz Quartet ( tippers. (‘oekhui'n Street. 225 I441. I-.\ening.

I Graham Blamyre Jazzers Basin St . eet. Ilaymarket Terrace. 337 llltlo. Iztetting. I Templehall Stompers temple 1 Intel. Iisplaitadc. .loppa. (tot) 42o4. l'.\ citing. 'l‘rad and dixie reStdcntS.

I Shore Music the Shore Bar ReStaur'ant. The Shore. [.eith. ‘lpm. 'I‘onight Pschyco Blue.



I George McGowan Trio with Linda Fletcher Blacktt'iars. Bell Street. Merchant ('it}. 552 5924. Iiveriing. Long estahlished residenc} \\itl‘l rcgularcrond.


I Alpha Jazz Quartet tillersley l louse Ilotel. Iillersley Road. ('orstorphine. 3.37 (i888. S-l 1pm.

I Alex Shaw Trio ('opperS. ('ockhurn Street. 225 1441. Iii-citing.

I Spirits Dt Rhythm Basin Street. Ilaymarket Terrace. 337 With. Iit'eiiing. Trad hand.


I George McGowan Orchestra Berlin lounge Bar. S Ill \cht (ieorge Street. Queen Street Station. 335 2352 2 5pm. tree The Big Baiid Sound. old and new I Ron Moore. Rikki Fernandez l .a'rmerna. I.anxdo\\neCrescent. 33‘)"lll1".‘).3tlpm. 1"ree. Music in the har.

I Society Quartet Societ} ()1 Musicians. Berkele} Street. 221 ()1 12. Spm. 511p. Music and dancing \\ itli 'I'ed Bosle). guitat';.ltiitiit} Alston. \ocalS'.(ieorgc Mort lSUli. haxx guitar; l’at ( iallagher'. drums


I Barony Jazz Barom Bar. Bi'oughton Street. 55" out» Jack RammerBand 0pm. I Alpha Jazz Quartet lillchle} House

I lotel. I- llel'Slc‘} Road. ( ‘oi‘xtorpltirte. 33" (iSSS. .S llptii.

I Toto And The Jazz Bostons l’t'eSeH atioti llall. Victoria Street. 22h 3510. 2 4pm.

I Doctor MacJazz liaSllt Street. llatmarkel leirace. 33" lllllti. lie-rung. 'l tad hand.


Glasgow I Bobby Wishart I lalt Bar . Woodlands

Road. 332 12111. I-tening. leading \a\ophoiti\t\ |.l// and lllSiUli hand.

I Jazz Academy littllllillltS. Bx reS Road. 35"3424.1-\entng.


I Swing '89 Malt Slim el. ( ~ockhui H Street. 225 (MS-13. lixettiitg. l ttoguitat'x. and reedS. I lot ( ‘ltih Sound.

I Louisiana Ragtime Band \;t\ aar l louSe I lolel. Mat lleld ( ialdenS. mi" 252%. I-xeiting.

I West End Jazz Band ItaSlll Street. lla_\markel'lcrraee.33" lllllti.I-.\eiiin}1. 'l rad.

IShore Music'l‘he Sltore Bar Rextautant. 'l‘he Shore. [.eith. ‘lpm. lottight Robert

Pettigrew and Kenny Ellis. piano douhle tum.



I Sandy Taylor/Alex Moore Duo ( iltngti“ Societ} ()1 .\lll\le1;111\. Berkeley Street. 221 (i112..\.3llpitt. 511p. Bar.


I Jazz Pool l.'x\ttaclte. haSemenl ot Rutland I lotel. \Vext land. Princes Street. ‘lpm. I-ree. Drummer Bill Kileorganises thishand. l’xuallt piatto kethoardx. l‘aSS. drums. guitar. and hraxx arid or reeds. Modertt. hop. some mainstream. hluex. Mot ed liom Thursday nights.

I Charlie McNair's Band l’ieSeH .ition

I lall. Victoria Street. 22h 3Sl(i. I'.\ entng. I Shore Music the Shore Bar Restaurant. 'l'lie Shore. [.eith. ‘lpm. 'l’oiiight Sixteen Strings. three piece guitar hased S“ mg.

THURSDAY 5 Edinburgh

I Shore Music The Sltore Bar Restaurant. The Shore. [.eith. 0pm. 'l'otiighl Pschyco Blue.

I Graham Blamyre Jazzers Basin Street. Il;l}liittl'l\'ct'I'L'l’l'tlL‘L'..337 111l1(\eniiig. I Templehall Stompers 'l‘emple l lotel. szplartade. .loppa. (iti‘) 4264. I‘.\ citing. It'dtl and dixie residents.

FRIDAY 6 Glasgow

I George McGowan Trio with Linda Fletcher Blacktriarx. Bell Street. Merchant (it).

_ 552 5924. lit citing. Regular crowd tor f resident hand \\ itlt SongStreSS.

= Edinburgh

I Alpha Jazz Quartet IzllerSle} Ilousc

Ilotel.I-'.|lei'\1e) Road. (‘ot‘xtorphine. 3.37 (i888. S~ 1 1pm.

I Spirits Ot Rhythm Baxin Street. llamiarket Terrace. 337 ltltlti. Inciting. 'l'rad hand.



I George McGowan Orchestra Berlin lounge Bar. .S’ 111 West (ieorgc Street. Queen Street Station. 335 2382. 2 75pm. Free. 'l‘lte Big Band Sound. old aitd new I Ron Moore. Rikki Fernandez l .a ‘raxernti.\do\\ tie ( 'reseent. 33‘) "t 111": (no 12 midnight. l‘i'ee. .\lll\l( in the har.

I Society Quartet Soeieu ()t MusicianS. Berkeley Street. 221 til 12. \‘pm. 5le. Music and dancing \\ ilh led Boxlet. gttitar ; .limm} Alston. \ocalx; ( ieorge MorriSon. haSS guitar '. l’at ( iallaglter. drums.


IBaronyJazz Baroiit Bar. Btoughton Street. 55‘11540. Jack HammerBand

‘) 11.3t1pm.

I Alex Shaw Trio I’latloi m 1.l{utland Street. 225 2433. lunchtirtte.

I Shore Music 'l'he Shore Bar Restaurant. The Shore. [.eith. 0pm. 'l'ottight Ewan Baird Group. guitar. piano. has»

I Alpha Jazz Quartet I'.llet‘\le\ Home Hotel. Itllerxle) Road. (‘orxtorphmo 33 0885. S llpiti.

IToto And The Jazz Bostons I’rexenation llall. Victoria Street. 22h .3t\lti. 2 4pm. I Doctor MacJazz l3.l\lll Street.

11a) market ‘I'errace. 33" 111W». Iiwning. 'l’rad hand.

SUNDAY 8 Glasgow

IJazz Academy () l lent} \. ( ireat Western Road. at Ke‘h iithridge. 33‘) 1275. ‘1 llpm.

I George Penman‘s Jazz Band ( ‘urlei \.

B} r'cS Road. 334 l2S-l. Irad liorn

S311 111.5llpm.

I New Jazz the Bat . 'l ioit ‘l'lteati‘e. Put me Street. 553 420". L1.5lltLl i. l.3l1 5pm. 'I'ron'x \teekl} modern ia/x.


I Barony Jazz Baron} Bar . Bi'ougltton Street. 55"“540. I.i\e hand. S 3il I1pm. 'l‘omglit Melanie 0' Reilly and Francis Cowan. \ocalxuith guitar.

IThalSwing Thang ( 'ale Biarritx. (ll Itrederiek Street. 225 5244. 0 12pm. .ltitttp iixe \oealx and swing. Sometimexachange ol hand. l’hone tordetailx.

I Ronnie Rae Trio l’latioriii l.l{titl.intl Street. 225 2433. lunchtime.

MONDAY 9 Glasgow

I George Penman‘s Jazz Band ( ‘arnegiu .lau (‘Itth. 142 St Vincent Street. 2203833. 0 12pm. ()ld lilSlllUllL‘tl trad maSIerS.


I Granary Quartet 1 lilton. Bellor'd Road.

332 2545. 9 11.3llpm.

I Dell The Cat l.'x\ttaehe. haxemeiit ol

Rutland Hotel. West 12nd ol Princes Street. I'.\L‘llllii_’. (itiitar arid ket hoard lead sott jazz rock lotii piece.

I Shore Music The Shore Bar Restaurant. The Shore. [.eith. llpm. ’I'onight Michael Wright. piano har music.

I East CoastJazz Band Blue Lagoon. Angle l’ar‘k 'l‘ci'r'ace. 33] (1022. szeittrig.

9 12pm. Resident '| rad hand.


Glasgow I Wishart l lalt Bar. \Vtititlltllltlx

Road. 332 12111. l'.\Cllilig'. leading

E saxoplionist's tan and lllSiUll hatid.

I Jazz Academy BonhamS. B} reS Road. 3573424. Iit'ening.

'l‘he List 23 Dec was Qi‘fiun low) 37