l l!'.llltlll‘.'.\c‘l\lc‘c asailable.

§ Scottish Landscapes and Figure Paintings by .\d:i m. lsinuslex I‘lumb.

I ITALIAN INSTITUTE S2 \icolson Street. \loii lii‘tam *pvi

' Christmas Cribs trom Naples t nut 24 Dec.

A .'\l‘ c\llll‘llll‘ll of photographs ol a lolk art special to .tti_‘.'l\ of Italy and(ierman_\. lltes.‘ \cor‘olrtan ci ib scenes I models

its ‘'\. I' at it It] \sooil .itc sci In t‘.lIttt tll‘llx sec nesiathei like aminr-stage set I 1' is ~. "ecttlt.il1ilcililo\\itlltl'ottgltoltc l.Il'.‘ll\ w-I though are llc‘\cl on public

‘be seen in this trasellrng

ilispl c\ . i c \ l~-.l\itionol phitli‘gtat‘lts. I leA II'Iicitlgc‘ Street. :SShSSI. \loii Sat l'Ltltt .‘ .illpm. Christmas Exhibition I 'rurl 24 Dec I nusual gritsbx local designer‘s. New icxs cllct'} and lies I iee gilt “rapping seryree I KINGFISHER GALLERY .\'ortIiumbci‘land S"; -'l .me. 5"" ‘JSI .\Ion Sat "‘ 1 Z' Illain lpm;Suii ‘.|l‘\' (I Kinolishcr Christmas Exhibition t ‘ntrl :2 It I t‘i‘ei (ralleiy Contemporary mus \' I‘o has L shim ed at the gallery

in. 'l“.' I‘Jst \eai' Save the Children Fund Exhibition 1 nut 22 De. I Saxethe('hildi'en w ill I‘eiu lit lroin sales tirade at this .xIHI‘iti-‘uol small. .illoiilable \sot'ks. l MALCOLM INNES GALLERY (Ft ieoige S" .' ~Tb-IISI. .\lon l-ri‘lam (3pm. Christmas Exhibition I 'ntil .‘J Dec ()tls. xx .' ~ \I' ‘III\.llltl pirirtsby contemporary »' "sis aso: kii‘g in traditional styles I NATIONAL GALLERY OF SCOTLAND 'I'he \fw-w' ~<ii.\‘).‘,l .\lon Satlllam 5pm: ‘pm Genoese Drawings ol the 16th and 17th Centuries I 'ntil ill I )ec lls pissed by tourists today . ( ienoanas

\\\ et (r.illcl\

‘siii‘. ._

i‘l‘c e :i orator attraction for \ isitot'sto\ I‘n rue Il‘c Hub and ITIIIL’L‘IIIIII'}. ~ ‘.\ l‘ei‘ tlu .iiy was ruled by amerehant

o istoi r.ic\ builders of palaccsanil

v. all“ .i ( ienoese school ol painting



presented by:

The Collective Gallery

:‘i‘oce C3 I 220 I260 for detads

Subsidised hv the Scottish Arts Council




Portlolio Gallery, Edinburgh

A sale of photographs, an usual event, has been organised by the Porttolio Gallery, ottering glossy goodies (about 250 of them) Irom 30 Scottish photographers. Prints by Pradip Malde, Owen Logan. Alasdair Foster, Ruth Stirling, Graham Maclndoe and Oladele Bamgboye are just some at those included in the bargains which start at

hotby Oscar Marzaroli. part of the sale at Portlolio Gallery. Edinburgh

about £40 and rise to £95. One of the main attractions are the 30 prints given by the Marzaroli lamily by Glasgow’s most celebrated contemporary photographer Oscar Marzaroli who sadly died earlier this year. His small prints will be on sale tor £40 and large prints tor £85. The sale will be held on Sats 10 and 17 Dec and Suns 11 and 18 Dec from 2—5pm. (AB)

emerged producing Stio//r.( .istirtlioiii and ( iaulli. the best ot the bunch llus exhibition includes the “31’ Iltli‘i' is in II .is lesser know u names PrintsbyAndrewGeddes1783484“ nut SII l)ec.

I NATIONAL LIBRARY OF SCOTLAND (ieorgc l\' Bridge. llti-Inil .\lon I ii ‘I3IIam 5pm. Sat I)..‘\Ilarit lpm; Sun

2pm 5piii.(‘losed2~1.2". 3 LI. Han.

BIIOIB I 'lttll I'clt I‘IIS‘). As I )r I )slmi Itc Ilenr'y May or he pi .ietised medicine and as.lame.s llridie he wrote o\ ci .iltplax s. lounded the ( ilasgim ('iti/en's 'l heatrc and counted Bernard Shaw. lyrone (iutlrrie and Iaurence ( )li\ iei among his Ii'iendsand contacts. 'Ihis double life

I ISSS’ 1951 l is explored in an exhibition \sliiclicnds the centenary year ot llrrilie s birth. a year \\ liich has already been tullol playsand r'eyisals of his work inScotland's theatres. ller'e. yet another aspect to his talents is added to Bridie's poi‘ttolrool achiexements in a selection of cartoons and sketches A new book on liriilie written by his son Ronald Mayor (himself a pr'olessorofdrama in ( arrada ) has just been published by ('anongate. price I." ‘IS and ax ailable from bookshops and at the exhibition.

I NETHERBOW 43 High Street. .‘SttUS-i‘). Mon -Sat lIlam 4._‘~tlpm andeyenings when performances. (‘ate.

Lino Cuts of Edinburgh and Faroese Landscapes I illtll 24 Dec. Ri‘c‘c‘lll \\irl ls l“ .\'eil Stewart I OPEN EYE GALLERY 7M timberland l’lace.5571II2Il.Mon I'l'l Illam bprn. Sat lIlam- 4pm ('losc-il35.3t1.2"..‘~l Dec and 1.2. 3Jan.

A Festive Collection t 'nirt 31 Dec. ('ontemporary paintings and ceramics by ins ited artists. The ( )pen Izy e is usually one of the best galleries for ( ‘hi rstmas buys.

Jack Cunningham Jewellery t nut 31 Dec

A designer from Stirling who specialises in

b. ‘1 Itecaiid

58'I'hct is? ‘l— 22 December 1988

patiiiatcil \llH't urth a particular llairlor btiiocllcs


" ;"I for iiiloimation

The Highlanders otScotland t ’ntrl April. \Vatercolours b\ ls'enneth .\Iacl .eay . one of the founding meinbeisol the Royal Scottish .-\i'.iileiii\ and .i great layouriteol Queen Victoria I hioughout his career he can icd out \c\i‘ commissions Ioi' her. including portraitsol hci husbandaiid sons. and their a series of clan cltrcts. 'l‘ltat commission \\ .rs undertaken at the height ol the tartan 'rage', “lllt'll ltltis‘stlmc‘tl during \ ietor ia's reign as a direct result ot (ieorgc I\ 's \III eesslul \ ml to deinburgh llt ISIS I Mr ing this time. tar tans were rmented and made inaccurately tor the

l- nglish oi :\llf_‘llc‘l\c'tl lans ol the material. I THE PEOPLE'S STORY ( ‘anongate. ()pens later this \car Memorabilia of all kindsis sought for thrsiieu museum. deyotedto all aspects ot Izilinbttt'glt litc. ('ontact lleleri ( 'lark oi lxlaine l~innie at the Social History Section. lluritly House Museum. l-IZ ( ‘aiioirgate. :33 2-124 or (167‘) rI you has e anything tootter.

I PORTFOLIO GALLERY AT PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP 43 ( artillctrtakcr Row . 331) NH lire Sat llt31lam 5.3Ilpm.(’losed 34 Dec 3 Ian.

Instant Pictures I hid 7 .lan. Ron O'Donnell's 'l'cast' with children hasbeen gi\ en the Pillttl‘ttltl treatment by a bunch of Iidrnburgh kids. I-‘urthei workshops haye .L'iyen rise to I’or tlolio's colourful

( liiistmas show ol children's work. Darkroom l'he darkroom is now open to members loi black and white printing. print linishiiig and mountingfacilities. 'l'ue Sat Illam Ipm and 2 5pm. l’rior booking is essential. (‘ontact the

\s or lssliop to find out how to become a member.

I PORTRAIT GALLERY Queen Street. 556 8931 Mon Sat Illanr 5pm; SunZ—-5pm. ('losed 3-1. 2*. lb. 31 Dec and l.3. Klan.

Portrait ol Mick Mcoachey ( 'an be \‘iewed throughout Dec.

Photographs by James Cox t'niit SJan. li'orty photographs ranging between the IS7tls and lS‘Slls by a Dundee photographer. I lis most acclaimed \\ ork has been the social portraiture of communities in the fishing \ illages of West llayeri and .-\uelimrtlrie. This is the lii'st exhibition c‘\ c‘t' tlc‘\ DIL‘II to his \\Url\ tttttl is accompanied by the latest edition to the Scottish Masters series price {3.95.

I PRINTMAKERS WORKSHOP GALLERY 23 I'nion Street. 557' 247‘). Mon Sat

Illam 5.3”Pm. (‘losed from 23 Dec. Lithographs by Matisse t 'niil 3n Dec. An opportunity to see the great Hench master of colour and line as illustrator oIthe 'Amours‘ of Pierre de Ronsard. As well as a large number of the original tin lithographs made oI girls. loser'sand llmsershnade between I‘Hl and I‘MSLon show . there are also a niimberol photographs by French master l lenri ('ai‘tiei‘ Bresson. picturing Matisse in his studio.

Miniprints tor Christmas t 'ntil Zii Dec. l’rints to make presents at reasonable prices.

I PSYCHOLOGY DEPT 7 ( ieorge Square. .\Ion -l5ri 9am 5pm.

Painting trom Inside Out limit 9 Dec. Recent paintings by Nick (’hater.

I OUEEN'S HALL ('lerk Street Box ( )lfice bbh' 3Ill‘). .\Ion Sat Illam 5pm. (life. Watercolours 1 ‘mil :3 Dec. \‘icinr l’arris exhibits for the lourtli tinre in the I.othian Room. IlliS exhibition eonccriti‘ateson local scenery as w ell as the odd splash of trance and Spain.

I RIAS l5 Rutland Square. 3397205.

.\Ion l‘ri‘)._‘~tlam 5pm.

Architects as Artists I 'ntil II .Ian. A selling exhibition of work by mc‘rnbersofthe .-\rehitect.s as Artists group. Seascapes. landscapes and buildings at prices from MS to £195.

I RICHARD OEMARCO GALLERY lllacklriai‘s ( ’hur'ch. lllacklriars Street (off High Street). 5570707. .\ton Sat

llLSIhlITI (rpm.

Moary Modeen t 'ntil 24 Dec. Recent drawings and prints. A Voyage Round the Coast of Scotland I hill 24 Dec. An exhibition by Donald Addison. Richard Demarco himself. Dayid I lenderson. Brian Macbeath. Will Maclean. l’at Semple and Silvia \‘l'ishart. Paintings by Fu Hua II) 24 Dec. A specialist in the ‘bird and flower' style of painting (which reached its height in the ()ing Dynasty 1644-191 1 ). llua is orieof (‘hina's leading traditional artists. Fans and seals will also be on show duringthc exhibition. Like the artist Ilock Aun 'l‘eh whose work is on show at- the 369(iallery. llua is a master of martial art. a body-building moyemcnt technique which he says complements his art.

I ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 55.1/1/1. (iardens Mon Sat Vain-«unset ; Sun

I lam -sirnset. Plant hoirsesand exhibitions (mounted in Inyerleith l louse) Mon-Sat lIlam 5pm; Sun I lam 5pm. Due to renovation of lnyerleith I louse. there will be no further exhibitions at the Botanic ( iarden until next year.

I ROYAL MUSEUM OF SCOTLAND ('hambers Street. 225 753-1. Mon— Sat Ilium-5pm: Sun 3—5pm.

('ontact the museum for details oItheir popular film and lecture series. which has just begun its 27th season.

A Spectacle ot Spectacles Ifntrl 15 Jan. See how others see.

I ROYAL SCOTTISH ACADEMY 'I'he Mound. 225 5945. Mon Sat 10am—5pm; Sun 2~5pnr

Society 01 Scottish Women Artists Ifntil to Dec. A bigger and busier exhibition than eyer. A huge panel from I.ys Hansen and a quirky installation by Edith Simon make unusual highlights. Though the society is open only to women. men are welcome to participate in this annual show in past years they have been hesitant but this year