690 E


.; :f'. I Gregor 1 Fisher


i _ Walter ; Morrison 1


) as dashing Colin as as Gussie Goose . (From Naked Video' the Hero 2:18:35: '. Scotch & Wry' etc)

Treat the family to the very best this l Christmas v- take them to see Scotland’s No.1 Pantomime! Tuesday a December SOturdOy i8 February Evenings 7pm. Matinees 2.15pm Tickets: 534.75 to £0.75

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30x Office ooeii Mob Sat 130m 80m


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18 22 Greenside Place, Edinburgh 5111 3AA HOD/MWOfS Apollo Leisure lUKl Limited General Manager Gerry Tait

BOX OFFICE: 031557 2590 8011 Office Opening Hours 10am Gpm (80m 0n show nights) Party Bookings: Stephanie Hames 031-557 0540


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TUESDAY 20th DECEMBER 1988 SATURDAY 7th JANUARY 1989 Nightly at 7 309m, Matmces at 2.30pm. NO EVENING SHOW -— Sat 24M1st December Tickets. Circle Stalls f8 50, f6 50. Balc0ny— [6.50.01 50.

Concessions OAP, CHILD {2 011 except Bank Holidays. PART/ES - 1 in 10 FREE ( hone «31-557 0540 ONLY ONE CONCESSION APPLICABLE PER TICKET p ,


7.3(1pm. £3 (£2). An amateur production I of the tale of (‘inders and her l'gly Sisters. ' IACountry and Western Robin Hood , Muirhouse Parish (‘hurch llall. l’ennywell (iardens. Muirhouse. (131 3-13 2275. Wed , 7 -1-‘ri 9 Dec. 7.3llpm. 511p. The traditional 1 tale. presented by Muirhouse l-‘estiy a1 Association and spiced tip a little with the rather more typical ‘immoral taxationot the population‘. I Frankie MacStein. The Panto Brunton 'l‘heatre. Miisselburgh. (131 no.5 224(1. Weds '71)ecember~ Sat 7.1anuary . I 7.3llpm. matinees 2.311pmon8.12.14.1“. 1‘). 3.24. 2h. 28. 31 Dec ck 4. 7.lali. £4 (£3.5ll1. Mats ck Monday eyes all seats 13. .\'o pcrl's 25 Dec ck 1 Jan. Sweet little orphan 1 leidi laces a dinner date w here she‘s the main dish. literally . 1or(’ouni Dracula in Dayid Sw an's new lamin ('hristmas show. But a hand of fearless l friends. including l‘rankie MacStcin and a dog called Kodak. who presumably liasa I clear picture of what's going on. come to Heidi‘s rescue. '

I Giovanni's Gitt

Mitchell Theatre. (ii‘anyille Street. (ilasgow . Thurs 15 Sat 17 December. 7.3(1pm. Matinee 15. 16. Dec 1.311pni; 12 j Dec. 3pm. H.511 (£31. Matinces L3 (£21. A ' traditional parito based on a medieval Italian lolk tale about the true nature of present-giving. Set in the town of Parmesan. all is going well with the seasonal celebrations until the wicked twin Princes. ( iriule and ( iripe. put a spanner in the works. Presented by the touring company. l’rimai'y(’olours.

I Hell Bent on Christmas

'l’raycrsc 'l'licalrc. 112 \Vest Bow. (ii'assinarket. lidinburgh.1131 22o 2(i33 cc 1131 22ooo3n Weds 1-1 December Sunh‘ January. 14 31 Dec(except Suns. .‘slonsck 24 Dcc1.ck 4 S .lan. 7.3llpm. Matiiiccs

15 1'7. 21.2-1. 2Sck 2‘) Decat2.3llpm. {4.511(L'25111 l-‘amily ticket £7 (oneadult. lwocliildi'cnlor {111(Iwoadults. two children). A somewhat alternative (‘hristmas show . written by the young comic writer .lohn McKay. who was a founder member of the Merry Mac liun Show. and whose play Dem! Dad Dog scored great success earlier this year See l’rcyiew.

I Humpty Dumpty

Adam Smith (‘cntrcx Kirkcaldy. (1592 2611-198. 1-‘ri ‘) December -Sat 21 January. 7pmes'cry exciting ck 1(1. 13—15. 17. 211.21. 24.26—31Dec.3.-l.7.11.1214.18.19.21 Dec also 2pm. .\'o pert 12. 25 Dec ck Hart. 1‘) Dec sold out. llumpty Dumpty undergoes a slight shock when he emerges from an egg. in which he has been

incarcerated tor the last century. Nothing to do apparently with Iidwinafurrie. Designed by artist Simon (iooch.

The WiCde WiICh Of the South 21ml Malcolm Roughkind in Wildcat’s‘ Magic Snowball.

I Humpty Dumpty Holyrood 1 liin School. Edinburgh. Weds 2 Sat 111 Dec. 7.30pm. Sat mat 111Dec. 2..\llpm. {2.511 ( t' 1 .511). Tickets on the door or in advance from (131 (mi 4013. llolyrood Drama (iroup in their Version ot the tale oi the famous egg I lolanthe lheatre Royal. 1 lope Street. (ilasgow . (141331 1234 3320111111. Hi 10. Sat 17. Mon 1‘) l'l‘123. \Vccls 28 l-‘ri311Decembcr. ".15pni. 2" ck 2Sl)ec.2.15pni.£2,511£12. ().’\1’s hall price tor matineesonly : l 'ncler Iti£2.511.\ltiii '1’hurs;studentsandl’B-itls £2.5llstandby only. Rikki l-‘ulton mos es out ol panto and iniosong this( ‘hristmas. play ing the lord ( ‘hancellor in(iilbert and Sulliy aii's satirical operetta. ‘l'obc

lcatui‘ed next issue.

L ,2. I. ,,,. fife-Tand l’cnny ‘s l’anto. Borderline IJack and the Beanstalk ls'iiigs‘l'heatre. Bath Street. ( ilasgow'. 'l'icketsll-11227 5511.1'nti1Satll February . 2pm. .\latinees \Veds and Sats 2. 15pm. and eycry day during the weeks 12 17Dec.2o 311)ec.2 7.1an..\'operts 2.5 Dec ck Hail. Seen last ycat'iii lidinburgh. the handsomely attired panio by Jimmy Logan. complete w ith grow ing beanstalk. [.ogan himsclt and the it'resistablc l'na McLean and Ralph Riach See l’reyicw. ITheJungle BookZ (‘umbernaiild Theatre. (’umbernauld. 1123n732i'h’7. l'ntil Sat 31 December. lilam. 1.3(1pm ck 7.3llpm(exccptSats1.3(1 pm ck 7.3(1pm only. ) .\'o pert 25 Dec. £3.51)

(£2.50). 15amin ticket (two adults. two children) L‘ 1(1. The man-cub .‘ylow'gli. the lovable Baloo. the slinky Bagheera and the sinister Kaa are among those gracing the boards in (‘umbernauld's ( 'hristmas Show this year. based on the well-known Kipling tales.

I Lucy and the Christmas Treasure Magnum Theatre. Harboursidc. lryine. (129-1 78381. l'ntil Sat 2-1 December 9.

10 The List 9 22 December 1988