I Hue and Cry: Remote (Circa). In the wake at all the white soul outpourings
lrom Glasgow over the last lew years. it has to be remembered that Hue and Cry
and Wet Wet Wet were not only the lirst. but the best exponents ol the art. This album takes overwhere the slightly one dimensional Seduced and Abandoned tell all. and without a radical alteration in style shows a marked improvement over its predecessor.
It you believe in opening with your best shots. then you cannot do much betterthan Ordinary Angel (the last single) and Looking For Linda (the next single). Side one also contains Violently. a vocally strong ballad. which seems to tall back on an old lyrical tascination with the idea of the neW/relormed man.
Throughoutthe best musicians availableturn in impeccable pertormances. although. on occasion. this is allowed to obscure Hue and 'i Cry‘s most potent selling point. the clarity and beauty ol Pat Kane's voice. Cases in point would be Guy On The Wall. DollarWilliam and Under Neon. where doubts may be cast on the songwriting strength. despite the line playing and production.
At times the production may also be too much. and the need to hear Hue and Cry stripped downtotheirpiano and vocal bases and strengths becomes
Contains ll new songs including the bewitching * New Single
Qt II. act a a ‘ I . 0 g g '. to not a o
For the single pay no more than
For the albumirpay no more than
apparent. However. the highlight oi the album has to be the title track, where everything that is good about Hue and Cry— the voice. the musicianship and the production gel perlectly tor what sounds like a suretire hit.
Three Foot Blast at Fire and Family at Eyes sound like othersingle contenders. and lorthe rest at the album to be widely heard a hit single is a sad necessity. It would be an undeserved tate ilHue and Cry were to be lorever banished into Smash Hits' tile of ‘people who used to be pop stars.‘ (John Williamson).
A i»
£4 .9 9.
traekntg LIU\\II. l‘he Varieoxe \‘etnsare
eurrentls reeenntg tmourahle attention llt
Indie errelex. and I)tt\\\ntt .rr'e Hearxtlen‘x \er) om) art-rton tet'r‘ot l\l\.. or \t)lTlL‘lIllll}_'_.
I The Weather Prophets Rut-m. 3 .-\nne .SIIL'L‘I. ( rl‘t‘L‘llttL‘h. lllpllt.
I The Mission and The Mighty Lemon Drops I’IJ} liULISC IIIL‘ilIIC. (it'L‘L‘l‘lSlLIL' I’ltlL’L'. 55" 35‘)“. ".f‘llpttt. Ur. £5. \\ IIU IIL‘L‘LIS It) gulo an aenl house eluh \\ hen _\ou ean SL‘L“
per leetl) ortlrnau people aetntg like drugged aeol_\ Le. to wine hlaek-gar her] (and tr'anlxl} \er} short ) god at a \Il\\lt)lt eoneer't'.’ You knrm . “ax rng ar m\ It] the an. bringing along hagxot tor'n-uppaper to lhrou likeeorrletti. It may muml likea Suntla) Sehool prerne to _\ou. hut \\ hat Sunda} Sehool pierne e\er' had goth-grunge axrmlul a\ '\\'a\telarnl' pumped out at \e\et;rl hundred(leethelx’ \Vhete IS all this leading. other than another generation ot marl-order hrpptex‘ I The Groundhogs Venue. (‘atrnn Road. 55“ SW} Yep. gunar'rxt 'l on_\ \lel’hee\ Rk II ettxetttl‘le are on the road again . a long. long tnne alter then \erresot aeelanned l‘nrtetl .-\ll|\l\ alhurm I et'\ hope lhet don't laee the \ante krntlot th\.r\ttott\ turnout that Speneer l).i\ IL'SLIILI at l‘ll\ reeenl ( ilasgoxx gig.
I Medusa Touch l’texen .rtron I la”. \‘retorra Street. filth“) ‘Lfillprn l‘tee
I lean roelx.
I Johnny Sunbeam \egoetattlxl otlnan Street. 335 hfil.‘ ‘lpni I‘tee.
TUESDAY 29 Glasgow
I PulsebeatPlus liar l.u\ernhourg. 1‘)" Pitt Street. 333 llll. ltlprn l-ree lr\e|\
and energetie l)umlonr.rn roe .k luntl ‘1 IThe Slave Kingst .t Ialllete. l“l‘o\ Street._‘_‘l lS-l-l ‘lprn I'tee
I Bobby Wishart l l.Ilt liar. loll“ t‘tltII.III\I\
Road. 332 llllI ltlprn l ree Rexrtlenex
ITexas BreaklasttMitre-Hum lutre\t Road. :3“ lSlo Spin ltee See Sun -“
I Dave Robb .\Irt\re llo\_ \ lelt‘l M Street. _‘_‘tl I‘llS U Sllprn I'tee lion/otrkt-pl.r\rngxntger«oneurtter.
ll.t\ ntg lust IlllISIIL'LI tout rug \\ uh I he l’roelanners. \\ ho tor ketl t\\ er the tlmh tor a LIL'lllt‘ \\ rth l\.r\\. LII urns .llltI kex hoax LI‘
l he l’roelarrneh' reeortl \I’IIII‘.III\
(In \SJIIS. .ne said to he Interexletl
IThe Tex FIIIGIFIVCI tin t\. :lt‘Ll.tllI\ lollnanStreet. Iffihlli ‘lprn lie. (‘ountn
I LIVE band ( ‘.r\ etlt.(n\\1'..rle l neonlnrtted
WEDNESDAY 30 Glasgow
IThe Fuzztones llte Rex mg: H
(l.lllti\\ flatly, “,‘, Iltlll HIP”) INoGreatShakesI r\\. v» \ttll.~: sum 3155.“) lllpnt I'tee IlKl‘tttrl‘.rlltI_\\llH |r.r\ e not grggetl tor .r\.'_e\. .nnl eortwqueutlt lt.r\ e .r lot to pim e IBeyondthe Edgel .r latnete l\l o\ Street. Ill lSll 0pm ltee IMarino'sMenllhr tm. lnu\\\ Road. 3‘: l_‘lll ll'ptn Ile'\ \\e\IIlL\\I.I\ night lolk \exston
I POD Will Eat IISBII \ enuet .rlton Road 55" Sir.“ (itelm roekeh Ittl netl l\|‘o\
rnarnaex. .nnl retentlx "me her! oll lnt
' “s «a»
Available from discerning record shops
L A“ 9‘ E .R s"
V November I “ ',l2 Liverpool Royal Court
’ I3 Manchester Opera W
IS Brighton Dome l6 Cambridge Corn EMe l7 Derby Assembly Rooms
l8 St. George's Hall Bradtord 20 Glasgow Pavilion Theatre 2| Newcastle City Hall
23 Bristol Colston Hall 24 Cardiff St. David's Hall 25 Portsmouth Guildhall
28 Coventry Warwick Arts Centre-‘4 29-30 London Dominion 1".
'l‘he List 35 .\'o\'- S l)ee WSS 41