

I Swing '88 .\la|t Shox el. ( 'oekhurn Street. 235 (“43 szenmg. ‘I xxogiirtar‘s. and reeds Ilot (‘Itihsotind

I Louisiana Ragtime Band .\'ax aar I louse Hotel. .\Ia_\ lielxl ( iaideris. Ni" ISIS I-.xemng

I West End Jazz Band Basin Street. IIaxmaiket Ieiraee. 33" Itllltx, I'xemng.

'l iatl.

I Shore Music 'I'he Shore Bar Restaurant. 'I'heShore. I.eith ‘lpm. IoriightBobert Pettigrew and Kenny Ellis. [Hallo douhle



I Sandy Taylor/Alex Moore Duo ( ilasgoxx

Srtx'leh ( )l \lttstelatls. Berkelex Street.

221 til 12 S .illpm Flip liar.


I Charlie McNair's Band In eset x .itiort

Ilall. \ retoiia Street. 32h .iSlh. I'xening

I Shore Music I he Shore Bar Restaurant. Ihe Shoie. I eitli ‘lpm IomghtSixteen

Strings. three pieee guitar hasedsxxmg.




I Chick and George Lyall lilaekii-iai s. Bell Street. \Ieieh.ii1t('rtx.553 5924. lixellltlg. I .ileiited hiothei s plax iimox atix e kexhoatxls .IIILl liass

I Riverside Blues Rix ei side. l-os Street. oIH lxxIeStreet “pm midnight BoWeeviI artxl Night Hawks


I Shore MUSIC llie Shore liar Restaurant. I he Shore. I eith ‘lpm Ionight Pschyco Blue

IJazz Pool l ".v\ttaehe. hasemerit ot Rirtland I Intel. \\ est Iznd. I’rrnees Street ‘lpiri l'iee I siiallx piano k’exhoaids. hass. drums. guitar . and hrassarid or Ieexls \onler ll. littl‘. \xittie Iltttlllsllettlll. hlties

I Edinburthazz Quartett'oppeis. ('oekhtirn Street. 225 1-1-1 1 l'\elllll_L' I Graham Blamyre Jazzers Basin Street. IIaxmarket Ierraee. 3‘" Illttti szenmg ITempIehall Stompers leiiiple I Iotel. I'splaiiatle. .Ioppa. txtx‘t ~l_‘tx.1 Iixerimg

l rad arid xlixie residents


t Glasgow

Sllx‘x‘t.“-‘\ _

I The Gun Club \Ia\l.ilt .~1‘IIISatteltleltall ‘FIIpm I'ailx exerting shoxx tor one ot the more exerting andlong lasting; independent hands

I Stump l he Rex ue. 2-1-1 ( ialloxx gate. 553 Itxlll lllpm Seeoiid gig thrsxeai m (ilasgoxx lot a hand xx ho ‘IIL' onlx notahle toi txxo reasons. their elassie I trhe lilmand the eoiiplet ‘( 'har Iton I leston‘s (iot his xeslxtll

I Big George and the Business 1 .a latllet e. 15 lo\ Street. .‘21 JS—Iil ‘tpm. I'r'ee. Yet more ot Big ( ieoi ge at Ia I .imere.xx here he ieeentlx ieeoided a lix e xtli‘llIII

I The Spinners I’ax rIion I Iieatie. III Renlreld Street. 37‘: I.\~Ih .illpm. lhope tor the hands sake that there isa eoneession treket ax ailahle lor pensioners tonight


I The Weather Prophets Venue . ( 'altoii Road. 55" SH"? hax e heen stiiek at the same stage torthe last eotiple ol xeai‘s. no douht impatienllx xxaitiiig tor the great leap torxxard.

l’ete .-\stot is eiexx seem to

tiex er llteless. the} -\ e eoiteoeted some


Well, the votes have been tabled,

points vigorously argued, and cassette players begged for mercy. The judging ol the 1988 List/McEwan‘s Lager/Clyde FM rock competition is now over, and.

The winners are THE HUMMINGBIRDS trom Glasgow, who win £300 worth at equipment or instruments from Sound Control music shops, a recording session in Radio Clyde‘s 24-track studio and the broadcasting at part at the session on Clyde FM 102.5. That's a prize worth £900 in total. As it happens, The Hummingbirds had already been booked down tor a Clyde session, so the length of their stay in the studio will be doubled.

In second place THE BEAUTIFUL SUIT Irom Edinburgh, who win £200 worth at equipment or instruments Irom Sound Control.

In third place THE STEEL CHAIN, also

' Irom Edinburgh, who win £100 worth at

instruments or equipment trom Sound Control.

In addition to the above, the three bands have been invited to show what they can do at a prestigious showcase gig in Glasgow, details at which will be announced in our next issue.

The judges— Graeme Moreland (Radio Clyde‘s Head at Music), Clive Ford (ol Sound Control shops), Craig Tannock (otTower Studios), and Alastair Mabbott and John Williamson (representing The List) - worked their way through 57 demo tapes, which ranged Irom high-quality studio mixes with elegant press packs to songs recorded in bedrooms by malfunctioning cassette recorders, accompanied by a Polaroid ot the back or the guitarist’s head taken at a party when he was 13.

0urcongratulationsto the winners, and thanks to all those who took part. Better luck next year! All tapes sent with SAEs will be returned as soon as possible.

stihlrme guitar pop in that time It thex eaii ieaeli the heights ol ':\ltttost I’raxed' again. then thex 'II hax e eraeked it.

I Barry Manilow I’Iax house I Iieatie. (iieensrde I’laee. 55" 25‘)” " .illpm

LI“ 5“. LIS. LI: 5“ Seeortxlol atxxo-tttght itiri .-\I| rinderxx eai throxx n at the stage

xx ill he donated to retirement homes as I'dxx ma ( 'trrr ie‘s ( ’hr istmas present to the elxlerlx.

I The Rainmates \e-gueiamsI othtan Stieet. :25 (SI: ‘lpm. l'r'ee, ( )ne ol the less trendx Items ol elothing to he named alter \ex er mind. some ol I he Rainmateshax e the distrnetronol haxmg plaxed on I)annx \Vilson's I .I’.

I Woodrow Wilson .\Itisie Box. Vietoi ia

Street. 22“ I‘lls LI alter 0pm, Blaek hlues

gttttat‘lsl.ol Rohertt'rax riiouldaeeordmg tootte sottt’ee.

I The Block Brothers I’resei x atiori I Iall. \'ietor ra Street. 321) I‘llS. LI atter Ilfillpm. I Live band [out I)arrilex . West Port . 22‘) 4341. Illpin. I‘ree. I'neontirmed.

I Live band ( ~axer'rt. (‘oxx gate. .330 SIM I. I‘neonlirmed.



I T‘Pau and Ellis. Beggs and Howard SI:(’('. l-rnriieston ()uax 3~183IIINI lean imagine a texx heads herng seratehed at the reeord eompanx as 'I 'I’aii's nexx alhum. Rage has xet to x ield the hig hit to make its sales as impresst e as those ol their dehut. ll anx ol the people seratehing their heads are xxortxlet‘ittg. then 'l'lttte \Vill 'I'ell looks like theone.

IThe WeatherProphetSSriaihx-dee

I 'nixeisitx I 'nion. ‘illIohn Street. 553 I595. Ihe \Veathei I’iophets seem tohax e heen the great xx hite hopes ol the indie seene tor a lexx xears noxx While it isa shame that tttarix ol their lesstalerited eontempoi arres hax e heeri more stieeesslul. xotr xxondei xx hat is lett tor the \VI’s other than an extended lite m the iridre ghetto.

I W Personalities ‘I he Rex tle. 344 (iaIonxgate. 552 ~Ilitll. Illpm. Suix ix ors it nothing else. xx ith the oeeasional great

reeord to lustilx their L‘UIlIllltIeLle\l\leltx‘e.

I'he last one I rememher xx as the xxoridrous ‘I onx I learned to on e I he Homh'

I The Shamen and The Stretchheads (ilasgoxx College. “(I ( ‘oxx aeatldens Road. 333 "INN. 'l‘he lirst Shamen gig in ( ilasgoxx tor a lexx months. It hasto he said that the Shamen xx ere detimtelx the his! hand to eateh the aeid haeklash ahotrt six months ago. so thex are ahead ot their time it nothing else. .-\it apologx isalsooxx ed to the Stt‘etehheatls. as I xxas xx ronglx intormed that their single xx as to he ealled Bros Are Shite. Instead the) hax e settled tor Bros .-\re I’ish. 'I‘he xx i'ath ot the

la lmoral l min )maioritx starts in a tahloid tie“ spapet' neat xxill soon.

I Rhyme and Reason I.a Ianiere. 15 I‘m Street. 33] 4844. 9pm. I‘ree.


I The Indian Givers and Cahn and Cahn Music Box. Victoria Street. 33“ I703. The (iix ers reeent demos. and appearance on Ila/fix'ux' in Paradise. shoxx that the_x 're

relining their sound still trir'ther to lit their permanent line-up helore their tirst Virgin single eomes out next xear. .'\l'l'i\ e in time lot support group ( ‘ahn and (‘ahrLol

xx Iioiii hrg elarms are herng made.

I The Crows Vemre. (alton Road. 55" RIP: IIaid iitls trom the Itdinhtrrgh grotip xx ho xxoriId he xx ith I'..\t| rioxx it thex ‘d managed to em h their enthusiasm tor sheer lox'k in. trill exeess. l’hexx? \tixx xxill) .r irexx drummer and guitarist. r'eeitrited Irom heaxx metal groups. there‘s no mistaking their intentions

I Wraygun and The Rockets \egoetattts.

I othian Street. 325 hi I .‘~. ‘ipm. I-iee Roekahrllx.

I Blues Crew l’ieseix ation I la“. Vietor M Street. ljixfisltx. LI alter ‘I .‘xllpm.

I Live band I ottl l).rtltlex . \Vest I’ot't . 33‘) Jill IHpm. I-iee I'neoiitrimed

I Live band ( ax er ri. ( ~oxx gate. 33h Sit-II I‘rieoiilrimetl

SUNDAY 27 Glasgow

I T'Pau and Ellis. Beggs and Howard SI~(‘( '. I-inmeston ()uax . JIS .itltltl, Seeond night

I Suicidal Tendencies Hat riixx land. 3-H (ialloxx gate. 553~ltitll " .illprn \‘iigm Reeords' main thi ash hopes. and xxoirxmglx thrash gigs seem to di'axx x'eix large audieiiees in ( ilasgoxx.

I The Hunters Club I he \‘enue. it‘u SariehiehallStreet.3331S": Itlpm.

I The Groundhogs and Rollin‘ Joe Ilte Rex tie. III ( ialloxx gate 553 Jolll. lllpm. It saxs here department .fl he (irormxlhogs are ‘xxell iatexi ‘heaxx hlriesx roek' and ‘prolessronai I hat should make irpxoui mind loi xoii. Rolhn'loe. like Itrg ( ieoige. is a legend xx honeeds little riitiodttetion

I FilminglnAIrica .\taxi.iir-t~)ii Satiehiehall Street. 333 ES": I’ophand. xxhose singer reeeritlx appeared as I Irrnk ol the Week in \iimher ()ne magazine. xx ith his ehest hai‘ed to the xxorld, Read intothrsxxhat xouxxill.


I Tanita Tikaram I’Iax house ‘I heatr‘e. (ireeriside I’Iaee. 55" 35W. ".Rllpm. L75“. LUSH. 'I'anita setsoll onanother deter mined trek around the eountrx. making Rorx (iallagher look like a hoiisehorrnd agoraphohie. Fundamental dotihts ox er the qtialrtx ol her material not dispelled hx her hexxitehing presenee

I Bluelinger .\Iiisie Box. Vieloria Street. 321) I‘llS'. LI alter 9pm. Ilaxingehanged their name haek troin 'l'he legend tprestimahlx under a hail ot xx rrts Irom the indie anti-hero. xx lto xxill he piihlielx llogged should he ex er attempt to plax another note in this eitx l. Itluelinger eontiritie in their roek ‘n‘ roII-rritlueneed pop. attiaetmg eapaeitx eioxx ds ex ei‘x

\\ eek.

I Texas Breaktast l’t'esel x atiort I Iall. \‘ietoria Street. 2% .‘iSIh. LI alter 9pm. th thm 'ir' hIiies. xx ith aeeomplrshed txxo-griitar' iiiteiplax.

I Billy Jones \eighhotiis. .\teI)ona|d Road. Aeoustie roek Irom the ex ergreen (ex en alter ten xears)singer-songxx riter. I Live band ( ‘ax et'ii. (‘oxx gate. 336 504]. l'rieonlirmed.

MONDAY 28 Glasgow

I Big George La 'I'aniere. I5 I‘ox Street. 32] 43-14. 9pm. tree. The aeoustie setr surelx (ieorge isn't setting his sightsonthe reader's ot Q rttaga/ine'.’

I Savage Republic and The Varicose Veins and Dawson 'I‘he Rex ue. 2-14 ( ialloxx gate. 5534001. lllpm. Although tormed in IVS]. Sax‘age Repuhlie are touring to support an extremelx interesting alhum ealled .Iamahirrx a I)ernoeratique et I’opulaire de Saux age. xx hieh is on I‘undamental Reeords (also home to the hrilliant ('olorhlind James Iixperienee). and worth

Ellie Li‘s—thisfii'ox' ~ iS’ Dee 1988