WEDNESDAY 30 Glasgow
I Chapman's St Andrew's Night llutcheson‘s I lall. Ingram Street. 7.3llpm £3 (£2). Poetry and mttsic with a Scottish dimension front among others. w riter Jessie Kcsson and singer fiddler .lo Miller Glasgow Tryst
I The Humph Family‘rhe Trading Post. 63 (.‘alton Place. 42*) 3445. From ahottt 8.30pm. (‘Icy cr pscttdo country stuff.
I Scotia Folk Night Scotia Bar. Stockw ell Street. 552 8681.
I Folk Session llalt Bar. Woodlands Road. 332 1210. liyening.
I Hamish Moore and ken Campbell Iidinburgli Folk (’Iuh. ()sbourne l lotel. York Place. 55o 5577'. Spin. £2.3ll(£ l .5111. Small pipes. Nortliuiiibrian and \ arioiis Scottish. songs. guitar and citlcrn from loiig established duo.
I Alchemy Bannermans Bar. (‘ow gate. 55b3254. Iiyening. .\'ew I-'olkonsyiith. fiddle. flute and \ oeals.
I North Sea Gas Platform l.Rutland Street. lisentng. Resident ptih lolk band. I Guizer Scotch And Rye. 5ll(ieorgc I\' Bridge. 225 lost. lzyening,
THURSDAY 1 Glasgow
I Star Folk Club ( ilasgow Society ()t Mtisicians. Berkeley Street. 221 bl l2. Spin. {1 511, 'l‘onight. Jim and (‘hi‘is Reid. husband and w il'e singing dtio.
I Kenny Caird ( )\ crdraught Bar. 128 Broomielaw. liyening. Socialist song cycning.
I Davey Steele with Sileas Dean 'I'ay ern. \ewtongrangc. by l)alkcith. Spin. Songs in Scots and Iznglish from Daycy .(iaelie songs and harp instrumentals trom women dtioSileas.
I Green Tree (‘ow gate. liyening. I‘olk scene session. l.atc bar.
I Colin Ramage/Robin Laing l'.rtsign lawart. Lawnmarkct. liycning.
I Jim Knight Scotch Arid Rye. 5ll(ieorge l\' Bridge. 225 los‘l. liyening.
FRIDAY 2 Glasgow
I Rowanlree Folk Club Rowantree Inn. By lfddingston (‘ross. l’ddingston. S.3llpni. £1 . 'ronight Parcel or Rogues. Youthful and highly competent iiew hand from otit Ilamilton way.
I Second Fiddle Scott‘s ('orner. Derby Street. 334 4ts")1. Iiyening.
I Peelie Wallies ()yerdrauglit Bar. 128 Broomielaw. liycning. l-‘un session.
I El Rincon Chileno ('orncrstone Cafe. Basement of St Johns. \Vest lindol
Princes Street. 8pm. £3.5ll(£2.5ll). Relreshcnts served or BYOB. (‘arlos Arredondo ()rti/ sings songs dcriyed from the Victor Jara-inspired (‘hilean New Sotig mos ement. (ialyarino(‘eron (‘arrasco is a master classical guitarist. originally trained at the RSAMI)and further in Moscow and Armenia. lle specialises in the modern repertoire. and South American composers. 'I‘hird lidinhtirgh resident (‘hristine Kydd sings songs from the British Isles.
I The Humph Family The Trading Post. 32-34'1‘he Shore. Leith. 553 5153. 9pm.
I lighly talented. not too serious look at country style.
I Simpson Pattie/Brian Mulligan Shore Bar. The Shore. Leith. liyening. Violin and guitar. cabaret.
I Junction Bar \Vest Preston Stret. 9pm. Live music.
I North Sea Gas Platform l.Rutland Street. lis'ening. Resident ptib folk band. I Mucltle Ado Scotch And Rye. 5ll(ieorge l\' Bridge. 225 lel. liyening.
I Session Sandy Bells. l‘orrest Road. l-Zyening.
SATURDAY 3 Glasgow
I Scotway Professional Piping Competition ('ity (‘hamhers (ieorgc Square. Illam onwards. £1.5ll. Piobaircachd and light music. Glasgow Tryst
I Merino's Men Blackfriars. Bell Street. Merchant (‘ity. 552 5924. .-\ftcrnoon. Instrumental session.
I Kells Scott's ( 'orner. Derby Street. 334 4891. Iiycning. Saturday residency.
lrisli Scots singalong band. Popular
I Ian Bruce ()y crdraught Bar. 128 Broomielaw. lis'ening. Bigyoiee.
I The Humph Family'l’he Trading Post. 32- 34 The Shore. Leith. 553 5153. 9pm. llighly talented. not tooserious look at country style.
I West End Hotel Palmerston Place. 9pm. Meeting place of Iidinburgh ( iaels. Accordion etc.
I Denny Swanson Scotch And Rye. 5n (ieorge I\' Bridge. 225 lost. livening. I Session Sandy Bells. I-‘orresl Road. liyening.
SUNDAY 4 Glasgow
I Tich Frier Bahbity Bowsters. Blackfriars Street. 552 5055. Spin. Singer and funny
I Marilyn Middleton Pollock Brabloch Ilotel I‘olk ('ltib. Paisley. Spin. Big yoiced American singer. broad repertoire.
I Zut! La Chute Wintersgills. (ireat Western Road. Evening. ()ld timey. American and cajuii.
I Glenelg Sessions Youngs l lotel.
Not‘ 25th. 8.30pm
Dec 2nd, 8 30pm
Dec 9th. 8.30pm
offiddy nig/zts x QUEEN’S HALL
Clerk Street, Edinburgh
Tel: 031 668 2019
The grant of modem iazz .s‘u.1‘t)plit)rie players
PHARAOH SANDERS QUARTET Passionate. I.I‘1K‘lllli‘t'. Contennxtrary lazz
.s'ai since ‘Birrt‘ has aim» tel-n sat-h a fluent alto sax trnprm'iser BOBBY WATSON with
Leamington Terrace. ‘Ipiii—midnight. Free. Acoustic music nights. Double hill. Jock 'l‘amson's Bairns' fiddler Ian 1 lardic with [.ucy Bain. piano; and singers (‘hristine Kydd with Sheila MeWhirtcr. I The Humph Famin 'l'he Trading Post. 32—34 The Shore. Leith. 553 5153. 0pm. l’un country.
I Seannachie (ireen 'I'ree. (‘ow gale. liy‘cniiig. Scottish songs and zippy instrumentals from resident hand.
I Jim Knight/Colin Ramage/Robin Laing Iinsign liw art. l.awnmarket. l-.y ening. 'l'hrec singer guitarists.
I North Sea Gas Rutland I lotel. Rutland Street. 22‘) 3(142. ‘lpni. Singalong.
MONDAY 5 Glasgow
I Victoria Bar Bridgegate. 552 oil-ll I. ‘lpm. Regular session. good music with an Irish slant.
i Edinburgh
I Miro The Green 'l'ree. ( ‘ow gate. Iiy'ening. Bar till lain. last and lttriotis session.
I Fiddlers Arms (irassmarkct. I. y eiiiiig. Scottish music session. Bar eloscsat I lpiii. I Dougie M00 Scotch And Rye. 5i“ ieorgc l\' Bridge. 225 lost. Iiyening.
TUESDAY 6 Glasgow
I Paisley Arts Folk Paisley ..\rts(‘entre. New Street. S87 llllll. Spin.
I Milnes Acoustic Music Night Milnes Bar. Ilanoyer Street. S31 lpni. Free. New weekly folk blues music scene. PA setup. and regular local musicians include ( iill Bowman and .lock Brown. with a weekly guest pei‘lornter.
I Crown Folk Club 4Sa 'l‘he Pleasancc. Spin. Instrumental and song workshops. I Barrie Band Bannertiians Bar. ( 'ow gate. 55o 3254. [is ening. 'I'he Barrie Band. Fiddle. flute. mandocello and y ocals. Mainly Irish.
I Chris Thompson St James ( )y stei' Bar. (‘alton Road. opposite St James(‘cntre. Iiyening. Rockabilly hlties.
I Miro linsign Iiw art. niiiarket. topol the High Street. liycning. Acotisticceltic music.
I Colin Ramage Scotch Anti Rye. 5n (ieorge l\' Bridge. 225 1681. Iiyening.
I The Humph Family The Trading Post . o3 (‘alton Place. 42‘) 3445. Horn about H.3llpm. l-‘un country.
I Scotia Folk Night Scotia Bar. Stockwell Street. 552 sosl.
I Folk Session llalt Bar. Woodlands Road. 332 12]”. Evening. Instrumental music on fiddle. accordion etc.
I Bob Fox Iidinburgh It‘olk (’luh. ()sbourne Ilotel. York Place. 55(15577‘. 8pm. £2.3(l(£1 .511). Very well known singer and guitarist with songs from his roots in England's North Iiast.
I Alchemy Bannermans Bar. (‘ow-gate. 5563254. liy'ening. New Folk on synth. fiddle. flute and vocals.
I North Sea Gas Platform l.Rutland Street. Evening. Resident ptib folk band. I Gulzer Scotch And Rye. 5i) (ieorge IV' Bridge. 225 1681. Evening.
THURSDAY 8 Glasgow
I Star Folk Club (ilasgow Society Of Musicians. Berkeley Street. 221 (Ti 12. 8pm. £1.50. Tonight. BBCs'l‘ray'elling Folk records its Christmas Panto with various wecl kent bodies and Black Eyed Biddy.
I Kenny Caird ()y crdraught Bar. 128 Broomielaw. Iiyening. Socialist song eyeniiig
I Whistlebinlties I’enicuik Folk ('lub.
Nay aar I lotel. Bog Road. Penicuik. Spin. \Voiiderlul esponents of an artful arranged Scottish traditional instrumental music and song.
I Colin Ramage/Robin Laing linsign Izwarl. lawnmarket. liyening.
I Jim Knight Seotelt And Rye. 5ll(ieorge l\' Bridge. 225 lost. liyening.
I George McGowan Trio with Linda Fletcher Blacklriars. Bell Street. Merchant (‘lty . 552 5024. l-.yening. Residentdrununer's baiid w ith singer and guests.
I George McGowan Quartet Berlin lounge Bar. S III \Vest George Street . Queen Street Station. 335 23S2. lunchtime jaz/ with singer andguests.
I Glasgow Rhythm Club I 'iiitarian('hurch. "'2 Berkeley Street. 7.45pm. 'I‘alks with giamoplione records. 'l’oniglit ‘Kelly ‘s Izyc Pei'cciyes 'l‘lic Sw inging Bow ' with
Bill ls'clly. Edinburgh
I Pharoah Sanders Quartet ()ueens l lall. (ilerk Street. (ihb‘ 2Ill‘). S.3Ilplti. ULSIIULS rescry ed table seats). 'Iickets from Queens I lall Box Office or from Virgin Records. Princes Street. l-‘irst yisit ofol' the great saxophonist who for so long shared a stage with (‘olti'ane See guestlist and panel.
I Alpha Jazz Quartet I-illersley- l louse llotel. Izllci'sley Road. (’orstorphine. 337 (1888.8 1 1pm.
I Cale Biarritz o1 I-‘redcrick Street. 225 5244. 9 12pm. l.iyc band,
I Alex Shaw Trio Coppers. (‘ockburn Street. 225 1441. liyening.
I Spirits 0f Rhythm Basin Street.
llay market 'I'crrace. 337 lotto. liyening. ’l'i‘ad band.
SATURDAY 26 Glasgow
I Sid Lawrence Orchestra Payilion 'l‘heatre. Renfield Street. 7.3llpm. £7424. I Jim Fitzimmons Group Riverside. l-‘ox Street. off(‘lyde Street. Afternoon.
I George McGowan Orchestra Berlin Lounge Bar. 8 ll) West (ieorgc Street. Queen Street Station. 335 2382. 2~5pm. Free. The Big Band Sound. old and new. I Ron Moore. Rikki Fernandez I.a Taverna. l.ansdowne Crescent. 33‘) 7007. 9.3ll—midnight. Free. Music in the bar.
I Society Quartet Society Of Musicians. Berkeley Street. 221 (TI 12. 8pm. Sllp. Music and dancing.
I Barony Jazz Barony Bar. Broughton Street. 557 (I546. Jack Hammer Band
l)~1 1.3llpiii.
I Alex Shaw Trio Platform 1. Rutland Street. 225 2433. Lunchtime.
I Shore Music The Shore Bar, Restaurant. The Shore. Leith. 9pm. Tonight Ewan Baird Group. guitar. piano. bass.
I Alpha Jazz Quartet Elle rsley' I louse
34 The List 25 Nov — 8 Dec 1988