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Somebody GUI there wants to know you. Write totlic PERSONALcolurnnoi lire/.rs. and find out w ho!
I Shirlock Holmes ty pc i for real). 2r». seeks the iightgiil. Say e me from Dr. Watson? Send pliotoetc. AIA Box Noh‘l I. I Woman (30. Prolessionai) seeks down to earth. sincere man (with sense of humour) to share interests in music. film. theatre. outdoor pursuits. etc. BUX \iibl 2.
ITall OmarShariiiook-airke (35 ) softspoken. w arinhcarted doctor \ isiting lr‘om ligy pi and loner rn(ilasgow seeks kind. sympathetic lady friend (any nationality i to w inc and dine and give affection to. Box .\'o N] .‘i.
I Newly estabished social network for single. graduate. professionalsaged 3r» 3‘). Socialising. cinema. theatre. meals. outings. etc. l‘oriurther information send sac to Box No 8] -i.
I Gay/Bi guy 35 inexperienced straight acting and not intogay sccnc sccks similar for lricndship relationship. Interests rrrrrsic. cinema. theatre. drinking. photo appreciated. Discretion assured
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gentleness . and nraybe yoii'.’ Box Nobl ii. I Glasgow Male (28)quicl. intelligent and sincere seeks similar female to brighten tip \mrk-dorninated liie. Interests: liairng and drinkingoiit. ilieatre. cinema or quiet nights in Photo appreciated. Box No hi "a
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I Warm. sensitive. loving. male
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Like those trilling (rils' surfers. The Beach Boys. I get around. In ten days that have shaken the Access account I've been in A rbroatli. Paisley and London. not to mention the Doric. Oxford and Abbotsford. and have eaten enough pizza and pasta to keep the (iennaros of this world in the Mercs to which they have become accustomed. As the first (‘1) said. these have been the best oftimes and the worst of times and I'm still trying sort out which is which.
At least London. for once. played to potential. I was holed up in The Annexe which sounds rather like an asbestos-clad. tin-roofed pre-fab but is. in fact — you'll keep it to yourselves. won't you‘.’ — a very commodious hotel in the heart of the King‘s Road. lt's owned by two members of the Chelsea Arts Club. where i normally doss down when I‘m in the deepest south. but the annual auction of arty artefacts was on and there was no room at the inn for an out-of—towner. In any case the Club is just round the corner. in leafy Old Church Street. nice and handy for a pre-prandial (irolsch in the gym-hall bar.
The object of the foray was the Booker Prize dinner and if you watched the beano on the box you might have caught sight of me. clapping like castanets. when Peter Carey burrowed through a forest of
The bookies may have long since turned theirattentiorr to the odds on a White Christmas. but Alan Taylor is still reeling from the effects of the Booker Prize. He
recounts why.
stunted ('oronas to pocket the lolly. i got irrational pleasure from that and mellow from champagne. wine and brandy. If you've got to eat out I can think of no nicer place than the Guildhall.
Mind you. you see some queer sights. and I don't just mean Michael Foot sans duffle coat. There was a woman hovering around Salman Rushdie who could have been his bodyguard. but I wouldn‘t trust her with her own. let alone the bearded novelist’s. She had on a shimmering dress that clung to her like fish scales and when she moved her untethered
breasts bulged like a pair of pensioner's purses after the weekly visit to the post office. l‘ew stared into glasses sparkly when she was in eyeshot. It was. said no one. like a scene from The (Trude. the Unclad
and the Ugly. But I was distracted by
the Guardian's arts correspondent. Nicholas dc .longe no less. who had the perplexed look of a man who thought he had been dispatched to review Pirandello and had found himself in a Jerry Lewis caper. lle roved around maniacally. taking his cue from Simon (,‘allow in Amadeus. brandishing a portable phone which
had been hired specially for the occasion though not. I understand. front Moss Bros. Had he been from The Independent you could understand it. but The Guardian! What is the old Ltrddite coming to'.’
Not that Auld Nick was on his [otl At the door of the (ient's I came across a glam dame whispering into a portable and my elevated eyebrow s must have conveyed that I thought her behaviour required an explanation. ‘Are you counting us all in then out again'.". I asked. ‘()h (iod. no‘. she screamed. as if she'd been collared for indecent assault. ‘l'm trying to get the bloody newsdesk. I'm down here because it would be really naff to be seen with one ofthese up there.‘ How true. but naffor not the damn things are with us and won‘t go away. Next year they‘ll be as thick on the ground as autumn leaves.
It was around midnight by the time we caught a cab from the (iuildhall and for some reason a glass of lager seemed imperative. We could hay c got one in Ed‘s. a Fifties-style diner in the King's Road where the sen ice is fast. fun and friendly. but only if it washed down a hamburger. We made do with black coffee and Brenda Lee. ln Ed's you perch on stools and there‘s a jukebox between two that takes 5p a play: Elvis. the Chiffons and the Drifters. I could have fed it all night.
The List 11 - 24 November 1988 G7