8.30am -lpm. By Royal .»\ppointment. vs ith slightly posher' prieesto match. listablrshed Ill 1872 and still run by (‘ampbellx this is lidinburgh‘s most famous fishmonger. and the one the others \\ ill refer you to il‘they're stuck. .-\ varied and upmarket display of fish and sealood e\ ery

day . except Mondays

vs hen they stay open lor their trade Ill poultry and game {corn-tedchicken. guinea-lovvl and quail sometimesavailablel. ()rdersar'e usually no problem they may tell you to phone then ‘lactory m ( iranton. 'l'liey smoke their ovv n salmon. and alvvays have wonderful hot-smoked trout (at half the price of \ltKS). life} had some good-lookinggrey mullet. larigotrstines and halibut the last time I visited.

I George Armstrong

St) Raeburn l’lace. Stockbridge 31.5 ll 133. l'sed to be my regular. and still a favourite for l-"innan l laddies. tresh scallops and reasonably-prrecd monkfisli and squid. Definitely \vorth cultivating.

I Fishmonger 1:5 .\'ieolson Street. .\ly ncvv vvould-be regular the yvindovv is usually cov cred vsith an (often lunny) tir'adeon \shy youshould buy vvhal's best a bargain that day in the shop. large choice and very friendly fishmonger inst vvaiting to be chatted up.

I George Hughes & Sons 197 Br'untslield Place 44" 1183. Tempting display of a vvide variety of things. (iood for crabs and lobsters.

I Longa Fish Co. :3 l .c\ L'li Street 229lltil). :‘sttractive-looking shop ll alvs ays' seem to be on the

tins going past ). They are also vv liolesalers and esportcrs.

I Roberts 810834121111 Rovv 55b 1541 Reconnnended to me by (‘arnpbells themser es

vv hen they didn‘t have something 1 vvantcd. so they must be good.

Seafood Restaurants

I Skippers Bistro la Dock l’lace. 1.eitli 554 11118. Imaginative seafood

serv ed in \v arm dark fishy surroundings~ Short-ish btit \v ell chosen and reasonably priced vs rne list. and \sonderlully

sy baritic puddings. 11 you care. and unless you vvork \sith lellovv garlic—ewders. it might be better to skrpthe bouillabaisse Set price dinners.

I The Ship :4 Zo'l‘he Shore. l.c'itli555l1411‘). (‘osy prscatorial paradise specialising in unusual but not silly flavour combinations. thought up by one male and one lernale chef. Reasonany priced,

I The Shore The Shore. l.eith. 55351151). Mon Sat llfitl 35(1an

".311 lllpm. \Vellcooked and presented. \ll‘tllglllll)l'\\;ll‘tl seafood in lrrendly . bohemian surroundings. (£311).

I Cousteaus 111911anover Street 3:05.555. ltdrnburgh's oldest citv centre seafood restaurant. the upmarket menu looks hea\ enly . and 1'\ e only

cy ct” heard good things about it. 1 lust can't quite altord logo there myself May be somebody vs ill ask meone day ..

I Ostlers 4" l lill Street l.ane North 2211 1-790. (harming. serious. horsey -sounding but lishy restaurant above a bar. the young Scottisli chef is

A totally different eating experience fondue with hot oil or stock

30 Sandport Street Leith, Edinburgh

Phone 03] 554 2921 for reservation

tormerly of (ileneagles and (‘ousteaUs and the daily changing menu sounds inviting. There is a ‘bar menu‘ at lunchtimes and in the evenings. and a la carte in the evenings ~ but you can eat the bar menu upstairs or

dovv nstairs. .\ la carte is proper lirench cooking. but still good value. and the place is not yet impossibly busy, they also do meat dishes. if anyone'sallergie. Bar lunch t 2 courses) £0; A la earte ( 3 courses) £19.

I Wheelers On The Terrace (‘astle 'l‘er'racc 3291181. Sun Sat. Nevv lidinburgh branch of famous London lish restaurant. The menu. hovv ever. has a very Scottish feel to it.

\v ith dishes called such things as 'pravv ns llebridean‘ and 'smoked haddock 11on mod. and incorporating ingredients such as Drambuie and (‘aboc('heese. Restrained. rather clubhy atmosphere. Set price lunch and dinner menus £9.95 and £15.5ll respectively.


I North Atlantic Seafood Alan l)av idson (Penguin £7.95). Indispensable prize-winning book combining an illustrated catalogue of the fish. crustaceans and molluscs of the North Atlantic vyith a magnificent cookbook containing recipes from all the countries that cook them. 'l‘emporarily out of print but should be back

I Fish Cookerylanc (irigson ( Penguin £4.95 ). Anything by Jane (irigson counts as a classic. Just buy it.

I Floyd on Fish Keith l‘loyd t BB(‘ £3.95 ). Wonderful Floydy least of a book. albeit slim. Mr ’I'homson (see above) thinks that ‘l'iloyd is the best thing that ever happened to the fish industry". and he is not alone. Pretty infallible recipes.

I The Fish Course Stisan 11icks(BB('£(i.95). (‘lear no-nonsense family-style recipes for all sorts offish. Suitable for beginners.

I Fish Cuisine Anton .\losimann (Macmillan £l(i.95). l'npretentious haute cuisine by a master. plus hovv to make the best fish 'n' chips in the vvorld. 1f 1 had time. money and a proper kitchen 1 would use this book as much as it deserves.

I A Feast ot Fish lan McAndrevv (Macdonald ()rbis £14.95). Classy. unfussy. original recipes presented by a young and rapidly rising Scottish chef.



Christmas Menu

Game Broth Smoked Salmon Avocado with Crabmeat and Mayonnaise Chicken Liver Paté with Sherry &' Brandy 5 Vegetable Terrine


Rib of Beef with Brandy, Mushroom and Cream Sauce Loin of Lamb with Redcurrant Sauce Duck Braised with Prunes in Red Wine Salmon Fillet with Red Wine Sauce

Goat's Cheese and Spinach in Filo Pastry with Champagne Sauce


Christmas Pudding with Brandy Sauce Chocolate Pudding


Coffee £12.95

For prior bookings please contact IAN MacCALLUM or PAUL GILLAH

220 0125/6


'1‘hel.ist28()ct— 1(1Nov 1988 53