“Richard III' adapted) has just opened to great acclaim. The themes ol governmentby dictat. where the politics of divide and rule predominate seem to have a real contemporary resonance-even ilthe abuse at royal orstate power leads. in tragic drama. tothe killing otthe king but in modern timesto a landslide re-election.

Alterthe Citizen‘s recent modernist 'Richard Ill'. Scottish audiences now have the opportunityto see the earlier Richard. pertormed no doubt in a more classical mode with Jacobi as king ol‘this other Eden. demi-paradise ...this England‘.

As the production photo suggests. this Richard will be dressed in period costume. Jacobi sees the play as ‘a wonderlul poetic drama. Instead olpeople having conversations. like they do in ‘Hamlet‘ or “Richard Ill'. they tend to orate in long. wondertul

poetic speeches. It‘s quite static-almostoperatic.

‘l don‘twant to make him a cry-baby. emotionally weak and put-upon. Ithink he got what he deserved—it anyone can deserve what

; happens to him at Pomlret

Castle (hacked to death). He's basically nasty trom the momentthe curtain goes up.‘

Playing Richard II as such a nasty. Jacobi will have to produce a ditterent species ottyrantlor Richard III: ‘He's an absolute monster. but a charming one with many winning ways. A great sense at humour. There‘s not many laughs in Richard ll.‘

Does Jacobi. whom one normally associates with more sympathetic roles. enjoy playing these royal villains? ‘Oh yes. The characters I play usually seem to die in the last act. I played Hitleronce. They don‘t come much nastier than that.’ (James Mavor) Richard II is at the Theatre Royal. Glasgow andthe King'sTheatre. Edinburgh. See Theatre Listings.


In 1986 Derek Naysmilh was. in his Scout Leader capacity. participating in an organised lireworks display at Fairmilehead. Something went wrong. and a lirework exploded in his

lace. He lost his sight.

LastyearSTV made a 20-minute programme about Naysmilh and the accident. This year. they have produced an hour—long lollow-up documentary. ‘Remember. Remember' which is to be networked. It looks at Naysmith's recovery and his exemplary resilience and optimism.

‘At the start. lleltthere was a choice. I could either mope and sit around orl could get up and getgoing. Justas I decided uponthe latter. my wile asked me to change a |ight-bu|b.'

STV‘s programme traces Naysmith‘s resumption at his day-to-day lile. He's had a busy year— a new baby son. a house move. rock-climbing and promotion in the scout movement. as well asthe participation in the programme. This. he hopes. will draw attention to two things: 'From the tireworks point ol view. it only one person takes that little bit at extra care and prevents an accident. itwill be worthwhile. The other consideration is the treatment at disabled and handicapped people. There‘s still a lot otthis “does he take sugar?" syndrome about. people talking about you as ilyou weren‘t there. I hope the public will seethe programme and realise that the handicapped don‘t need to be treated as idiots. ltcan be verytrustrating.‘ (Kristina Woolnough) Remember. Remember is on Scottish Television (and other ITV channels) on Sat5 Nov. See media listings.


.'\lter eight years at the helm. l)ll'eetot' of the [idinburgh International l’ilm l5estiy al. .llltl

l lickey . \\ ill be yaeating the position ne\t year to continue as Director of l'iilnthotlse. ()nee the decision had been taken to di\ ide tlte t\\o organisations. it became clear that he would only be eligible to ltoltl one of the new ly -ereated posts. Yet the recent announcement comes as little surprise giyen the combination of

l lielxey‘s ready tamiliarity with the l‘ilinhouse set-up. and the apparent feeling on the l’ilnt l’estiyal committee that the annual eyent was ready tor a new chapter in its continuing deselopinent as a signilieant date on the world cinema calender.

The choice at the fresh-laced Dan Quayle as George Bush's running mate in the American presidential election continues to be a source at embarrassment to Republicans. But what‘s perhaps more surprising is that the revelations of his grey past bring little solace to American liberals. Talking in Edinburgh last Friday night Joseph Heller. the curly-haired author at Catch-22. said that Quayle's admittance at giving the dratt tor Vietnam a body-swerve had been received with bemusement by the anti-war lobby, many of whom had been penalised tor conscientious objection. ‘Ouayle,’ said Heller. relishing as only he can the irony of the situation. ‘has given dratt avoidance a bad name.‘

When ()xfam‘s Keyin l)union yisted Nicaragua’s Atlantic coast a year or so ago he was deeply concerned by the area's pitifttl supply of clean water~somethinglike‘)(l’é is unhealthy. lie was also struck by the number of Scottish names that crop up there -~ a remnant of the colony


Publisher Robin Hodge. Editors Nigel Bitten. Sarah l lemming. Associate Editor Allan l lunter. Design Simon i'.stet'son. Advertising/Circulation .less Barrow. Rhobat Bryn. Sheila Maclean. Accounts (ieorgette Renwicls. Typesetting .lo Kennedy. llewer 'l'est Production Editor Paul Keir. Production Co-ordinator Mark l'isher. Production Assistants Nikki 1 loare. Stephen Murray. Art :\llCL'

shipsthat left Leith in the l8th century. (‘ombining the two ideas inspired him to instigate the twinning of Bluefields. a beatttiful Nicaraguan coastal town. with the (‘ity of Edinburgh and the official ceremony took place between the Lord Proyost and the Mayor of Bluefields a few days ago.

lloweyer. the new gesture of friendship coincided with the grim arriyal of l lurrieane .loan which has torn through Bluefields. leasing a trail of destruction in its wake. So all energies are being diyerted into setting up an appeal fttnd to try to ayert mass malnutrition amongst people whose primary food sources ~— trees and the sea -- haye either been destroyed or become inaccessible. As we go to press the coordination is

still going on between the different

Scottish aid charities. but enquiries and donations will be gratefully receiyed at ()xfam's office at 36 Palmerston Place. iidinburgh or telephone Keyin l)union on (ll_‘~l)

23” 1025.

It seems that the days when Royalty would land in town with their entourage and proceed to eat you out of house and home are still with us. The band providing the entertainment lorthe Traverse Theatre‘s Silver Ball in Edinburgh‘s Chambers Street Museum were most upset to tind someone had scolted their backstage sandwiches.

They even insisted on tinancial

Barn. Books Alan 'I aylor. Kristina Woolnough Classical Music ( 'arol

Main. Dance Alice Barn. Film Allan Hunter .lreyor Johnston. Folk/Jan

Norman ( ~halniers. Food .luhe .‘ytorrice. Sally Stewart Kids Sally ! Kinnes. Media Nigel Billen. Nightlile Stuart Raiker. Andy (‘rabb. ('olinSteyen.OpenSarah llemming. Rock

(Edinburgh) Mab. Rock (Glasgow) .loltn

\\ tlliamson. Sport Stuart Bathgale. Theatre Sarah

compensation from the organisers. But when guests were paying £40 a head tortheir slap-up meal. who could possibly have been hungry enough to tuck into a pile at someone else's pieces? Why it was none other than the special torce at security police dratted in to protect young Prince Edward.

they‘re a sensitiye bunch at the Solid l-‘uel .'\d\'i.sory Seryice and ycry particular about the way they keep warm. Assponsorsofthe('ampaign for Real ;\le's latest (iood Beer (ittide you'd think they'd be pretty keen to be there at the press launch. It‘s what they call good publicity. But there‘s a snag. the launch was in Blacklriars in the Merchant (‘ity ~ a bar noted across the land for its total lack of real eoal fire. (iiyen this. the Solid Fuel Adyisory Seryice couldn‘t bring themselyes to turn up.

()ne wonders whether they'll lower themselyes to to take up The I.isI‘s offer ofa lep pint (see back page)

in the same bar.


\Voolnongh Camera tidinburgh Make-up Setyiees Cover ixmnta lhompson ( Brian \toody Scope l‘eattll'esl Cover Design \Igel Billen. t’aul ls'eit


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