on some of his experience to iounger \. players.



SATURDAY 29 Glasgow ITMSA AGM Italilitl) Ito“ \tet'.

lilaeklriar'x Street 2pm, the 'I‘radrtional .\Itl\te and Song .-\\\oeration ol Sr otland. quartets ()p 33 N0 3 h} } lu'uln. \u "‘11) I Scolia workshop Seolra llat'. Sloelx“ ell Stimulkm'l‘h “"‘l ( )l‘ (‘7 in B llat h} Street. 552 Shh]. I-ree. Allernoon. with Brahms. ltl\ll prper l’at .\le.\'rrlt\.

I Zydeco Ceilidh Band ("umber rratrld 10 'I'heatr’e. ( ~urntierrratrld. 8pm (ilasgtm '\ Krrrgxot (‘aledoman('artrn

I Folk Band Illaelxlr‘rarx. Bell Street. I Charles Lyall Ensemble ( mum-r l {an .\Ier eltarll ( it} . 552 5WD. .\lter'lloorl (ilaxglm I‘lliu'r'xit}. l . 15pm. l‘t‘ee at

Inxtrunrerrtal \exxrorr door. Lunchtime programme ol ral/and I KeIIS SWII‘S I 1‘1 "Cl. IN! I‘} SII'CL‘I..“34 imprlnixetl muxie. 4N” I'xenrng Saturday rexrdenet I Morley String Quartet Merehantx l Iall. II II Sum \mgulong hand Popular. eornerot \Vexl (ieorge Street opp ()uccn I lain Bruce ( )\ erdtatlglrl Ital. I_‘\ Street \tatlon. 'I'lelx‘etx: 333 5ll5“. B'“”””¢'”“ I" Cm”?! 12.45pm. {2.5” I H l. Lunchtime gringcr'l I CBllIdh Dance RM el\ltle. I'o\ .Slleet . oll ol I laydn's ()uartet ()p "(r .\'o 2, l-m/IL (‘|_\de Street. SIS FIJI lllpllt U late ('lrerri' Ripe arranged h} I'i‘ank Bridge “WNW

and Shnxluktn leltK Quartet No 5. i n Edinburgh I Return ot the Fourth Estaite ()treelh l lall.


I Edinburgh Quartet St Bernard's ( ‘hur'eh. Stoeklil'idge. 'I‘ieketv (rotS’ ZIII‘) I ()tteen\ llall).7.~15pm. £.‘~.75l£I.5lll.String

NATIONAL TOUR ———1988———



MOZART Overture to The Marriage of Figaro

TCHAIKOVSKY Violin Concerto


Pictures from an Exhibition




I London Symphony Orchestra I'xher l lall. I.otlrian Road. 228 I 155. 7.30pm.

3.7“ ll.5(l. :\.\ part ot therranrrual Shell-LSO national tour. the orchestra

\ rsrtx Izdllll‘tll'glt \\ ith Igor ( )rxtrakh in the 'I'ehaikouk) Violin (‘oneerto. Mozart's ()\ erttrre to The .Ilurrruge o/‘I‘lgum and l’rt’lurm u! an Iz't/rrln'rr'mr.



I Dougie MacLean/Danny Kyle ( ilttsgti“ Arts ( 'entre. Washington Street . III 4520. Tillpm. U (El 5”) Dougie rxatrne guitar N and singer. lrddler . \ong“ rrter. reeord produeer and drdger'idoo plat er. Darin} \ \xorlxing at it. so eneotrrage lrrnr. il _\otl ean. h} not laughing.

I Three In One Soeiet) ()l .\Ill\lel;lll\. Ber'kele) Street. Iiexrde \Iitehell ‘I'Ireatl'e. III (\I II. 8pm. £3 ( £2). In aidol'l’hir'd

(‘ler k Street.(ro.\ jlll‘) .S lllpnr. Lland

Ll liar open“pm Snaelxx In ardolSme 'I Ire ( ~hrldren lurid. I lie l'\t.llte \xerea \L‘lttllltll group III the "IN dlxrrttegralron ol Seoltrxh eulttrre ‘liaeh to Beatlex. Seottixh and Itl\ll lolk..l.r//. Itluex. Ragtime. Soltgx ol the Sr\tre\ '. all tltle\\llllt\tlt mentioning the eoneorrirtant Itrnae} .loltlt Samper.istorrrxlrrng\krllontrtrrnpet and reeorders I\ no“ knmxn throughout I'llr'ope. rn eaxtles and torletx. e‘litll'te'\§ ol the Natural 'I Ireatre ( ‘orrrpant ; Rah Ilatldlet rs a no“ a \\ rldeat; Rolillt

I lat per. \\ ho brought them together . IS \trlI teaehrng and tur nrng ( ireen. ‘Iurnoll the lell_\ and go out Itil llre L'\elllltg. ttgntitl little guaranteed

I West End Hotel l’almerxton l’laee 9pm. Meeting plaee ol I'drrrlitrrglr ( iaelx. Aeeordronete

I Denny Swanson Settlell .r\rrd Rte. 5H (ieotge I\ lirrdge. :25 lost. I'\enrng.

I Royal Oak Inlir nrar'_\ Street. 5.5" SUV», I:\ emng till I ..‘~l lam late liar . IolI\ liaxenrent

SUNDAY 30 Glasgow

I Black Eyed Biddy Iilaek Bull l Iotel. \Iilngax re. S..‘~llprrr. Illaek Bull I~'o|l\ ( ‘ltrli prexerrtx popular lexlrxal and elutiSeoltrxh

Violin \Vorld Aid ( irottp Mozambique Appeal. mn‘ II'I"SS“""S _ _ -‘:‘- (‘Iasxieal rant .Ia/l. 'I‘Ire(i|a\go\\ l-lute IZUI L3 Chute "W'W'h- ( W" . g ." .1115 ()uartet. Ramstougar and the trunk \\ S‘IS'” R”"‘:~ [7‘“””3~" UM “'"L'I‘ P .57).}- Hughcqun ()mmcL :\merrealr ant eartrrl, 533.2375 £11.30 £9.90 £8.40 £6.90 £5.40 £3.60 £2.70 2.53%? I An Comunn Gaidhea'ach Cai'id" 03"“ -‘ Edinburgh fair)?” 1‘: g :3 Broompark( ll‘L‘tlS. DetllllSIUtllI. 3'32"“ 0 iii-“'- 7 illiir l "It L" W -l l~ r x -' IGIeneI Sessions Yolllruxllotel - 3...“; , _ V .. r r mu mgr. _.. .rne ritesstrr r er. 9 g . r; 5;. < '- {US-.1; Mtrsre Ii} the MacDonald Brothers. l.eamrngton ’l'erraee. ‘lpnr nrrdrrrght. .1350“ ° 7‘7": I Rowantree Folk Club Rim ‘lntree Inn lh l'ree \eouxtre llltl\le rrrulrlx ('an'l name . . , i :_ l '."._' Road’ ,3 I'ddrngstonfroxx. I 'ddingxton. the \Ull‘l‘lw lmltd l t: =‘ g": k) I I.45pm. LI ()Id eoaehing Inn. tonight I Seannachre ( ireerr I ree.(‘o\\gate. . b" Jim Brown Cumming song“ r'iter and Itxenrng. Seottrxh \ongx and App} 1 \rnger lrom the \\ est ol Seotland. Instr umenlalx lr‘om resident hand. . I Peelie Wallres ( )\ erdratlglrt liar. IIS I er Knight/Colin Flamage/Robrn Larng Br'rmmrelgny I{\ ening (lung ()I lillxlglt l'.\\ at t. I..'l\\ llllltll INL'I. szelrirrg.

30'I‘he List 28 ()et —- III Nov 1988


I Peat Diggers Seott'x (‘or'nerg Her I») Street. 334 4801. I~.\erring.

I Ceilidh Dance RHCI'SILIC. l‘o\ Street. oll (dee Street. 248 3144. lllpm. Li.


I Ceilidh ( iirl ( ittlde I Iall. 33 .\lel\ ille Street. ".fillpm. {I rnehrdes tea. ()rganrxed In the (‘lan Maeka} Soeiet}.

I Simpson Perrie/Brian Mulligan Slim-t- Barfl'he Shore. l.eith. lixening. \‘iolrn and guitar. cabaret.

I Junction Bar West Preston Street. 0pm. the musre.

I North Sea Gas I’Iallorllt l.|{utland Street. livening. Resident puh lolk hand. I Royal Oak Infirmar} Street. 557 2976. Iixeningtill1.30am.l,ateharwith informal songs and IIIUSIC.

I Muckle Ado Seoteh And Rye. 5ll(ieorge IV' Bridge. 32.5 168]. Iivening.

'Ihreesrnger gtrrlalrxtx. I North Sea Gas Rutlarrd l lolel. Rtltlarrd

Street. 33‘) RUIZ. ‘lpnr Slrrgalong.

MONDAY 31 Glasgow

I Halt Halloween I lalt Bat . Woodlands Road. Upm. ‘I'radrtronal Seotx Irish music lr‘om the I Ialt\ regular \Vedlresday

eroxi d. ttlllhllle lamps. dookrn'.

I Victoria Bar Bl'ldgegate. 552 (ill-Ill. Opm. Regular gl'UUPSL‘xxlUlI.

I thSl‘l MUSIC Stage Door lltll'. ( iorhgrlx Street. 43‘) (’93:. lop ( ilaxglm lt'islt lllSII'UIIIelltitlISISltlitl \rngerx.


I Miro Ilte (il‘eell Il'ee. ( 'ou gate. lixenrng. Bar till lanr. Instrumental turrirr the bar.

I Jim and Ann Marie Antiquury. Sr