MbUlA lel


I Halfway to Paradise 1 ( ‘Ji

llQllpm I: .‘llarn Seeond CITIMKIL' ot the

neyy (ilaxgoyy -l\a\ed riot [her It entertainment 1 he ‘llluxtrrouxi .\Ir Smelarr llllltttltlee\ report\ on I _‘ m l)ul\lm. itinerant Seotlhll huxker ;\l .lHIMiH arid IIay (’rty Roller play at the IIrI\CI\L'..'\IIl‘I\IK'I U\e'\.\llril\titl15cc IIICJIIL' I’.t_L‘\‘l


I The Presidential Debate r ( 11 l

11 15am I.‘ .‘illpm (ieorge IIIhllalltI \lrehael I)ukaki\ traded hland statement tor hland \lalemelll ax IIll\ prohahly the .'\ITIL'l|L'.tII natrorixlepl

I teyor \Ie‘l )onald \ear’ehex lot the luglilrghtx

I Live lrom the Met: ll trovatore r Itlit ‘2i

(i ,1“ ‘1 fillprn \ erdr'\opera\unghy lirerario l’ay arottr. I'ya \larton and Sherirll \IIIIIL‘\. hroadeaxt lr\ e trom the \Ietropolitarr ( )per'a l louse in \eyy \‘or k


I The Money Programmer may

h 35 15pm Returriot the tmaneeand l‘tl\lllL‘\\ progr amine yy rth lllL‘llltil'lCMil lIlaek .\londay a year on I0rientationsrt11i‘) 2% magazine and em rent altarrx \hoyy tor IIrrtam'xt )rrenlal eomruunrlrex

I Last ot the SummerWineilsnt ‘li

" 15 " ~I_"pm Returnotthexenror \erxronx ot ('ompo. ( ~Iegg and Seymour.

I Everyman l 1111(‘1 I IH 311 11 lepm. Start ot a three part protrle ol Pope John l’auIII yyhreh meludes an mtery leyy yyrth Karol

\\ oily la 1 III\ l’olhli name i hy Rrehard l)enlon

I The South Bank Show I st-uruxln

Ill .‘ll 11 .‘llpm .\lelyyn IIraggrntr‘odueex another edition ol the 1 \VI ar'txxhoyv lo eouieide \\ rth a Inalor telro\peell\ e at

l ondon'x Royal .-\eademy . Illl\ programme looks at the \onk ot Ioulome Iautree.

ISmileJamaicartlti Illpm midnight 1'2 and I enny llenry m a lurid-rarxingeoneert’ in aid ot hurrieane damaged.lanraiea.


I Game. Set and Match 1 ( 11w Illpin (‘ontmumg the l’\' thriller \tarzrng Ian

I Iolm \\ hieh Iiax heen adapted trom len I)eiglitorr'\noyel


I The Divided Kingdom I ( ‘4 l s .x. Turpin. \eyy \er'rex e\arnrrung the drttereneex in our eulture. lx'rm Iony ellx lr'om \Valex .lulian('rrtehley tromSouthern1~ngland. Dr .-\'I () Steuar't trom Northern Ireland and otir oyy n \Iar'go \Iael)onaldemhark on a tour ot the eountiy and a running del‘ate til the l\\ue\,

IJackThe RIDDBTlSeolllxlil‘l Itlpm. \Iiehael ( 'ame \trlI on the trail ot the Ripper Rut \\lt.il\ the PM \oyvorr'red ahoutl'

I Colin's Sandwich 1 1311(3)” “31113111. \e‘yy eomedy \errewtarrrrrg .\Iel Smith

yy hreh has heen dexer rhed a\ a I Ianeoek tor 1h; I‘Iglllle\.


Illam \eyy



I IThe UIIIBTEUTODBH Jr" lllpru .I.l\yIII\'\

I Rupnrk prewnh a Ile\y \I\ part \el rexot

l trlrrnorrt'entrall urope

I John Cleese's First Farewell Pertormance

I (1111(1) 11 I l Stlprn Ian ,lolmxtone \trlm

: ahout ( ~leexe and hrx neyy hit lrlrn, I Ivy/r

(ll/It'll ll (I’M/(l. \ylueh lolloyu the

I e\-l’y thori progre“ trom pre-produelion on the lrlnr (let in the mood will the

repeat or [an In It'ltr'H at \pm


IThe PartiamentProgrammeir ll \oon If. Fllprr‘. Returnolthedarly parliamentary repothprogramme prewnted hy (ily n \Iallll.t\ and .\l.r\l.rlr


IThiSIS YOUTLiIeMeottnhl" .‘llpm \IlL‘llrte‘l .-\\[‘e‘l I.tI\L'\ incl Ill'e‘ le‘tl l‘t‘l‘l’x trom the late I'amonn x\ndreyy\ III the lust HI .1 lie“ \e‘l KW

IMiss Marple: 4.50tromPaddington (1113(1 l.\ JFHprn Star I ol a lien \tory \\ lIIt .IUJII I lly‘kuin .t\ \I|\\ \Ial [‘Iy' IThe James Bond Film: DTNOISeoltnlrl .\ Illprn ~\ieantonnery andI I\llla :\lltll'L‘\\lll the trrxt ol the I1rilltlllllll\ \IatIL‘ Ill 1"“:


ITimeToTalkrtilit -l .liipm Ie\le\ ludd prexenlx a neyy rnlery reyy \er le\\\lllell .r\k\ rt\ gtle\l ahout their religiouxlwlrelx ,ylary \Vhrtehouxe l\ the trrxt to talk to ludd

I Scottish Questions r \eottnltl (‘ur rent allarrx ax \een In the Seoltrxh teleymonxteam \l.rrgo.\lael)onald. l)ay rd \\ hrlton and ( oliri \lael\'a\

I40 Minutesomt‘hw So In lllprn Relur n ot the an aid \y inning doeurnenlaiy \erres \\lllell.tl\\.ty\\e‘e‘lll\ lullol

I‘ll \PIH

oy erlooked Ill\l_L‘llI\ into ey er \day lrle

I hrx programme Itillti\\\ the not k ol the Iraud rrryextrgalorx a\ they attempt to tIhL‘lHCI dole IItItIIL'l\

I Rapido t IIII(‘I l I I I l .‘tlprn. Antoine de ( 'aurrex presents the l'reneh roek \hoyy lor yy lueh he \yax named ‘lIexl I loxt on Ireneh teley Non" lneludex l\\.\. ('royyded l Iouxe plux an inter \ Ieyy yy 1111 Johnny (‘legg


I Irish Reel: The Road to God Knows Where

1(7113 ‘iprn \eyy \errexol Illllhlltilll

Ireland ahut Ireland I he trrxt l\.t1‘tillI young people It] the eountry \\ hoaie

\hoyy n as a deprexxed and alienated group

l l

u how only sense ol optimism ixeypr'exsed

I Spring and Port Wine l mu ‘2)

ll Sllpni 1.35pm. James Mason m the trlrn adaptation ot IIIII \attgliton\\lage eornedy ahout Irte in a nor lher n eotton making toyyn


IDancemakersrlilit‘h“ 3o 5.15pm \eyy tour part \erlexol eontemporary danee m the lust Ilallet Ramhertper lorm \trayinxkvx I’ulernella

I Rhythms otthe Worldilmt ‘2i

\ l.‘w ‘1 It‘prn Ihe I t‘ltl\ and l adreon

l rttlel :zypt' Romany and g\[\\\ muxre

lrorn all o\ er I urope

IThe Story otAIexanderGraham Bellrttti Illam l.‘. l‘prn l‘lWhIopreyyrthl)on .-\meehe and I lenr \ l'onda almttl the lII\L'IIIt‘I HI IlIk' IL'ICI‘IIUHC.

IThe SecretLite otSergeiEisenstein (1111(3) IH Ill 35pm I’ortrait ol the lrlmmaker uxmg areluy e mater ral and elipx

lroni the lrlrn\ It‘s tolloyyed hy the poxtporied\lioyyrngol l/rr'lIaII/ey/rr/r

l’o/r'm/xrir. l- rxenxtern'x elaxxre aeeount ol

an episode in the I‘lll.< Ruxxian reyoluton

w “NI ."- '13- TI... ejh' 13' I I I - If flich‘..'_"y|.-‘Ifl ' t .l ' .‘Vfl I

ISecretPoliceman's Ballrtiti

I" t“ 11 Fllpm l’eter ('ook. lohn('lee\e. Royyan :\tkrn\on et al in the reeorded liy e eornedy eoneert,

I Police Academyllise‘oruxlo

111.15 11 *Spm .v\ll toopr'edretahlexuh Rey \lolie ( ~ops .\mer rean eornedy I'rxt \ltt\\\ mg on I1! rtrxh teley t\ttill I’ret youend up \yatelirugauyyyav


I Sunday Premier: Number271 lint ‘li

" “5 I“ .‘llpm. .-\ eornedy drama hy \lreliael l’alrn. \yrllt \igel l’laner .r\a properly deyeloper attempting to get an old lady iloyee ( 'arey l to rnoy e otrt ol her home Ia\l in Ill|\ Sunday \er rexot play\ and Illlll\

I Comesa Horseman l ( Vii lupin l2 15am .lane l-onda in a l‘l"\ \yexter n ahoul threatened tarnierx IBlowOutrnnt‘2i1iI2n12n5pm,

( ontrnurng the '.'\lllL'l rean Way e‘ \caum. thrxnthe l‘l\I llrrari de l’alrriathirller \tarirrig .lolrn I ra\olta and \aney .'\llen I South Bank Show I Se‘rtllhlll

I“ .‘ll 11 .‘llprn I’ortrart ol trlmrnaker and some [title I lolly yyootl \ltltllo lleatl. l)a\ Id l’uttnam


INeverTheTwainiSeorrrxlox \Rnpm \ey er \ery lunny the lust lime \Iteomyyrth \\ iridon l)ay res and Donald Strider] liaek tor a neyy \erre\.

I Streets Apart t lilit "I l SSH t)pm. .I;tlllL‘\ Ila/eldrne a\ a tayr dr'ry er yy 11o meetx tip

\y rth an old llame ( Amanda Redman l \y ho r\ llriyy out o1 Ill\ league In a ueyy eomedy

I Evening calllSeottrxlil In .‘yfipm .\ lrtlle 1‘11 ()1 I \‘ lll\It)l \ IIIL' CIItI HI I .tle‘(i;lll.

\\ eII not e\aetIy the end. rather a neyy regular \Iot alter the Seotland 'l oday late tle\\\ llie programme alMi garnx a \rxler

‘_ r." .i

-".‘.i." R l“.


\lloyy . in the mornings at 9.55am. al‘terthe early Seotland'l'oday rieyyxxalled appropriately enough. .\lorrririg('all.


I Personal Notes ( BM ‘2 l 7211 8pm. .-\ndre I’r'ey in talks to y iolrnist lsaae‘Stern m the trr'xt ot three eonyerxationxyy rty'h

I The Booker Prize Winnersi mu ‘2)

9.311 Ill.1tlprri. I'or' the lust time in live year \. IIIL' I11“ IL‘IL‘\ I\L'\ IIIL‘ premiere literary prr/e. See Books in the Baeklixt. I Question 01 Sport r tint ‘l H.311 (isripm. Ian IIotItam rornx as a team eaptarn inthe

returnot the\por'lrngour/\hoyy ISouth olthe Borderitmt‘l)

‘1 311 Ill .‘tlpnr Ne“ deteetry e \er‘iex yyrth lIukr Armstrong and Rosie Royyell a\l\yo yyonien. onee elirldhood trrendx. yy ho meet and \et tip as prryateeyex


IDesO‘ConnorTonight(Seorrrshix Upm,

lle'x haek I'm alraid

I Cin Heal t Seottrxh l ‘1 Illpm and

Ill 35 l I 35pm. \Vatehahle hut disappointingteornidering the talents rnyoly edlthrrller yyith(‘lint I'..I\l\\ood and Burt Rey noldx

I The Power ot Musicr Hm ‘I l

‘IRH ltl..‘~llprn l’aul .\Ie( ar'triey presents thrxdoeunientary ahoul muxre therapy and hoyy nttnre ean he ll\L‘yl to reaeh the [Tillltl\ ol the mentally handieapped.

I Facing up to AIDS (1mm) In..‘~n 11pm. [no men. .lohrr Mor‘daurit arid \rek \\'oodhead hay e AIDS. 'I‘lux lllm\llt)\\\ hoyy they hay e eorne to remix yyrth the lIIllL‘\\.


I Nothing by Chanceilmt‘2l

Ill. Ill Ill-ltlpm, \eyy eornedy \er‘iex‘lrorn the l’lul ( 'ool \tahle'. Keith l)orine|ly and (irrry l)arhey lyyoeornedranx yy ho

\uppor ted ( "ool on lll\ laxt tour. get then I\' lireak


'I’uhhxh and hedamned? rxaer'y manya

tahloid IIL‘\\\p.tpCl' has taken to itxhear't. IIut originally II “as a phrase \y hieheame not Irorn a puhlieation. hut an individual. the Duke ot \Vellmgton. yyhom William Roelielor't “as trying to hlaekmarl. In yy hat sound\ like a seene trom a ( ~ollins noyel (.loan or .laekre ). Roehetort per'xuaded his yy rte to yy rite her memoirs; \he did so and they \\ ere ey rdently‘sueh \eandaloux \tutt that Roehelort proceeded to try and hlaekrnail the men involved. A little eaxh. and their reputation eotrld remain intaet. 'l'he I)uke ot Wellington him ey er. told Roehetort. yer‘y eloquently. to get lost. I’eter‘ I.irrg'sdr‘arnatisationot these \hoek-hor'ror memoirs ean he heard III on This Love. This Love. ( )et 15. R4. ",15prn

12y en more tamous than the Duke‘s

eateh phrase are I1I|Il\ll extahlishments. II

you \hould he looking tor a good e\taltlr\hment . and I ean't thrrik yy hy you \lioultl he. R-I at 11 .‘illpm. ( )et 15. isthe plaee to trrid one. In The Good

Establishment Guide. Parliament. the Ian.

Royalty and the ( ‘hureh are all \uhjeet to \itlllL‘ yy rth songs and \kelellexyy hieh deserrhe llreS/n'uker'y lamrenrandtell you yy hy II is (ii-err! Io Mireille.

It you are thrnkrng ot getting involved yy rth the layy . you might in the lttture he alile to spare yoursell some expense. \Vlth legal tees exealatrng the thought ot hy-paxsmga lanyer altogether tosettlea en rl tIhPllIL‘. is yery tempting. It happens in Amer'iea yy here they eall it “alternative (IISPUIL‘ resolution and John Izidinoyy reports or Justice without Lawyers. ( )et ll). RI llarn

26 The List 1-1 27 October 1988