Friday 14—Thursday 20

This section gives details at programmes showing at cinemas in central Scotland over the next week. Readers are advised that programmes may be subject to late change at anytime.

Cinemas operating a tamin discountscheme allow an adult accompanying a child to 'U' and ‘PG‘ certiticate programmes to gain admission tor the same price as the child up to 6pm.


I CANNON ( ~Iarkston Road. .\Itiirend.o37 2o41.£2..‘~t)();\l’ (‘IiiIdL‘IQII I‘amiI} discount seheme operates. .\'o perl's betore (rpm on l‘ri ck Sun.

1. Snow White I I ‘) I . I5pm. 3.35pm.()pm. BUSIBTI I5)S25pm.

2. Good Morning Vietnam ( I5 ) 5.25pm.

S. 15pm. Bustert I5 ) 2.45pm.

3. Who‘s That Girl? I I’( i ) 3pm. b.2llpm. S.5llpm.

I CANNON Sauehiehall Street. 333 I592. LESIIIIIJII).

1. Midnight Run ( I5) 1.35pm. 4.35pm. Spm.

2. Bigtoot and the Hendersonsrl’o)1.40pm (not 'I‘Iturs l‘ri I. Coming to America( 15) 4.4l)pm. S, Itlpm. 'I‘Iturs It): The Untouchablest l5) (7llmm) I.-IIIpm. 4.45pm. S. Illpm.

3. Les Patterson Saves the World ( 15) 1.30pm. 3.50pm. opm. S.~Itlpm.

4. Beetlejuicet 15) 1.15pm. 3.40pm. Frantic (I5)S.ll5pm.

5. The Deceiverst I5 I 2pm. 5.t)5pm. SQllpm.

I CANNON GRAND ISIamaiea Street. 34S 4o2tl. {Itil ).

Adult mox ies. Phone for details.

I GROSVENOR Ashton I.ane. IIiIIhead. 33‘) 42%. [1)] \s ith prior notification. £2 (‘hiId I‘IHII Student ()AI’U .3l).

1. Snow White i I ') I .45pm (not Sun). 4.15pm (not Sun).(). 15pm. Bustert I5) S.5()pm.

2. Good Morning Vietnam ( 15) 2.30pm (not Sun). (a. 15pm (not Sun). S.~15pm.

See also ( ilasgou I.ates.

I OOEON Rentield Street. 3.“: S70] . Bar open ever} evening Irom 5.30pm ((1.3Ilpm Sun). £3.05; ()AI’ ('Itilcl£1.5t); I'B-lt) eones £2 asailable as advertised. 5 einema eomplex. All the IoIIowing lilms “ill be shown this \\ eek althouin we eannot eontirm on \\ hieh sereen.

Good Morning Vietnam ( 15) III-15am ( Sat only ). [2.45pm. 3.15pm. 5.45pm.S.3l)pm. Bustertt5) IIamISatonIfl.1.15pm. 3.3llptn. opm. S.~I5pm.

Snow White I I ') I l ,3llttltt (not I‘ri ck Sun). I.4tlpm. .‘~.5llpm.o.21)pm.

Big Business t l’(i)S.4t)pm.

Vice Versa ( l’( i) 11.20am (not I‘ri ck Sun). I .35pm. 4pm.

The Running Man ( IS)().3()prtt.S.-1(Ipm. See also (ilasgoss Iates.

I SALON Vinieombe Street. 33‘) 425i). [1)] with advance notification. .‘Vtatittees. Adult (‘hildL’l .5l)():\I’ I'B-Itl5tlp. livenmus. ."sII seats {I .50.

The Couch Trip I )5) 3pm. ".31 )pm.

Rose Street. 332 6535. ('at‘e bar open 3t) mins prior to exerting pert. eloses 9pm. [1)] on applieation to box oft'iee. [Ii] No smoking. Mats.£1.Si)IStudent I'll-1t)

£1 . Ill); l-‘ri trials. £1.3l)(.»\lleones75p); Evenings.£2.5t)(Student I.‘B-It)£l,(s()); All pert's (‘hild ()AI’ £1.10.


Track 29 I IS) 3.30pm. o..‘~llpm.S.45pm SATURDAY15

Paths Dt Glory ( I’(i ) c‘c Doctor Strangelove (15) 2pm

Track 29( IS) (1.30pm. S.-15pm


The Terminatort IS) ck Robocopt IS) 6.45pm


The Terminator( IS) ck Robocopt 15‘)me CIermont-Ferrand Shorts Programme Two (IS) (),_‘stlpm

Brimstone And Treacle t ISIS-15pm TUESDAY 18

Tampopor IS) (rpm. SN lpm WEDNESDAY 19

THX1138I 15m The LastBattlet l5)3pm Tampopot IS) bpm. SN lpm


Your Contemporaryt 15 ) 5.45pm Tampopot Is ) .s‘fsl Ipm


I GROSVENOR Ashton I.ane

Fri 14/Sat 15:

1.9Weeltst IS) I 1.15pm

2. The Exorcistt IS) I 1.15pm

I OOEON Rentieltl Street.

SatBonly: All tic-kc-tstj.

Good Morning Vietnam t 15) I t . 15pm Bustert I5) I I.I5pm.

The Running Mani IS) I I , I5pnt.

Big Business ( P( i) I I . 15pm.


I CAMEO I Iome Street. 238 4 I 4 I. [I)[ Bar open Mon Sat o I 1.30pm; Sun 11pm. {I.ZIItot‘ Isl pert: L3 Ior 2nd ck .‘r'dperls; £2.90 lorJtlt pert.

AWorld Apart ( I’( i ) 3. I5pm ( not Sun). 4.3t lpm. (r-IIIpItt. 9pm.

Sun 16: Blue Velvett IS) 3. 15pm

See also lidinburgh I.ates

I CANNON I.othian Road. 33‘) 303“. Bar: lIam 2.3lem.5 rIllmeSIon ’I'hurs).

I lam I lmeI-‘ri Sat). 5 Illpm (Sun). [1)] einemas 3 ck 3 prior rtotitieation adx isable. £19“. 1.2.5II('Itlch LIN). £I.5(I();\I’£I (betore opm I. Family diseount seheme operates.

1. Midnight Runt 15) 2pm. 5pm. Spm.

2. Les Patterson Saves The World ( I5 ) 3.3“an 5.30pm. S.3ll]rrtt. (Not Ihurs Ill). 'I'hurs II): Top Gun I I5) in TIImm: 2. Illpm. 5. lllpm. S. Illpm.

3. Frantic ( I5 I 2pm. 5pm . Spm.

I DOMINION \ewbattle 'I'erraee . 4-1-7 loot) Rest Illam 2pm ck o I Ipm (Mon-Fri). Illam I Ipm (Sat I. Bar

12 2.30pm. (r IIIpm (Mon Sat I. ( 'tnema notopenSun. 17012.5”;

(‘hild I'II-Ill Students I; I .5“: ( )AI’ £1.20. (all pert's exeept es ng perts in einema 3 ). 1. Snow White and the Seven Dwartst t ')

2. I 5pm. 4. 15pm. o. 15pm. Big Business (I’(i)S..‘1(Ipm.

2. Beetleiuicet I5) 2.2npm. 5.3npm. Slllpm.

3. ‘Crocodile‘ Dundee II t I’( i ) 3pm. 5pm. Spm.

I ODEON ( 'Ierk Street. (to—7 73.“ . Bar

6 -‘)pm. l’artial \s heelehair aeeess. 'I‘iekets £3 (eones £1.50) Iorperlormanees eomttteneing belore (rpm. 'I‘iekets LIN) (eones £2) tor perts eommeneing alter (rpm.

1. Bustert I5) 1.35pm. .‘\.~l5pttt.o.tl5pm. S._‘~(Ipm.

2. Good Morning Vietnam ( 15 ) 2. 15pm. 5.3tlpm. S. 15pm.

3. Running Man ( IS) I .5tlpm ( not Sat ck Sun). 4pm. o. Illptn. S..‘~llpm.

Sat 13/Sun 14: Masters ol the Universe t I’( i) 1.5ilpm.


I.othian Road. 22S ltiSS. Bar I Mon Sat noon-- I Ipm; Sun URI) I 1pm) Rest (Mon-Sat noon 9pm). [I] Matineesilll) (eones 75p); Iiarls e\ enings £2 (eones

£1 .5”): Main evenings and Double Bills £2.5l) bookable tn ads anee. .\'o eoneessions on Sats.


1. The Unbearable Lightness DI Being ( IS)

2.15pm. "pm

Drowning By Numbers ( )3) (rpm. S.3t)pm SATURDAY15

1. Young Sherlock Holmes ( Pt} ) 2pm The Unbearable Lightness DI Beingt 18) 4pm. “.30er

2. Drowning By Numbers I IS) 3.45pm. (rpm. S._‘~llptn


1. DistantVoices. Still Livesr 15 ) S.3t)]1r11 2. The Citadel ( l’( i ) opm.S. 15pm MONDAY 17

1. Broadcast Newsr 15):.45pm

Distant Voices. Still Livesr l5 ) ()H‘stlpnt. N._‘\II]1[]]

2. I've Heard The Mermaids Singing t l 5 ) o.-1tlpttt..\.41)pttt


1. Broadcast Newst 1512.45pm

Distant Voices. Still Livesr I5 ) h..‘~t)pm. S..‘~llpttt

2. I‘ve Heard The Mermaids Singing t 15 ) (),-1II])ltt.S.4tI]1rtt


1. DistantVoices. Still Livesr 1512.45pm. o..‘\llpm. S.3l)ptti

2. The Pointsman t I5) (1.3tlpitt.S.2letti THURSDAY 20

1. The Pointsman t 15):.45pm

Distant Voices. Still Lives ( l5 ) (1.30pm. Sfitlptti

2. The American Friend I 15):.3tipm Wendel t I5 ) ()pnt. S.2()pr11


I EDINBURGH FILM GUILD (‘ontaet I'tlmhouse. I.otIiian Road. 33S ZoSS. The annual membership lee ot L I “.5Ilallosss tree admission to all tnain season liImsam diseount priees on other ( iuild eVeIIts. ineludtng study eourses and edtteational

Sun 16: Cry Freedom r l’( i ) 5pm

Pather Panchali I I ' ) 5pm ((‘inema 3 .-\Iternati\e)

3.45pm. I EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY FILM SOCIETY (‘ontaetz Societies (’entre. 'l‘he I’Ieasanee or)? till I e\t 4514. A 24-houransuering ser\ iee I55," “430) gis es details of the programme \seek b} \seek. Membership is open to;trt_\one: students ().-\I’s I'lHlls pay an annual subseription ot {I I 'I‘Itose in employment pas Ll". The holder is entitled toadmisston tothe \seekls dietol three double bills. (iuest tiekets may be pttreltrtsed III II 'S.-\ shops at In tot Rots. Mandela Centre. I)a\td Ilume loss er.

I’( iSl'. 'Ihe I’Ieasanc‘e and King's litttldings Shop.

Sun 16 George Square Theatre: The Big Paradet15itr.45pmtk Full MetalJacltet

I IS)S..‘~5pm

Wed 19 George Square Theatre: Jean De Florette t I’( i ) '7pm

See also Iidinburgh I.ates


I CAMEO I Iome Street

Fri 14: Prisont IS) ck Copt IS) I 1.15pm

Sat 15: Wish You Were Here ( l5 ) ck PrickUp YourEarst IS) I I. I5pm

I EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY FILM SOCIETY See Iidinburgh Soeieties tor details

Fri 14 Ddeon. Clerlt Street: Roxanne ( I’( i) 11.15pmck Fatal Attractiont IS) I.I5am


I CANNON Princess Street. l'alktrk.ll33~1 2.‘~Stl5.

1. Snow White And The Seven Dwartsr t I

I .5llpm t not Sun). 4pm. (1. Illpm. Midnight Run I I5 I SSIIpm.

2. Bustert I5 I 3.35pm (not Sun I. 5.30pm. S. Illpm.

3. Good Morning Vietnam I I5 ) 3pm I not Sun). 5pm. S.tl5pm.

I REGAL North Bridge Street. IIatItgate. ll5llo (xi-1152. l’trst ex enmg pert: .'\II tiekets t l .3”. Main exerting pert: Adult £3. (‘hild (one. {I.JI).

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p51... grit m ( )R TI it; ( ati:.\'r o” UMIIIIIURI ‘.

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JOAN PLOWRIGHT " f.‘.'-"~:I€-:i}_:-.:.. )0er RICHARDSON . s 3 11'; 1745?; '_‘;~,;‘_; JULIET srrvrnson



Fri 14 and Sat 15 Oct at Filmhouse Edinburgh Coming Soon to Glasgow Film Theatre

The List 14 27 October I98819