Mahler. l'uttt'e illttl Sclttllk‘ll, L3 1; “I gubcric‘ (“\umm‘mum”,th Edlnburgh l'llxl concert ml the S.\'( )Kne“ l‘tithtamme lm' '.\‘,\ Stlnpcnx \\ ith the l‘lr\'7

I Anne EvanS/Leon Coates Rcttl ( ~Ulle‘e‘ll l.lll \\ lt\ le ( 'ummixxum In (\II/lt'ulmn In

I Hall, I lltpm l'Iee \Mrlkslm lllllCJIMl \ntliexx \nle It...” l)nugl;|\l\lhc ' ungli til llrtt p\le‘llttltl l‘_\ llJL‘ll. l Lindel .llltl \t\|(\|\[ m Hl‘|l][]1\. l\l. I’i.|ml(‘nnccrlnnnd lrk‘ttltf'ttfllk“ \etlwn’xMmphom \u.‘emnplelesllte lAgr'pp'na ( Altltts‘lt l ll” 'l’ltk'ttllt'. pinginmme Reeen'tls appointed llL‘\\ Mm mngxitle lulu-ts: hm Illl‘llt)ueen\ Illll\ illieelui . linden 'l'huntsnn. Hull llm ( )llieel .ittpm. l- \ll.t dates: l'll enmlueh llimhmx liners see ulm Sun”. ". Sat .\. £35“ l L3 5” LI ~5l See \\ etl,‘ \‘nltlxli Sinlnmal lttl' lull «leseriptiun, I Agrippina ( lunch I ll” l'ltenlt'e. I An Evening at Light Entertainment or .rrrl \lnt nrngxnle trekeix; mix 2H1” l Queen's

til the Bl“ ' ( ~lilltlien ill \eetl Appeal l l.i|| llu\ ( )llleet " Rttpm. l:\li';i tlule; Sat ()tlL'L'll.\ll.tll.('lcll\Slle‘e'l llele‘thltN l \ Ll *lllL: <ll Ll “St. SCL‘\VL‘tl5lttl'ltlll _‘\llp[]] L‘sdlll Ll l, Spce‘lul perlormance Illlt) " ‘ltpm ltlttii[\ttpe‘n h Slllmt l.

l ""5": is “3‘” as “‘3”: by “at. ""3"!" Hull. 1: ( lore-mom Street. :zoxsos. city, than by event.

l‘.‘ l)” ( n'l‘” Sl'lnfl‘t’l \lk‘tttlchmltn'x 'l he l'klllll‘lll uh ( ~nneeil Hand. \\ llll 0| lliill;m('nneettnlmwinlmundpiunu. l’atriein .\l;re\l.iln»n lwpranu).intllulm 8 I Symphonium llteulle Rmul. l lope \lume ( pi inn) ' ' asgow

tlext l Ipliun

Street. 331 1234 3339mm

ntlpm. LES“ USU. ( ~hamlier orchestra lUl'lHL‘ll 7 I The Magic mute [mle RHWI. I rum.

lmmScnttixlt()peiii()iehextttiplnxei's \“LH “I I“; “‘t) e - g . , _ ~.~ __\- M- lttttl, .l.“lil.l‘.\ll‘;l perlmmmtlt\lni'reSlmaelt.lintln d‘hkx \\ U1 hymn,“ mnuulnhl)

()r llll\lttll. l’etei limlenham and l)nn;iltl I Philip Hall/Guszlav Fenyo_ Rs,\.\ll) ((il‘whm“ L I ‘md 5 \m Hidinhmuh).

I John Langdon Rs.\.\ll ) \lmeltxult 1 tall.

_ ~ H ,.“‘\\ ; fin \l;l\\\ C” III .tltl Ul ( XIIIL‘L'l‘ Rewind]. Slewgnxnn I L.” 1 im Ink-g .ulmixxImL [ml 1 4H \. . . . g, _ llttthnlitxxStuttllrmllllnt .. t, l t , tl l enudixumntxm.iilrihle). ll‘m lit-e .Itlllll\\lttll, lint llelxx‘l\\llt‘lllkl l'd‘ch "HM h“ “l‘l‘fnlcd m "m "mg “‘"l‘ Sue \\ etl * lm lull dent ilen. lit-utitJmt-tlmatlxanee llie\\mlei leim 4 “‘“ll‘fi‘lll'w'r‘-‘~ 5H5 - th‘VV‘”“l ISNOCIUll.i||.('4niullenggx237551l. \eltexut lnnt'hlimt~ euneel ls struts \\llll .m ' h hlele “HUI " mu.” I“ lhl‘Hh‘W "ml “'l‘ltt 13 5“ t.l l.5“(\L't'lo‘sdtseuttnlx rtl:_‘.llll\‘\'ll.ll \luxit'ln lUlllllx'lL‘llNl’u'lCl g l““”"‘ll""-“llt‘l‘t'l't‘l'”““lk‘l‘l .uatlalilel Sect-H7. lttllnltut'glt.lni'lull

, . . . lelemann. Hindemith untlSaint-Snenx - ~ lune“. 1 Link \ lltl. \lk lltlk l\\ttltll .lml . Edlhhurgh Quartet Rthu “Hm.” I L.”~ I GUillermo Fierens \m‘ \ Vl \ I” H \lk\\ll[‘llttll _| \ llaelt H t H . _ ._ w ' tea lg n \l .l .

l.l [HilllLL llle “llllLl ltlinxeriuul hum“ “hmnmlh,”“3H3”,Buhdgn

1 lice lunelillme t‘ttllk‘L'lh begins \\lll]lltt\ “M \m” m M“ ( .m'm .- ,H m] perlormance til ll.i\tln \ /‘ mm ()lltllll'l. , l lAngppInat ltlllu‘lt lllll lltuttlc.

- ' \llhlk‘ lni unit.” In \ lll‘ll nlmx. leiiuu 1 . \\ lneh \\ Ill lwe pteeuletl In an illustrated \lm ninexitle. litketx: (rim _tll*)l()ueen \ l t In ill ()u it t‘ l l ll 1 "MMIMW ll tllllr \()lll“l ililam L‘s <ii . L‘L' llla‘ L‘ . .l C \ tilt c .L‘Hl . . . . - LL ., (hllh. (.U;|lc\‘” Ilwzn‘llnl”-'\|ll\()nlh)u\k~‘ klllll.ll\llllll\ \rll (inmate lltkt‘ls .73\ll5‘ll\llet ll.illl llUuw.fittlxllmaitlmm .r\\enue.‘l-l,‘ \hMHPlhm

5 lllll\le\\lllll'lttll.t l)l‘l‘lk'(\Upldllt‘lJlltl 0 pheus MaIBCho"()lkLn \

\ut‘len begin then He“ “:in \\llll uncut “J” (- . h .. “()5 a“ l) - g -; the learliii: Baroque elmmlwl tllllxle‘ (ienllim l),i\ Itlwn l l‘.lllltl|lL‘l \leInfillk‘zlllkltfl.”Ht[Enlmm11"]?le—' T-fl“l'l“"“'l"“3"”“”l*'l“""‘ll““”‘l'l"' lThe Magic Flule'l’heane Rtt\;ll.llttlk‘ dwmnp‘lmcdI“ Illlk'dmlgml‘” I“"l‘k‘t'lk‘l“HIV‘WW “1”” ‘l"l“”“ln lllll\lettl l‘\ Hath.iml.ilwmt'lmlimt Sutuhzgl ‘3'}.13R3thhy"Ilsplnll.'\“u lillnl‘uiulilweluu eulngnntullteltltNl l’JVlls’ll‘Vl ‘( -"“"“‘V~'l“'”\'l' tl.Ile'\\.\\ CLl ltl.hl)ee. lltl)eelm;itl \l‘m‘d“NHL”th-'\“‘V” lli'llrltlli'

2 l(il.|\f_!n\\ l. l .lllkl.<\u\ll‘Llllll‘lll'glll. 'WQ‘WU “4'” lv“ll“"”»R“‘“l-‘~35 ()ueen’xllnllenneeltmanlul Diabetic l l.‘.‘ ..“ll[‘ltl l'\ll.ltl.llL'. S,il\.(il.1\:n\\ RCW‘HJ1

L1 5“ Ll“lseitex«liseuuntsm.itlrililel. Glasgow ' "'"""'"““‘"‘ _ .8 Th Chm c n H \\ i .ulmnetlpimluetmn.uneul lltemml 8V8 8 l ren once t‘lll\ Hm .. pupul.” Ill Settllhll ( )pem \ lt'l‘k‘lltlllk‘.

l);i\ ul \\ .ll\ll directs llll\ time l'l‘lllltl and

I k”.l\l lllu'llltlk‘\ \lrlltl“ \ ll l).t\ IL‘\. ( till-(lull I . . Samllmn. \.in(‘l1ri\lle,intl\l.ii'l;i G b M M - n INTER SERIES o, o - .. . ,. , elm" ?'°“""..e"s°".‘ e “3'” I ‘1” swim} "-‘I' h Antigua Koln(‘Koln' beingthe German Edinburgh spelling olCologne)have beenamuch I Agrippina ( hm“ “I” .I ml” sought alter concert attraction, though \lttl nungxnle 'l It'lxels, Nix Iltl‘ll(_)ueen\ Eve? bhusty; recordgng shchesmfttgr , , . . .L,...;,,\(,hm, ~ 3UP”, WWW.“ eu sc e ramap on as ep em “19 Edinburgh “mm, r “15,,” L; so”; so “is, out at the concert halls rathermore Quartet at ScottishSlitlnitinumlSmlumaUpeialoin lhantheirmany devoted admirers g B , do . "i'u‘t‘" Home“ =\r—'Hl‘imm mlhlmm might have wished. Allthe more t erndr S \\ Ilklllvttl . (Hittlltt‘lul . .llltl lxultel l‘u ell. reason’ then, to take the opportunity to [\ltuluu'l hear them allorded by their current Wednesdav 12 Oct 12th 6 Br'l'smqur' . _ GI It you listento the radio orreadthe at 7-43Pm asgow arts supplements, you mighthave £3.75 (cones available) I Janet Baker/Philip Ledger RSA M n encountered references to a debate Slmemun l l.ill. Hm ( )lliee 33: 5H5“ which is raging within Early Music yum,”inmmmiun hum I .l‘th‘lhh tllllllt ..“llt'l{:ti‘lj\’t';Ipthintlelxe‘h circles overthe value oltryingto attain . , t‘ “(\C ‘\ e.‘ _.‘ 'l\ ‘0 ladlnhurgh Quartet 03' 332 869' the lnt ‘l n ititln ll (' ‘Ielnitx L ‘llk' mu m ait-hzmlcny In pefloamance-s gt mus“: * w Ic was compose in perio sm l) H: . e' (\xii i'\ i ; - . . . l _l mime lll lml n__ l _\ ll indel. whichthe mstrumemsand techmques w w w w w."

in use were very ditlerent lrom those ol 18th century German and Italian

' ' the presentday. Since we can never consortin which MAK specialise was gCOttISh Early MUSIC wonsort originally perlormed. The lruit at all

know, one argument goes, whatthe

original perlormances were like this research is a highly inlormed [988/89 Scam," : ' , i . . , because we weren't there and we have approach to the mustc, Whlch glves P dmburgh & (’IngO“ no recordings at them, it is pointless Goebel and the lourother players a

trying to reproduce them. We do, goes central theme around which to

- I.I'. ROMAN |)l'. I~ Al \ Ial. n ith \\ alter ( arr the other, a' leasykhow whauhe organisetheirperlormance, and this ‘5: .I( )ll.\' \\‘.-\I.L.r\('li gets The Viennese Trumpet lixperienee inSlrumenlS were “er and People did geladiled :nogledfiehm the music goes . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . , write down perlormance details atthe an -in- an wit t e p ayers' mastery Bl RNS .\l(.lll ( ().\( LR I Songs and Instrumental muste time. so that gives us something to go onhe period instruments upon which MEDIEVAL Mt‘su‘ DRAMAS in full costume 0"- lhev Berton"- One POiHlOlSPecia' Reinhard Goebel. lounder and interest lorthe Edinburgh concert-goer director at MAK, is very much in the is that on Saturday, harpsichordist Edinburgh Glasgow second camp. He has spent many long Thierry Maeder will be playing an early Queen’s Hull 22 (m. l Dec. 19 Jan RSAMDZI()et.21)ee.2ll.lan "W3 i" "Diaries and mUSic 13‘" century "Emmet" "0m "'8 Old St Paul‘s (‘hureh ll Mar (ilasgim (‘athedral ll) Mar coqu‘L‘lns' "Tanningamafluscripts .Edgnbuzgh gggerfii.” cfl'fimtign’ “mien ,, .. _ ., , - an Iningou asmuc as ecan IS ase in eciia’s a, e Quun .\ [lulllim ()jju ( 0316682019 ll(l\(!( e "(nil-112273013 33]] abouuhe way in whichthe17m and concenvenue. (lain G'am)

[rs-1m) Box Office 041 332 5057

36 lllL‘ l.l\l 3i l Sept l 3 ( )L‘I l‘).\‘.\'