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PUMPHOUSF RESTAURANT, Queen's Dock, IOO Stobcross Road, Glasgow. The pumphouse is, in Fact, three bars. The Bombay Club is a good First port oi call. Lounge in the opulent replica oi the club ol the same name in Bombay. Enjoy thirties style lndian cuisine. Served by waiters, bearing Stella, in black tie and tails. For something less imperial, travel to Little Venice, next door. An endearing ristorante where you can dine amongst canvas originals oithe Venetian Riviera. ln the neighbouring Rusty pelican you can picl< your Own Fresh atlantic lobster and crab in the Fish Cy grill conservatory. li it's sunny sit out on the terrace and gaze out into Glasgow's Docklands. (Stella's great especially when it's pouring.)



F0 UQUE’I'S, 7 RENFIELD ST, GLASGOW (f you ’re one of the few who hasn’t been to Fouquets, then get a crowd together and go. Below Rranfield Street you’ll find a bar with an atmosphere and a mosaic floor- tiled cockerel all of its own. Here you can dine in candle-light in the romantic shadows of a brick-built vault. Slip into a sumptuous leather Chesterfield in the lounge. Or maybe the restaurant is more you. Bet you won’t make it past the huge semi-circular bar, though. Stella ’. ice cool, as is the DJ who’s there every night Thursday night is sixties night. With fab and groovy music to be danced to, and free dinners-for-two to be won.


()‘lll'INRYS. ll- IHH'RY S'l‘. GLASGOW. "Not on holiday'.’ Feeling the hlues'.’( )‘l lenry‘s is open every Sunday" proclaims the hlaek- hoard as you walk inside. But you deserve (Yllenry's any day. :\t street level it‘s hare floorboards. Newspapers on the bar. Jazz on the hi-l‘i. Forget what happened today. Slump into a wicker ehair and unwind with Stella in this sepia sanetuary. with it‘s preserved ionie

pillars and plaster eorniees. Below stairs you can sit and ehatter at eandle-lit pine kitehen tables and eoil to your heart‘s eontent. 'l‘he stall will lend an understandng ear and they won't he at all ol‘l‘ended il' you hayeift heard how good their menu is. llint: ask them to show you their sealood.
