attempting to focus on the flaw ed hero‘s attraction to the 'l'hugee way of life. but the element of psychological investigation plays second fiddle to the usual action highlights. Edinburgh: Dominion.

I Doctor In The House t i’( i ) ( Ralph Thomas. l'ls'. l‘)5~l) Dirk Bogardc. Kenneth More. Donald Sinden. ls'ay Kendall. James Robertson .luslrce. ‘ll mins. The first in a long line of film sequels. which in turn spaw tied a long-running sequel. is not quite as dreadful as one might expect. 'l‘he usual catalogue of medical humour is giv en a breezy run-through by a cast that makes this kind of pap half worth watching. Bogarde must cringe at it these day s. Edinburgh: l-‘ilmhouse.

I Fox ( I8) ( Rainer Werner l’assbindc r. W. (iermany. 197m Rainer Werner Fassbinder. Peter (‘hatcL ls'arlheinz Bohm. l23 mins. Fassbinder himself plays l‘ox. an unemployed carniv al worker w ho is picked up by a middle-clasa antiques dealer and introduced to a new milieu where he is exploited. Compassionate. overheated and politically astute homosexual melodrama in the director's most controlled style. lzdinbugh: l'iilniliousc.

I Frantict l5) ( l larrison l‘ord. l'S. l‘l88) Ilarrison l-‘ord. Betty Buckley. limmanuell Seigner. l2llmins. ('ardiologist Ford and w ifc Bttckley travel to Paris for a conference. btrt en route manage to exchange one of their cases for a high precision electronic detonator. 'I'he sudden disappearance of his w ile in a foreign city where he doesn't speak the language. is soon to pitch rm-a into a plot that involves international espionage and the murky l’arisren underworld.

(iood to see Polanski partially rcdeeerning himself alter the soggy l’rrurev. But it isonly partially . becaiIse this attempt at a l litchcockian thriller is really rather dog-cared in conception and sluggish of execution. though the cast are worth watching. (ilasgovv : ('annon Sauchiehall Street. lidinburgh: (‘annorr I Full MetalJackefi l8)(Stanlcy Kubrick. l'K. 1987) Matthew Modine. Dorian llarewood. lirmey. lllUmins. ’l'echnically cffectiv e bttt soulless depiction of raw Vietnam recruits as they endure basic training and the even greater horrorsof the 1908 'l‘et offensive. A disappointment. Edinburgh: l-‘ilmhouse. I Girlfriendsi l5) ((‘laudia Weill. l 'S. l‘l78) Melanie Mayron. Anita Skinner. lili Wallach. 88mins. After her roommate leaves to get married. an independent young woman has to face up to love and career problems on her ow n. linormously likeable performance by Melanie May ron cases this engaging btit rather uneven movie over its less successful passages. (ilasgow: (il’l‘.

I The Glass Menagerie ( t’( i l ( Paul Newman. LS. 1987) .loanne Woodward. John Malkovich. Karen Allen. I35 mins. Definitive screen translation of one of Tennessee Williams' most tender and acuter autobiographical plays. dealing with his love for a sister lost to mental illness and his own guilty homosexuality.

Woodward is the dominant matriarch. a fluttering Southern belle w ith ever-ready memories of her glorious youth. Allen is the crippled daughter retreating into her own world of old phonograph records and a collection of fragile glass animals. Malkovich the restless son eager for life to begin. llis invitation todinncr bringsa gentleman caller to the table and reality intrudes into this delicately perched nest of fantasy and selfdeltrsion.

The intelligence of New-man‘s guiding hand is evident throughout as he respects the text. adopts a fluid cinematic style and captures some outstanding performances for posterity. Edinburgh: Eilmhouse.

I The Goalkeeper’s Fear Of The Penaltyt 15) (Wim Wenders. W. Germany. 1972) Brtinannz. I.isa Kreuzer. ltll mins. Excellent early Wenders collaboration

with novelist Peter I landke. which focusses on a disillusioned ex-lootballer vv ho can no longer lace tip tothe responsibilitiesol his emotional life. Worth seeing. Edinburgh: Cameo. I Good Morning Vietnamt Iii ( Barry l.evinson. IS. 1088) Robin Williams. l-'orest Whitaker. lung 'l’nanh Iran. Bruno Kirby. lZl mins. See caption rev icw (ilasgow; (annon("larkston Road. (ir'osv enor, ()dcon. lidinbur'gh: ()deon. Strathclyde; .-\M(‘(‘|ydebank lll. Kelburnc. ()deon Ay r. ( )deon l lamilton. Rialto. I Hairspray ( l’(il(.lohn Waters. I'S. I98") Ricki Lake. Div inc. Debbie l larry . Sonny Bono. 02 mins. Baltimore. 1%2. l'proar breaks out on the Dance ( ~ouncil of top IV pop extravaganza 'l'hc ( ‘or'ny (‘ollins Show w hen hefty teen queen Ricki Lake deposes the former star of the show . and begins to make friends with (gulp) black people. thus breaking down the programme‘s strict racial segregation. l‘nflagging entertainment as former trash king Water's does his ow n bi/ar'rc version of mainstream comedy. Definitely one of the fun mov iesof W88. ('entral: Regal. Rialto. IA Handful 0f0usftt’(ii((‘harles Stur'ridgc. IR. 198") James Wilby. Kit'sly n Scott-'l'homas. Rupert ( iraves, l18 mins. I.iv ing in splendour at the ancestral seat. ill-matched upper class couple Wilby and Scott—'l‘homas find their already deteriorating relationship ntrdged further along the road to ruin by the arrival of handsome ingentr ( irav es asa parasitical house guest.

Beautifully acted and crafted film version of the lively n Waugh novel captures the sources period detail with impeccable case. btll the characterisation's genteel fair—mindedncss fatally subdues the originals venomous note. (ilasgow: (il’l’. (’annon ( 'larkston Road. Edinburgh: Dominion.

I Highlandert l5 ) ( ‘hristopher Lambert. Beatie Indney . Sean (‘onnery. llo mins. A handful of immortals battle through the centuries to w in a mythical prize. A curious mixture of romance in loth century heather and car chases in present day New York the film is an inelegant. often ludicrous. btrt enioy ably daffy fantasy adventure.

Lambert seems more at home with the contemporary passagesand only the ev er wonderful ( ‘onnery has the requisite sty le for the kitsch Scottish scenes. Edinburgh: (‘ameo IThe Hitcheri l8) (Robert Mandel. l‘S. l98bl Rutger l lauer. ('. 'l'homas l lowell. .lennifer.lason l.eigh. 98 mins. Drowsy driver I lowell gets more than he bargains for w hen he picks up psycho-hitche r llauer in this genuine edge-ol-the-scat suspenser. ladinburgh: ('arneo.

I House ofGamesr 15) (David Mamet. l'S. IVS") lindsay (rouse. Joe Mantegna. I.ilia Skala. lll2 mins. A workaholic psychiatrist. the author of a bestselleron compulsive behaviour. becomes hopelessly interested in a group olcon men and the seams they perpetrate on gullible suckers. Attracch by the

v icar'ious thrill of their games. she is eager to graduate from observer to participant but then finds that her lighthearted escapism has led to larceny . intrigue and murder.

Although slow to start this develops into a gripping and pleasurany serpentine thriller of ingenious tw ists. hard-boiled (‘handlcresque dialogue and surprise double-crosses. A (‘hinese box of a film to be seen and savoured. Edinburgh: Eilmhouse.

I Inferno ( l8) ( Dario Argento. ltaly IS. 1978) Leigh Mc(‘loskey. lrcne Miracle. Dario Nicolodi. 107 mins. An American student returns from studies in Rome to discover that a series of" brutal murderson both sides of the Atlantic could hav e a bizarre supernatural connection. l'sual nonsensical Argento plott in. usual

Argento stylish suspense sequences. Edinburgh: ('ameo.

I lronweed ( 15 ) ( l leetor Babenco. I'S. l‘)87).laek Nicholson. Meryl Streep. (’arr'oll Baker. 1-13 mins. Drunken hobo Nicholson returns to a hometown and family he had abandoned twenty years previously following the death of hisinfant son. Intimationsofhisown mortality and the need to make peace with the ghostsof his past have driven him back.

blighted lives and the underside ofthe American dream known as failure set during the dying days of the inter-War depression. Excellent performances all-round. moody carneravvork and composition; a potentially dour drama of dereliction has been transformed intoan American classic. (ilasgow': (il-‘l'.

I Jungle Book (U) (Wolfgang Reitherman. 1967) With the v'oieesol (ieorge Sanders. Louis l’rima. 78mins.

Remarkably engrossing examination of

(irowing up in the jungle. young Mow gli learns from the animals around him. Enjoyable latterday Disney . a long way after Kipling. btll the songs are wonderful. Strathclydc: ()deon Ay r.

I Kings OI The Road ( l5) l Wtrn Wenders. W. (iermany. l‘)7(vi Rudiger Vogler. Bruno(ianz. l"bmins. A businessman escaping from his domestic responsibilities joins up with atr'av elling cinema equipment repairman in an odyssey round the rural tnov ichotrsesol (iermany . Brilliant road movie more than bearing comparison with its American models. the episodic narrativ e and bleak monochrome cinematography emanating an almost palpable sense of despair. Highly recommended. (ilasgow : (il’l.

I The Last Temptation Of Christi 18) (Martin Scorsese. I'S. l‘)88) Willem Dafoe. Harvey Keitel. Barbara I lershey'. I larry Dean Stanton. lo3 mins. ('ontrov'ersial thotigh hardly blasphemous




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