Roland .I(‘ I2flcombo amp.

I Empire Studios 2 South West (‘umberland Street I.anc.ll.‘~l 55o 3M3. S track. Atari IIWI computer yy ith Steinherg Pro 24 sequencing and editrrigsoltyyare. in effect a 24 track MIDI recorder. ('onseqtieritly mainly used by clienlsdoing

digital MII)I yyor‘k. but they can acwmriiodate drummers. etc. Rates: to per hour . L-Ill per day. Mics: Shurc. I)esk: Seck I2 8 2. ‘I ape machine: 'l‘ascam 3S. I 2m tape. Mastering: Sony stereo recorder or Nakamichi cassette deck. lnslruriieiitsayailable: Alesis I IR lo drum machine. lilisoniq Mirage keyboard. Paul. I2-string acotrstie. Session: bass. guitar. drum programming.

I Energy Recording Studios 3n .‘s'ext Broornpark. ( iranlott Park Ayenue. Izl I5. “3] 552fl2fl‘). .\'o inloi‘mation available

I Frontline Production Co Roslin.ll314-10-1337. Iixpanded greatly in last year to a fully -lIedged production company. A Iotrack studio. a MIDI-based production suite. and a set-up proy'iding full production ol video. graphics. photography lor'slceye designs and all other kinds olpromo yyork. l’rit‘es negotiable. and iised by everyone from l‘lie Scotsman to Dancing Bears. 1 ) MIDI studio: ‘state-of-the-ar'l computer technology". Atari computer with Steinberg Pro 2-1 V3 .soltyyare. Place of desk taken by 'I‘ascam graphic line mixing yy ith Roland M loll. ‘I‘ape machine: Akai M(i MD 12 track recorder. Mastering: Sony P('M 7ft]. Keyboards and samplers: Akai SUI)“. (‘asio I'"/. sampler. I)X7. Juno lilo. and most others. Scamp rack. including S()l compressors. Iiilltl

exp gates. Midiyer'b 2. RX5II. Bel stereo t’Ianger'. 'I’ascam parametric H). 2) 16 track sttidio: Mics: AKG. Sliure. Desk: Allen and Heath System 2-1 8 2. Tape machine: 'I‘ascam lin. Mastering: Rey-ox B77 1 '4in mastering. Drayy'mer gates and compressors. Midis erb digital. Instruments available: most keyboards and guitars. etc. Session players: any. Relaxed Country enyironmcnt. but no accommodation.

I Hart Street Studios 4 . Ilart Street Lane. (Bl 557' 0181 . 24 and lotrack

studios. Preyiotts clients include Simple Minds. Nazareth. .lesse Rae. Shop Assistants. l-"iction l-‘actory. I l2-I track sttidio. used for all kinds ol ttttisie. from rock groups to film soundtracks. Rates: £3le per day. Mics: Neumann. AKU. Beyer. Shure. I)esk: .\I(‘I (illll2li channel. 'I'ape machine: M('l .II I 24ti‘ack. Mastering: MCI .III I III onto I m tape. Around 4lltlsq ft plus isolation booth and extremely large control roorii. Amiga

computer. Dr"I‘sequericer

package. 2) to track. Rates: £I5ll per day . I)esk: Soundcraft Still. 'lape Machine: l‘ostcs lilo. Mastering: Reyox. (‘ontr'ol room plus two booths. Instruments ayailable: Various Roland. Sequential (‘ii'cuits and Yariiaha

sy‘nths. Mini-Moog. IiMI'

2 Izmulator. dr'urnkits.

Roland and Y amaha drum

riiachines. piano. .lust about any session players as ailable. classical or' pop. Kitchen and toilet. I Influence Recordings Blair'Str'eet. “3| 2202162. Iti tracks. (iood ncyy demo studio. irsed by (rows. Ransom. Splash Me I'm I)ro\yningand other bands practising in \‘iddrie Street Blair Street rooms. Rates: ill) per hour. S track option £6 per hour. btit negotiable. Mics: Shure SM5S‘. I)esk: Soundtracs lo S lo. 'Iape machine: I‘ostex B to. Mastering: Aiyy a. straight on toeassette. MIDI Songyy riting facility. also negotiable. Alesis Mici'oy'erb. Yamaha multi-eff'ects. Audio Logic stereo compressor and noisegate. RtllillltllRDZD drum machine. Instruments ayailable: most kinds. I Palladium Sound Recording Straiton I louse. loanhead Road. Straiton \'ilI;igc‘.IiII2tl.tl31440 IIIS'J. 24 track. Preyious clients include l.ll‘lLllSIilf‘llC. ('octeau 'I'yyins. Pr'elab Sprout (and other Kitchenware bands). Run Rig. Deacon Blue. Paul lIaig. Indian (iiyers. Rates: from£21 per hour plus VAT. i I 5 per head accommodation. Mics: Sanken. Shure. Neumann. A K(i. Sennhciser. I)esk: Soundcraft 'I‘SZ-I 32 channel. automated. Seyen digital rey‘erbs. Mastering: ()tari M'I'R 9t) mk 2. MIR l2. DolbySR (digital quality on analogue). Instruments ayailable: Yamaha I)X7. I).\7 Il.(‘3 grand piano. Roland .IX 3P. Kurzyy'eil

For any band serious about leaving a good impression with their gigs, it is essential to have a good PA system, and a good working relationship with the sound engineer.

Willie Knox ol Tone Zone, who has worked on the live sound at Wet Wet Wet, Love and Money and many others on a local scale, has plenty of useful advice for bands wondering how to choose a PA for their first gigs.

‘The most important thing,‘ he explained, ‘is that the band thinks out in advance what they need lor the particular gig. Thatvaries from hand to band, but I think it is important that bands look at the quality of the rig as well asthe price.‘

‘It is also very important that bands don‘t hire more than they need. What they should do is hire the best gear they can afford and ask other people who have played the venue before them about what is needed. There are always plenty of people willing to give advice.‘

Having chosen a PA company, he suggests that the success at the

(BI 553 (i512. Strack to channel demo studio iised by many local bands. though currently especially popular yy ith synth duos solo artists. Rates; to per hour. thouin likely to rise as studio is upgraded. Possibility of ball price it you can engineer yourself Mics: Shiir‘e SM5S. Bang ()lul'sen condenser. Beyer. I)esk: ISchannel Seek. 'I'ape machine: Fosth AS. Mastering: Akai 2 track. I)A'l mastering planned for near future. Atari computer with Steinbcrg sof‘tyyare. Drum machines. I-"mtex digital

f delay. yar'iousnoisegates

and compressors. SI’XUII

effectsuriit. Instruments

ay‘ailable: Iinsoniq Mirage sampler. linsoriiq liS() M module. Yamaha IX?

module. Roland .lurio lilo.

ItlIISimmons electronic

Maxwell Thornton

partnership is as much to do with the band, as the sound man: ‘The best lavour a band can do themselves is just to be disciplined. lfthe band have themselves together then they are line, but if they are not willing to take advice on volume or whatever, then it is a waste of time hiring a sound person.’

Finally, as many of Glasgow's venues are notoriously difficult for loading a PA system -which can Willie recommend and which does he dread?

‘I don‘t think there is a good venue for loading. Cardinal Folly is certainly top at the list of places to avoid. Rooftops is bad, especially if the lift is broken down, but most of the nightclub venues are the same. Ol that sort of size, the Mayfair is the easiest from our point of view.‘

‘The Mitchell Theatre is probably the best venue from the point of view of loading, and it has great acoustics. It is a shame that it is probably the wrong type of venue lor most at the bands reading this though.’ (John Williamson)

keyboard. SBX St) SMP'I‘I‘. sync box. Pearl drurnkit. Korgorgari. Latin percussion. amps. Session players: anything. I Pier House Ia ( iranton Square. lil I5. “31 552 354‘). lb track. soon to be upgraded to 2-1. Prey ious clients include Ille ( 'i'oyys, Proclaimers. Soup Dragons. Shop Assistants. Dick (iaughan. (iarrisoii. Beginning to specialise in

any name that needs miking up. especially drums. in contrast to the numberof synth MIDI studios in the city. In processol refurbishing. installingy ideo link and new acoustic treatments to rooms. and moy ing control room upstairs into large (ieorgian

bay -yy indoyy'ed room. Rates: £15 per hour. Mics: .\'eumann. Sclioeps.

A K(i. Beyer. (‘alrec.

[{Iectroy-oice. I)esk:


compute r-controlled 32

channel. Automated

mixdoyy'n later in the year. 'I‘ape machine: Strider

Ats’ll. Mastering:

: Analogue A7lltlt Dolby A). digital Sony P(‘M. , Instrumentsavailable: (iretschdrunikit.Roland keyboards. Session

players: anything. I Pizarro Ltd 128 Duke Street. Leith. EIIoRIIR.

drum kit triggered to MIDI. Session player's: keyboard. brass. backing y'oeals. etc. can all be arranged. Pizarro are also iny'oly'ed in management and Video.

I Planet Recording Studio 34a Broughton Street. Iilll.tl3l 55o Pt)? 24 tracks. prey ious clients include Wet Wet Wet. (iootlliy e Mr Macken/ic. Secession. Shanten. APB. I'iiii 'I‘ribe. Just Add Water. Rates: £150 for“) hours. Mics: Neumaiiri. Sennhciser. A K(i. Beyer. lzleetr‘oy‘oice. ( ‘alrec. I)esk: Bel Munro 32 channel. o auxiliary sends. Mastering; Digital Sony P(’M 7(ll . Analog Reyos B77 I 4m. Instruments ay'atlahle: Alesis Io-lirt drum machine. Yamaha DXI’I'Rsos. .\l(‘.<oo_ Mini-Moog. I' risoriiq lil’S sampler. Rickenbacker IZ-string. ()tlier equipment. notably a Premier dr'umkit and an Iimulatoryyith sound library . can be hired lll. Studioaround l IIIII square feet; isolation booth lor' drums and vocals. and liy c room.

I R.E.L. Studios in Sciennes. l'.l I”. “31 (lots 3360. 2-1 tracks. One large ambient roorii and one acoustically-seetioried-olf room. I’rey iotrs clients include Iggy Pop. Big ('ountry. Run Rig. Wet Wet Wet. low and Money. Proclaimers. Pastels. Billy McKen/ie. Rates: I2 hours for £45tl £45 per hour. I)ealstor smaller bands Wllll limited resources ayailable. Mics; Neumann. Sennhciser. AKU. Beyer. I)esk:

'l‘rident Series Sfl. 'I'ape

Machine: Atari multitrack. lixlcitsiye and high-quality digital

The List 16 2‘) September 1988 67