031557 3073. Witha capacity of abotit 400. The Venue gets intolerably hot and packed on its busy nights. which this year have included gigs by The Big Dish. Fairground Attraction and Pere (Jim. The Venue also plays host to a huge variety otsmall local bands. often doing their first gigs. and thanks to its eclectic booking policy you're as likely to find a percussion group from West A frica as a bunch ol‘ local indie noisemakers or American hardcore enthttsiasts. Unknown local bands take a percentage ot' the door takings. and there isa nominal tee for bands travelling from outside Edinburgh. Booking agents are (‘osmos (th1 2264527). W’eekendsare generally set aside for heavy rock. national scale acts on Saturdays and local bands on Sunday s (Soundelieek Rock (‘ltibz ()3l 5562678).
I The Music Box Victoria Street.(l3l 22(l 1708. Small and frequently cramped. but good atmosphere. and useful balcony (when they open it). Jesse Rae's preferred Edinburgh yenue. (‘ontaetz Arrow l.cisure. (l3l (T(13()7(ll .
I The Cavern ( 'ow gate. 031 22‘) 5(1-1 l . (‘apacity 300—35“. Bands on the nightsa week. Now under new management. eager to giye new bands a break and intending to set tip swaps with Newcastle. Contact: .laiie.
I Bermuda Triangle (‘oasters Complex. West 'I‘ollcross.(l312283252. l-‘ormer home ol the lloochie (‘ooeliie (‘lub. and still tisetl occasionally for live music.
I The Mission Victoria Street.(l3l 225 55M. .\'ow looks sadly departed. btit we can always hope (or a new lease of lite.
I Buster Brown's Market Street. Another disco. ay'ailable tor hire. (iigs y'ery infrequent. btit worth approaching them.
IThe Amphitheatre l.othian Road. (BI 22‘) 767”. l’lush disco. no jeans or trainers. llas held personal appearances from M( )R singers. btit not tor a while.
IThe Preservation Hall Victoria Street. ((31 226 3816. Popular ptib with an island bar. and small stage on which large bandsget quite cramped. (lets y ery busy . especially at weekends. when there is an entrance charge on the door. Rc’t B and blues-rock is especially
popular here — Jack Bruce and Wilko Johnson both played during the Festival — btit broad range front pop to heavy metal. Monday is the regular heay'y roekvmetal night. I Lord Darnley West Port. “31229-1341. Local bands every night. residencies by Billy Jones and The Last l)ctatl at the moment.
I The Canny Man's Morningside Road. 031 4-17 (48-). Pub acts. booked by the manager. I Negociants Lothian Street. (l3l 2256313. Bands play in the basement. and because of the size of the place. blties and other small bands are popular. Definitely worth trying. as they can be quite open-minded. (‘ontact2 (iraham Allison.
I Oddtellows Forrest Road. (l3l 22H lb’lb. From blties and (k W to indie-pop. Booked upa long way ahead. (‘ontaetz .\'eil.
I Cale St James St James (‘entre. (l31 557 263]. l-‘ormerly lop olthe Walk. they‘re starting live music on Thursday s from early ()ctobcr. (’ontaet: Bill lliggtnsor Brian Kelly.
I Scottish Exhibition and Conlerence Centre. l'itttiic‘ston (next to l-innieston BR) (Ml 2-18 3(ltltl. Accommodating the major name acts only w ith yarious sizes ot hall which hold between 2()(l(land l(l.(l()(l. Reeetit gigs by l.\'.\'S. Wet Wet Wet. 'l"l’au. Bryan Adams. I.loyd (’ole and the ('ommotions. Ry (‘oodeia I Barrowland 244. (iallowgate. (MI 552 «tout. Among bands.
Barrow land is casin the layottrite Venue iii (ilasgow . althotigli sometimes the audience may haye reason to wonder why. Again mainly big name acts promoted by Dance liactory and Regttlar Music (see promoters) withonly limited opportunities (or local support acts. Recent gigs by l)cacon Blue.'l'he l’riinitiy es. Joe Strummer. Robert Plant. tirasure.
I The Pavilion Theatre 121. Rent'ield Street. (MI 332 ISM». (Bookings manager: lain(iordoul Medium size y entie well suited to more acoustic based music. with a capacity ot )tist under 15””. Mairin non-rock
Recent torthcoming shows by Suzanne Vega. lltte and ( 'ry . Nanci
When the amount at musical talent that comes from the Glasgow area is considered, there is a shocking lack ol good venues, promoting up and coming
The dilliculty in either getting a gig or getting a good gig spans right across the spectrum: bands looking tor their lirst gig are otten asked to play for no/little money or are lorced into lengthy sets of covers, while the acoustics ot the SECC speak volumes about the problems encountered at the stadium end olthe market.
One at the lew venues to have remained a permanent lixture on the Glasgow circuit (or local bands overthe years has been the Fixx Bar in Miller Street. Among those who have graced its (albeit coniined) boards are Wet Wet Wet, Hue and Cry, Deacon Blue
and the Silencers.
(irit'lith. Mica l’aris. Universities/ CoHeges
I Queen Margaret Union tiniyersity (iardens.(l41 339 9784. The largest and most prominent sttideiit venue. with a varied musical programme. which occasionally caters (or local bands. Most likely eyents are cndol term balls and the Sunday night liye music in the bar which is sometimes arranged. W'atch press (or details.
I Strathclyde University Union 9“. .lohri Street. (MI 552 [895. A l’airly typical student yenue (although it is nine floors up) which sometimes eaters tor smaller bands on support slots. (iigs last year by l(l.(l()(l Maniacs. Roaehlord. Mighty l.cmon Drops. llue And (l).
I Glasgow School mm 167. Rentrew Street. (MI 332 (lo‘)l. A goody enue. which is not normally restricted to studentsand guests (although the bar is). Most major gigsarc promoted by Dance
l E l
Factory . btit there are occasional ey cuts in the bar. (iigs last year by'l'he Sugareubes. (’armel. Martin Stephenson And The Daintees. Danny Wilson.
I Glasgow College at Technology 7o
('ow caddcns Road. ()4! 3320081. [.ess lrcquent promoter -— usually gigs at the start of term. (‘hristtnas and liaster. (iigs last year by the Men The} (‘ouldn't llang. 'l'he Bodincs.
I Glasgow University Union lfniycrsity‘ Ayenue. (l-ll 33982-17. Although the taeilities (and probably the demand) exist. the last gig at (ilflf is so long ago, I have forgotten who it was by.
Other Venues
I The Third Eye Centre 350.
Sauehiehall Street. ()4! 332 7521. Surprisingly tinder-rated yenue which
I spoke to Alan MacKay at the venue, and asked him how bands should go about getting a gig there: ‘We know a lot at people in the trade, so a lot of the bands we put on are selected by word at mouth. That probably accounts (or more bookings than people just bringing demos in.
‘We have found that a lot at bands just aren't together enough to produce a good demo, even it they are good live. A lot at OK bands produce third rate tapes, when the tape is meant to be like a shop window (or them. On the other hand, there are bands who manage to sound better than they are through using a good studio.‘
One source at lrustration to bands from outside Glasgow is that the Fixx, along with some at the other venues is reluctant to give too many gigs to bands lrom outside the Glasgow area. Is this positive discrimination?
‘Yes and no,‘ said Alan. ‘Obviously, we hate to be left with the place empty, and people are reluctant to check out a new band who are totally unheard ol. However, it there is a band trom outside Glasgow that are creating a lot at interest we will considerthem. There is a great support (or live music in Glasgow. . . and in any case I think we just like to promote Glasgow
Hopelully, the continued success at the Fixx as alive music venue may encourage otherlarsighted publicans to consider the possibility at live bands. Sadly the attitude ‘3 DJ is cheaper' still seems to prevail. (John Williamson)
cart house bands iii either the cute or the small theatre. (‘an be hired. Recent gigs by l lorsc. the Beat l’oels.
I The Tron Theatre t’arnie Street. (J41 5584]»? Again not a regular yetitie. but another which can be made ay ailable at certain times. and has housed good shows iii the past. Recent gigs by Woinack and Womack. Mica Paris and The Mt‘fltiskey Brothers. IThe VolunteerCentre [zlmbank Street. Recently used by S'l'\' tor recording the next series of the Aly BaiiiShow btitattciiipts are being made to establish it asa regular liye \euue.
IThe Revue 344. (iallowgate. (Ml 552 Jotll Opening at the end ol' September this eltibis downstairs at
Barrow land. atid promises cheap drink. a
‘The rip off is the age old story. isn‘t it? It‘s always going to happen.‘ George Michael. 1984. (Expensive Habits by Simon Garfield)
The List to — 2‘) September 1988 63
late licence and top ‘eult' bands lrom Scotland. Britain and abroad. Judgement reseryed until tested.
I Fury Murrys ‘)oMaxw ell Street. (Ml 22l (i5l l. ((‘ontact‘. ‘l‘ony (iottgh) (‘urrently closed during the summer. btit probably the best \enttc (or local bands to play. (‘an be hired iii addition to the regtilar'I‘hursday night promotions. Recent gigs by (‘lose lobsters. llead. Rhythm Sisters. Railway ('hildren. His latest l‘lamc. ( iianl.’l‘hc Me(‘|uske_\ Brothers. Shine.
I Hoottops U2 Sauchiehall Street. (N! 352 5383. Best \enue (or independent music. with regular bands on l-ridays and Sundays. w ith local bands leattt red quite ollen. Sometimes bands on a 'l'hursday as
\\ ell. ((‘ontact; Willie l’otts), Recent gigs by the “Under Sttlll. lllc Weather l’rophets. The (rows. Baby ‘s ( iot .-\ (iun.(‘ra/yhead_
IThe MaylairfThe Venue 47(l Sauchiehall Street. (Ml 332 3373. Both()K \euues 'l'heMaytair being the larger hall. the Venue being the smaller. Both are as ailable (or litre. although the Venue Usually hasa heayy metal act on l‘ridays. Contact: .ltine. Receiil gigs (Maylairlby Big Surfl'he 'l‘hiey'es. ( ioodbye Mr Macls'en/ie. 'l’he Batlicrs. I The Cotton Club 5-". Scott Street. 552-(l7l2. Agaiti as ailable tor hire costing slightly lessthan lllL‘ May lair. (‘oiitactz Michael ( ‘alder. Recent gigs by Julia l-ordham. l‘ai'ewell l’arade. White. I Madisons 4t). \Vcst (ieorge Street. (Ml 332 “122. ('urrently closed dtie to licensing problems. Prior to this there was a regular Sunday night liye band. with the possibility ot hiring the \enueon some other nights.
IThe Sub Club 22. Jamaica Street. (l-ll 2-18 4mm. Has the tacilitiesl'or liye music. though promotions here are relatiyely inlrequent. .\'ot the world's most interested or receptiy e audience. (iontact: (iraeme Wilson.
Recent gigs by Rich.(‘tit The Ice.
I The Bad Ass Club 7 s). (‘lyde l’lace. (Ml 42‘) 4422. Some opportunities tor bands. Recent gigs by l'.t'k Alors. Bobby Delicious and the Danger Men.
I Henry Alrikas 15. York Street. (Lil 22] ()1 l l . Once one ot the best liye music