FiliitllTStl'L‘iith. hlues. I Alter Eight Mince Music Box. Victoria Street. 3le VHS 9pm. .lau ltttrk. I Barony Jazz Barony Bar. Bt‘ottghton Street. Si‘ui-ln 5 3n TitipmMeianie O‘Reillyand Frances Cowanzuau ll 3|lptn Jimmy Wood Trio I Cale Biarritz til l‘tetlel'lels Street. :25 5:11 ‘lpm trrtdntglrt [as e tau swing. I Edinburgh Jazz Quartet ( ‘oppers. (liekl‘ut H Street. :35 144 I. i'yening. I Graham Blamyre Jazzers itilsill Street. llaytr‘. irket lerraee. 33" ltlilti. liyentng I Templehall Stompers ‘l ettrple l iotel. l sl‘lrrlratle. loppa.trtt‘)1:o1 liyening.

l 1.l\l.t.".tl time residents 3 Glasgow

I George McGowan Trio with Linda Fletcher lil.t.'kll l.ll\. Bell Street. \tetehant(‘rty. ‘5‘ 5‘131 l yenttrg Residentdtunrnter's

“.r'rr‘. yr. rth srrrger and guests.


ITaj Mahal Bandt)ueensll.rll.(’lerksi. '\’~\ .‘J’l‘l \ptn Ur 5l'lU 5W. 1 egendary \vrze l lerll‘. hlues titan telttr its \y rth hrs x\lli\ l ( at r rheatr and tank rniluetreed group I BaronyJazz Barony Bat . Broughton i Street. 55TI'51o 53H 3 FllmeaSt Getaway. ‘l 5'1 ll 3llpm ESP IAiphaJazz Quartetlzlletsley llouse ll‘iel. l Ilersley Read.t‘otstorplrrne. .35"

fti\\\ \ It

I Texas Breakiasit‘ate lirairitx. til it. detrek Street. :35 5344 '~Iprn :rridntghl IAlex Shaw Trio(Rippers.(‘oekhutrr

Street. 335 l 11! i'.\e‘illllg

i ISpirits Othyihm HastnStt‘eei.

llay rrra'kei l etraee, 53" lilllti. l'yentng.


i SATURDAY 24 Glasgow

I Rive Gauche Soerety ()t \lttsteians. ' lietkeley Street. 22! (\l I: .-\itetnoon ~ 5"p llot('luhsutngytolrnandgurlai


t IAlex Dalgleish AllStarSRollsRoyee

f ( la". l’trsley Road. .'\ilet'nootr.

i IThe Big BandsRiyetstdet'luh.l-o\

i \li‘e'el.r‘ll(.i‘ulk'SllL‘L‘l.1~l53l4~1 l Split lnrr liatella and ( ieotge Me(iowan lyyo

l‘tefl‘alttfs.e'ltilttislaslstilttlll'le‘lltl\.r\\e‘l‘ themtllettroon

I Ron Moore. Rikki Fernandezla la\et‘na

l.rt‘s.‘.o\\tret reseettt.55‘l"l:.\’ ‘l 5” l:

rrrrtittrght lree \lusrernthelxrr

IDuncanWhyte‘sJazz Band StudroHne.

titusyenor llotel. Bytes Road.


I society QuartetSoeiety ()i \ltrsretans.

Berkeley Street. 2:] til 1: \pm 5l'p



I Barony Jazz Barony liar . liroughtotr Street FEWMm l_‘ fin 2 3llpm30phie BancroitGroupwi In it 5llt‘taniShJamBS Trio

I Alpha Jazz Ouarteil lie-r sley House Hotel} lletsley Road. ('orstorphtne. 33‘ t~\\\ \ Him]:

I Alex Shaw Trio l’lanornr l.l{ulland Street. 225 ll.“ lutrelrttme I Peristalsis Brothers (ale Brat-r amt ltede: rek Street. :35 53-14

“pm :rttelrrrgltt

I Alex Shaw Trio ( oppets. ( 'oekhut n Street. :25 l 14! i‘ye’llllt};

IToto And ThBJaZZBOStOTTSl’teset'\.tllttn llall. \ relot ta Street. In 55% I Jpnr I Doctor MacJazz iiasllt Street.

llayvrra: ket l.‘tt.tee. 3.3“ it'll!» ltyetrrng

lzati hand


I Bow Gameian Ensemble ('lyae \y .tlkyyay. and noise Ineludes pthtoeh and troy el peterrsstort. e\plosronsand light

one trgr rr‘rfé‘é‘scrfic‘nfiii‘? W 5

dusk. approx 7.30pm. l’erl‘ortttanee at‘t Fireworks. scrap metal itty‘entiotrsand sonie delights. A Third Eye Garden

Vestry al commission.

I New Jazz 'i he Bar. Tron Theatre. l’arnie Street. 553 4%" £1.5iliill.1.3ll-5pm. ‘l'rotr‘s w eekly tau scene changes gear.


I Clyde Valley Siompers ()tteetr‘s l lall. ('lerk Street. Spm. Ur 511L5.511.\Vl1lt (iuests. (irand rettniott oi Scotland's or tgtnal rey tyal tt'addies.

I Barony Jazz Barony Bar. Brougltton site-er. SS‘tlSJrr u_ t lpnr MeianieD'Reiliy and Francis Cowan.

I Live Swing Jazzt‘ale Biarritz. til i-"rederiek Street. 225 52-14.

‘lpnr midnight l’hone iordetails.

I Ronnie Rae Trio l’lati'ot'm l.l{ttt|atrd Street. 225 2433. lunehttttte.

MONDAY 26 Edinburgh

I Suave \la\ies lirstro. \te‘lrirlsotr Street on“ i |\J5 ('Iat met. no atrd guitar

I East Coast Jazz Band Blue lagoon. .-\trgle l’atk lettaee.3.‘~l‘)‘)32,1-\etrittg 9pm midnight Resident l't'adhand.



I Bobby Wishari 1 tall liar. Woodlands Road. 33.: lllli t'.\L‘lillll_'. leading

sa\ophonrst's ta// atrd tuston hand


I Swing '88 Matt Shoyel. ( 'oek'hurn Street, 225hS-13 lzyetrrng. 'l \yogurtats. l lot ( luh sound \y ttlr reeds.

I Louisiana Ragtime Band \ay aat Home Hotel. \lay iteltl ( iat'dens. hit“ ISIS. [pyentng

I West End Jazz Band liasln Street.

1 lay nrarkel leiraee. 3.3" lllllti. l'.\eltlitg llittl

WEDNESDAY 28 Glasgow

I Sandy Taylor/Alex Moore Duo ( iltlsgtryy Soetety ()t .‘ylusretans. Berkeley Street.

331(‘313 S .iilpm.5llp.liat


I Charlie McNair's Band l’teset \ atton

llall. Victoria Street. 3% 3M!» l‘yenrng


; Glasgow

I Riverside Blues Riyetstde. l-o\ Street. ' ott('l_\deStreet ‘)pm midnight BO


I Blackiriars Bell Street. \let‘ehantCtty.

55~ 5‘84 l- \ enttrg. in e |a// nruste


I Barony Jazz liatony liar . litottghtotr Street. 55ail51tr 5 3H " 3‘lpnr Melanie O'Reillyand Frances CowanA) in 11 3llpirr Jimmy Wood Trio

IJazz Pool l ‘.-\ltaehe. hasemenl oi Rutland i lotel. \\ est l-nd. l’t'ineesSit'eel.

‘lpnr l‘r'ee .\ groupolyotrngish musteratrs. usually piano keyhoards. hass. drums. guitar . and hi ass and or reeds Modern. l‘op. some mainstream. hlues I Alter Eight Mince \ltiste lio\. \ tetoita Street. 2le VHS ‘ipm .la/l tank

I Caie Biarriiz ’il l tedet tek Street. :35 52-11 “pm midnight liyeswing

I Edinburthazz Ouartett'oppets. (‘oekhur n Street. 335 1441. l'yenrtrg

I Graham Blamyre Jazzers liastttSlleei.

illaytnatket let'taee.33‘ lllllh l'\e'lllllg.

I Templehall Stompers "l emple l lore-l. I-splanaelg, _Iopp.|~ trtr‘) inr-l l' \ ettlltg

Trad and dr\te residents

} _

+ 00K



I Wild RiverApples Roottops. t): Saueltielrall Street. ltl 3ilpnr. Suddenly it seems to he ‘happening. man‘ to has e a

riy er somewhere in your band's name

Ney ertheless. how many hands eatr you think oi with apple tn their nanre'.’ l Apple Mosaic. attyone.’l Seyet'al ttrdieattotrs that tltis could he a good gig. tlrottgh

ITolten La ‘l atriere. 15 l~o\ Street. :31 “SS. ‘lpm. l‘tee Not as good a name asthe \thd Riy er Apples. hut w ho kruw. s ahout the musie .’

I Windswept and Third Party Volunteer Centre. l‘lnthank Street. ‘lplli. .-\t leastl know w hat I atrr talking ahout this tune Both hands play ed a recent atrtr-poil ta\ gig at The l)ra\s rtrg Room a less months ago. \thdswept sounded good tor the iirst ten seeonds hetot'e progressing into nredioerity and then something worse Third Party has e gtgged in ( ilasgmy titlile‘ a lot and \ at‘y lrelyy een ordtnaty and y ery good. depending on w hen you happen to see them. Hopeiully . this will he one ot the hettergtgs.


I Hothouse Flowers Playhouse Theatre. (ireenstde l’laee. 55‘ 35‘)“. "5' lptn \ote change oi yentte. tieket p: tees uneontirmed. \Ve eould earp all night about the loo-ohy rous \ an \lt‘t'l tson itrt‘luetree. the disappointing parts or their dehut alhunr. the nut I '2‘ tag. hut tl‘e laet remains that Hothouse How er s are a superh in e aet . or at least they \yeteyshen they last played here. at small eluh ley el. it they can transmit the same again tn this dautrtirrg yenue. then they 1! haye earned their stripes and I'll go hotne a happy 'trarr IThe Radium Cats. Therapyana mystery guests Venue. ('alton Road. 55- 5| l.“ lidinhurgh .‘ylusteians ( ’olleetry e grg.w rtlr the lrtghly eontrastrng sty lesol [TSyL‘ltUl‘liliL‘s Radtum( ats. \s hose recent dehttt i' l’ ht'ought them much alesez‘y etl attention. and ’l‘lrerapy . yy ho ll‘. the words oi one ohsery er gry e the lllli‘l'L'\\lt‘?l .‘t Rli.\l tryingtoturtr tlrernselyesrrrto (ii'L‘itlUl'.

I Flaming Katiet'ayern. ( 'owgat.-. .‘jn SirJl.

I Sneaking Suspicion l’teser \ .tltot‘. l lall. Victoria Street. In 35hr Ll alter " Fl'pirr. I BenetitiorCoitee Brigadesto Nicaragua Assembly Rooms. ( ieorge Street. 1‘5 3olJ Spm lanr L5tL3 5ill “at: Heat Heights (‘arttn Aces. \Ve l~ree Kings. Resisting Arrest. ( ialy arrtro ( ‘erotr. l).( lillis. Lacy .iohtrstone Hand and Just 'l he Very Donkeys. eompeted l‘y \laleolnr Sillill'l lickeh tilt stile .ll Se‘t‘tls ( itll'e‘ Ht .ll lilL'tltH‘i.

SATURDAY 17 Glasgow

ITres Hombres l ialt liar. llrl|\\ aoaranas Road. .332 ill“ ‘ipm lree Hardworking hand. ludgtng hy the number or gigsthey hay e heett doing t’eeetrt i\

I Rough and Readyl a latrrere. tsl «\\ Street. 3.21 Jarss ‘lpttl ltee. lit'l‘t'l‘aily the trarrre does not lellL'el or: the rrrztsre


I Strategy lord l)at nley . \\'est l’or t 33‘) 4341. illpnr. l‘tee \lrld treatment oi heayy roek

I File Aid Fund Raising Concert y“. 'n“!\ Rooms. ( ieotge Street \ lptr: We Free Kings. The Nyah Fearties. The Little Wolves. The Blue Monkey Experience. TheVultures anaThe Bananas.n.- all \e‘ltetltlleti'at appear

I ( '.t\ e‘iit. (il1\\ g'tlle‘.

I Shiver 'n' Shake Preservation Hall. Victoria Street. 226 3816. £1 after9.3(lpm.

SUNDAY 18 Glasgow

I The Hummingbirds/The Dream Coyotes/ErltAiors/The Eiliots/The Orchids Roottops. 93 Sauehiehall Street. 8pm. The rescheduled (tor the second time) File Aid disaster ittnd hertei'it. Should be good; The Hummingbirds promise to have toughened up their itritialiy janglysound: The Dream (‘oyotes‘ and Erk Alorsare both good aggressive guitar hands who

has e been around a while; and The ()rehids and The Iiiliots are hack tojattgly guitars. Nothing wrong with that. if it is dotre well.


I Slayer l’lay house Theatre. (ireetrside Place. 557 25%). 7.30pm. £6. £5. Just realised that I'm not going to he here when \letalltea play their two-night stint.and hoy am I sore. Slayer might make uptor it. '1 hey made w hat‘s widely been regarded as the best Thrash Metal aihum (‘ltS and \\'l;.-\ refused to distribute it in 'Reign in Blood‘. and seem to findtours pulled out from under them. Wonder

why ‘.’ .-\ song about Joseph Mengele might hay e had something to do with it.

I Trademark Sourrdeheek Rock Club. Venue. (‘altott Road. 557 3073. 7.30pm.

L l .50. local heavy rock group. Expect plenty oi Slayer tansalong.

I The Dan BlockerExperiencePreservation l lall. Victoria Street. 226 3816.“ after 9pm. ('ountry and western.

I The Last Detail Lord Darnley. West Port. 22‘) 4341. lllpm. Free.

I Blueiinger Music Box. Victoria Street. 2le l"ll.\‘. Rhythm ‘n'hlues.

MONDAY 19 Glasgow

I The Third Party Tron Theatre. Parnie Street 3llpm. £3. Showcase event for Third Party at a good venue. which they promise to put to good use with a special lighting stage structure. Also marksthe relaunelt ol.lammy Music as an active publisher in the rock held.


I Belinda Cariisie atrd Breathe Playhouse

lheatte. ( ireenside Place. 557 2590.

" .illpnr SOLD OUT. First heard

‘l leay err is a Place on Earth drunk. and

thought it was wondertttl. Subsequent l

sobering-up and wistng-up dimmed the

appeal somew hat. For the lowdown on i

support hand Breathe. see panel.

I Slapp Happy \‘enue. (‘alton Road. 557 l

.3! V.“ i-ormerly Tire Blue Moon Boys. now nroytngaway i'romstraight rockabilly tow aids rural hlttes. Still plenty of rock 'n' i l‘ttll. \y e'l'e assured. ! I Sneaking Liberty Preservation Hall. Victoria Street. 326 3816. 9.30pm. Free. lleayy roek. I Texas Breakiast Lord Darnley. \Vest l’ort. 32V4341. llipm. Free. BLues-roek group. notable for theirtwo-guitar interplay. I Live band Music Box. Victoria Street. .33“ l"tls t).3llpm. l-ree. L'neoniirmed. , W' l Glasgow 7 I Brothers 01 Craig Bar 1 uxemhourg. 1‘)" Pitt Street. 333 l l l 1. Free. Anotherhattd \\ ho hay e heen arotttrd a while. but their reeor tlt'nl output. although inconsistent. V suggests that there is enough to rrtake this \Htlilt goingto. I Bobby Wishart l lalt Bar. lhl)\\'oodlarrds Road. 3 3: 13!”. 9pm. Free. Regular appearance.


I Flaming Katie ('ay ern. (‘oyy gate. 226 5M1]