WEDNESDAY 21 Glasgow

I Midsummer Marriage Theatre Royal. llopc Street. 331 I334 333 900“. Extra dates: Friday 33. I5 and 3ll()ctobcr (Glasgow). 3 November ( Edinburgh). £3—£23. Scottish ()pera season opens yt itli Tippett. Features dance company Second Stride (sec Dance panel i.

I Scot Free Crawfurd Theatre.Jordanhill College. Tickets: 337 55l I . 7.30pm. [zxtra dates: Thursday 33. Friday 33. Saturday 34. £4 (£3). See Tuesday 3i) forlull description.


I Lamp oi Lothian Concert ( 'anongatc Kirk. Canongate. Tickets: 33 I I55 (Usher Ilali)orllo3 ()83 3738(IIaddiirgton IIouse). 8pm. Iixtra date: l-‘riday 33. St Mary's Church. lladdingtoii. £4

(£3.50 [I ). Words and Music Irom Eleanor Bron and piano duettistslocely n Abbott and Richard .\Iapp. including works by Mendelssohn. Ray el. Saint-Saens ( ( "(mural oft/re .-l ntmu/s I


ISCOt Free Craysl'urd 'I‘lreattc..Iordanlrill College. Tickets: 337’ 551 I. 3 3Ilpm. Iistra dates: Friday 33. Saturday 34. £4 t £3 I. See Tuesday 30 for full description.


I Midsummer Marriage ‘l'heait-e Royal. Hope Street. 331 I334 333 Willi). lzxtra dates: I5 and 3(I()ctobcr((ilasgoys l. 3 November ( Ifidinburgh l. See \‘y'ednesday 3] and Dance panel lor lull description.

I Scot Free Crays turd 'l'heatr'c. .loi'dairliill College. Tickets: 33' -.-. .. 7.30pm. ltxtr'a date: Saturday 34. £4 (£3). See Tuesday 3“ for full description.

SATURDAY 24 Glasgow

I Scot Free (‘rayy furd Theatre. .Iordanhill College. Tickets: 33'.’ 5511.7.3llpmi4 (£3). See Tuesday 30 for lull description. I Cappella Nova ( ilasgoyy (iartlcii Festival. l’rinces Dock See ( i( il"s daily What'sOn for exact time and location. Last chance to hear specially dey rsed choral programme entitled lame lite ran- ()rruitu.

MONDAY 26 Glasgow

I Cappella Nova ( ilasgtm (iaiden liestiyal. Princes l)ock. See ( i( iI-“sdaily What's ( )n for exact time and location. I’ositiyely‘ the last chance to hear ( ‘appella Now at the ( iardcn I'esliy al. thistinie under the banner ( ~ti/i/n'llu Noni III



( 'tiburt'r.


I Masters of Music (Electronic) Queen's Ilall. Clerk Street. (ms 301‘). 7.30pm. LI. Yamaha presents a demonstration

ey ening of some of their latest keyboards.

TUESDAY 27 Glasgow

I BBC 880 BBC SS() Centre. Broadcasting l louse. Queen Margaret Driyc. Tickets: Room 30‘). BBC. Queen Margaret Drive. 7.30pm. Free. Jerzy Maksy mink conducts.

I Chopin Lecture/Recital l lutchcson's

I Iall. I58 Ingram Street. 553 S391. 7.3llpm. £4.5(ltinc yy'ine andsayouries). Anges Walker. internationally known Scottish pianist. present an eyeningof yyords and music of I‘rederic Chopin. l-ltl years to the day ys hen Chopin himself performed in ( ilasgoyy.

FRIDAY 16 Glasgow

I Tarbert Music Festival Sec l’anel. I Women Sing The Struggles St .-\ndreyy s llrcatrc. North St Douglas Street.

(‘lydebank‘MI 3‘05. .3llpm. Includes soiigyy i Her and melodeon player Nancy .\icliolsoti. singer guitarist .Ianet Russell. and Maria ‘I'olIy. \\ ell yyorth the short ion: iiey otit ll you Inc in toyyii

IAlasdair Robertson and Cruachan l-‘nrt ’l’Iieatre. Brsliopbrrggs. Spin. £3.50 /.ydeco ( ~cilrdli Band's singer

guitarist accordionist songyyi‘itei'.

I St Enoch Ceilidh Clyde l Ialls. 3lSClydc Street..\‘.3llptri Iain L3. Bar. Iiicltidestop .'\lIIL‘l'lL‘;IIl singer .\leg Day is and ( ~lach Na ('tidden dance band.

I Rowantree Folk Club Rim anti‘ec Inn. By l'ddiiigstoii Cross. 1 'ddiiigston.

‘) ll.-15pm. Ll.()ld coaching Inn.

lnIoi mal. Singers and players yyelcome. I Second Fiddle Scott's ( ‘oriier. Derby Street. 334 489i. Iiyening.

I Ceilidh Dance Riy erside. I‘os Street. oll ('lydeStreel.3Jts'3l14. lllpm. L3.


I Melrose Folk Festival. See panel.

I North Sea Gas I’lattoi in l.Rutland Street. I‘.\elllllg Resident pub lolk band. I Simpson Perrie/Brian Mulligan stint-e Bar. lbe Shore. leith. l-y enitrg

I Larry and Friends \lcatloys s liar. Bticclettgh St. on" 31W) l_yentng. (itiitar based lolksy blues aiitl syying

I North Sea Gas I’latlot in I . Rtitland Street Izyenriig Resident pub lolk band.


I Royal Oak Infirmary Street. 557 3970. Ey‘eningtill l.3l)am. Late baryyith informal songs and music.

I Muckle Ado Scotch And Rye. 5()(}eorge l\’ Bridge. 335 168]. Iiy-ening.


National Mod: See separate Listings.

I Tarbert Music Festival Sec I’anel.

I Folk Band Blackfriars. Bell Street. Merchant City. 553 593-1. Afternoon. Instrumental session.

I Kells Scott's Corner. Derby Street. 334 4S‘)I. Izy'ening. Saturday residency. Irish'Scotssingalong band. Popular.

I Ceilidh Dance Riy'erside. I~ox Street. oii Clyde Street. 34831-14. Illpm. L3. l.ate licence.


I Melrose Folk Festival. See panel.

I Denny Swanson Scotch .'\iILI Rye. St) George IV' Bridge. 335 Inst lzy'ening. I Royal Oak Infirmary Street. 557 397i». liyeningtill I..‘~llatn. l.ate bar. folk basement.

SUNDAY 18 Glasgow

I lain McGillivray Black Bull I-‘olk Club. Black Btrll l lotel. .‘ylrlngayie. S.3llpm. Start of yyinter season lor' long running lortnightly club.

I Zut! La Chute \Viiitersgrlls. ( ireat Western Road. lzyening. ()ld trmey. American and L‘;t|llll.


I Glenelg Sessions \‘nttngs r lotel. [.eainington'I'erraee. ‘lpin midnight. I-ree. Acoustic music nights. Tonight Red Neck Mother. (ilasgoys country blues.

I SeannachieUt-een ‘l’ree.(‘oyygatc. Iiyentiig. Scottish songs and zippy instrumentals from resident band.

I Jim Knight/Colin Ramage/Robin Laing Iznsign l'.\\ art. I.ayy iimarket I‘.\ eniiig. 'l'hrec singer guitarists.

I Larry and Friends Antiattary . St Stephen Street. herring. (itiitai based lolksy bltte~ and sysrng.

I North Sea Gas Rutland l lotel. Rtrtland Street. 33‘) 30-13. ‘lpm. Siiigaloitg,



National Mod: See separate Listings.

I Victoria Bar Bridgegatc. 553 (ill-ll I. ‘)pm, Regular session.

I Irish Music Stage Door Bar. ( iorbals Street. 43‘) 0933. lop ( ilzrsgoys It‘lsll


instrumentalists and singer s.


I Miro ‘I'lte ( irecn It'ce. ( 'oyy gate. I-Iyening. Bar till lam. Instrumental IIIIXISII. i

I Fiddlers Arms (irassniarket. I’iyeningu Scottish music session. Bar closesat l Iprn. I Gill Hewitt Royal Oak. Infirmary Street. 557 397D. liy'ening. Song session with (iill on the barrio.

I Dougie MCO Scotch And Rye. 5Il(ieoruc l\' Bridge. 335 lots]. liyening. h



National Mod: See separate Listings.

I Paisley Arts Folk I’aisley .-\rts ( ~enti'e. .\'cyy Street. SS" llilll. S'pm. Tonight TiCh Frier.


I Barrie Band Bannermaiis Bar. ( 'oyygate. 55o3354 lzyenriig. l‘he BarrieBand. I-iddle. ilute. inandocello and yocals. Mainly Irish.

I Chris Thompson St .Iames ( )y ster Bar. Calton Road. opposite St .lames ( ~entrc. Iiyening. Rockabilly blues.

I Miro lznsigii I'yyart. I.aysnmarket. topol the I Iiin Street. Izyening. .-\cousticce|tic ttitisic.

I Kenny Grier Royal Oak. Inlirmar'y Street. 55" 30%. (itiitairst singer I.ate bar

I Colin Ramage Scotch Anti Ry e. 5H (ieorge l\' Bridge. 335 MM. Inserting.

WEDNESDAY 21 Glasgow

National Mod: See separate Listings.

I Scotia Folk Night Seotia Bar. Stockyy ell Street. 552 .s'ns'l.

I Folk Session I lalt Bar. Woodlands Road. 333 13!”. layenrng. Instrumental music on liddle. accordion etc.


I HansTheesink lzdinbtirgh I~olk Club. ()sbourne l lotel. York l’lace. 55b557'7. Spin L33tHLI5llI latirobluesinan. Dutchman it‘oiii .'\ll\tl'ltl sings and plays superlatiy e guitar.

I North Sea Gas l’latlorin I. Rtitlaiid Street. I'.\c'llllig. Resident pub lolk band. I Guizer Scotch And Rye. 5H ( icorge I\' Bridge. 335 Itthl. ltyeriiiig.


National Mod: See separate Listings.

I Hans Theesink Star Itolk ( ~Itib. ( ilasgoyy Society ()I Musicians. Berkeley Street Spin. LI .5“. I'ainous Dutch blues guitarist on umpteenth return y istt.

Edinburgh ;

IGreenTreet‘tmgate. l‘,\c'lllll_L' I'olk ' scene session I ate bar

I Larry and Friends Antiquary . St Stephen I Street. Izyeinng (itittai based lolksy blues

and s\\ mg. I Colin Ramage/Robin Laing linslgii I'.\\;il t. l.ayy ninarket layeriiiig




T I C K E T S from £3.00 (majority oi .scaLs £l() or less) Box Office Credit Cards: ()4l-33I-l334 or 333-9000 Ticket Centre: ()4l-337-55I I



(I. A (I. ()

2i, 23 SEPTEMBER at 7.15pm

15, 20 OCTOBER

.Vt'ii' Prat/(«Tron


7 re: '-


i. i M M A R R I A G E (“y -. . - K Michael Trppett Sung tn linglish with ritual dances by Second Stride. .‘ .— "ThLy‘ ulit'uys exuberant

Midsummer .Ilurrrugt’ LY not (0 be "arsed

T H Ii TI M ES "( . 'ndenrubir' willy ". TH E SCOTSMAN.

"Touching as well as funny ". SUNDAY 'I'IilEGRAPII

Original Production Sponsored by Sc-.)ttish

" a“ $5

Mutual Assurance Society,

5. 8, l9 OCTOBER at 7.l5pm ; 6,10 DECEMBER i


\k'olfgang Amadeus Mo/art Sung in linglrsh }

".4 mm; pt'ru'plii‘t' l'lt'li u/ a man 1' jar 't'lt't/ upt'ru ".


"An outstanding production... g Scot/(sh ()pt’ru has~ (1 major .yu(‘(‘('.y’.y ~ on m handy ". GLASGOW IIIiRAII)

g 35 The List Io— 3‘) September 1988