
.. Making cyanotypes at the Royal Botanic Garden. Edinburgh. See listings and panel in the Art Listings.

Bummer:— Activities and Fun

I BRUNTON CENTRE Musselburgh . 665 3711 ext 244.

Arts Fair 17 September. Annual Arts Fair with stalls. demonstrations. performances. children's painting competition. free creche and refreshments.

East Lothian Youth Theatre (‘lasses re-start 21 September.

I MURRAYFIELD ICE RINK Riy’ersdalc Crescent. 337 6933. Mon—Fri 2.3(Ipni—4.3()pm. and ey cnings y arious times (check with yentie). Saturday's llizim-noon family skating 2.3(1—4. 30pm. 7.3(I—ll).3lipm. Sunday like] 1.3tlamgroup tuition. Sunday afternoon open 2.30—4.3(ipm.

I ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN lnverleith Row. 552 7171 ext 456.

Cyanotype Workshops 18.25 September. noon—4pm. To coincide with the exhibition of pioneer Victorian photographer Anna Atkins. a seriesol' fascinating workshops are being held. They will enable anyone to make photographic prints of plants and other images in exactly the same way as Anna Atkins did in the 184th.

The object to be photographed is laid on light-sensitive paper. placed in a frame and exposed to sunlight for 15 MN tninutes. The print is then ‘developed' in water for several minutes. and after drying. maybe taken home where it will remain stable for hundreds ofyears ~ itist as the cyanotypes in the exhibiton have lasted.

This is the first workshop of its kind ey-er mounted in Britain. Sponsored by Whatman paper l.id.

I THEATRE WORKSHOP 34 l Iamilton Place. 226 5-125.

Youth Theatres The Theatre Workshop w ill be enrolling for the Middle ( l3- 16 years) and Senior ( 16 years plus) Youth'l‘heatres from 1-3 Septemberonwards. Anyone interested in joining these imaginatiye and well-supported classes should contact the venue. Classes will lead to a performance of the group‘s own devising. MaeBurder. 26—29 October.


I FILMI‘IOUSE Lothian Road. 22S26S‘S All seats 5; I . bookable. Films start at 2pm. NutcrackertL') (L'SA. I986. (‘arroll Ballard) 85 mins. 17 September. Yet another version of Tchaikovsky ‘s magnificent ballet score.

; Bugsy MalonetU) (USA. 1987. Alan Parker)93 mins. 24 September. (iood

looking spoof musical ot gangster. Speakeasy. probibition New York. Stylish

but insubstantial.

' Theatre

I BBUNTDN THEATRE Mussleburgh The Wizard otoz Limit 1 ()ct. 7.45pm. £4. £2.50. First night £2.50. £2. The classic

American Oy'er-the-Rainbow musical for 7 year olds and above. in a version by

Robert Robson. Artistic Director of Dundee Rep. (‘harles Now-oskielski directs.



I The Open listings are designed to listany event that would not lit in to one of the other sections. You‘re invited to send intormation on talks. walks. political meetings etcto. The List. 14 High Street. Edinburgh EH1 tTE. to arrive at least seven days betore publication date.


I Positively Unemployed: Free Comedy Mime Workshop Springwell I louse. Aidmillan Ierraee. Itdinburgh “31337 l‘rl. Illam 12.30pm ch 2 4pm. I‘t‘ee. 'I‘he lirst olthree lull-day comedy mime workshops taken by I’lll Is'eysell. See also 21th 2S Sept.

I Grand Autumn Fling I'he Briggair . ( ‘Iy dc Street. ( ilasgow “pm 2am H l( ‘hildren £1). I ickets lroni(‘entrepeace. H3 Stockwell Street. (MI 552 S35“. .-\n eyening lor the w hole lamin . organised by Patents I-or Suiyiyal. with puppets. \Ii Iioom. a ceilitlh. lolk music lioiii Ian

\\ alker .iiid a bar all eyening.


I Poll Tax: Don't Collect- Don‘t Paytim art low it IlaIl. ( ilasgow. A .\Iass l .obby oi the Scottish I about I’aity ( 'onletcnce against the poll lay. I-‘or more details please call “31 556 3tll l6.

I Positively Unemployed: Community Choir Springw ell I louse. .-\rdmillan 'l errace. lzdinbuigh MI 33" WT]. Iliam I2noon. I-ree. 'l he community choir starts upagain thisnionth. meeting ey cry Saturday .4\|l welcome singing tor the tunot it

I The Blue Smartie .\Iatlisoits t )iseo. (iteettsttle l’laee. ( ilasgow (Ill 55" 3MP. lllpm «lam. L2 t LI 5”). I he start ol anew regular monthly lesbian and gay disco. organised by the Scottish l lomosesual .:\L‘llt)ll ( iioup.

I Talk: Camouflage Exhibition 'l'htrti I'ye (cutie. 35llSauehiehall Street. ( ilasgow . ml 332 )‘52I 3llprn. I-ree. .laines Bustaid giyes a l.ilk on the exhibition (‘unroullrtge cur rently running at the (‘enlre See .'\i‘l tor detailsol eyhibitton.


I Woodland Walk Izslale (iale. ( ~ttlltlt‘lt)

l‘slalc. ( ‘atitttto Road. ( )l't ()ueenslet't'y

Road. Izdinburgh. .\leet 2pm. I'iec. I'he latest in the l slates seriesot guided Sunday walks.


I Positively Unemployed: Drama Workshop Springw ell l louse. Ardmillan 'l eriaee.

I5tliitbtrrgli.ll3l 33" I‘)7l. l.3lI--1pm. .-\

chance to lear ii improy isation and acting.

and to get inyoly ed in a ( 'hristmastoui trig

slit)“. lzyery Monday and lhtirsday.


I Positively Unemployed: Puppetry

SpringwellIIoiise. -\rdmrllan I'eiiaec. I I’.tIlIII‘llI_L‘ll “3| 3.32 I‘ITI I 3“ 1pm I‘tee. .-\ chance to lear n how to make and use puppets I‘yer'y liresday and Ihtii‘sday

'; I Positively Unemployed: Tapestry Weaving

Sitting“ ell l louse. -\rdmillaii 'I eriaee. lidinburgh U3l3371‘fll. I 3” 4pm l-yery 'I uesday arid I’i'iday .-\n opportunity to learn more about weay trig. designing and spinning. while getting

llt\ oly ed in a protect to create a tapestry

I i i l

I l I I l l l I



erimmemorating the 46th anniy e rsary ol the National Health Ser'y ice

I Talk: A Sled Dog Journey Across Alaska l)alkctth l. ibrary . \Vhite Ilart Street. l)a|keith. MI 663 MM. .s'pm 'I‘he Slidlothian l.ibraries I-‘estiy al l’I‘L‘lIS with air illustrated talk by the award-w inning. talented young Scottish trayel writer and photographer. .-\lastair Scott. Ilay rug written three books on his iourrieysround the world. Scott most recently embarked on a journey by dog sled across.-\|aska

Ile re he deser ibcs his experience.


I Positively Unemployed: Free Comedy Mime Workshop Sprittgw ell l Iotise. .-\rdrrrillati I‘ei race. I-dirtbuigh, till 33" I‘l‘l. Illam 2.3llpin ck 2 4pm. I’iee. Ilte second ol three lull-day comedy mime workshops taken by Pat Kc:ysell Seealso l6 is 2S Sept.

I An Evening ot Transport Films l’emeuik l.ibrary . Iiellmans Road. I’enicuik "I “23-1”, Spm. 'I his eyenmg ol lilms includes a must tor train bull's: the lamous .\1g/rl .Ilttildocumentaiy by .Iohii ( irieison. Part of the .\Itdlothian l.ibtaries l'estiy al.


I Poetry in Three Languages Bonny rigg library. l’olton Street. lionnyiigg H3! 6636762. .‘spm .-\neyeniitgol contemporary poetry iii Scots. l'.ll_L'll\lt.tltLI (iaelic. li‘om poets Kathleen Jamie and Aortghas .\Iacneaeaill. celebrating the multi-lingual poetry heritage in Scotland I’art ol the \Itdlotliian l.ibrat ies I'L‘SlHitl I Positively Unemployed: Drama Workshop Spiingw ell I louse. .-\idmi|lan 'l erraee. Edinburgh. tl3l 33" l‘)"l l,3ll 4pm. See ahoy e Slonday l‘ith. I-yery Monday and 'I htiistlay.

I Positively Unemployed: Puppetry Springw eh I louse. .-\rdmillaii Ieriace. lidinbiirgh. WI 33" 1021 Ill.3llain lpm. l'tee. :\ chance to lear n how to make and use puppets. I yeiy 'Iuesday and lhtirsday.


I Positively Unemployed: Tapestry Weaving Spi'tngw ell Ilouse. .'\l'tllltlII;tll lei race. Izdinhurgh “31.3.37 I‘I"l lllam l2 3llpm I'.\er\ I'ucsday and It iday. See aboy e.

'I uesday 2lith.

I Talk: The World at Para Handy l)anderhalll ibiary. la ( ampy iew. Izdinbuigh. “31 6630203. Spin. l’artol the \lidlothian libraries I'CSIH al lsrian Osborne and Ronnie .'\l mslrong present an introduction to Neil \lunro'slamous skipper,


I Positively Unemployed: Community Choir Springyy ell IIouse. .-\rdmillan Ieiraee. Iidinburgh, lifil 33" i‘VI Illain l2noon I‘t'ce 'I he community elioii startsupagain this month. meeting eyeiy Saturday All welcome singing lot the ltin ol it. loday there is a yoice production woi ksliop.


I What‘s About In Autumn? I let mirage ol Braid Intoi matron ( 'entit . ( )lt Iiiaid Road.Izdinbtirgli .\leet2pin I'tee .\ seasonal slant tor today 's country walk


I Glasgow Bisexual Group: Regular Meeting Friends' Meeting l Iotise. l6 Newton Terrace. Sauchiehall Street. (ilasgow . 7.30pm. The regular monthly rneetingol' the (‘ilasgow Bisexual (irotip -today 's subject ts'liooks About Bisexuality. Everyone is w elcorne to come. regardless of their sexuality. 'I'Iie Iiisesual I’honeline is open from ".30 0.3tlpm ey'ery 'I‘Iiursday ottll3l 557 362“.

I Talk: When Women Set the Type in Edinburgh's Printing Houses Stall ('ommon Room. Napier College. .\leiehiston Site. (‘oliitton Road. Iidtnbuigh. 2.3llpni .-\ talk by Stan Reynolds. organised by Izdinbtirgh Women's Science I-‘orum. I Positively Unemployed: Drama Workshop Springw ell Ilouse. Ardmillan Ier'raee. lidinbtirgh. MI 337 102]. I3” 4pm. l'.\L‘l'_\ Monday and 'I huisday See aboy e. Monday l‘)th_

I Talk: Scotland's Industrial Heritage Dalkeith library . \Vhite Ilart Road. l)alkeith ll3l 663 2llb‘3. Spin. .-\s pailol the .‘ylidlothian l.ibrat res I‘L‘SIH al and to mark local I listoiy \\ eek. an illustrated lecture by Dr lair l)onnaehte ot the ( )peii l'niyersity


I Positively Unemployed: Puppetry Springwell I louse. Ardmillan 'I eriaee. I'dinburgh “3133" [WI 1.3“ Ipm. tree A chance to leai it how to make and use puppets. layeiy 'l uesday and lluiisday

I Positively Unemployed: Tapestry Weaving Spi ingyy ell I louse. .-\idntillan let i ace. Iztlinbtirgh. II3I 337 1‘1"] I3“ -lpm I:yety I'uestlay .indI iitlay Sceaboye.

'I tiesday 2llth.

I Hairand Make Up Demonstration Danderhalll ihraiy. lat ampyiew. l-dinbuigh tl_‘sl 6630203 " 3llpin l sk \alley ('ollegedemonstrate the latest teetiage styles. (‘ome and walk away with a new head. l’art ol the \lidlothian l.ibraricsI-estiyal.

I Parlour Poetry \eyytoiigrangel ibraiy. St l)tt\lLI.\. \ewtotrgrattge H3I 66.3 ISI6 Spin. Part of the .\lidlothian I ibraiies I‘estiyal - an eycmngol Scotspoetry tionr the past. I’articipation w eIeomed.


I Meet the Author: Joan Lingaid tialkeitli l.ibrar'y . White I Iart Road. l)alkeith.ll3l 663 thS3. 3pm An opprttinity to hear the best-selling author or books tor teenagers talk about her work. Part ol the .\lid|othian l.ibtaries I'e\li\ al. ITalszales ot the Travelling People Bonny rigg l.ibi :ity . l’olton Slt'y‘c’l'. lionnyrigg Spin. Aspait ot the \lidlothian l.ibiaries I‘L'SIH al. .iii eyening ol tales liom Duncan \\ illiamson

I Family History Workshop Roslttrl ibiaiy. "Station Road. Roslin.ll3l -11|l221|l\ 22“. " 3llpm. .-\s part ot l oeal I listory Week and the \Iidlothian I ibiar res I'estiy al. a basic introduction to genealogy

I Positively Unemployed: Free Comedy Mime Workshop Spi-ingwell l Iotise. .-\idmillan'lerraee. Izdinbuigh “3| 33" I‘ITI Illam l2.3llpm ty 2 1pm I tee Ihe thirdot three lull-day eometly mime workshops taken by Pat I\e\sell Seealso I6 ck 2] Sept


ITalkrThe BestYears otTheirLives l.oanhead I ibiary . ( ieorgc .\y eniie. l.().tlll1c‘tttl.ll.“l«I‘lllllbil \pm Ilie g well-known writer. tournalist and broadcaster I teyor Roy le talks about how National Set y tee. w Inch ended 25 y ear s

ago. allccted indiy iduals and society

I Positively Unemployed: Drama Workshop Springw ell I louse. .\idmilI.m Ierrace. Izdinbtirgh ll3l 33~ l""l I 3“ lpm I‘.\L‘t'y \Ittlttltty .‘ilttl Ilttttstlay See.tl‘oye_ Monday I‘Itlt

The List 16 2‘) September IUSS 27