\\ . E o’ ‘\ 7 a4 l ' _ _ midnight-8.55am. 111d1x1d11al lll‘lttl\ \ltullltl ! NW“) lL‘~ mm ‘1‘" lllk‘ m“ 4511:1111. l he men \ filltlm man} quarters. hut the 9.05am—5pm. xet auarn he dominated h) "m" '” ll” ( """CV‘mCC \emI-tlnals begin at \eteran Ingrid Kl‘l\lliltt\L‘tl . .. V ' V i ‘. . . lhcnlcn'\ < i 1“ )v i ) \- ). _ y l‘ IAthIetlcs lhe l11xldax 111 the l 55R. ... am.anx x e [IlL (I. «may xx1 1111 e thex\nmen\lteptalltlun .Rowing,\ xx hole \L‘t‘lc\ l lICL‘\lI\lL‘- haxlngheen \\elll1elm\ his 04311-309!“ \hakenntt \oeaxilx, heemxat l: ~35am. the wt ltttals heurnsat lam. I “9‘1 llth‘RU'. 'l'om TUCSdaV-g-Zsam- ITV: leasketball \len'stinal. \clttt-llttal\ ml the met“ and \huuld melude t at ‘l \lc‘lxean xx 1|l expeet tn 113m-29m15-15-51459m1 tnne nut 311x en. lllllm heum at .‘;1111.\\Illt 3 311.1111) Rederax e and l c4- 11 30pm quahl} l‘m Honda} \ 5-6-3opm- 38m? 1130111“ I Hockey \\'11111ert\t111;1l. the tmal 11xelt \eheduled Holmes 111 the e11\le\\ ; Saturdapggsam ITV: l1nal.a\ xx1ll Stexe( ram. TUGSdaY—8.558m. (1.1};1111. 101-1 .‘llatttd 111l1>1d p.11t\|llt;1l\. ; noon_1pm.4_5pm.33c1; \Vatehuut lnr Sehcne. 90540-2537“. lTennis Men'sxingles ('ltt’t\l|e'|]1.|\ |t|\lt_1e‘l.t I Swimming The I 11.25pm xx ho xxill he xxarmlng uphx 11.053m-n00n1150-3Pm. final and xxmnen'xdtmhlu hum/e. hut 11 xx 1ll he a penultimate ttnx \ i samrday_8.553m‘ the traelx'slde 1n ease at a L's-309'.“ l111al.lrmnlam. matm \111p11se 11 the lust mmpetnnm m the pun]. 1 10.153m_1pm‘ 83.32; last mtnute 111x Itatmn to Athletrcs l)ale_x f l\\11 plae‘cx .11 e nut tilled hx xx 1th a numher ul trnals 2_5.30pm. t'élx‘x‘. l'llc \HtmL'tH .‘llllllm lh‘ml‘m‘ l‘k‘tl'l“ lllk‘ | 1 lexx is and .hdmwn. starting; at ll;1111.tl1e\:~ .Atmetics the xmmL-n‘x “WI ll’llt’t"fllh-glklln. I 491:3"91‘"hrdflcg‘lfll‘l‘l” C4I11.30pm I Gymnasttcs Heelnnln: melude the xmmen s_llll111: “mm \lee II“. I” _:I,m_ “llll anama \l aula LH‘ it “Us “lit - I 1 ! Friday_9.253m. ITV. at Sam. the men \ 1nd1x1d11al111edlex.hllllm and thc “MI “W” “I” lxansta1t1ng1111t “NU “‘“Wllrk‘l : 11.3oam_1pm. l

I 4.15—4.45 m.

I Gymnasllcs \\.tllllL‘ll'\ 5 apparatm t1nals. 3am. hidnigfiFga'fi '

I Swimming l he l;t\l dd) “H‘mgh‘ml lhc "ll-'hl- ' 9 058m_5 05p.m

Not many Scots have won gold in the ' top medals. Stuart Bathgate recalls the :”""“ Pm"; 'l" “9”; 30':‘I'TTI‘i'i‘g‘!'I'L'::{:I’;;:”I‘¥ f I Athletics the IN d.1_\ 1111 hlstory otthe Olympics. butthis could winners and concludes with the Scot “W‘m'm‘” "”""”“ thetraek l1a\a 1111x1111

. tinalxat llam. I'I\L‘n[\ hundred pmntsm e1 lll\ - - . x. 1 ~.\ -; bethe yearthatwe make Ita handful of most l1kelyto In 1988. mdudcthc mm.‘ mm" . mm.“ I.I\III\gI,l,1gl,,[I, 1m 1| \ \1 nm 11”! n I \\ 1ll he hnpme I111 .1 medal

dax txxu. _ 111ll1exxmnen \ l>llllm

lune lump. shut put.hl_ul1

taxnurlte. g exentxlhe‘ lllllmflhe lump and 41111111 tullmx

treestxle the 111aratl111nul

. . \ . _ _ [llL \pnt‘t ..‘l’lttl lltL I . I Hoctkeyl. 1&4” \ l (.‘Ii‘mlm L hm h hkcl‘ h) “"mU‘ m l'““.‘ V I (‘1; \ l l 'm he happx xxItlt hrnn/e.

' ITennis l'mm 3am. Thur mg PWHIHIH“ “I u

nledltnSail c4. 11 30pm - men's \melex and , isn't}; llhclmcnt ' xx11men\douhlex - -. . I >lllln1t4 lll; 111.;nlth‘ Sunday 9 253m lTV mnmmlx I l 1 1 1 1 t e 11am-2pm. 5.15—5.45pm. _ 111111 relax trnalxheem

ml N

Eric Liddell: 400 metres.

Paris. Possibly more 6.6.30me Bac1;11,35 m 4.55am. tamous now than ever. ; Sunday—8.55am. p - I Boxing l-malx 1mm lam. thanks to tan Charleson. 3 9.05—10.253m. i C4: 11.30pm I Football ‘1 he best Vangelis andthe 88c.who i 11,053m_noon,1,so_3pm, E Wednesday-9.25m. ITV: anendetlxpun 111 the l,11\ repeat Chariots at Fire most 7-8me ' 11am—2pm. 5.15—5.45pm. :‘xngelex ( iamex teaches bank hol1days. l IAthIetics‘t'hexxmm-n‘x ' 6—6.30pm. 88c1:11.30pm 1lte1111altnttax Another

: and men\ \llllm “Huh 1 Wednesday-8.558m. C\ ent \\ ltlelt tttal'xe\ tt

dumlnate the p1t1g1amme. 9.05-10-253m- 11111elxerx ut the ( )lx111[11e‘\' xxrth the turmer at 4.25am 11.054100". 150-307“. amateur tradnmn. the andtltelatter alJ -lll;tltl. 7-39m. ? tmaleuuldxee\e\e1;1ltop An} Br1t1~h men xx hn I Athletics Deeathlun dax t-umpmn Amt stxuth t'L‘ttL‘ltlllL‘lltl;tl\\lllt111\\he l\\11..-\lte1deleattnlaxt I I»\rngr|g;tnpltthct'xln

up aeamst the \eemrnelx IWJIN \Wl'lxl .letmn. ( [tr-11am hm 11111

Dick McTaggart: 111x111e1hleSa1d Anunant Vlldml"“”‘“‘l“~ “3'0 ' entered 111 reeent Lightweight boxing. \ltltxteen. \\ hose deelated i 'l‘lmmxnn pmrmxed ‘ll \\1l| ' ()lx rnplxN nut that It Melbourne, Still a intennun 1x to xx 111 the l not happen aeam‘ ll1\ xxnuld 111alxeanx respected boxing coachI Xllllm and 15mm tlnsxear. attempt to prnx e hnnxell : drtterenee 1t 1t dldl McTaggart also won a so he ean [nek up golds 111 E W! I CC! I'L‘L‘UIHHK‘IIL’U at ' I Hockey \len\l1nal. bronze medal at the Home the Slllltlm and lllIlllltlm m 1111d111el1txx1thtl1e l lllm 1 (1Ils;|tn_ Olympics M1950. Bateelnna 1n 1‘)”: lttlt'dle\. l he Llhk‘ll‘. [‘Ulk' l I Tennis \len\ dmd‘lm 3 IHockeyhr-gdt Bmumx ; xaultand taxellnennn 1111.1].xxnmen'xxmgles _l'sprel1mma1x ; thmuehthemeltt.artxltl1e . l111al.l1111112am l'rtteennt t‘uttntl, -1_.‘~llam_ : laxt exent. the lillllm. \x1ll the mp txxentx ranked IJudollallllehtxxemht 3 \ta1latamund\ 45.1111 I' xxnmen111thexxnrldare l1nal. and earl} mundxnl l I Basketball \Vnmen's eumpehne 1n the \Inelex.

tmal. trme nut en e11 andStethral1xhtxt I Boxing Senn-linalx. lam laxum He [11 add the

heaxlel \Nelehtx.


D .d WIlkI 200 t and lllam. ' ()lxmpIetrtlet11he1(irand 3‘" ' '8: me res . I Tennis l'1111113am. Slam, breaststroke. Montreal. ! (24-1130” . ' my,“dwuhkwnd Wilkle gainedasnverlnme munday—g'zsam' ITV' ; xxnmen‘xxmules 2 100 metresthe sameyear. I “am-29m 5-15—5459“ l wmmmh . _ coming secondmme man I 6—6.30pm. 88c1: 11.30pm 1 c4: 7—9.25am. ITV. 9.253m . 1 Monday—8.55m. —1pm. 4-5pm. 88c1: he beatlnthe 200. I AmericanJohn Hencken. 9.05—10.25am. i 11.30pm Saturday—9am. t 11.05am—noon.1.50—3pm. C4211.30l1m I 9.3Dam—12.05pm. oecz: 7—8pm. , Thursday—9.253m. ITV: 1,30_5pm, ' I Cycling men's mad raee. 11am—2pm. 5.15—5.45pm. IAthIetics l'he men's : mrdmeht. 6—6.30pm. 88C1211.30pm marathnn (ltwcx the :' I Hockey Women‘s TthSdaY-8.55am. athlettes pmeramme. ax __ I \eml-tmalx.«lamand 9.05—10.253m. 1 thexx111nen\tttatatlttrn " « "an" i (1_ 15am, 11.053m-12.55pm. opened It_ 'I'her'e |\ .t I Lil MCCOlgani 101000 IThis isa restdayin 7—9pm. eecz: 5.35am \lart. and. xx11h Allan Wells: 100 metres. .. nee metres. Seoul. The tinal at l athletics scan channels 2.15—3.50pm. _ llte xxm‘ltl lwext eunemlx at Moscow.Wells.who only the10.000 metres on Friday : are alsolikelyto highlight lAthletics'thexxmnen‘x _' t\x1\l1t1111\\|\ mtmnexahe retiredtromtirstclass 30—thetirsttimethe event : minority spans such as mnnnm lmal .11 (1,311...” ' “N mm .hnula 1w Imme- mnning a law weeks 390‘ I; .V ., has been deemed SUllable l handball. tencing and lL‘dlllt‘w l .l/ .\le( 'nlezln. l around '7 Jllam. was 28 when he won his r *‘ torwomen-sees McCoIgan I canoeinQI tnrherauer Sentlgrml'xlnnxt teztllxtle 'Boxing xrm-L- mun gold medal -the oldest take on Ingrid Kristiansen at i even watch our rorSeb ehanee 111 .. gnld mum m g “mm rum) victorinthe history othis Norway overtwenty-eight (:09, a late entrantinme llle(1ame\. 1,1/ lt;t\hggn 1 .ctosing ceremony event. laps 0' the track. l men's slalom. Upped as lttnmrltc In : 11; 1| 31mm

'I'he[.1st lh —- 2‘) September 1988 9