I Sport ls llstod as diam by sport, thenby day. then by event.


I Great Scottish Run: City at Glasgow Halt Marathon I liin Street. ( ilasgoyy. llpm 'l‘he thirteen mile eouise ends up iii (ilasgoyy (iieen. yy itli the lirst r unneis espeeted home around noon.

Monday 12

ISt. Andrew'sSporting Club Albany llotel. Bothyy ell Street. ( ilasgosy “.3llpm .loint topol the bill. l‘ltl'lllL'i British

lightyy eight ehampion .v\le\ I)IL'I\\UII laees Lennie ( ilostei in his lirst tight at light yselterys eight. and Amer lean Ionie Antuna makes his pro debut at \yelter'yyeight against 'l‘ony lli'itland. (iuest tieketslineludingdinner) L25. Annual membership eosts LSllSll: toi further details phone the elub on HI I - 315' 54M 2050

CRICKET Saturday 3


I Ayrshire v Stralhmore County '1 he ( )y at. l’restysiek. 1.3lipm.

I Fiteshire v West Lothian yiels’ane Park. Dunlermline l 3llpm.

Weather permitting. these listur'es \y lIl

\\ rap up the ( ‘ourity Championship lor‘ the


I Race ans 'I‘uesday . 'I'hui'sday and Saturday . l’oyydei‘hall Stadium.

Beay‘erhall Road. ltdmburgh. Raee meetings are toi' Ill i‘aees. stai'tiiigat 7.3llpm. £2.2llStand; £1..‘~ll(iround.


I Race Days 'l‘uesday . Iltur'sday and Saturday . Shays t'ield Stadium. Ruthei'gleii Road. (ilasgoyy. Raee meetings are for Ill raees. starting at "7.45pm. LI.

FOOTBALL Saturday 3


I Aberdeen V HIDS I’ittodi'ie. .-\ber Lleett. 3pm. (Blises 1.3. 3. I l I. Not the toregone eonelusion it has been Illl‘ most ot the deeade. this match should still go Aberdeen‘s yy ay . it only by an SSth minute Jim Bert penalty.

I Celtic v Hamilton (ieltie l’ark . ( ilasgim (Buses bl . (13. ()4). 3pm. Alter last yy eek's Skol (‘up thrashing. Hamilton \in| not be looking Ioryyard to this mateh: nevertheless. in their League tixtures so far they haye .shoyy n greater resilienee than they did last time they yyere in the Premier Diy‘ision. and \s ill ey entually record a Victory against one of the bigger teams. But not today. (l-‘amouslast words).

I Dundee v Dundee United I‘leris Park. [)undeetBuses IS. l‘). 2“. 21 1. 3pm. ()t the three big Seottish derbies. this is probably the most entertaining in a footballing sense. I'nited haye been dominant in reeent years. and giyen their

early season torm is ill again start layour'ites today.

I Hearts V SI. Mirren't yneeastle. Izdinbui'gh ( Blises 1.3. 3. J. 33. 34. 44). 3pm. Sandy (‘lai'k's iniury may \y ell pi'oy e .i blessing iii disguise tor the 'l‘y neeastle side it it toi'ees them to play \yide andon theground. It they play toanythinglike their best . ( ~olquhoun and Bannon should eope \y ith St. Mirren \y ith ease. What

I Iear'ts' deletiee deeide to do is .i diller‘ent ttlttllL‘l.

I Motherwell v Rangers In Paris.

Motheryy ell 1 All Motheryy eIl buses pass ground 1. 3pm. likeyyise. the Rangers lorysard line should syy eep Mothei'yy ell aside. e\en it it takes them an hour or soto break Lloyy It the (lowest delenee In the

dis isioii.


I Ayrv FortarSomei‘set I’ai Is. .»\y it lllmins li'om :\yi‘ Station). 3pm.

I Clydebank v Kilmarnock Kllboys ie l’ar k. (‘lydebank (2 mins Irom Singer Station l. 3pm.

I Falkirkv Dunlermline Brock-x tlle. l-alkirk l lllllyds lrom (ii'ahanistoii Station). 3pm. I Partick Thistle v Morton l‘ir'hill. ( ilttsgtiyy (Brises l . S. 31.5".oll.ol i.3pm.

I Raith Rovers v Clyde Sim-it‘s I’ar'k. Is'ii'keaIdy ( I5 mins from bus and train stations). 3pm.


I Albion Rovers v Dumbarton ( ‘Iiltonhill. ('oatbridgel lll mins(‘oatdykestation i. 3pm.

I Queen‘s Park v Montrose l Iitlttptlell. (ilasgoyy (5 mins li‘om Mount I-lor'idaand Kings Park Stations). 3pm.

Wednesday 7

UEFA CUP FIRST ROUND, FIRST LEG I Rangers v Katowice Ibros. (ilzisgoyy (2 mins lbi'os l'nderground). 7.30pm. Mr

A BIGGER SPLASH? EstherWilliams. Every article about synchronised swimming has to mention EstherWitliams, star otthe Thirties‘ films in which whole platoons of women swam around gently, ornamentally, to a soundtrack 01 languid strings. It was the depression, but Esther didn’t care because she had the biggest swimming pool in Calitornia.

Silly smiles. Most articles on synchronised swimming complain about the silly smiles, inherited from the Williams' lilms. Obligatory lor all competitors, they don‘t exactly make tor natural breathing given that the swimmers also wear clothes pegs on

kirk/i I I. no...

Souness‘ prime eoneern. after last season's del'ensiye lapses in Iiurope. must be to stop the Poles seoring an away goal. ltthey play to form. Rangers undoubtedly hay e the ability to go tar in this eompetitioii larther' than in last year's (‘hanipionsCup Scotland's other liuropeaii

i'epr'esentatiy es (‘eltie. l)undee I 'nited. I learts and Aberdeen all play my ay tonight. 'I‘he seeond legs yy ill be played in a tor'tiiight.

Saturday 10


.\'o l’i'emier' matehes this \y eekerid. togiy e players in the Seotland pool a break belore Wednesday 's World ('up ()ualiliei' against \oryyay in ( )slo.


I Airdrie v Kilmarnock limomiiettl. .-\lt‘dr'le (5 mins Airdrie station). 3pm.

I AYTV Falkirk Somerset l’ar k. .-\y r' l as aboy el. 3pm.

I Clyde V Clydebank I'It‘ltIlI. ( ilasgoyy (as aboy e). 3pm.

I Dunlermline v Queen at the South Izast lind Park. Dunlermlinel l5 mins li'om bus and train stationsi. 3pm.

I Meadowbank v Raith Rovers

Meadoyy bank Stadium. lidinburgh l Roses 4. 5. In“). 3pm.

I Morton v St. Johnstone ( 'tippieloyy. (ir'eenoels l 5 mins ( ~ai'tsdy ke station ). 3pm.


I Albion Rovers v Brechin City ( ‘liironhill. (‘oatbi'idge (as aboy e i. 3pm.

I Queen's Park v Montrose l lampden Park. (ilasgoyy (as aboy e I. 3pm.

GOLF Tuesday 6-Thursday 8

I Home Internationals Muiri’ieltlrroli (purse. (iullaiie. Indinbui‘gh. ('hangeol time tor the lour-eountry tournament this year. starting and tinishing one day earlier than in the past to aeeommodate players' tray el arrangements for the litselthoyy e r‘ 'l'ournament in S“ eden nest \yeels'. I’raetiee yy ill be on Sunday alternoon and Monday'only'.

Monday 12

I Hamilton Hamilton l’ai‘ls' Raeeeoui‘se.

their noses. The complainers miss the point entirely: they say the sport is not serious enough. whereas its real problem is that it's tar too serious.

Sly smirks. Cheery chuckles. Wry grins. The sport would undoubtedly be enlivened it some enterprising competitor employed a variant on the silly smile. And why stop at happy expressions? Let‘s hear it tor the positively pissed oil, the decidedly doomladen, the seriously sulky synchronised swimmers.

Thatch and Denis. The Proclaimers. Morecambe and Wise. Surely it the balletic grace of the swimming was combined with witty impersonation at a well-known duo, gold medals and the hearts 01 the viewing public would be won. The lirst partnership to attempt this will become the Torvill and Dean 01 the sport, revolutionising our perceptions at it, and setting a fearsome standard tortheir rivals.

Hector McNeil Pool, Greenock. Saturday 3 and Sunday 4. It is, on balance, improbable thatany competitors will enterthe pool with short lair wigs, spectacles and acoustic guitars. (Stuart Bathgate)

Hamilton (aeeess y ia M74). (‘lub £9. l’addoek £45” ((‘ouples £7). l-‘irst raee 3. ISpm appros. I‘lat meeting.

Wednesday 14/Thursday 15

I Ayr .-\y r' Raeeeoui'se. I \Vhitletts Road. Ayr. (‘lub L Ill; ligliriton Lo;

(‘arriels (iaigie L25“. I'II'SI r'aees 2.3llpm. I‘lat meetings. 'l'his is the beginning oI tour daysot raeing at .-\y r lor the Western Meeting. and season tiekets eoy ering aII tour days are as ailable at L35 toi' ( ‘Iiiband £2” for Izglinton.



I lngliston Ingliston Raeeti’aels. Royal llighland Shoys ground. litllttl‘tlt'g'll. l-ull programme ot SI" thrill and Zlillll. sports and saloon ey ents. Practice at ‘lam. raeing at l.3llpm. Adults L35“. ehildren tree; transfer to stands tl fill. l-iee parking.

I Knockhill Knoekhill. rieai Dunlermline (signposted lrom M‘llll, lpm. Motor ('yeles. Raeirig lelland Bill logan 'l'rophy.

RUGBY Saturday3

I Glasgow AcademicalsvThe Barbarians .\'e\y Anniesland. llelensbuigli l)i'i\ e. (ilasgoyy . (‘hallenge mateh iii memory ol the late I IL‘l’lTL‘t‘t \Vatltlell. Iltt'litel I’i'esident ot both these teams and ot the Seottish Rush} I‘iiion. .’\ \ isit li'om the Barbarians does not esaetly eome into the eommoiiplaee eategoi y

they L'L‘lL'I‘I'ilIL‘ their eentenar‘y in No years' time. yet this isoiily their seeond eyer maleh against a Seottishelub side.

momm— Friday 2

I Edinburgh Monarchs v Newcastle Diamonds I’oyy derliall Stadium. Beay'er‘hall Road. l-.dinburgh “. I Spin. £3.5lline programme. National league. I Glasgow TigersvPeterboroughsinisiieltl Stadium. Rutherglen Road. ( ilasgoyy. 7.30pm. 1.3 l i I .5“). Natioiiall eague.

Friday 9

I Edinburgh Monarchs v Long Eaton

l’oyy dei'hall Stadium (as aboy e ). "'. ISpm. £3.5lline programme. National I .eague. I Glasgow Tigers v Eastbourne Shays Iield Stadium lasaboye). ’..‘~llprir. L3lLISll). National league.


Saturday 3

I Newtongrange Victoria Park. Neystongraiige. nr Indinburgh. 7pm. £25“ (£1 l. I’resh '.\” ( ‘leaii ()iiality ing Round tor Formula 2. Saturday 3—Sunday 4

I Synchronised Swimming International Invitation Competition lleetor MeNeil I’ool. ( ireeiioek. Ll programmegiy es admission Ior‘ both days. 'I no sessionson the Saturday: 3 opmarid 7‘ Illpni. Sunday has the one afternoon session. .3 (rpm. See panel.

WATERSPORT Friday 9—Saturday 10

I Rowing World Veterans Meeting. Strathelyde Park (ol't'Junetion (i of M74. signpostedMotheryyelll. llam 5.3llprn Friday 9am 5.30pm Saturday. I-'ree admission. The biggest eyer royy‘ittg regatta in Seotland. yyith raeesey er'y liy e minutes on both days. Illis is also the lirst time that the international royy ing federation. l-ISA. hay e ehosen Seotland Iorthisannual yeterans'eyent.

The List 2 ~- IS September 1988 37