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It's a good laugh being a Royal Bank of Scotland Manager, see. Take last week. Slobbering, a student sprang in. Instantly, l smelt a grant cheque. HIS!!! "Why should I bank with you?" he went suspiciously, fingering his Filolax.

"002 we don't charge interest on pre-arranged overdrafts of up to 200 OUID!" I screamed horrifically. "Not to mention our free European travel competition!"

He was impressed! He signed! With a pen. MINE! So, I gave him FlFl'EEN (IUID!*

"YOOP!" he roared, triumphantly. "FIVERS!"

Quickly, I promised him cheque book, cheque card, eurocheque card and Cashline card. PLUS! Post card.

Suddenly, he burst into a fit of high-spirited antics.

"And you can use over four thousand CASH MACHINES!" l bawled blatantly and, grabbing the lad, charged loudly out into the bank.

"LOOK!" I laughed, Victoriously. "We've bagged another!"

Everyone went MAD!

Back at my desk I slipped into a fresh tie and got ready to hand over more

CASH! "This is a good job," I mused over muesli. It was! OFFICIAL!

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The Royal Bank of Scotland

_ FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. CALL 0800 300 323. FREE. ‘Offcr open to hrs! ycur full-Ilmc studcnlx opcnm account by Milli/XX and dcposmng a grant chct uct \ dim: proof that lurlnon lccx onlx 'r

i g on I )r pro l .rc hcmg paid by S! I) or a II-A Thc Royal Bank of Scotland plc. 42 SI Andrcu Squarc.lidrr1hurphI‘ll: ZYI: A mcmhcr ol [MRO and ol All”)

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