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IBearlsland(Senrrrxhis lllpm. Donald Sutherland in the atinospherreadaptation ol the late thriller \\ l llet"\ no\ el ot Nazis. .v\ietre \\ astex and abandoned l '3 \lll‘liltll’lllt‘N

I Playing For Real r lint ‘l Wan lillilpm. l’enultimate episode ot the Subbuteo drama \\ ith l’atrieia Kerrigan and .-\lee lleggie.

I The Incredibly Strange Film Show (( '4) “till I l . 15pm. .lonathan Rt)\\ eontlnuex lux lt.l\L'l\ on the mm ie\‘ H roadxand meets .-l \II'U [om/He dit‘eetot' "led V. \llkelx.

I Festival '88lSeuiiixhl lii,_‘~5 ll.ll5pni. lon_\ Wilson and Stisie .\lagtiii'e \\ ith the \eeond ol their lzdinbiirgh l'extrx al imextrgalionx.


I Battle at Britain r Scottish l 3.:ii 4.45pm. \lielrael ( ‘airie. Kenneth More and

l .iiirenee ( )li\ rer‘ \ee oil the Nazi threat in the bloekbuxtei lilrn ol the great arr battle, ~\tiong on .ietion. \\ eak on an) \tit'l ot plot \xorth lollouing.

IBerIinersrlilit‘ZioQil “.Jilpm. Andre“ Saehx returns to Berlin. reealling theexentsol l‘lih'thateonxineedhix

.le\\ rsh parents that the} \hotild Ieax e (leiniant

IAccountsrt‘Jw llprn. .\lrehael

\\ ileo\\ IVS} l~rlm on tour about a

Lu ming lamrl) \\ ho. on the death ot the husband uproot tlietiheb ex tronr their teiiaiited lawn to take up xx hat 1\ a moreor le\\ eiolling lite on then on n land in the Seottixh border eoiintri . lhe tilin eontarns the lust notable aetrng part or ( ~oronation Street \tai . .\lieli.iel .\le\.ill_\.

I Cagney and Lacey ( BM '1 ll) ‘lfllpni. ('ompleting the \ltll\ begun laxt \xeek. [ltl\ l\ the \ ei‘_\ la\l L‘PhUth ol the .-\meriean e'iili\\ltt)\\.

I Fearot Drowningrt‘J) ll ll.3llpm. l)e\et ibed a\ an ‘idioxi ner'atie‘ eompanion to l’eter (ireenanai \ [Mm mug ht

\ [tilt/WM l \\ lileh eali be seen as part ol the l'lllll l’e\ll\;tl 34 Aug l.


ISunday Grandstandilslit‘li l _‘H h Sllpm. Somll it be Senna ., \‘l' RR( )().\1 .or l’roxr .\'l:RR( )().\l .\\lto \\lll\ the Belgian .\'l-.RR()( ).\1 (Hand l’rixl’ I Lost in Space ((11) 3 3pm, lhe last episode e\ et tirade ol the Si\tle\' \paee

\L‘l le\. endrrig ( 'hannel l-otir”\\e;r\oiiiil repeats.

IHowards'WayrBiit'li715 sfsfipni

l lUltl on. llUltl UH. NO! the new serlexiet. lll\l the repeat ol l.i\l \eaxon\elilthanger heralding the next \et’IL‘\ next \\ eek. Still that'sqirite e\ertmg isn't it, Am lsounding like l’nlltlx (If l'lc'ii 7. IChampionereuirrxhis.I5 lll.15pni. lhe true story ol Bob ( 'hampion. the National llimt ioeke} . and lll\ light against eaneer. John l ltlt'l pl;i}x('liiiitipitHi in the 1953 tilm that also stars lidiiard

\\ oodxi ar'd. Ben Johnson and Jan l‘raneix. I A Guide For The Married Man l ( ‘4)

Ill 1” l 1.5Hpm. Robert Motxe attempts to turn laitlitiil husband. Walter Matthau

rntoa philanderer \'er} tunni l‘lh"lilm \\ hieli makes good ll\L' ol a host ot grie\t

I Everyman: Silent Witnessr Hm ‘ll

10.25 I 1.15pm. l~or 125 \ettt'\ the Red (’iosx liax been the neutral ttlgtlllhtllltill eomrrig to the aid ol piixonerx ol “til. liiit ax thisdoeumentari le\e;il\. the poliei ol neutrality has presented hidden dilemmas. llistorian l’ltile\\tll'.le.llt (‘laude l‘a\e/. granted aeeess to Red (‘roxs arelmes. has no“ re\ ealed that the humanitarian organisation knext in IN) about l litler is plain to murder loiii million .lexisbut ehme to keep the rntormaiiorr \eeret tearng that ii the} spoke oiit.tlre_\ \Hitlltl be dented eontael \\ ith pr i\oliel'\ol

I Nigthalleeottixhl ll ll55pm .Iaek .\lel ,ean talks to Brian Wilson .\ll’. And} (’ameron. lan .\lel .airghlin and Bobbi Shearer about lootball era/A Seotland,


IThe New Original WonderWoman (Seottrxhl l.ll5 Illlpnr. l-.d\\m.i(‘urrre lookalike. l..\t1tl;t(~.ttlel' iii the’l'Vmoxie that laiinehed the .-\mer iean \iiper-hero \errex trom the Sexentiex

I Daylight Robbery! Portrait ol the Grey SquirrelasThietililit'l r545 n 15pm Sun i\al lti\llltel\ to the tore. the grey \tltlltl'el demonstrates ll\ [‘lt)\\L‘\\.l\.l birdtable thret.

I NeverSayNeverAgaianeorrrxhi

.\' lll._‘~llpm. Sean ( ‘onneri returning to the role Ul Bond alter a 1“ el\ e \L‘llt bleak in lltl\ 1%.i tilm. Not to be \xalehedunlexx iou'x e trrxt eaiight tip \\ ith ( ’lillhanger \ \ptinl.

IThat‘sDancingrillrssir ru sup,” llollt \xood eompilatron ot darieing \eeriex. Some magieal others not so rnagieal, ITina Turnerin RlOlSeottixhl

10.45 midnight ('orieer't ieeuidrngol the singing star during her lfreuA lzir-ri lx’u/e lotir.

IThe Edinburgh Military Tattoor liiit‘i l

1 1pm 12.15am. llighlrghhol thrxiear'x lttllllttt') e\tia\agan/a.

TU SDAY 30 .

I Floyd on Britain and Ireland l liiit '2)

S Sffllpirr Returrrol thee\tio\erletmk \\ till a tie“ \el Iex \\ lileh pat \ homage to home gttmrl eulinaii ereationx IWhCCIOlFonune(St‘tilll\lllb..‘ll ‘lpm lhe quiz \hou eome\ ioiind again IBrass Tacksrtilii 'lis RU ‘lpm liixextigatron into lairgroiirid saleli

I Glasgow. By The Way r t It i A) lllpm, Bill Paterson nar rates the lrnal programrrie in the \et'lex ol lotit tloettlltelttal le\tlll aspeetxol Irle in ( ilthgou '.\l; ' rxtlre stor} ol the eit} '\ Pilllllt'\ lrom the daisol Red ( ‘l}dexIde to the pi'exetlt tl.t\

I Forth Fiesta t Bl“ '3 l 055 Ill 25pm Muriel ( ira_\ on home ground \\ ith a look at the 'l'ele\ rxion l'extn al.

I Viewpoint ‘88 - Untying The Knot (Seottixhl Ill}.< ll..‘~5pm 'l he problems ol dixor'ee an iriereaxmg number ot L‘tittplL'\ reaeh the poiiil ot breakin their marriage. Mi Mi} doesn't \oeieu make the proeexx easier and less paintul" llll\ lilm lt)ll()\\\ CUthlC\ on the rock} path to diioree.

54inc- rm 3h.-\tig isifii'fiss’"