llam—sunsct. Plant houses and exhibitions (mounted in Inverleith House) Mon—Sat 10am—5pm: Sun 11am—5pm. Sun Gardens Until 2 Oct. This pionecrof photography produced these little blue ‘shadows‘ of algae by the cyanotype method which involves using cyanide and became the first person ever to illustrate a book using a photographic method. The Royal Botanic Garden in Edinburgh has one of the few surviving copies of"British Algae' and this exhibition shows 50 works in biographical context. Workshops to enable visitors to make their own cyanotypes have been organised. Phone

the above number and ask for Paul Nesbitt

for more information.

I ROYAL MUSEUM OF SCOTLAND Chambers Street. 225 7534. Mon-Sat l0am—5pm.

Disappearing World Until l8 Sept. Photographs taken by the journalists and film crews on Granada‘s Disappearing World series. Since 1970 over forty films have been shown on television documenting societies under threat from outside forces. Ofa group ofthirty Columbian Indians filmed in the 1st programme. only two remain. A fascinating exhibition.

I ROYAL SCOTTISH ACADEMY The Mound. 225 6671. For Eardley exhibition Mon—Sat 10am—5pm. Sun 2-5pm.

Joan Eardley Until 11) Sept. Admission

£1 .50 for the Academy and Talbot Rice Gallery. This exhibition is an off-shoot of the major festival showing of paintings at the Talbot Rice Gallery by this Scottish artist who died 25 years ago. At this venue. a selection of photographs by Glasgow photographers Oscar Marzaroli and George Oliver of the artist and her working environments will be accompanied by a group of gouaches and drawings. See Talbot Rice Galleryin Scottish Art Section for details of the main exhibition.

I SCOTTISH COUNCIL DEVELOPMENT AND INDUSTRY 23 Chester Street. 225 7911. Mon—Fri 9. 30am—4.30pm.

Polaroid Instant Images Until 2 Sept. World famous photographers shoot their paces with the Polaroid instant camera.

I STILLS GALLERY 105 High Street. 557 11-10. Tue—Sun 11—6pm.

Brian Griffin - Work Until 17 Sept. Admission 70p (411p). Brian Griffin is best known for his work in advertising photography and magazines and his unusual views of the portrait. This major exhibition of 15 years' work particularly concentrates on the period after 1983 when Griffin began photographing the corporate life of Britain business men. entrepreneurs and managers. It also includes recent work made on the building site of the Broadgate office development

where the worker becomes both hero and slave.

Talk and Performance by Brian Griffin Wed 24 Aug at 7.30pm. Held in the Royal College of Physicians. 9 Queen Street. £2.50(£1.50). Tickets from Stills.

I THEATRE WORKSHOP 34 Hamilton Place. 226 5425. Mon—Sat 10am—5pm. Edinburgh: OurViews Until Fri 12 Aug. Free. Exhibition of photographic work from women of various ethnic backgrounds.

Landscapes by MacLean and Scott Until 3 Sept. Two young Edinburgh photographers pursue the landscape of Scotland.

I THE PEOPLE'S STORY Canongate. Opens later this year. Memorabilia ofall kindsis sought for this new museum. devoted to brasses. materials for rubbings supplied by the centre.

I TALBOT RICE GALLERY Old College. University of Edinburgh. 667 101 1 ext 4308. Mon—Sat. 10am-5pm; Sun

I THEATRE ARTS CENTRE Davie Street. Mon—Fri 10am—5pm.

Education in the Arts Until 26 Aug. The arts in Education in Nottinghamshire. Photographs of young people enjoying the arts and examples of their art work.

I OUEENSFERRY MUSEUM District Council Offices. High Street. South Oueensferry. Tue & Thurs only. till 25 August. 2.30—4.30pm. Local history of Oueensferry.

I SCOTTISH STONE AND BRASS RUBBING CENTRE Trinity Apse. Chalmers Close. High Street. Edinburgh. 10am—6pm Mon—Sat. Just reopened in its new home. the Trinity Apse the surviving remnant of a 15th century collegiate church. The Centre's collection of replicas are moulded from ancient Pictish stones. rare Scottish Grasses and Medieval church

all aspects of Edinburgh life. Contact Helen Clark or Elaine Finnie at the Social History Section. Huntly House Museum.


23 Union Street, opp. Playhouse, Edinburgh 031 557 2479 Open Mon-Sat 10-5.30pm, Sunday 2-5pm

13 August - 17 September

“TWENTY ONE BY TWENTY ONE” A celebration of 21 years of the PMW. 21 Prints by 21 invited artists


New works produced in the studio by William Gear, Barbara Rae, Will McLean, , Keith McIntyre and others

SUDSIdISQd by the Scottish Arts Councu

L 54 The List 19— 25 August 1988

V I. . l . If

142 ('anongate. 225 242-1 ext 6679 if you have anything toolfer.

2pm —5pm.

Artist-in-Residence (‘losing date 12 Sept. Applications are invited for the 1988.89 artist-in-residence at Iidinburgh University . a post offered for the past three years and held by .lohn Maclean. Conrad Atkinson and Art in Ruins. Details can be obtained from the Personnel Office. 63 South Bridge.

I RIAS 15 Rutland Square. 229 7205. Mon—Fri 9. 30am—5pm.

Glasgow's Great Exhibitions Until 22 Sept. An import from the west to tell the

Edinburgh Iil II 11.S.()uote reference no.


I UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY Drummond Street. Mon—Fri 10am- 4.30pm.

Geological Maps ofthe World 15—26 Aug. Maps can be lovely to look at as well as interpreting the lay ofthe land. This international exhibition looks at maps front all angles.

See more Iidinburgh Listings after Glasgow Listings for details ofpermanent collections in museums and art galleries.


I HM GENERAL REGISTER HOUSE Princes Street. 556 6585. Mon-Fri 9am—4.30pm. The Scots in Australia lfntil end ()ct. See also National Library.

Feast to Festival limit 33 Sept. The history ofentertainment is plundered with material from the Scottiin Record archives and the lidinburgh Festival Society. In medieval times. religious and secular festivals were enjoyed by commoners in Scotland while the royals were entertained by organised performances. The popularity oftheatre grew in the 17th century in Scotland with music becoming a la mode during Victorian times. ('inema was the leth century's great breakthrough. reaching its height in the 40‘s and 50‘s. What happened next is happening now. A good exhibition to whet your appetite for the Festival.

I LAMB'S HOUSE Burgess Street. Leith. 55-1 3131. Daily 2pm-8pm.

Leith on its Own L'nti120 Aug. l.eith Museum Trust presents a photographic exhibition which illustrates life when I.eith was an independent burgh from 1833-1920.

I NATIONAL LIBRARY OF SCOTLAND George IV Bridge. 226 4531. Mon—Fri 9.30am—5pm: Sat 9.30am ~1pm; Sun 2pm—5pm.

Scotland and Australia Until 15 ()ct. Highly detailed. documentary style exhibition packed full of illuminating and quirky facts relating to the Scots in Australia. Rather dense to take in at one go butwill repay repeated visits. A new book That Land DI Exiles by Eric Richards(HMSO £5.95) has been published to coincide with the exhibition. See also HM Register House.

Festival folk just how Glasgow has done it miles better over a century. The Glasgow Garden Festival (see Garden Festival page) has a different flavour btit is outof the same commercial stable as all the others as you will see in this exhibition of souvenirs. Photographs and programmes. I ROYAL MUSEUM OF SCOTLAND Chambers Street. 225 753-1. Mon—Sat 10am—5pm. Sun 2—5pm. Cafe.

In the Shadow of Vesuvius Until 18 Sept. Pompeii comes to Edinburgh. Well. some of the objects from Pompeii come to Edinburgh. For the Festival the Museum has collaborated with the Naples Archeological Museum to bring bitsand pieces from the volcanically preserved Pompeii and Hereulanaeum. many of which will be shown for the first time outside Naples. Though a modestly-scaled exhibition. there are some little gems among the collection.

Aphrodite's Island: Art and Archaeology of Ancient Cyprus 1: ntil 4 Sept. An evocative exhibition about this gem ofthe Mediterranean. with photographs and archaeological finds well displayed against sky-blue backdrops. Almost guaranteed to send you straight to the travel agent to book your holiday there.

The Discovery Room L'nti121 Aug. Mon-Sat 10am—«1pm. Discoveries for every age and interest. Iincounter one of the world's deadliest creatures. investigate what is eating your garden, your woodwork and you. or perhaps try on a turban. lfyou are under lllyearsyou must be accompanied by an adult. No booking required. I Iappy discoveries! Helmsdale Bowls Roman treasure found in a railway cutting displayed for the first time. Front the first and second centuries AD these bronze bowls were found neatly packed one within another Russian-doll style only a few feet below ground level. Owned by the Duke of Sutherland. they have been loaned to the museum for display and research.

New Shop Keeping in line with the major museums of the world. the Royal Museum has opened a much enlarged and professionally run shop with books. jewellery. pottery. toys and T-shirts.

I SCOTTISH AGRICULTURAL MUSEUM lngliston (near Edinburgh Airport). 225 7534 for information. Mon—Fri 10am—5pm.

Man and Beast limit 31) Sept. The relationship between animals and their human keepers is examined in an exhibition of photographs and old farming equipment.

I SCOTTISH MINING MUSEUM Lady Victoria Colliery. Newtongrange. Midlothian. 663 7519. Tue—Fri 10am—4.30pm;Sat 6’; Sun noon—5pm. Devoted to the history ofmining in Midlothian. built on a mining site.

A Century of Coal A new photographic exhibition all about coal. one ofScotland's most important industries.

I TRON KIRK High Street. 667 1011 Department of Anatomy for info.

Death Masks and Life Masks of the Famous and Infamous Until 9 Sept. (‘ompelling pieces of documentary history. There are the masks of criminals. the hangman's noose biting into the flesh of the neck and there are masks of the illustrious. John Keats. Samuel Johnson and Sir Walter Scott. Presumably. before the advent of photography. this was as true a likeness as could be made of any individual. But it was a painful process for the living and an unflattering one for the dead. The lack of hair and eyes makes it a particularly unpleasant likeness. An intriguing historical exhibition.