CONTRIBUTORS , Publisher Robin Hodge. l l FREE EVENTS, performances and Editors Nigel Billen.Sarah 3 ' , exhibitions throughout the “cmming‘ Associate l l '.‘°S"“' “mm”? lhreeweeks-seelhe Editor Allan Hunter. i l P""°es s."°.e“ L°""a" Fringe procramme lortull Design Simon Esterson. T l "Md-Km“ 53"”'°‘“°a“ delails.Amonolhemaior AdvertisingJessBarrow. f Eggapsg'gfa'rm‘t'gfm4' lonhcomino tree events Sheila Maclean. Accounts Rose Street IS being lapped again this h I Edinbmgh usually turns out alftzringe Sunday Holmod 9:33;; ljgrrcisidy Festival. Sponsored by Alloa Breweries.t e i mums one_ a mass parade Park sunday 21 1pm sum. “0ng “man.” Brighton-based Tap Club are bringingoa host l 0' "08‘s. hands. and sheet Vastgelecmn 0'. P[immrwmt‘ “hm PM of street entertainers onto the pedestrian I emenainers. Olganised and emenainmems and K ‘. Praducnon Agsistams of I ""am“ "me “win” side-show. including Milli Fisher Nicholas fi‘"”"'il‘;f."°‘°"°"""°‘”“' ':°i'5s'eSireetCarnivai 3?;52?“"°"‘"“'"“""°“ i:!1‘1‘§:.l:‘3.fai:2:i.?.? (mill: last year's events were also staged 5 Rose. Sum"'a" I Jazz FGSlival Opening Taylor. Kristina ' ° ' r n ° l l “mm” 0mm“ "m" Parade Recent Road- Woolnou h Classical in pubs and clubs. this year sen e ainmen . Zap Club. who hope mm Princes 8mm- " ic (a g)I Mm Dance IS strictly altresco and daytime. the nightlife ; nomtop "88 mast “street Grassmmet Sunday 21 Age Bari PM" Alhn has moved to Glasgow: where there smgre . emenainmemumis 2pm “an mom“ . H ILLI‘ .r'llnr.w0r10h;m()n buzz and more money. says Zap-s prolec . ‘. emavagama 0' music. cumin-raising cavalcade 0' Fags/Jr}; Ntrm'm . director.SImon Evans. He haswide H « ' spec‘acle‘and circusmns music (‘h'l goodjuuc experience ollestrvals. from York to. ong ; i daily'mm Augus' 1510 . GIN-1mm Fireworks M )a m‘c‘rsé'i” 'Stcwm Kong. and he believes the collaboratIIJJ'n l Semember 3. Concert Edinburgh Kiagi'stclel...kinyn.w "team between commerce and the arts cou k.urdn ' g I Lunchtime Jazz Planorm Castle/Princes 8mm N‘ y :1 ‘n Kinncs Rose Street into anice place to b;. a tIn o l One, Caledonia" Hotel‘ Gardens “August Nilggui'el Set .1}! Rtiikcr . bou'ev'arde. There are “won” Vlim ages ; l Lmhia" no“ sam'days 10.45prri.AlwaYsthe most Agd '(‘rtibtii (‘ofin for all involved. and led by All:3.|w gown ; and Sundaysmmughomme spectacularevemonhe Sthyn edNiChom seveno'mose-s'ieet 8 “Mt e m l t nd Simon Evans will be cruisin Fes'm" ‘2-309'“ 5‘3“ Festival with huge cit-L a R‘iicklEdinbrirgh) traders association hasleaptatthe i new 80 Si! . 9 (Fimdate Samdayny audiencés even mam) in s "y "r opportunity to improve the street 3 image. i the busklng ghettos looking for talentto I The Lunchtime Show . C U Mao. Flock (Glasgow) John For Simon Evans. the success of the venture . Include In the third week of the Carnival. Plaflorm One Caledonia" weather. Tickets torthe WM",me spun gum! is judged in a much less quantifiable way: 1 Aspiring street periormers can bend hlS ear “om Lomiafi Road A 232%: 2:883:13 Ttllealfe Bathga'te. Theatre Sarah ‘its about the buzz on the street. E at midday every day. when he can belound “main” 0‘ Fringe music ' I if Rot (:ll VBW Hemming. Travel Kristina Bllllflg a 8"an (luaflel Wllh a sense Ollhe at the side at the Kenilworth. picking uplhe and comedy man at ézdgenes (figitsedo‘ro “:0 per LNJ)()LnOuill\Eaflefa ridiculous. cowboy crooners and ahuman buzz. . 1 in mg l a 'e-up ostrich. the Rose Street Carnival looks setto , The Carnival runs lrom 11.30am-4pm lrom fifiifig‘ngzexveemay 98'800) are avallable front Services Cover Michael distil the zany essence ol the Fringe and } August 15 to Sept 3. in the pedestrian . There areValso‘ a ma” the Waverley Market Tourist (‘lark In [Am (. (mores; make it (literally) freely available to all. precinct area of Rose Street between b H '"m'mat'on 0m“ 0" “range 00V" 098W" Nigel There is still room on the programmelor l Frederick Street and Castle Street. , "um er 0 we sa'U'daY 20 3‘8-303m- Billcn. Paul Keir.

My nomination for a Fringe first goes without ‘touching a thing.‘ Is there i to the RAF air-sea rescue team at , no end to the man‘s talents'.’ Know Leuchars who put on a marvellous him now as Lorn Magnetism. show in St Andrews Bay the other Talented is not a word which I evening. I was twiddling with the associate with Jeffrey Archer who knob on the radio trying to find has a new book of short stories due someone talking when I caught sight out in September. I would like to of holidaymakers making haste give you a sneak preview but I am towards the beach. Sensing a scoop. honour bound to stay tnum until the I grabbed a pen and a reporters' 12th when the champagne will be notepad and followed on as fast as l uncorked and the froth will flow. could. arrivingjust in time to witness r Suffice it to say that Mr Archer‘s a man. doggy-paddling— or so it ; prose is in a class ofits own. his only seemed—aboutahundred and fifty Hopeless traveller Alan Taylor contemplates air-sea rcalcompctitorhcing hisunofficial yards from the Show “in? Pluck“ l rescues the licence to drive and electric erson'ilities biographc" M’J‘mmm” Mame“ I” from the calm sea by a yellow i p ( ' the early days it was put about helicopter. Certainly. from where l i So free is St Andrews and environs remarkable how rnanv scribes are LOHdOD PUhll-‘hing “'iitcrlntl “0W5 was standing. he did not look in from the perennial temptations auto-illiterate. including. I hasten to that "10 aspiringPCSIWHCTW‘" ‘1 distress and there was much i which interfere with writers’ best laid add. vours trulv. Alan Iiold. Ron diCthni‘T." ‘0 his PUhliShCrs and speculation among the onlookers as f deadlines that I've often wondered Butlin. Brian Mcfabe. Allan “5de {Or thc “""ds 1" PC rearranng to whether he was in fact drowning : why more don't decamp here. In Massie. Douglas Dunn and Lorn in“) 1‘ “(WM “15”” l)illlC5~ This“ has or. simply. waving. If it was the latter ; recent years. however. several have Mclntvre spring immediatelv to flow 1‘00“ dcn‘NmCCd “5 scurril‘ms he must have got a shock when he including Kathleen .lamie. poet. mind but there are at least ariother “"110”r‘mongcrmg bl” Wilding th" saw the helicopter hovering above ; philosopher and periodic pizza dozen contemporary Scottish writers gloss." hand‘mt {mm the lmbhmcrS him. I waitress. who has foregone the whum one can't pining behind the accompanying the stories l began to The following morning'sScotsman 1 delightsofl)alry for Newburgh whcc] or}, mutorcan nmmmld ()nc wonder whether there may have

resolved the enigma. Apparently. where. apocryphally speaking. a l want [0, 1 have my idea \\'[‘|\' this been something in it afterall. so there had been three men. not one. 5 castle can be had for the price ofa I should be but 1 am willing in “he! replete is it with hyperbole. in a rubber dinghy when an oar room and kitchen in Iidinburgh or a i among who fcclg 11]] An; (‘mmcn half-truths and non sequiturs. snapped. casting them adrift. Fearful square foot of a (‘helsea lock-up. [s11}5;1r\-\t-()11|(1 buy time rushed hum Publishers who can write as badly as that they might shortly find 'l'ransport in the hinterlandsofl-‘ife is on [hig'intriuuinu bhcnrnncnnyy this are in the wrong profession. themselves on the high seas. one had a problem. however. particularly if i '1‘thuforchwnimncd[‘(yrn Among the many dispensable pieces jumped ship and had struck out for you're car-less. But not for Kathleen : Mclmyrc, arguably Prime-mung ofinformation on offer is the news the shore to raise the alarm. He had who is fortunate to have a mother f grcgitc'gt livinhwritbr‘ “1151)ch that Shall We Tell The President'.’. not made much headway when a who realised that even in the l ismlific when] [mmpcd“110315”. Mr Archer‘s second novel. is ‘a landlubberforestalled him and liberatedeightiesawomancanonlv higchuun‘cugc amid-1ft mcmwdcd fast-movingthrillerabout a plot to alertedthe authorities. Wishingto betrulyindependent ifshehasan ' : Mark“ Strum Immiimucurcthc assassinate [idward Kennedy while apprise Colin. my temporary automatic washing machine and a 3 hours [.‘it‘c‘s Faulkner h;is been he was still President of the l 'nited

, neighbour from Bearsden. ofthe full driving licence. (‘onsequently Ms putting m (m the Almtmd “Ham but States. . . ’deward'.’ But do not fear; facts I mentioned that the three men .lamie can go where she wants. when I am hiippv to report that it is finallv in the revised edition. which we are in “TC [301“ “CTR 0“ thc 5115'5“0fthc she wants. as clean as she wants to paving off. 'l‘hcre are reports that ' told has been ‘updated by the Scotsman. in their twenties and from he, [‘U'm has wt 0“- [hc university author‘. Kennedy has been replaced Airdrie. ‘That‘. said Colin. 'would This is unusual for a um” and l “hmnvsulurm “MC,” hyhis'n1CI‘C by Florentyna Kane from The explain why they sent the one who unique for a poet. Setting aside prcwfiu- and Mz'm- [Cue-mc that hc Prodigal Daughter who. I assume. is couldn‘t swim to fetch help.‘ matters of personal hygiene it is can switch 0” an Ciccmc kcmc female.

84'l‘he List 12 18 August 1988 pnmul he [)unfer‘mlilic Press ( .'\. Romanes ck Son ltd. ). Pitrcavie Btisincss Park. Dunl‘ermline. Fife. tel. 0383 72830]