a; ';V'?“q. :r",.‘~.~; =41" 9.:gratrsxcheapest 2;- ‘»;, 7:.‘~.~_-=d':- «mug-gas it .3? fa,“ .g..~., -.\. f. : ' . .141. M .VP-kvk vb. ; a ' 1-. 9,, -p Jugs. .- ;.- 9‘ ‘., A) V’j‘,.l~- “C, . ‘_ ' ~ -..~::= '-.’«-:o‘,:rcs;; "-” «1“» .tr-Jzéiiy’fiwtS.-r::«§’i'??“.3‘4r"< .- Y¥f~'.r?e‘t’t*5»:“%'ii . x M- ora, fitters“: wfléi’fiviftai as. - v“"§"""""" - ' 'W'Xz'dv’: -'""\T"'I"\.'§.L ~ ‘-'.‘.;¢.&Mi3cv-‘_ n v. Joy-f 's'. 1, . “f i-XLQJ' --‘ «X insignia ' 175;“ .$\:€A‘.‘ €4ch at.

~ -".-. .". 7"" WEI ' 5' u .. . .‘rc. a": insisil‘ om. 531s;

previously ran Oceans in Kelvlnhail

Street, hopes for "an easy-going, GLASGW

relaxed Continental atmosphere’ and is l GléngOW S

aiming at a number at markets, from | attractions

business lunches to afternoon snacks, , , .

to early evening pre-theatre meals. guarantee d

This is reflected in the wide range oi Steady stream Of

food on offer: the emphasis is lirme on Visitors across

seafood, but pasta and burgers also . .

make an appearance on the menu and tbeEdSt/‘West

the three-course table d'hbte seems, at leIdC. 1 his week. a guide to the best eating

cuisine. Booking not always necessar}.

I Tlnelil139EasierRozid

: 6521‘)32.Mon~Sat. j 12 3ll-Z.'4()pmand 3 6 ill—11pm.Thehest . lialianfoodyou‘llfindin an Edinburgh restaurant appearsinthissmalldark refuge. It's not exactly on the tourist trail hut v. orth EDINBURGH

the trip. Booking advised. FESTIVALFOOD “98'3"” Whether you're


£3.25, particularly good value. All lood can also be ordered in the downstairs bar, which has draught

I Helios Fountain 7 (irassmarket 73‘) 783-1.

" —“ ~ H31.‘!‘.se‘¥;"‘d:t\f.. (167-119... Mon Suit. : tongemndmg vcgc plcu‘glgn! fricndh german sausages and lica'e martium food and atmosphere. 3_-“)P”“ 1 3”“m (“"‘d landmark. Big portionzrof restaurant. Booking not hambmtlcr‘ i. ., ii. mfg r...,. was so 11 . Lime Venice M‘m ' Sm“ pizza and pasta at good rci (H's . inc, -. . -

i performing or i 51”"‘91'1- “lam-- 8pm: $l8lla, Murphy‘s and Castle Eden. Both and drmkmg 1 H h. i sun 11.5.: :'p.-.;. out .- I I restaurantand basementborare near the Garden 3 (“C mg~ 1 wt: .-. .. _ -' 4 ; tastefully decorate and than fully } Festival pm.“ ' ' 'ztlzi ae‘ hiotiefood. h "I ' F'"‘ i ' ' " flndln food to i‘ l “‘ esc eiv e vogue or I ies kitsch. . f. g d tucked at the back ofa Taped, laidback music downsiairs, but in brackets are Shakespeare at . Itacilla?"3\-:BT'SF‘QP13C° Basement BarCatté are the latest Bamgaie) of d med] md 3 . '22.46 ..on— n. 9 ' - ~ , ' . ' ' ' i Six and a revue _ nmnggnpm. _ 93""0 and ("Hiking eliiiilflISllfllemsi0 , The City Merchant Restaurant/City g d . kf i at ninefifteen , MONTth 54mm open in the ever-expanding Merchant Basement gar Cams, g7 Candienggs, : rin or two. i b h i Filling. vegetarian food at ; cny' 0""er Tony maHCO, who 3 Galsgow.041-5531577. I Gairdner'smrms 332 downfall of our 1 scrwdinihissliehili‘ ; Moii- Hi. F - y i canteen-like restaurant. : (offimh walk) «7 SilQhfl good snaeksand meals mum fillings as \‘otiean _, Ham—midnight: Sat. rlnge e _ i I seeds 53 W95! “Wimp- ' Mon-Sun noon me and transforms into a Spanish heap on top. Lots nfspm-c llam— 11.45pm. New est FCStlval FOOdIISt i Sire“ (‘67 857} ; 5pm—midnight. Spacious. restaurant afteropm mcmt imokmg it-n‘t a liar in the area om.“- {00d 5 . . l “Oil‘sun- 11"mi—“Pm. ; pink restaurant. (‘uiod . seriingtapas andotlier , Rug-coir}, and drink all da) witha ‘i seeks pl” a i Small. rather serious with; and ihgm'gotion no , Iberian delicacies Bars and ehangingdailt menu i selectlon ()f l source of healthy nosh. i neat. to hunk 1 I Lillig's Ml Victoria 1 . . I The pumphouse Comp." 2 i . l Tendsto be busy inthe . thinooy1.1;1Vit‘ulsiin 3 Street 325 763*. \i'flt gun BISNOS lllllStolieross Road, i re 1d 6 eating- - earlyevening. 1 5mm»! 5356531, | liam llpm I Doric 1‘ V. (R q S” ‘l 0me “wk (lmwrm E places I Henderson's Salad Table 31013-31,” (Open later diiringthe 3“ WM umcri’vltm “r2: past the Sf:(~(-) 22] 5323. 1 i ()4 Hanover Street .725 i 5pm—niidnight.( Deliier} mm all Beyond the 3 VAR“, ‘1‘“(‘li'éclzvt}(‘n _ A complex ofthree new 31314510,}53!‘ Service (“mmmllmm I iinprepossessingstaircase 0; “Mid '!""H~nchmn_i "a"! ' restaurantshoiised in the i ~ . ; 8"”“'1ipm381‘n‘ (‘la'xsie indian food at \er} i “11* i\ a pleasant spot t“), ‘1‘6n'n'v”r‘v"!ni"i1" old Pumphoiise,can1 1 ‘13 Roma 3-“ 19"" Sire“ 9am—9pm. Edinburgh’s l reasonableprlCC\lnIhi\ : seriingIoisolsaladsand ' i U ' i " ' ' oilermgu different Stile 01 l i a i i

good food attract the ugmth ngcpwue I The Brasserie 88—90 lunch from 13.30pm.

i l .

! prices in 3 5mm" friendly crowds and it isoften . I [angers 5 Hamilton Hanover Street 33‘ 57“). Ann-m“ “Nd um” “him! “inn” “0‘” 7pm. '1‘“

5 resumram- B‘mkmg “m busy. especially at Place. Stockhridge 132 Mott Sail. . lilpm orders 1 lpni (elosed Sun

I “(’rmi‘ib' “CW-‘5‘”) -. 7 lunchtime. IThe Factory 1 Want midnight; Sun 'L9 seppmd H exerting) A traditional

1\::‘[:'.E’-S}::‘n§”cm f Cale} Buecleut‘h Street noon 3.30pm and “9"” lY‘l‘inlghl Hihmfu'kgi glifxf‘qisiihc‘ hum" "N‘mmic“ficrmg

; .. -. .... . . I (167 >750. Mon-Fri. 531i.“ ziipm, \1urcchie‘ l hiqiiitous eating-house. “lilh Sum! '3 54w. ihf miisieand daneingon

é ""0" 33ml Bllhllmtli ; l) Rilzim-opm: Sat. {hm mm: and prmu i seriing pizzas steaks, i llrl‘umi n'f’VH‘UWW-“i‘ '5 "‘ Friday and Satuida}

i unpretentious restaurant : 1”_3Uam_3_30pm.(may Von Cdigl‘: Mod. I Nalmwnd humus all Hg a class of its own: good ctcnmgc (mil)

5 Scn'mghlghl.‘ Cd'bi“ be open later duringthe inqliidingsontr‘ good ' w hieh aresiirprisingli l i“"d~ 11””! “imml‘hCW- IRusty Pelican()pening “3mm film. BUS} “it” i Festival). (‘ool.e:tliti cafe Vegetarian (“\de i good and quite cheap. N“ b‘“~‘km.‘1 1115! “rd?” hours as ahoi e. Offers a 5h”“-‘ 1” thc Phylum” I seri. ing vegetarian and BSD};an advisable» hooking not alw an ; “Pm- is Me range of fresh "PP‘WW‘ bl“ Hm.“ V”) \egansnaeks and meals. - i necessary i I The Ship 3 1' Mimic seafood and fish grills

. ()ftcn i! 5C2”. putrick's I S‘hore. i

; I Gordon's Trattoria 231 Square 607 9890 I Bells Diner ‘7 5‘1 Stephen ' ("m C Strengjg 1345 Bar and bistro serx int: I Bombay Club It) we High Sim“ 335 7992‘ Mon Sat, noon ‘ZPm and SUCH 335 31 1"- Vim Sui. Mon —Sun (mm—11pm Vi") .L‘W‘d fihh.‘ fm‘d “mi! influenced lndian M0" "TUC- mm” 3 3mm; S iii—1 1pm. The jewel in noon—1 1pm; Sun. (irL‘LlI food. great music “Pm restaurant is iih an “'Cd’sun- mm“ 33"" the erownas faras (1 -11pm. Comfortable. great atmosphere: aslong ICitY ca’e l‘r’B‘i‘ilTSli’C“ exienme r‘angeiifliastcrn Rigm 0” thc ROW! Milk“. \Cilt‘limim Gilli”? goes. atmospheril‘ C4”? (“Will Is _\ou like them Tl‘l. i 33””! 7‘» Rim-k- ‘ihic- dishes and liiiropean 5” "-5 bu.“ hm the f‘md " Wonderful indian food in T3033? 0f “7'6 i‘t‘hl i‘llrtlt‘r‘ 1“ Booking a good idea. "mic-rm! 53”“ “7””? grills. (Bill 23:32:; l\(ecrryrlate. a frigngly‘ “323:3.” Booking is a good 1114226 . I The agmy Wine Barrhc Street. Stuckhndgc :2“ reistaiigint. or, mg 1.8.618” H W)“ ‘8” i ‘1 \tlihKrTLlI'hCI --. Mot .I.n, .c . mwcmtmnm] hnlcmwr 357“ Brand m“ “in at \ls'd e MR MN gnu]. St”. in ion Sim. noon»I (midnight I St” Bam‘ High 9w”! of the Biliier).sl1arirl§1 ristiir'mte seninuhetter Indian ‘iliiwsfiii in I i‘ (in dm‘é‘iiim Him)’ i ssv s71» s‘ " llis- ; i i “mm” MM In more

' z ..... . pm l|\ Monger pizzas the i m“ ‘1‘ . relaxed surroundings. ‘h'dn “Verdi” “aha” I Sbezan linion Street Ci’F‘itiin‘iUl C'm‘. W" l”? American wai with as i up 3 Ch“: “in” if l 5) good food till lam

THE SHIP - REAL 170008


' .. < - ‘7" “V ‘1? NATURAL & Mueslis, grains, pulses, nuts,

E r v ORGAN“: dried fruit, seeds, oils, juices,

, .’ i . H1, , \ FOODS organic wines & beers, herbs & me home 0, 91,3qu spices, tea 8. coffee substitutes,

and traditional Seditish c '8'” snacks, soya products, dairy

’, ‘WP “am M, - Ale and fine H a 8 BROUGHAM ST. produce, Japanese foods, books,

1 MM 9"“ '2 mm H Pm‘ y .5 TOLLCROSS (031 Vitamin supplements, natural Sunday Brunches F2 noon .1 pm4 g

I . «mi-I: 2281651) cosmetics, foods for special

1 . g , .1 . diets, homeopathic remedies,

' F" “’“"""“°"‘ 9 °""’ ‘03” 5.” "3-0" x. . « 37 BROUGHTON bulk discounts, advice on diet a i The 5'“? 24”" “‘9 5"”! Lem“ " a" x a - ST. (031 5571911) old fashioned friendly service | . .

78 man 2—-. K Xugiisi i 688