: . « 3." 5 VOICE OF THE BEEHIVE _ V’ All the buzz says these two Iii-371'? fab? 3.33542; California girls are about 5.; to take off. We catch up ti with them on the eve of I Meadowbank. ‘3; h. ‘‘‘‘‘ .. 8 HAIRSPRAY In his latest movie Debbie Harry pops a pimple on screen and that‘s in what he describes as his family film. The List finds out how John Waters has cleaned up with trash. 16 STREETBIZ High summer on the high street. . .on the ground in Glasgow The List sets the scene for a husking invasion. PLUS YOUR CHANCE TO GET IN SHAPE: A SURVEY OF SUMMER SPORTS I PAGE 41 mm] SHEENA MCDONALD 2 I GUEST LIST 2 I RDS 4 GROBNIK 4 I EAST LIFE 40 I TRAVEL 45 I COMPETITIONS 52 I VISITOR LIST: THE INDISPENSABLE INSIGHT INTO GLASGOW AND EDINBURGH INCLUDING THE FOODLIST GUIDE TO EATING OUT 46 I ' " ART .................... ..31 I H ' a. CABARET . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..17 CLASSICAL MUSIC....19 - , - ’r":~7~1‘.§-7?¥I%*3§:«:; FILM INDEX .......... ..10 FILM LISTINGS ...... ..13 SUBSCRIBE ORDER .................. L. w d l GLASGOW GARDEN Gelyour IS ypos an panyour f Mac“,egularomemnhyoumeamfl FESTIVAL ............. ..18 "'ghu'Ie 0"" breék'asl- qu'es 3'9 ' newsagent. The List Is available lrom JAZZ ................... ..20 se"‘°““° “Mum's “I'm “355 all good newsagents in comm KIDS ................... ..39 908‘8V°W89°°"GT'}"'S“:V.3"“ SM"! Scotland anda new issue should be in NIGHTLIFE ........... ..23 reach you ear yon rI air. . my shops evensecond mummy OPEN .................. ..38 Cost Including post and packing Is (some 0mm“ an” ma t RAD") 38 £28 torso issues £15 Ior 25 issues or "o """"""""" " ' . have copies until Friday). ROCK .................. ..21 £8 lor 12 Issues. SPORT 40 To THE LIST sma—sc-Iilpriori's‘ - l T0_MY NEWS/I654? >"g again ---------- 14 I W o n u o . o o n . . . . . ..37 Edinburgh EH1 1T5 Please reserve tor me untiliurther """"""""""" " notice a copy of each new issue at I """" " Rjgmutmm . . , I . . . . . . . . . . . .. '92 I I Please send methe next 50‘/25'/12‘ I The “St magazme' ' " access'I’ziciliiiLcLs issues at The Listmagazine. lenclose I I” ' 23.12. . ,f [E] Induction loop for a cheque/postal order, payable to Name O 0 w «.4 _ .‘ 34v“ . '4 . hard 0,- hwrmg The “3‘ Ltd, for 223721572? ' """""""""""""""""""""" " Stratiord Johnsin Ken Russell's Salome. See Film. .5! New RCICMC (Film) ' “We as app'icab'e- I Address ................................... .. —| Name ..................................................................................... .. ,. . : I THE J Head Office; Published II} The List Ild. Address .................................................................................. .. I HHigh Sircct- IJIiigh SIrL‘CI. Iidmhurgh ; L Iidinhurgh liiil I'l'li. 03155311g1_ I ............................................. .. I I 0315581191. I I I Glasgow Oflice: ............................................. .. (Note to newsauents: The List ' If? I'lfmr- . “ifllfmilii’fi ; . | magazine I8 UISII'IUUTOU Ill" by cuscow mu EDINBURGH it)???th i L I "I L I' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 ME - I I - J L

The List 5 l I August 19881