Continuing our regular summer guides for visitors to Edinburgh and (Vilasgow. By Sally Kinnes and Robert Dawson Scott.
° currently reading. . lntormat'on publishedevery other Gettlng Around ITouristlntormaiion 'I'hursday . which lists I Ran Smtmil‘s ncmwk
Scottish Tourist Board Head ()tt’ice. Ra\c‘lstort Terrace. l-‘drnburgh H31 333 2433. local oliiccs all over Scotland
I Things to do and see in Edinburgh and ( ilasgoxs. look no further than the magazine you are
more or less everything there is by stay of entertainment. by city and by day ot'tlie \seck. inthe rclev ant sections. Basic \isitot‘ information for both citiesand some
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Roll back the years and enter the world of Scotch Whisky
What do barley, peat, smugglers and King George IV have in common?
Visit the Scotch Whisky Heritage Centre, take a seat in an electric barrel car and journey back to the heather-scented highlands and islands, and you will discover why these, and a myriad of events in Scottish history, combine to make the story of whisky one of the most fascinating you will ever experience. Commentary in the barrel cars in English, French, German. Italian, Japanese and Spanish.
Opening Hours: 09.00-19.00 Adult £2.50 Child under 16 yrs £1.25
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lhcl rst 33 July 4 .\ugirst l‘l.\\ 55