beginners and Saturday workshops tor children w ill then be ollered. I-or lurther information phone the abm c numbersor write to Mark and Charlotte (‘heyerton at 8 Brandon 'I'ei'race. ( ‘anonmills. Iidinburgli Iil l3 FLA.

I MALCOLM INNES GALLERY o7 ( ieorge Street. 23(r4l5]. Mon l’ri ‘lam- opm: Sat lilamr lpm.

Thorburn‘s Scotland :iiiuly lo .-\tig. 'I he lirst-eyer exhibition in Scotland deyoted tothisaitist.

I NATIONAL GALLERY OF SCOTLAND 'I‘he Mound. 550 8921 .Mon—Sat 10am—5pm; Sun 2-5pm.

100 Master Drawings trom the Permanent Collection I bid 33 ( )ct Inaugural e\hibition oi the new gallery de\oted to Prints and Drawings: one hundred drawings irorn the permanent collection. show it in two batches oi 5U ( lirsi selection on \ iew iiiitrl end oi .luly i. .-\ complete understanding oi draughtsmanship lay behind the work oi the old masteisand this is beatitilully illustrated here in work by Rembrandt . ( ‘laude and l’iranesi and many others.

Redecorations and Restrictions t not the

end ol June. the redecoi atiori programme.

begun with the red room last year'.will continue in the main gi'oiindiloor galleries 'I'hc Idea is to recall the spirit ol the period iii w liicli the gallery w as btiilt and its architect Sir William l’laylair. I NATIONAL LIBRARY OF SCOTLAND (ieorge l\' Bridge. Iii-153 l. Mon I'l'l ‘).3llant 5pm; Sat ‘l3t lam lpm; Sun 3pm 5pm. Scotland and Australia t'niil i5 ( )ct. Highly detailed. documentary sty lc e\hibition packed iiill ot illuminating andquir'ky laets relating to ilie Scots in :\tlSlt£tIla. Rather dense to lake in at one go but w ill repay repeated \ isits. A new book I'lmr [JUN/(ILA. tI/i'\ by late Richardsi I IMSO £5.95) has been published tocoincide with the e\hibition See also I IM Register House. I NETHERBOW 43 l Iiin Street. 5500579. Mon Sat lilam 4.30pm and eyenings when per'lormanccs. ('ate. Images at the Old Town t 'niil 3llJuly . the results oi a competition held by the Netherbow ioi work on ilie oldiown subject in any medium. I OPEN EYE GALLERY "’5 ( 'umberland Place. 55-7 ltlltl. Mon Fri ltlarn ohm. Sat Illani 4pm. Eric Huntley loluly -1.-\ug. Recent works. David Body 1011in 4 Aug. Recent I THE PEOPLE'S STORY ('anongatc. ()pens later this year. .\Icmorabilia of all kiiidsis sought tor this new museum. dcyoted to all aspects oi Iitlllil‘tll'gli lite. Tools. clothes. trade tiiiiori records. badges. photographs and iamin stories abotit the city 's past are all w clcoiticd. (’ontact Ilelcn(‘lark or I'.I;tliie I‘innie at the Social History Section. Iluntly House Museum. 142(‘anongate. 235 2424 est no?” it yoti haye anything toollcr. I PORTRAIT GALLERY Queen Street. 55o SUI]. Mon Sat lilam Spin; Stiri 3 5pm. Masterpieces trom the Edinburgh Photographic Society Collection limit I I Sept. A small btit pleasing exhibition oi work by pioneer photographers l'rorn Iidinburgh. lniormatiye. witty. w ell—chosen and w ell-labelled. this is inst the sort ol exhibition the NI’Uorganises superbly. I PRINTMAKERS WORKSHOP GALLERY 2.3 I'nion Street. 557 2-179. Mon Sat lilarn- 5.30pm. On Land. Etchings by Altons Bytautas tintii 3(l.luly_. Recent work by an artist highly skilled in his chosen techniques. Land. sea and sky are blended with linear care in black and white or still. atmospheric colour. I OUEENSFERRY MUSEUM District Council Offices. High Street. South Oucensferry . Tue 6: Thurs only. till 25 August. 2.30-4.3tlpm. Local history of Queenslerry.

I ( .Ic'l Is Street BU\ ( )IIIL‘L‘ ooS‘ Zill‘). .\lon- Sat lilam 5pm. (ale

Five Point Six 1 'ntil ‘) Aug Ihc SM iroin is based in deinbui gli and consists ot l’eter Barn. Roland l-or‘tuna and Doug .\Iackic. 'I heir airit is not rust to record but to e\plotc the detail ol pattern and chat actet in the landscape and ur ban cm ironrnents. I RIAS 15 Rutland Square. 23""3H5

Mon l-rr‘t3oain 5pm.

The Way We Live Now I hid 5 .\ug. Scottish aicliitccis' work in response to recent housing opportunities such as the tip-grading oi council housing as a result oi the iiglit to buy policy and building new schemes in the ( iieen Belt and inner cii\ iegerter atiori pioiects


Blackii iars ( ‘hui cli. IiIacklt iars Street ioti High Street ). 55“““o‘ .\lon Sat

lllam hpm.

Stourbridge College ol Art t 'iitil minis

'I he line art degree show oi Stotirbi idge. gis trig students a proiessional setting tor the “hi time

I ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 553 S l "l. (iar'dens Mon Sat 0am sunset;Stin

l lam sunset. l’lant housesand cshibitions t mounted in lny erleith I louse l Mon Sat Illam 5pm; Sun I lain 5pm

A Visual Diary and Winter Harvest t 'ntll 31 July . Andy (ioldswoitln takes iiatiiie and w ea\ cs it. bends II. knots ii and stacksit. .-\ltct‘ all that he takes a photogi aph ol it Making sculpture in hiseny ironrneiit is (ioldsworthy ‘s primary concern. taking photographs records them at a giy cit moment Visual Diary made on I lainpstead lleath in l‘lSo. records nature and time trom construction to decay WinterHarvest takes the lot nr ot a book. piecing together (ioldsworthy ‘s work at the \ illagc ot I’enpont in l)timli lc'SSIill'c‘. AGarden inthe Desertt'nnl " Aug. l-iisi sign ol this show isa wondeittrlly incongruous looking group oi white wooden ‘palm trees' encircling the pond at the tront oi the house aspecially commissioned and ty pically oil-beat contribution ironi ( icorge \\'y llic. Inside. the e\hibition t\\ hose theme is the plants ol Southern ( Mum and their traditional tisesi gets a little more serious. btit esciy eiioi't has been made to make this acadcttiic subicct accessible

Botanical Cabinet t hill 31 .Iuls .\laikstlic publication oi the detrnitise history oi the (iai'den's library . published by I l.\lS( )

'I‘w else oi the most signriicant \ oltiincs ai e

on display and show beautitulwoodcuts trorn a 151h century herbal .iiidettglay ings by the iiiosi tamous llow er parritei oi all. l’ieri'e .Iosei Redoute. are amongst the gems. Accompanied by a tape-slide presentation which places the library in its historical conte\t.

I ROYAL MUSEUM OF SCOTLAND (‘hambers Street. 325 "534. Mon Sat lilam 5pm. Sun 3 5pm ('aie.

Aphrodite‘s island: Art and Archaeology oi Ancient Cyprus I hid ‘1 Sept. An exocatiye exhibition about this gem oi the Meditcranean. w rtli photographs and archaeological linds well displayed against sky-blue I‘ilCI's'tIltips.

Helmsdale Bowls Roman treasure tound in a r‘ailv ay cutting displayed tor the his! time.

I ROYAL MUSEUM OF SCOTLAND ()ueen Street. 55tiS‘)2l. Mon Sat Illam 5pm; Sun 3 5pm

Scotland‘s museum oi antiquities shares premises with the National Portrait (iallei‘y

I ROYAL SCOTTISH ACADEMY Ilic Mound. 235M)“. Mon Sat ltlam "pm;Sun

2 5pm. Admission {l .2” ( SllplSeason Tickets 9.3.

Next exhibitions hay e been organised by the (iallery oi Modern Art Picabiaand The Magic Mirror- Dada and Surrealism open 3llJuly and run to 4 Sept.

New Shop A small btit interesting little shop selling limited editions oi pi‘ititsatid lithographs by RSA members as well as a range of gifts. some designed exclusiyely

IUI lIlL‘ Academy

I SCOTTISH ARTISTS S l ltt\\;tl'tI Street. 55o tr.‘~.‘\" Mon Sat loam me;SunZ ~lpm .\Ii\ed show throughout July.

I SCOTTISH CONTEMPORARY ARTISTS 33 .\thollt rescent.23‘l ISIS \lon Sat lilam "pni. TwentylourEdinburghartistsIt .Itrly Kay .\dam. .\nn ( 'onncll. Stella Scotland etc I SCOTTISH CRAFT CENTRE l~lti

( anongaic.*StrSHh .\lon Sat

Warn 5 .‘itpni

\c\l c\|iibition w ill be iii .-\ung

I THE SCOTTISH GALLERY ‘H ( ic‘ttl gc Slice-LIES W.“ .\lon l-ri‘lam 5 .‘Ilpm. Sat ‘l Foam lpm

Mardi Barrie. RSW I hid b Aug Recent paintings csoking gaidcnsand landscapes l'singa palette kiiilc. she bringsanalrnost abstract lIi_\ tlirii to their shape andcolorii RecentAquisitions t not n .-\ug Stock paintingst Scottish .irtistsliket adclI. l-aidley and Rcdpaih. Sect‘ity .\it

(‘entre tor more oi the same.

The Metal Vessel t'niil (r Aug. A rare opportunity to look at what is happening in the iield oi inetalwork in Britain. Work by titteen crattsmen includes sily cr‘work. enamellingand patinated metalwork. Most pieces ha\ c been made spccilically ioi this c\hibiiion.

I SCOTTISH MINING MUSEUM\ \ictoria ( ‘ollier y . New tongr‘ange.‘ .\lidlothian. on} T5 1‘). 'l tie I‘ll

Warn 4 .‘llprn; Sat c\ Siiii noon 5pm. l)e\otcd to the history ot mining in .\lidloihian. btiilt on a rniiiingsite

I SCOTTISH STONE AND BRASS RUBBING CENTRE lr'inity .-\pse.('halmer's('losc. llighStieet. Izdinburgh. lilam opm Mon Sat. Reopens 7.lul_\ or in itsnew lioriie. the'l'rinity :\pse thesuryning remnant ol a l5th century collegiate church llie t ‘entre's collection oi replicas are moulded lrom ancient I’ictish stones. rare Scottish ( it asses and Medicy al church

“The Greatest

Living Realist Painter”?

Judge l‘oryourselli. Lucian Freud: Paintings 1947-87 at the Scottish National Gallery oI Modern Art, Bell‘ord Road,

I‘idin bu rgh l'roni 2 July to lb October I 988. .‘ldmission Ll (50p).




‘ON LAND AND SEA Scottish art from the Orchar Collection

‘PAS'I' PlJRSUI'I‘S’ photographs of St Andrews by George Cowie

BUGS BEETLES AND CRUSTACEA: Sculptures by Sue White-Cakes

(ialleries open free to the public every day Mon-Sat “LOO-5.00 (Sunday 2.00-5.00)

Further information: Crawford Centre, 93 North Street, St Andrews


0334 74610



0 throughout July 0

The List 22 July - 4 August 1988 47