. I HARBINGEHS 41‘ (heat \Vcflcrn RitutL ('itmertm lIIILI Lil) Blather“ iek itre CO _‘~_‘~t)t)t)t)t). .\ltm Sui lter (\plillsun Setitttsh \NllIL‘l‘CUIUlll'ISIS\VIHHHWKCKI noun 5pm; ( ‘Imetl ~I‘uextlitt \. itertm the 19th itntl Ztlth CL‘lllllrIC\UlI Philip Petherbridge I 'uttl 3H August. .-\ prints Ul IIU\\L‘r\ and Iili/itheth U N O F toting: ( ilitxgtm Seltmtl lllIlSI \\IlUIl;t\ Bluekittltler \IIU\\\ the eniitempnritr} :trtist \IIU“ n Ill ( ilnxetm thtttughuut the ill \\tII'I\' \\ ith plums untl flutters. Richmond Street, G |asgow G1 g‘lghllL‘NIII\\UI1[IQL|\CUIP;|\[L‘I|\;l\ Mackintosh FlowerDrawings t'ntil .‘ssept. ,|\\l|le‘d ax II I\ tleeitt llIl\ e \\ Itile \plllllllllg Ill\ lull eureer trum the I HILLHEAD LIBRARY 3-15 Ht les Rnutl. INVIH in 1935. these delicith \HIIL‘TL‘UIUIII'S \Imt l'ii‘)..‘\tt;im Spin. Sat 9.3”;th lpm. “ere turreeum mueh DI the itrtixl'stime 2 5pm (‘Imetl Wednesday during the latter Pill'l Ul his eureei‘ \\ hen his Ken Palmer I ‘ntil 2‘) _-\iit_vit\[_ I);|||][|ng\ tll'CIiilL‘L‘ltll’uI L'UIIIIIII\\IUII\ \\ ere in decline. I HUNTERIAN ART GALLERY I "nix e l'\ll\ til 'I'he) «In him ex er characterise the unique Six SCUIptOfS from ( iluxgrm . 53 I lrllhmrl gnu-r. 33H543 |'_ \Inekmtmh \t§ le liS pntentlt ll\ Ill\ SCOtland \Itut I‘ll ‘).3tt;tm 5pm: Silt ‘lfillitm 1pm. I pim et'tul I‘lllltllligx Ittttumeitll} iteeul'ute The Mackintosh House Gallery: ( )pen ll\ itntl itexthelteitlI} I‘L‘dllllllll. these Lll'it“ ingx August hiring hut (lined tut lunch Iluhll imitlpnt surely make the must itppi'nitrtztteand . Nip ,rdmtxxmn UH \\ eektlin .tllel lltit)ll\;||]d tillmixxitltle DI the ( iliixgtm (iiti‘tlelt Mon—F" Sntttttliux, .\ teenmit uetitm til the I'esln itl ielitletl L‘\Iill‘lllnli\. ,riglulget'xIlttme ltltetluillttti'tgtngtl Mackintosh and OlhefSI‘tllil SOCIUIM‘l‘. tut uttuie. I 'pxtitti'x the \lnekintmh I ltlll\L‘ SII()\\\ ;I\PL‘CI\ til the ( ‘retu'tze Smith \ \Iltl\\\ with In tutti \mmeu .ll'll\l\ tut it ('nlleelimi \\ lime multit' interest is in 5UOSKflSUd by {he SCOII'Sh Arts COUnC'I lIUl'lll theme tit enmplement the Print Sentltsh iirl. lltlltll‘l} the “ark til (i;lIIL‘l"\ \ lllllltll e\hilutttm til Muekiulmh Mitekmtmli. Inst _\eitr Mr Smith \NilS l ltmei I)r';t\\tiie\(\ee I‘L‘Itl“ ). \Vliixtler \ li\\;tl'(IL‘(I an I loimt'ni'} Degree It} (iluxgtm \\ tle lienti'iee \mx tlll lIIll\Il.IIUl itequnmtetl I'mxerxit} tn itekittmletlgement nlhis

H u I mitt tho [would \Pummn, Karin-Um. “Wk m wwmung mg “mum” A” Umversrty Of Glasgow OPENING THE snunens

MACKINTOSH AND OTHERS Aspects of The George Smith Collection 8 June 8 October


Subsidised by the Scottish .4 rls Council

Mon—Fri 9.3(lzim—5pm: Szit 9.3(lztm— 1 pm Admission Free Tel: 041 33() 5-131

Ir. (a v at, f i phorography Workshop, Eoioooroh restrict Workshop horizons. Jane and (I. . I W 43 Canolemako, now was to, many Gloria plan to direct activities outside - ’W ' . . - years the First of May Bookshop. But the WOWSNOP in both Etlittltttflllt and "I - lrom the end at this month, the compact lttftltef afield- ] O A N E A R D L E Y , S A . two-story premises down the hilt irom In orderto stimulate interest and to Greylriars Bobby takes on the very encourage debate the Workshop has

dilterent name and role at Photography NO other aims 0I “WW at 43

Workshop, Candlemaker Row both coming under The prime movers behind this new the flame POMOIIO- Scott's" " project are Jane Brettle and Gloria photographers. WWI 3" BmDNaSIS 0" Chalmers, both photographers "'8 Young and emetllittll. are Offered .. ~ - , . . ,, rhomsoioos aoo hoth “-513” at new space, run on enthusiastically 5 _ i - Soouaoo's other photography oohoo, prolessional lines, inthe Portlolio

Stills. While provision tor international Gallery. Porttotio Magazine will carry and national exhibitions was being met the “hate all" DNOIOOIaDhetS work by that and other organisations, they It"th afield. Interviews. "Mews, telt that there were still large gaps in debates as we" 38 a photography photographic tuition and education exhibitions listing lor Scotland will be outside the colleges tor prolessionals, PttbliSlled quarterly In WSSCONISII hogiooors ooo sohoois, photography tournal. And lost to make So, the Photography Workshop, Sttte "it" Young liltOlolifallhel’S 3'8 without diluting its aims, is tor aware at all the options. Porttotto

U 0 1 everyone. Everyone, that is, with a Sessions, taken by guest prolessional

serious interest in photography. There photollfaltltefs and Ctttators. Will be . will be seminars and workshops tor held every month on an individual


. prolessionals which look at areas at basis to discuss work and ideas. a" specitic interest-still lite, portraits, Alull programme at exhibitions, landscape. Workshops tor children workshops and sessions is already began even belore the gallery otticially planned. Ruth Stirling opens the opened with a Ron O'Donnell session Gallery at the end at this month and the

U N |VERS|TY OF ROYAL SCOTI'ISH which involved making a huge paper magazine’s lirst issue will be available

least and Polorolding it. And there will at the opening and thereafter. For

EDI N B U RC H, ACADEMY, be weekenid and :viening classes tor mataesrhfit'asiLscazaiileZhgt’ongzphlgm SOUth Bridge The Mound Emiliallhhe Brattle or Gloria Chalmers at :3 - c dl k B ,Edib ,Eiit Mondyésafiurdaézogg‘éspm’ 59nda; 123315 pm ° filzmeliiilii :zlrtilhgllliittdlitile: Zia]: oiaitnhaiineer 220: 191 Sallie Bain) mrssron . oncessmns . photographers at a time and does not

Also showing at (he Talbot Rice: HEW LORIMER, Sculpture

44 'l’he list 22 .luly .- -I August 1988