l Kids am: no provide into about events in and around Edinburgh and Glasgow tor children and young people. Please send details not later than 10 days betore pubncahon.
Activities and Fun
Rainbow Four Reading Parade 1 ’ntrl 3n Aug. .-\ \lltllt‘tlct -1on_u hook \PCL‘IJI tor elrrldren. RL‘ngtttlIlHtl is tree and there are l~llltitlextoelrooxehemeen :\Ilelllltlt'e‘tl t'eeen e it Raiuho“ I’.ir'.ide \Veatlrei' I )itii) to kee1‘tttiek ottltelwinik\tlte} lLixe‘letnl. 'I'lier'e \\rll .tlStl he aeolour‘ing-iii eonrpetition the prelur'e rxot Bean at the \L‘.t\1tlL‘ttlltlcthIL‘Sitl'C ;r\;ril.ihle in [lie/1m! Killirrile \('H\t11 ti’orrt.in_\ ol the lihr';iiie\. (‘onlaet orte ot the lollim rug \ enuex lot' details: ( ~entral lihrar') . .'\IL'\itll\llit .-\ie;ide; St l.eon.ird\. \eighhour'hood ('entre; (ireenlrillx. I)l\tt'IL‘I ( ~eirtre; open .\lon_1ue. l'hurxandI'ii‘JJFam Tlfiprrr. \\ ed and Sat ‘l-Iiim 5pm. ( "alder \xood. ('.rlder\\ood Sq; Sti.rtlr.i\en. ( ilaxgoxx
I{oad;\Neshxood,\\L\tuiuulSquare; open Mon. lhur\ and I‘ll I “ 15pm. Iue» \\ ed.indS;it‘1»15.ini 1pm.: 5pm.
I GLASGOW GARDEN FESTIVAL l’r iueex l)oel\. »1_“)\.\5." l 'ntiI ItrSepteirrher tlpen e\er_\ d.i\. Ithrrrr one hour heloie dusk. L; adults. :4 \tudentx.().-\l’\. I'II»111\.L_‘.511 lxltl\ aged," 1t» \\. liee tor the under .‘x. ()tlee Ilhltle‘. till L‘\e'tll\ :ttk‘ IICL'. .\l.t\\L‘\ 10 do tor ehrldren ol .ill .ige\. liorrr the lunl.iri \1\ le‘ loop-Ille-Itiiip Hillel-ethnic! 1U tlte giant hadger \et \\ hieh redueex the humans \xhoenler to the \i/e ot i'ahhitxl
.-\l\o~ee detaihot dirt-h} -d;r} .ielr\ 111L‘\. the ( il.i\go\\ (linden I-exti\.rltlitii§
I GLASGOW PLAYSCHEMES RESOURCE I'tll \VJIItiL‘C Street . 43‘) “5-”. Ilundredxolplaneherrrex(2511in(ilaxgo\\ and out! in Sti'athehde region 1 are tum up and running until 12 Aug. Run h_\ \olunteerx the} otter it lrmt ol .ietn itie\. ineluding gitttlk‘\.\ptll’t\.tlrt}1111“. [‘IIPPL‘IU.L‘lIL‘llSSI'xIIIS.\1\11\Itllllk' theatre. taeepaintingrrndartxtrnderattx. .\Iii\t ttlL‘ geared to 5 I: _\L‘rit‘ t)ltl\lllttittf_‘lt \ome \peeialixe in e\ent\ toi teenageixor under 5xlrrrrd they run Mon I'll
Ill;llll noon and I Jpnt. (‘hildien eair [out
atanx trineaxthelengtholprograrnnrex
.luh. llanr & 3pm. l-ree
\.irie~. I‘eex are minimal hetueeu
.ippro\irrttitel} 111p and t1.(‘ontriel .\1\
\le( ii‘atli on ahm e no. tor lur'thei'detailx.
I HAGGS CASTLE In“ St .-\l1tlt'e‘\\\ 1)r'i\ e.
Circus Spellacy .ttttI Punch and Judy Silt ii
nohooking rust
turn tip 1-or.‘~ Itl§e~tii'ir|t1\. 'I'hii‘dotxei'rex
ot \llttltllcl' e\ent\ \peeialh tor elnldren
sponsored h} the I'extix als I hit ol
(ilaxgim 1)r\triet(‘ouneil. See panel. Booking 1\ mm open tor the tree I laggx
progr amine o1 speeitrl \untttter' aetn itiex.
\\ or'lohop~ run e\er'_\ day e\eept Sunday
and plaeex get snapped up \ en last . \o
hooking ahead 1\L'\\L‘tltl;tl. ()nl) t\\o
ttL‘IH IIIL'S per elrild. .'\t tlte time of goriigto
tolloxxingtxurtahle age range gix en in
Fri 8 1“. 15am 1 Ieraldr‘} t" 131.3,15piu
(linger hr‘etid (o in;
Tue12 111.15;th 1,;i\errdet' litigxto U);
3 ISpnrlIannoeth M
Wed 13 I lei h 13ag~th ‘li._‘.15pur\\ L‘tl\ mg
l" Ill
Thursld 111 15am Sliorthreadto ‘11
Fri 15 111 15am litinnoekxt.R hrStorttinte
l)t';l\\ltl}_' tone plaee lelt l t4 T 11-1 "1;
_‘ 15pm l Ierh Itigxth ‘ll. l~;iri\t.\ 131
III litttt IIH\C\I.\ 131.\\he;iten
Seonex t 5 Si;I.15pmIIutterrrrakrng
t~l “11.(i1o\e l’uppetxth ‘1)
Mon 18 Street (hirnex t T 121.11erh13agx
(t) ‘l)
TU819 III litltt I Ieth IIQIgSH) V)
Thurs 21 111 15am Ito\e\t-\ 131.Stor'ytrnie
I)Iit\\111;_' M. “l; 2. 15pm 'I tl\\1L' \IthIC
th ‘Il.llL‘1.tItl1_\I-“ 131.
I SCOTTISH BALLET 2h! \\ ext l’r rneex
Sueer. .‘x‘d 3031
JuniorContemporary ClaSS()perrel;i\\e\
organised h_\ Steps ( )ut ot Seottixh Ballet
\\rll i'e-xtai‘t during the week ot ISAuguxt.
I THEATRE ROYAL I lope Street .331 123.1.‘~_‘~3iinnn
Swan Lake In 15. "._‘\tlprrr. Sat 1o. 3.311pur N ".31 1pm. £3511 £15 511. (eones \lon ex e & Sat ltlitl L.i.511\e;it\ £1.5111..\Io\eo\\ ("Iawieiil Ballet. one o1 tliegr'eat
eoirrpaniex of Russia. \ ISII (ilasgou \\ ith a premier of Swan lake. Sets and eoxtumex h} the Bt'lli\ll dutgtter‘. 'l'im ( ioodelrrld. .\'ot \peeilieall} loi eliildi'eir. hut ir‘rexixtahle to an_\ ehild \\ ith an interest iit IIIIIICI.
Divertissments Programmel Mon l I a Wed 13. 7.311pin, l’i‘reex as tor S\\ an I .gike. I’ir'xt ot t\\o dr\ei‘ti\\nrent pr'ogr'airtrnex alxoh} .\Io\eo\\ (ll;t\\lL‘;tl Ballet. eaeli eornpoxed ot 15 \\ ell knou n pieeex lr’orrr popular halletx. l‘irxt piogr .ririrrte llle‘ltltlL‘S l’.i\ de l)eu\1ronrlet‘orxair'e.(iixelle1’;i\ tlL‘ I)L'll\. l’t‘eltlilc. (littln IIUIII doll ()uixote.1.;rStlphide.
Divertissments Programme 2 't ue 1: a 'l'huix 14. "..‘~t|prrr. l’i'ieex .rx tor S\\tin lake. lneludex 'l lrenre and Variation. 1,;i l’ille .\Iril ( i.irde. ( ~retitiou ot the \Voi Id :\et l.S\\.rirl .rke .-\el .‘i. I’m de l)eti\. I .e (Kir‘nntil.
Exhibitions l HAGGS CASTLE iiiii S1 .-\irdt'e\\\l)i'i\e.
I’UIIUINSIHL'ItlS. 42“ Tlfi. .\1oir Sat
lilttltl 5pnr.Sun 3 5pm.
Digging for History 1 pm 3S August, .’\l'L‘ll.tL‘UlUf_"\ tor elrildien. lhei'e ixrr lL‘L'UIISIl ueted (lth to e\pl.rin Ito\\ and \\ hat tirelraeologixtx unearth. plus tirir/ sheets and tin .nelraeologixi on \lIL' \\ ho \\ Ill he holding .i numher' ot hookahle tallxx. .-\l\o ineluded is it politel\ named 'lueki -dip‘ duxthirr. lull ol eouteinpoiai't IlIlti\\ «max itt'IL'IitL‘IS.lll\L‘11C\\ \paperx. eitu‘ker'} .iud last-tood ear loitx \\ lueh \\ ill tell tuture arehaeologixh \o rrrueli ahout onto“ it \UL‘IL‘U.
I MUSEUM OF TRANSPORT I\'e|\ in I [all tentianee li'orrr IItlllllttlhe‘ Roadi 35710.“) .\Ion Sat 111 5pm. Sun 3 5pm.
'I'he lrrrnrx. IItl111\.tlitle‘.’tl\ \\l11L‘lllIl.tI\L‘tl[‘ the eolleetron lt.r\ e heen on the rum e .‘llltl are no“ on \IIU“ again in their IIL'\\ home. UPPU\IIL'IIIC .'\1[(i;lllL't\ .ind.\1u\eiiin. Kelxiugime
I OOEON Renlield Street. 333 $111. Jungle 800kt1‘1t\\ollgting Reitlrei‘irtair. l'S. 1%"11lri'oughout\uiumerholidatx. Adult {3.55. ehild ( ).1\l’ LIhS. 1pm. .TJIIpnrerrrr.S.311prrr. lt't'e‘\t\l;tlTlL'
eonthination o1 l)l\llL'} animation and Ix'iplirrgstoiv
Theatre I PAISLEY ARTS CENTRE \L‘“ Street.
1’;ii\le‘)..\r\"111111.Boxoltreeltlain Spin. The Amazing Mr Bones Travelling Puppet Theatre Sat ‘1 Jul}. 1 31 1pm. L‘lfitladultx "5p kids. I’uneh and Judy . \titl_t1\ and games and sliipxtielt luir \\ ith custard pres. Rentrew District Playteam Sat ‘).Ittl_\. I..‘\(lprrr. tree. .'\l1L‘\\ garrresxexxion.
EDINBURGH Activities and Fun
I BRUNTON HALL \IllSSL‘ll‘ttl‘tlli. (in? 3‘11 e\t244_ Dancethis summerot Peace—aFestival
S‘- 111.1u1}. .-\ three day programme of danee \\ orkshops and per't’orirtanees. Workshops are \uitahle 101' teenagers and adult\ and it ill lead to a l"e‘\ti\ til pei'torinarree on Sunday ('ontaet \enue tor lur‘thei‘detailx.
Elchat Dance Xplosion I'.\pr‘e\\i\ e tlunee \\Ut'I\\llUp\ for 4 " year old\ re-xtai'l 31 Septeruher.
East Lothian Youth Theatret’luxsex re'-\t.iit 21 Septerrrher.
Art Classes 14 Jul) 12 Aug. 'I'Irui‘xd.i_\\.ind I~r'rtl;ii\ e.ielr\\ee1\.4pnr. .-\ new 5 ueek \er’iexol tir't e|.i\\e\ lot 11 1h tearoldx heginxon H.1ult ollerrngrielrriuee totu out lotxol 11C“ 111.11L‘1'1;II\.llltl leeltruques. Venue \in1 he Red Seltool Youth ( ‘entre. l’i'extonpanx. Book in :itlxarree there are \Illl some PIIIL‘CS ;i\.iil;ihle. free to ehildien ot uirxxaged or loxx “aged. otlrer'\\i\e L111 tor \\ hole series. though attendanee at one or txxoelaxxex onh may he poxxrhle. Ring trtrfi turtlrer' information. I COASTERS 3 West ‘l’olleroxx. SIS 3352. Disco Saturday \. (x311 ltlpnt. 9.1.511. l'ndei‘ le alcohol-tree di\eo. l.r\'e;iet\ 1110\1 \\ eekx.
I CRAIGLOCKHART SPORTS CENTRE 1"" ('olinton road. 443111111.
SummerSports Programmet'nul 13.-\ug. Monday to Fridays. tronr ltlairr. l.ot\ot \peeralht ttL‘Il\ ttlL‘\ tor the under 111\.plu\ L’ttllt'SL‘S in IL'llllIS. hadrnrnton. eanoeing and squash lot 11 lo _\e;rr'o1d\. ('ontaet \enue loi tlL'IttlIS.
I ( .UlStUt‘pltltle Rtttttl. 33-191‘1.()penexer) d;i_\ ottlretear .\lon Sat ‘lam (rpm. Sun ‘13“:un hprrr, Adults UNI. elirldren o\ er' 3 yeah LI .411. Animal Handling Classes I‘.\ et_\ weekend 11am 1pm on the hour 311p. See ho“ the .ttllttlltlS leel. Stroke a rat. snake. \tiek
.‘I I It) hook itlltllt‘t‘
inxeet oi an) one ol .'i nunrher of other .tlllttlillS in the zoo'\ eolleetion ol ereept eiauluw
I EDINBURGH SWIMMING POOLS rm" “311 SummerHoliday Programme't’Irrougtmui \eltool holida} \.
Royal Commonwealth Pool
Fun with inflatables " t1;i_\\111;irrr noon.
3 4pm. 'l‘her'e “III also he dixing. iiidoand lerrerng at this \eirue. Ring NW "31 l for tlL‘IitlIS.
Portobello Pool
Funwithintlatables Mondays Iir'idaix Illilm noon. 2 4pm Saturdays.
ltlain noon. 3 Jprrr.
Learn to Swim Mons Weds and I’ll ( NB pooleloxed'I'lrtir‘xd;i}\)‘larri noon.
3 5pm. SpeeialehrIdi'eii'xelaxsex, tntirmary Street Pool \Ittlltl.t}\ t-rrtlrm Illanr noon. 3 ~11HTI.S;IIUHI2|}S
ltlzirn noon.
Warrender Swimming Centre
Fun with inttatables Monday 'l‘hursdat \ (NB pool elosed I-‘r‘idaysi IIIitltl noon.
2 3pm. Saturdays. ltlam noon.
Glenogle Pool Funwithintlatables't'uwtm trulutxtNB pooleloxedMonda}\1 11am noon. 2 4pm at ( ilerrogle Sniirurring ( ‘entre. Saturdap. lllanr noon.
()ur penguins have munehed their way through around 700 raw fish a day for 75 years. Arrrazingly, it’s still their favourite dish.
The penguins parade at 2.30pm every day in summer and to eelehrate our 75th Anniversary we’re planning lots of other special events. Come along and see for yourself.
Like our penguins’ beaks, we’re open every day of the year. -
lidinhurgh Zoo, Corstorphine Road. For details phone 031-334 9171.
42‘I‘he list 8— 21.1uly1988