I Musical Cabaret Kinooziers Club. 72 Clyde Street. Glasgow. For timesand prices. see Fri 8. Alex Dalgleish and After

DANCE LIST Eight Mince offer Friday night music to

enjoy Friday night to.


l Five Past Eight Show’l‘ron 'I‘heaire. ' 'l‘rongate. (ilasgoyy. For times andpriees (I L A (I

see Tue ll. Tonight there iseaiuneeilidh 5”“ l'illul‘l‘ll Dance beloyy. .

inusielromthe Zydeeofeilidhhand: ITHEATRE ROYALHUWSUM BM TH ii ENTERTAI NMENT CORPORATION eomedy trom stand-up Stuart Hepburn: ()H'CCMI 331 1334‘ , Pl'L'SL‘lHS

Anne Marie ’l'imone_\ as Marlene Nemerlands Dans Theam 2 lint” 5‘” 9 Di R “CT FROM T” F. L: SS R

[)ietrieh; duoeomedy bill Hard [.inesand lull "3“in £3 113 NW: are the _ 1‘ H I:

Perrier Ayyard \yinnei Arnold Brown. | “WW ‘l‘lk‘l .L'lm'l‘ l“ \V‘hulimd‘ 1’4"“ ' i i

I Musica| cabarei Rumwicrq-luh. 7: lheatre Based in a neyy theatre in the

(re-dc 31mm. (H‘Nlmy [.Ur “mmund llaig. it is a eompany ol great \ igourand M

WK“. wk. I.“ h. M‘uw. Hm" Jumm “Cm \ersatilily despite its yoiithtulness ( all

um! I“‘“- daneers are betyyeen the ages 15‘ and 21 l. NI” 3 *‘l‘PL‘zn‘ ln(ireal Britain tor m“- “N

time in(i|asgoyy . this being their only l'K

stopon an international tour. a lFiVB PaSlEighlShOW'I'ron'I‘heaire. Moscow ClassicalBalletMon I l«Sai la _ I I I I I i I I ’l'rongate. (iizisgiiyy. l-or timesandpriees jun ",Atlpm. Murmu- Sui [but 234lan see'l’ue 12 ()ld'l‘imerlohnnieBeatlie L35” £135” “'eumpkmw 1_ Amwid 1- in a

lk'i‘d‘ 1"“ Ii"C‘UP “mil—"ll- l” "W CU"‘Pim.‘ Premiere of a neyy production ot Syy an .

“li‘l‘md'l'l‘ Mir“ MCF*'L1.‘C'VArm’ki Lake: The first time a Soviet eompany .53 E

Broyyn; the Zulu“ (it‘llldh Billldémd has worked with a British artist. 3. Tim. if, T

musieal eabaret lrom the Maraehino (ioodehild. that British artist’s first U

('lierries. attempt ltlilllllllv TUESDAY 19 11-14 July and {lie

I Five Past Eight Show 'l‘ron 'I'heatre. \NORLD PREMIERE N FAN PRUIH ("HUN

'l‘rongate. (ilasgoye For times and priees 0/

see 'l'iie l3. Dori! inisstheyyonderlully lugubrioiis ( )sear .\lel.ennan tonight. plus

The .\le(‘|uskey Brothers; eomiestand-up Myra Mel’adyen; the eomedy duo Performing l labits; tiddler Karen 1 lunter and the a eappella quintet ’I’om the Man and the Angry Reaetions


I Five Past Eight Show [iron Theatre. ’l‘rongate. (ilasgmy . l-or times and priees see’l‘ue ll. l‘onight ‘I‘he Banalily Buys treat you to Frankenstein in lllminutes; My ra Meladyen does a eomedy stand-up routine; ()sear Melennan tells his \yondert‘ully darkly eomie anecdotes;

¢_ 15-16 July

there is law and tolk guitar musie l'roin \lmcms (‘lassieal are ranked thirdl‘ni.‘ k t 8 Anton Kirkpatriek and tolk tromthe “‘ m“ M“‘“‘“ B‘""“" 1”“! [-C'“”eL"‘i'd -‘ ._ 'c e s - ° \thetlchmkjce and mueicul wimrct Kiroy Ballets and tour in the same grand 5‘.‘

sly lee With a eorps du ballet ol 4“ plusstars

ot the Bolshoi. their [k‘l'itirmilnec looks THE ENTERTNNMENT CORPORATION

IFivePastEightShow'l'ron'l‘heaire. “m l““””"'” '1‘“ N _ . PRESENTS Dance Theatre of Harlem Mon l>~sai in Aug .‘llpm \lalinee Satlllatlfulpni, 9.3.5“ £185“ lhealt'e Royalshat-lriekol ........ .. lii‘stseulniinatesinthelirstyisitto Seotland by this internationally renoyyned

'I‘rongate. (ilasgoyy. For times and priees see The I) Singer'l'erry \eason appears tonight \y ith eomie duo l lard lines; ()sear McLennan;double eomedy aet Dom and Jerry and Irene 'l'iilloeh. \y ho sings Peggy

[CC all-blaek ballet eonipany. With I‘iiebird. 3 I A Midsummer Bene'" i'tilll‘ iL‘lliPL‘l‘ill‘llCllh Llllti Phoenix i i cabafei AssL‘lni‘h RUUHIM (iL‘tfl‘llL‘ Street. 1n‘hcplugriunlnc“thi‘ L‘U'npun}

undoubtedly pull l‘estiy al goers oy er from

Edinburgh lidinburgh.

7.30pm. £15 supper tiekets {liltiekets without supper. To raise money toeombat

AIDS and help people in Scotland

afflieted yyith the \ irus. a huge summer 5'" hm“ ‘in Dance p‘mcl 0” a “Wk” " ‘.. ‘; ‘.‘ v tlluh ~.'2'1‘ " ' ’-

eyeningeyent. Ihere\yillbeeabaretlrom NU mung] ' ' - r '1

Perrier Ayyard yy'inner Arnold Broyyn. SUN ()1 RM‘S “mm” “H” [id'nhl‘lllh ' i-i ‘2 - ' " “:2

Maria ( 'allous. Ian Morton and May mr dam“ M \PCCMI umm" i- 5': ' - I; ' R

MaeReady ; there yyill be musie from i y i. '_ ' i. i y (ioodbie .\lr MaeKenzie. The Indian . '- ' . ' / (mm. Bop Sh'Bam; Paparazzi ana'rhai Classes * ' \ Syy'ing'l‘hang: there will also be Jugglers. .‘ . i . aerobats. musie and diseo and an . EPWORTH HALLS "\‘w'wn Street (:29

exhibition ol’elothesandaeeessories “m h”. "PM

designed by lidinburgh designers. See masses w'm Tracy HaWkes

Panélon R'Uck mqu Wednesday Ballet (x l5 "..‘~llpm. Adults general -- beginners yy eleome

Monday Jazz b3” ".JFpm. Adult

intermediate SatJazz 13 «15 :‘l Ad ltger eral. I TA L IA N u » 1 ism-20m Augua was All elasses £2.25 (L2 ), Reduction tor bloek F I booking. Performances; Evenings at 7,30pm Matinee on August Oi 2.30pm Courses, Summer Tickets £3.50-£18.50

SChOOIS, FBStivais l’inaneially assisted by (ilasgoyy Distriet (‘ouneil and . I Dance into Theatre linulish Danee S”“”‘°'.‘"*’ Rt'llil’ml “mm”

tin-um.m‘nm‘milk-9H unc. Box Office/Credit Cards: (l4l-33l l23§j32 9mm .\eyyeiistle.\l:l ~11)“ 25.luly-hAug. AIS” at Centre: )fi 1

A summer school yy hieh promises to be

Talia: s-jl .luly lass 25