In contrast. a group of pencil drawings close in on her vision, stifling it by control and too careful line. The mists in those grey forests lack the sixth sense that Low draws on when she paints.

Glasgow is home ground for Low, a native of Gourock. Study at Glasgow School of Art and with James Cowie, led to a life in the arts which has included set designing. arttherapy. gallery founding (New Charing Cross balances beside a black egg on a ledge Gallery. Glasgow 1963—68) as well as with the hills behind. . her career as a painter. (Alice Bain) I'lilll end May.

IJ. o. KELLY'GALLERY l l.\‘ Douglas Street. Mon I'l'l lll.3llalll -3pmand

3.30 -5.3ilpm; Sat Illani 3.30pm.

James Watt t'ntil 3U .-\pril.

I RGI'S I 'ntil 3l May. \Vol'k by litc‘lttlk‘rsot l the Roya|(ilasgo\s Institution.

l Three Artists 3S May I I .Ittnc. .Iohn Boyd.

Compass Gallery. Glasgow

Get Low is best in colour. In this exhibition of new work her mountains are ripe blue and her melons an equally plump green. Simplilying in the way of an oriental painter. she sees the landscape sea. sky and land as one body, each element caressed by the other. Herwindowsill still tiles are almostJack Knox jokey. playing around with foreground and background—a melon in ‘StillJura‘

(iardelts. 334 343. ltle Sat noon 4pm

and 7- 9pm.

Dorothy Dick 1',” May 4 .Illllc‘. l-lgtirattxe

sculpture. cars cd or cast. \\ ith the

elitphasisoli the inter-relation oi lornts.

landscape and rock IUl'lIlS are often used

as metaphors IUl‘ the human iol'ln.

Inside the Garden at Little Sparta 1“ May .1

Jane. A photo-work documenting \sol'd

alitl image iii the garden oi al'tlsl Ian

l lamilton l’inlay .


(ilasgoys . llillhead Street. 33ll543 l.

Mon «- l‘ri 9.30am - 5pm: Sat 9.30am -lpm. l

(‘losed 1—4 April. |

The Mackintosh House GaIIeWI()pCll;ts (

aboye bttt closed for lunch l3.3tl l.3ilpm. i l l

Norman Iidgar. Norman Kirkham.

I LILLIE ART GALLERY Statioti Road. Mllligas ie. ‘)5ti 3351. Inc Hi I lam-~5pm and 7 0pm; Sat and Sun 3 —5pm. (iallery closed until ‘Han.

MrWood's Fossils l nut 31 May. Children‘sArt Exhibition I 'ntil 31 May.

I MACLELLAN GALLERIES Rose Street (oil Satlcltiehall Street I.

Our Lives May lest iixhibition. [hill to May. All exhibition ol tlle poelltsand illustrations made by Strathcly de's young people (aged 5 alld up) tor a book published by Third I'._\c ( ’elitre as part of the ( ii'eat (ilasgoys Boots Bonanza. ()tlr [.iyes is at ailable at 'I'hil'd liye ('elttre and other Strathcly dc bookshops priced £3. Architects as Artists t intil 3” May. Michelangelo\sasone. Leonardosyas one. (‘harles Rennie Mackintosh \sas another. The newly founded Scottish Society of Architect Artists shoyss itsfirst exhibition oi members \\ ho follow that tradition.

I MAIN FINE ART'I‘he Studio (iatlery. lfi (iibson Street. 33-1 8853. Tue Sat

lilam 5pm; Stlli 3- 5pm.

The Painted Flower May lest szhthitlon. I‘ntil 3l May. I’loxs'ers l’or Mayiest altdthe (ilasgoss (iardelt liesliyal. Main ltas

iny ited a number of artists toeontribute “oils on this theme.

I MUSEUM OF TRANSPORT Kels in l lall (Izlttrance i'rom Btlnhotlse Road \\ ith parkingiacilitiesl Mon Sat lll- 5pltletm 3 5pm.

Opening‘l'he new 'l‘ransport Museum is non open tor business, While the Mahabharata plays ill the old museum the lien one shims ott the collection oi cars. tranls. trains and other \ ehicles so much part of ( ilasgoys ‘s history as art industrial city.

I 908 GALLERY l3 ()tago Street. 3303158. Mon-Sat lilam-tipm.

Glasgow Belongs May test Iixhihition.

5llp admission on \seekday ittICl‘titHHlSQtlltl Saturdays. .»\ reconstruction of the architect's home titled with original tttrnitttt'c. l'lttil .lune tltc gallery is showing a special display of Mackintosh Chair Designs \s liich illustrates the artist 's range. coy ering the years limit the experimental 189i Is to his more restrained style ol 1914 \\ hen he left ( ilasgots.

The Birth of Modernism May lest lixhibition. I'ntil 35 June. l-loltl Post-Impressionism to Surrealism. this exhibition picks the cream oi the tlniyerstiy ‘s collection oi 19th and 30m century prints. lionrtard. I.atltrec. Picasso and Matisse included.

I HUNTERIAN MUSEUM 'I‘he l'niyersitx ol (ilitSZ-lt)“ . 339 .s‘s'SS. Moll l-‘t-i ' 9.30am -5pm: Sat 0.30am lpm. '1'“ ice named Museum of the Year. the

I ltlnterian ('ollection includes objects ranging lrortt (‘aptatll ( ’ook's l’acii‘ic treasures to the Bearsden Shark.

Coracle. Kayak and Canoe t'ntil 23 Sept. An exhibition ot'early watercraft incltttlinga model boat. once \\ orshipped by the people oi the New Hebrides and a large dugout canoe lei't unfinished by Scots iii Ayrshire about l5lltlyearsago.

I IBSTOCK BRICKWORK DESIGN CENTRE 13 ('laremonl (ial'dells ( ('ha'ringfross) Monnl-‘ri 9am-5pm.

Eric Mendelsohn Centenary Exhibition t 'ntil 37 May.

I IMAGES GALLERY 74 l I} ndland Road. 3.34 531 I. Mon ~I’ri ‘).3llam- 5.3llpm. Mixed Exhibition and Japanese Woodblocks

compass gallery


BET LOW New Paintings and ( Drawings.0rkney and Other islands. _

178 west regent st. glasg s' g2 -irl scotland.041221 (3370

30 April until 27 May Mon-Sat mam-5.30pm Sponsor: Scottish Partners, ,Arthur Andersen Foundation 2;:

Subsidised by the Scottish Arts Council and Glasgow District Council


lilQl'l'ltSll IAIN'l'th‘aS lQIli ‘30lll s'l‘IN'l‘l Di

.7“; k‘“

.X \l \ ‘.".‘t‘

I45 WM LYx‘x‘iti ‘4 Klimt“: \Z'.l'_'L\_\ \‘4l


British Paintings and Drawings

including Mae'l‘aggart Gillies q l 2 " . . 1/ It .2? Rcdpdth Hunter , .5. 1..“ ' Walton “the Paul Nash as v ' [I Eardley Charles McCall fl.” & ()thers

Throughout May: Mon-Sat 9.30am—5.30pm

Hunterian Art Gallery University of Glasgow


From Post-Impressionism to Surrealism

30 April 25 June

Mon—Fri 9.30am-5pm: Sat 9.3ilam--- l pltt Admission Free Tel: ()41 33“ 5431


134 Blythswood Street. Glasgow ()41 332 4027


Recent Acquisitions and FLOWERS OF SCOTLAND

Flower paintings by Mary Armour. Elizabeth Blackadder, Christine McArthur. Ann Patrick, Una Shanks Until June 4

12 Great King Street. Iidinbtlrgh ()31 5560305

SPRING ’88 Recent Acquisitions



HM Painters and Limners for Scotland from Sir Henry Raebttrn to David Donaldson Until May 31

Mon-Fri 9.30am—5.30£m; Sat 10am-1pm

The List 13- 36 May 1988 53