“ sir :si-zeti-Mpeat .- . u v, . - - . ; ~, t a- a. ,- .— ‘ '_. ’h- I a - t :41 .. ‘ u. i - .1 . ‘. . )2":
l, -‘ (a.- _,. ‘ It vvnuld he iiiee tn think that ( ‘eltie ehairmaii .laek .\le( iiiiii vv as stipremel} inspired iii tirst apprnaeliiiig the (‘iti/eiis' 'l'heatre tn prnduee the eluli‘s eeiiteiiai‘v theatrieal speetaeulaih l tni niie tiiid the idea eiinriiinuslv appealing. and vvhn better in pni'ti‘av the grand nld team‘s taliled tnuiider Brnther \Valt'rid than ( iiles l lavergal himselt‘.’ Having dniiiied the eassnek and erueitix he enuld then has e mined a rieh veiii nt eharaeter iiiterpretatinii, .\ saiiitlv lrish elei'ie starting a lnntliall team In ltiiid a l’nnr ( ‘hildreii's l)iiiiier 'l'alile iii the parishes nt St \lieliael's. St \larv 's and Saered l leai't; ni‘ a steel} —e_\ ed zenlnt determined that rival meal tahles and spni‘ts elulis vv nttld iint tempt huiigrv vveaiis iiitn the elutelies til the ()ther lent'.’ Sadlv perhaps lnr theatre histnrv shut prnlialil_\ iint lnr Brntlier\Valli'id‘s i‘eputatinii shall never kiinvv. siiiee ( iiles pnlitelv deelined the HM itatinii and reterred Mr .\te( iiiiii tn the \Vildeat lheati‘e (‘nnipaiiv Rumnui‘s that .laek is iinvv alinut tn ntt‘ei‘ the part nt .limmv
.‘\le‘( inrv tn ( iraham Rnlierts eaiiiint heentirerdisenuiited.
It is eetuallv interesting tn speeulate iii advaiiee as tn the entiteiit nl the l’avilinii slinvv. l lav ing tni‘ niiee invested heavilv in sniiiething \\ hieh is direetlv tltl‘ the l‘ettelit ml the nrdiiiai‘v memliei's nt the l-‘aithttil. the eluli presuiiiahlv aiitieipate an uneritieal eeleliratinti nt ltlllglnrinus years. the hard taet is that sueh a presentatinii vvnuld tail miserath tn tell the lull stni'v nl' ( ilasgnvv (‘eltie Despite lnnkiiig elnse tn aehievitig a remarkable eenteiiai'v league and (‘up dnuhle. the mnnd aiiiniig the supporters has a tintieealil} tittalil'ied edge tn it. and _vnu dnn‘t hav e tn gn tar tn seek the i'easniis tnr this.
DAYS l ‘4- '\\\
(‘eltie l'aii Peter Bi‘nttgliam gives his pet'sntial vievv nii stirrings ntpei‘estrnika at l’ai‘khead.
(‘eltie kiievv that tlie_v enuld m”, UH it“. ( rim-t Ha mu.
Hill lll :lV t
\ve lllk'sllilllk'lWVit'l‘llh“ parkalaeeliltirithet thaiietteet l uiiehaiaeteiistieallv lieavv speiidiiig nii _\lae.\\eiiiiie. \tillei'. \le( ‘arth_\e \lni‘ris. \ValkeraiidStai‘kvvaspinnl nl that. llnvv lai thev \vnuld ll.t\ e
gnne \\ ithnut the speetre nl Snuiiess
iadieal traiislni iiiatinii. \\ lieii thr ,luiigle siiig ‘\\ hat a \\ astent ltlt iiiei. " lhev are as likelv tn he ielei i the tn tliegrnuiid‘iiiiprnveiiieiitsastn (ii'aliaiii‘slatest aetiuisitinii
l he tightrlipped seeieev nt the l’ai'khead linard is legeiidaiv tillil thev prnvided a spleiided esaiiiple nt the ‘\ta liavv . .\h‘iii iin plaviii” philnsnpliv last tear in l‘;tlttttlt;‘ tiniii all the nltieial ntitleis the lust liis'a il‘ vet \\ i'itteii alinut the eltili I he atitlini‘s made the mistake n! tint seeuriiig the traiiehise hit the atithni‘ised histi ir_\ . and dated in he ti'uthtulaiidei‘itieal tiieeitaiiiaieas sueliastheeiretttiistaiiees
lnniiiiiig nv er them is itllkttltei\ guess. li'niiieallv . at the vet} iiinmeiit the linard have gniie tui tlier than e\ ei‘ lietnt'e iii attempting tn seeut‘e the eluli‘s pnsitinii tlie_v liiid themselves ev en mnre the target nt the taiis' dissatistaetinti. .\ vvnelul iiiidvveek pet tni‘iiiaiiee against l’alkii'k earlier in the seasnn. lnlln\\ iiig hard nii a liniiie deleat li_v l)tiiidee l 'iiited and a Rangers Sknl (up \ietnrv. prnmpted an extranrdiiiarv aiid
spntttattentts tlL‘ltlUlth'illlHll lll tllL‘ \Ul‘i'tiuntliiin [hk' tlgpaittlitg til H1H\
\leNeill asiiiaiiagei iii W“. the} even had the teiiiei‘itv tn suggest that
stand aimed at the direetni's‘ lttiV .\lthnugh aliiinst eiitirelv tlttt'epttt'tetl lit the press. it eleai'lv had a pi‘nlnuiid etteet as _lne \tiller \vassigiied iiiiiiiediatelv altervsaids
the true date nt the eltili‘s lntiiidatinii slinuld lie INV. thus i'eet igiiisiiig the tree entitt‘iliutinii made iii liuiltliiig
illltl tlllltLW \llklklkdtl} ltllpltflk‘tl. {IIL‘IlI'\Iul't)1lnkllt\ [lik-Ii'hli
A large seetinii nl the Jungle tirmlv “‘5 ( 'L‘lllk‘ Hmml I“"“ll‘s'l‘m l‘mll lielieves that the l)eit_\' gnes alinut his dail_v liusinessvveariiig a greeii—and-vvhite seai't. lt that is indeed the ease then I le has
immigrant lal‘iittt‘ltttl elass thev \veie lnrmed tn represent
l’nssilile lni‘ the liist time iii the ltl\tttt‘t ttl ('eltie. tlte eettlett.tl_\
seasnii has seen the estalilisliiiieiit n:
the image nl themselves as a 'lamilv eluli‘. hut the suppni‘t are less and less titelttted tti aeeept the e‘tis\ eniiiplaeeiiev nt a sell-pei'petuatiiig
tavnured l lis ehnseii nuttit mnre “llfs'dl's'ltt Hts“ \prni tei‘s ktinvv that
snmetliiiig i’eseiiililiiig a v i iiee lni the tlie_\ are denied the right tn nvv it
shares in the eluli. aiid tliei‘etni'e
vvith gnnd tnrtuiie than iiispiratinii this seasnn. :\tt_\‘tttte l’nrtuiiate ennugh tn have seen the listinii Liniis and tnnlisli ennugh in make enmparisnns is stitiii redueed tn tears. althnugh the unique skills nt Paul MeStav prnvide a high degree nteniisnlatinii.
lniig—sutlei'itig deseeiideiits nt tlinse prnud liut dispnssesed \\Hl keis. ill the pagestil .\Hl Htt' lilt'lt . the spleiididlv —iiaiiied ( 'eltie taii/iiie.
ha\ e e\ eti a tlienretieal sat in hnvv it is run. and meaiivv hile the} east envinus glaiiees tnvv ards llirns and the aliiliti nt the Rattgets direetnrs tn raise seeming!) limitless sums
the_\ eaii iinvv have a liuiiininusni serinus dig at the same linaid vs lin eniidueted a sur\ e_\ iii nrdet tn estalilish that the ni‘diiiai'v( eltie Iaii vv as a primitiv e iiini'nii vv lin seni'iied
tnvvai‘ds the regular vv inning nt the litirnpean ( ‘up. 'l'he_\ speeulate
In building the magnil'ieent nevv eniistaiitl; nii vs here their mniiev llirnx‘ and in investing sn ' extravagentlv in the tr‘dttSlet‘ market. Rangers have set a level nt amhitinii beyond the vvildest dreams nt the l’arkhead tinard. 'l'his seasnii
the ltnttt'genis entitlnt‘ts nt seated
vv eiit duritig the great tears til the late Sixties arid the Seventies. \nt nit the stadium at aiiv rate. vvhieh is a disgraee t'nr a eluli nt ( ‘eltie‘s stature.
stadia. aiid pretei‘i'etl in stand at the mateli (preterahlv set vial lttltltii ed _\at'dsa\\av lrniit the tield n1 plati 'llie maga/iiies huiiiniii is il“”_‘5i”‘i‘f~‘“1lts‘ltttiit‘dputaiievs ti'etiueiitl} sulilime. as vs hen ther
gave avvav tiee ied eardsvvith Issue 5 tnlievvavetlat appinpitatepnitits duiiiig the last Rangers game. l’iut thev .ilsn ptit the eluli'snltieial ni‘gaii tt‘\lt iiiie liv taking a i'ignintis aiid stistaiiiedstaiidagaiiist lllL‘ltl‘\t'eItlt_\ nt the liaiiaiias and iiiniikei ntitlits that iiiai‘ied \laik \\ alteis' deliut.
l he eltili iievvspapei the ( e/tit' l'it'ii tnt ~l’tavd ti. as it is alleeltnttatel_\ kiinvtiiivvasdea'eiiiiiglv sileiitniitlie issue liv eniiipaiisnti. and thus tailed in t ntititei \xliat vets fat tiniii lieiiig
tr‘. nt iaeist iiniise tise
ille'lll\littlll‘lt'. att elttel’atk \\ hat linpe isllieie that l‘l\\enuld iiiaiistlieliegiiiiiiiiuntaiiqvv iela'iniisliip‘iet't.‘.e‘;iithet elite lnntliallt lii‘i iiitlastippnitvvhnse tlt'Mtllttlt int theiii lainvvs tintintiiids.’ lliev xvete it‘lllltlt'ti ll'ltveais .ign tn ite‘lltt'[‘lll‘lle'e‘st‘lt‘swtitlitl a entiiiiitiiiitx \‘.lti‘\e‘ eniiiiiinii \'\.l‘e‘lle'tli§<_‘\\tt\L'lllttllittfli'll. s\.stetiiattt tilsel‘tttlltttitttlt .llltl the iiins' appallziiz' lt'vllli,‘ enii.iitiniis. l nt iitnst nt tlia' petititi tliev ll_'.\:_ treated valiteh
tlieii penple \\ itli .iii aiinz‘atiee
linideisniitniitetiipt.l \eiitsstie tas thnse suiinuiiditig the ieeeiit \t \liitetiiiiattliateeniiiiiintiplaee. \‘.llelt( eltit sntigli: tn pnnst the einvvdliv selliiigt iipsetiii liiial tieketsattliettiiiistiles ~\ttelivvastlie
tlt‘lttttlltl that iiiaiiv did iin‘. :aiii eiit
tntliegintiiidlietitiehalt :iiiie,_iiiti stilltailedtnseetiieapieeintishiie' li)‘e'\t‘llk'lllv'llllt'e'\‘lt‘\\tl‘vi'lll\l\le the iiiatelivxasstaitedliatii'niitiiiieaiit‘ iiiaiiv nl 1hnse pieseiit lit iieve that a lhe
\ik.K.llll\.kl illikillklttlleetli l\.llllllkilk \‘»
t'tnt \\asniil\ iiai invvlv netted
gaspsnt .istniiisliiiieii'. tiniiia stippnif :isetlttiiegttlai aiidtiiatketi il1\e‘le[‘.tllele\l‘et\\ee'lttllell nvvii ei‘nvvd estii iates and tlinse issrietl nllteiallv lift the eltili tlt ( 'eltietln Iti-l tllltlel tleelaie theii tliet. \lli‘tllit t“t[tl.tllllllt‘l‘.t\l\ltll\\llltll ‘htse iiiattetsaie \itilk'illtll’v'tl is aiii. ni all ml the \l.tlttl lltt‘ltltletl. lt‘l ektltlple )l .\s the i l teeiiiliai k nit Ilieii seeniiti L‘t‘llttll‘. . it \vnuld l‘e ellltlli‘lllll‘J
seeniia l iitiipeaii (
at \itlllt' pniiit titit iii:' ll a
:ipavi.ai'tt. enlleetinii lix a l’aikhead eaptaiii I! that istnliappeii theiithepenple vvliniiiiitliet'eltieliavetntlispelthe atiiinspheienl t‘.tt‘.tle‘ltel.t\e' that eiivelnpstlieplaeeaiid iaist their sightsaeenidtiiglv. l itliei lll tiettl lltllttlti‘.el ltt [‘t‘tll‘le \\lttl\e Titlellls aiidaiiiliitiniisaieaslitgastlieeltih itsell \evei‘agaiiislintiltl teltit‘stippnitqisteel
that vvhatevei siieeess the team iiii:'lit liaveniitlietieldnl plavseeniitlliest l\\llll the aeeel‘l‘e‘tlttltle‘l t‘l tlte \l.t\ iii l’aiattise.
i “\tat iwsstfi
ie l is: f" \ptil