
\(‘lt‘l\l ll‘. tho .“l:‘. .inirixgrxi: \ («mtg-rt l’opul i: with \t. itift'lvwhnl t‘l‘lJllki. l\l‘..ili~.i‘\ lint. Z“. .iitiil 1.21:

IESM Centenary Concert \\\. Illt‘l\

l\)t‘l‘fl‘.\ (tu‘f x \t:\.' litkglx .‘_‘\ I“ ll 91;: ll,:ll- \i‘::: t.‘ “"3: .“i l\.ilrirrt li‘\\i:?:i:: ‘illiti \z‘._'.'l.il i\ii:.'\ti~i:g l}‘l.ili«‘l ix :lwttr: l‘ii:..ll

\l’.ii"\:t lit iizti‘» llc'l‘ttw: tw: lit l Cll.".lf:"‘.


SUNDAY8 Glasgow

I Glasgow Orchestral Society l lglti‘. \\...rii ll.tll (‘11.:i.~i'l\i:t .t

it 't‘n. 9f

,lli‘l\'. \\i‘ll.iliii " \ruiqlmil

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.wiiihitlx lit. Him. !: \\*.'l.l‘f‘i‘l‘.‘. \\ \

ll. ti \/ '. I r .mdlh.

I! u; 4i .’ M i. ’x i... la ".iwwr EHtllxl i». ..\l .f\\\. .I.‘-‘-Ili'.l.‘l.‘.\\ll\l‘l’ i‘iirgirxil " t\*v‘\i IL. \\( l.t\\iilitl\l



Opera \ltgut 'w ‘I W V

U11“? \ll.rll t ltik limp -;\|ligfl‘ \H, \ \l'lkvim liar: " itlil‘flh twiliirna‘f‘” l)l.t\\i\lll.


TUESDAYlo Glasgow

I La Bohemel1...it:.*l{w‘..il.llw[\\tu \‘l.

\’r"l. l '\ll«tvltl;'\ \.tl'.lfii.t\


11-. Drunk.

.tllkl \t.r\ .3 .tllkl ill

lung. llll\ thin-1w“ lllllk‘

ll thithxitylzi 3.; L“. \."a I‘lt‘klllxlll‘lll‘l l’ngtiiii'x\xgci‘ic lnu'l .ti'lk'll\llli\.\tlilll .irtt‘. lnzt'p l’ll.11\l\'tith~ll~~

IBearsden and Milngavie Arts GuildAGM lxilir:.i:iiini:‘. llmrw, t..i:\t‘lt‘it.‘t~t“llll.‘

' Writ:


I The Nanguidno Group Halli uncut 1 tall. liil\ti‘\\iil.tl\' l1. \wtrzgtitiitya‘tiltlitlgzpnl lli‘llltlll\\l\ltlll‘.I

\' .tl \lt‘k‘l illpgn

t'i:\g:it"lt ‘~‘-l".\‘tll\ twiitgzitul “lllllllk' txrluiznantywl \t‘flll‘iwlllillhtlllll/llltl twilxt .l\ .n‘ lilll‘i‘flalll latlwi

(with :niwtam tintixiggxr‘lxt'tl Irwinthc' lI.1\lllli‘ll\l‘l1.t.'r'.l‘\‘[‘lll.tltlllklNk‘fll‘lls


I Electro-Acoustic Concert lllllxll x;

tutti. :‘t'\.iuthit':i.:ll\trt't'l. 1:? 7"“ ' lt‘i‘tii riitn‘i \:

\i‘flliltl\\li‘ll\'kl \l‘ilil\kll\-i lllll\l\ \lk‘.ll‘\'kl lll

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\l.i\1. \liiiwlwi IE2. \lll\l\tt \«~\.i l textual


ISCOl !l\ ll.tll.( .iitt‘ll. iivymfj'

" illi‘zi: {1 lltgtinliit Ultra/irth

“ll .3.‘ l .irnil\ iil'l lit. \t tlxngn tr Hutu" lljrssijw \lllllfllyi i‘xx‘itlt'tl “i. \lit‘t'im \l\ l )wrlaltl. lakw //:/ \lizgrt \ju


m: .t\ ll\ thump

L'. t"

llatrip abroad this summerisn‘tonthe cards. don'tgive up completely on summernights in exotic lands. The SCO in association with Glasgow 1990 is launching itslirstsummerseries ot8 Wednesday concerts in Glasgow called ‘Around the World in 80 Minutes'. Each concert will teature musictrom a ditlerentcountry and all 8wi|l be hosted by Sheena McDonald. Other artists making appearances onthis worldtourinclude many internationally renowned conductors and soloists such asJames Loughran. Tamas Vasary. Dwain Arwell Hughes. Ralph Kirschbaum and the SCO's own Principal Conductor. Jukka-Pekka Saraste. ‘We wantthem to be family concerts‘, says Sheena McDonald. ‘so they‘ll all be overby nine.‘ Ol herown role. she says ‘The idea is not to be dry and stuttyandjustawalking programme note. norto be patronising and wacky. lt's simplyto point out the interesting information about the

music. the conductor. soloist orthe orchestra andto make itentertaining.‘ Much olthe music will be popular favourites. including Rachmaninov's ‘2nd Piano Concerto'. ‘Carnival otthe Animals‘. Vivaldi's ‘FourSeasons'. “Rhapsody in Blue'. Strauss Waltzes and Rodrigo's 'Guitar Concerto'. Other pieces will be less well known. so. hopes Sheena MacDonald. ‘ltshould be interestingtotamilies who've not beento concertsbetoreandtothose who wantto heargood music played well‘.And even moreinterestmaywell cometrom Miss MacDonald herself who says‘There'sbeensometalkl haveto dress up ina dilterentcostume lor each country. but so tar nothing has come of it. It might end up being a three-cornered hattorSpain and a vodka torRussia.‘ Who needsto go abroad?(Carol Main)

Thelirst stop is Spain on Wednesday 11at7.30pm atthe City Hall. Glasgow —see classical listings.


“Tnonsotv15"“‘ Glasgow

I Student Recital ( Una-rt l l.ill.(il.i\go\\ 1 15pm ,-\

imital ;:i\ on h_\ \Iutlcnlx picturing tor

t'niu'hlh l'rt‘c .tl tlooi


- concert \ILW L‘llM'll l l{.\’.\.\tl)..‘~.135il5“ ltlpm bit: *ltl th' North-rm (hon .lllkl lltc St '( ). contluplctl l‘_\ l{.\.v\.\ll) l’i int'ipiil l’hilip lt-ttuci . [‘c'l torrn not k\ h} Bach and

l l.tlile‘l. \\ ltll \UlUl\t\ l )tt\ lkl \lL'llt‘lMttt

tlltllk" l and .lohn lunncll l \iohnl


ITriotrom Les Arts Florissants Sit‘ccrli.i\ Hall. ( km uatc. lit‘kctx: :5 53trtitl'rcnch lnxtitutci " L‘ltll lit-nth cantatax. RCMJHNlllL'k‘ .lllkl Hattiquc


FRIDAY 29 Glasgow

I Folk Session Rouantru' lnn. l'thlinuxton. l‘\c‘lllll;1.x\ll\\L'lL‘Ulllk‘tU [Tl;t}ilt\lllt1.

I Nailan lollmnth Hal . ( ilasgim ( toss. 5F3~1l»1‘l l \t'ninu. l-ithllcantlau‘oithon. ISchiehallion ScuthCulnct.lh‘t'h} Stu-ct 3.‘~‘1~1\‘tl. Sonuantlutiitar trio.

I Ceilidh Dance Rn crsitlt- ( Vllll‘. l'o\ Slit-ct. llh il 1-1. ‘lfillpm. L: 5i), liar till lain


IMelinka Andes Music Silolmst‘limt-li. lothian Kiwi l’iint‘cxfitrcct \[Tlll l’ltix lhc Story ol l’.1l\lo \ci'utla.

with Magic .lortlan. \‘m S} l\L‘\tL‘l .intl


l1\.t(illllkl.lll l’hr\ Spuikcis lioni ll.lLlL'\ l'nionx .\ll a ll ll‘lltL‘ lol HI\ 1' inilio Rumlmrr'cn. ltltlllLlL'l Ht thc ( ‘hrlcan \Vor’kinut‘lasx \lmcntcnt.

I Avalon l’rcxcn anon l lall. Victoria Strut-1.23» “to. ‘lprn Stunning tolk rock l‘.llltl.

I North Sea Gas l’lattui in l.l{utl;intl Strut. l'wnin}; Rcsitlt-nt puhtolk

I Royal Oak lntrrrnary Stu-ct. *"V j‘lTrr.

l \crtirnztill l ,‘llant l .llk'l‘.” \\ltll inlornialwnuxantlrnnxic

I Muckle Ado Kilt}. ()',\'lic.i\. <t|( icoigc l\’ltiltlt:t'._‘351tr\l l-wnin}:

SATURDAY 30 Glasgow

I Naitan lilac-ktrmrx. lit-ll Strut-t. \lk'l chant ( it} . 5‘: 5‘)l~1..’\ltcinoon lll\tl urncn'tal \L'\\lllll

I Red Neck Mother'l Ull‘tnttll 1m.

dab 496 éZ§an O 026/ éiynuw7


Usher Hall, Edinburgh, 7. ltlpm

(ilaxgnu ('ioxx. *2 ll 1" l \giiinz'. Ceilidh'DanceRmrsitlgt l:1h.l \~\ \lxcsi. 34531-14 lllpin L.‘ ‘ll lit tilllnt' IKellsfiuitt'xl \‘lllk'l l )t'iiw \lrt'd. “1 45”]. l'wninu \itortiix iuxiilt-n. \

lll\ll St‘otxwrni t'ltx lzi.


IFatalaCaltun\tiitliuxt .illui‘ Rmitl \tll \\:tlt\h\\n \\l1\'(l.lllii :1

Spin 3.1111 :3 Wit.) 'l iclu‘ts tron] \ iiuin. l’i iii... thctlmit l.llflk‘.\lll\fltll[\‘lt'ihfli‘l.i‘.:‘\’il «lanccantlsonutitiiiip \t't'l Illt'\ll2\l IAbdulTJ ~ Alrican Culture Melinka \Mlkiclloiixolflutsitt‘ \pzr: l.ll‘.l M till l’liisl l\l\l.tll\ lilo; \lwwn ltw» iivr‘ (unruly lrorn\Vliat'lxhtxiti \‘uhrlpmni- out .-\lll\‘;lll hn'hhlt'. \tt lll‘lxa til i'. ':::i»i. troni lllL' .'\lltl\'\

ICeilidh Dance \\ .iliwl.» l lu' < .- Sllt'tl l l.t\ltl.i:l.t‘t \[m “4'. r. hpml (flilulwniartt pihii'gi ltir‘i

[‘lk‘.t\\‘ thin'l \inwkt'. lltu'. ~'

I Royal Oak lllllilll.tt\ \tr. qt


Tuesday3 May. 7.30pm


Programme CinquiemeQuatuor Beethoven

DeuxiemeQuatuor Bartok

Quatuor Ravel

Tickets availablefrom The French Institute. 13 Randolph Crescent. Edinburgh.

Tel: 031 225 5366

Saturday 14th Mm I‘m};

HAYDN lllliSlx»\S()\S !

ChorusMaster Scottish (‘hamlerrt hostra l Christopher Bell Condm tor: Ni( holas l\r.t(‘lllt‘l' ' Eidduvn Harrl1\,s()prano i

Mark Tot kcr, tenor

\tit ltavl (.vorut‘, l)tl\\

Tickets £3.50—L7 from Usher Hall Box ()l't'i'. v Schoolchildren £2. V()U( ht‘rs tromt HRH

it 'llic-l m l".\piil i‘\l..\. .