'l‘llEA'I‘RE LIS'I‘

-— A A ' ' ' W 1 \\; (ti tit; ting: _ —l T ' \lt‘l‘t \.tl lll :ll‘lll‘t (f zllprn i In \l)' | I ' l I TheL t l'ltg“\. ‘\ t-c ' .. l t V . l i \1 Iasfigppe l ‘l 1‘” 5 ' Cuttin ARug\t.~n> \n w \y: .m .t\ c'\ lttZ\ - t1? “it 1 lilllH‘u' li‘ctttn t t‘ll‘. ‘1t1‘.tt‘. JoanCoIlrnsFanClub Ihuzo \.n ‘\ttt\ . . _ -.l...,.v ‘I Il)ll,\ ll1\'\\\'|‘l‘.tll‘nllfll li‘l;lll\‘.?i.t “E‘- \ttt'ccwttilgwntlt trilwax lm \..."/l \i: t \ wzt“\t \g; . .t . f - aorIUOtfieams l \ \ 1 1” RockongeS\.n \tn Mm: a. \Itttpv littxtttgl w'i‘.]\::“. t'kmgxxt‘ln Eifllemafcfabre In“ ‘H W l \1‘” M" "w Ruimtl mum \xtnt‘t: \x \t ~t .1‘»l\\l l.ii\ l)l.tl\ Jeremy Hardyand KttHollerbach thins AHard Day-SNigm It“. “A” - my,“ t; 1. \.1l l1\l.t‘. \vt \ltt\lt'\ll)l.ti\ w 1H] 1, ( I \ H ITheatreislisted bycityfirst.thenby Shakers \lrll‘t“ \\ ix \ttniMn MN! The Straw Chairi\t~n Halli lot-,1 \11‘ [l‘rl-[t‘\\1w1'1|‘vt\'~le I, L l, W ., - - - ' \\.\_\ K“ \ “' \\_\I\‘\ K‘\ ilkl .\ l\. l. tl\lt\ t, \\ t txt venue.runninginalphabeticalorder. tlti If it it x M ti t . I ll if \. .PALACETHEATREW “NINA H Cabaretandtouring shows arelisted APeasantofElSalvador\t~tzw tn ; \\tt\ InternationalComedy Festival.\tmz tint» Ml,” Hm .K m“; 4W, HM ,... separatelyundertherelevantheading.KEY: \t-twtdxiustlnm lilx" \il 7 llh 7“ \il l 1- [11v 1” \ll-‘l \M. \ H rum m], t M . 1.», y. \iim my lDltacimiesiormedisabled.[Ellacilities IKINGSTHEATREMinimum-I not \tn \tt~\t.t\.it-\ti>i..tt Mm \N [M . forthe hard ofhearing.usuallyaninduction (not; \l.~rr \.tll;«‘t‘l‘ "f‘lit l‘tir» ?lfl Rockonges.\t~n tint» \ttnw \M-tlll Checking Out‘lfifl, '~\ \H. o . - loop system. Forprices. pricein bracketseg ll Ll’nuttt "i‘ltrxlfl‘.’\. llt m‘tl gritty. \l.t\ \tg\ltt\tp\ll)1ii:\ l‘ .1} ( ,ynt‘kw, “1‘; 1.“ VI. ( I. .‘ H, (£1.50)istheconcessionaryprice. (hunt-tics» \lwrt \n ill Wm: my»; Somewhere Overthe Balcony. \tun tlttllr mil, ,1‘ ‘. I \l‘w'ly» ,:, ,. n lMostGlasgowtheatresarehosting «i1! vii 11mm \n 11\t\.\. \t-t- \tnm-q 1 if.“ \‘1 ‘7‘ (‘11 1} It“ M w H Mayfestevents.Thesearegivenabrief South Pacific \ttlnfi \11 in \y: my»; IOLD TRANSPORTMUSEUM \l‘iwt-ztttztu \ "‘HM _1_l\l'flm _1 HI» I._ w “x _ H‘ listingbelowinthose venuesthatare \ n :n‘n 1pm :1. : 1 r. 1. .2“ \l‘ ll: llvlvl WWW lit‘l‘w [klwll s‘l‘l‘x- [W M,” ' regular.Forfulldetailsandforeventsm \1, 11‘ HAW HM iv A“. n l l W ATrlbuteTo Emsmi \w in I occasronalvenuesbeing usedforMayfest. iMm;kameclhn The Mahabharatal on] Int-i \tn'. l’t-tc I. 1] H ( HHH‘W, l ,y I. NJ. please see MavlestUailvDiarv‘ M3Yl95l Fascinating Alda\;:i. : A not: .‘ \l.:'. \t Itzw~l~~leN r-m “HM-1‘! minim! 13x (.1. admit tow“ cabaretis notlisted DBIOW. Please SE38 \ltg :31 1 fun tiltturtt liztititi‘. t l‘lt [nu llt \t't' R\‘\l\\‘. ROCKO‘AQCS 1,1, x c \1 it W. ,; MayfestDailyDiary_ V FlyingFruitFIyCircus13:11:“ \ttq: 1\1‘," l32“}‘:“\il1\1!“l;\I‘ZIIL‘Ki\i\'\ilI?El\"I‘l‘:.. Hi “I, I: \_“I;leKKWLOIJ‘I" 1, twin, .ThemasgoweardenFesnvalw'llalSODC \t' \l.t\t\ \lllt t:\ wtlg litpttmrt Illitlnllllll‘[\‘Iltlfflt‘tfkgx V“. i“ \HY I“ ‘M ( .I-V hostmgplentyoflheatre events. Pleasesee Scottish Comedymgm It“. 1 my“ tit tttl lILIlg Flux “my Myritu‘tt w \i‘:. I" I, I} I” I'HW‘WELI {Mill 5“: Garden Festival Diaryfordetails ofthese. \ttmgxt i if“ 11t\1\ \t..\ .tml ltuiftl \i‘zr‘, 1mm. N 1;“..‘11‘1 T K“ my”, \ I y “1., . 1, H [ELEME— R‘ChardsmgoeandPetersmm . \ip \r-\]l\I-\ij)x u I‘l.t\\tll l“thitHIIN \i‘:t\ Vk‘flflii . , i f . .t W Shan hatedlzt.‘i\t.x “:11? ActingShakespeare lt:11:\1,\\l;ti%\ttx \lli‘v l’11~~'\1~ilf~‘<l?“”l 31"?“ “" “wpgqlflplnl 11. .( fowl“. t ICITIZENS'THEATRElwilulxwim'l 1?” \tt \l.i\l\‘\lll!.11\ " “'1‘”“llll‘V'9l‘lV‘” I ham [.2 “tn in '- W33 HMHHU'W n \ w 11w \l‘?“ IMlTCHELLTHEATREtt: Mn shut lPAlSLEYARTS CENTRE “IN-V“ thaw. ,mtm r t. '1 1‘.” ‘_‘:‘ 11‘}\ Iitf\()ll1\»\1t'[l \‘III‘tNiL (\ltjli 1"T‘I[‘;tl\()IYIK’K'|\i\K-IYlnl\-\[lli ‘(‘l‘ hlII‘L~I\§-Ill'il\ttx .\.‘,\t,t >‘_‘ LadyWindermere'sFanl fl"\l r. \n‘ Hit: the ll] ltgkt-ix.tlwtfxinl..t\lt- law: “W”- *"t‘ll‘l ll“ l‘ ’l‘k'll'lw” lll‘l“ IPAVILION THEATRE " lx‘ "H "\l' l‘ .lllllk‘ llx‘l l litmus. llllll‘\ \lxi‘. \x Iltc' liplxgtl'giitigf .ti‘tllpityxxf,"“1i lit; \il. I: ‘ll 5 i'll‘lHA” 1“ Ill‘“ 22‘ v\.tit [ltmtitt- \lii.

\l.t\lt'\lll!.ti‘. ICRAWFURDTHEATREl ~tt5.tt'litlll l‘llxi'k'

lll.t:tt \p'it Hit?

The C8lllC Story \lwi: ‘\l.‘. \t"

\c'\‘ \ltt‘t Ik"‘l l)liti‘.


ml l'tltttuttwiy '~\« '_ll‘iT‘I rt llii\g_l‘u "‘4


TheStrawChairuttg‘ tx l'::-.;~-‘_\ \y:

’3um [1K in m- wrw PeterBrook's adaptation ofThe aliDDRAMA -""l"‘ V“ ‘“ kl lltc‘lttxlttln‘. m lltclf \il‘.g. may. stow: Mahabharata arrived amidsuch TheBig Picturevw \ ‘1 Min \H -i\-x'nllvi‘l»*- \v» (ill-w r‘wtl attentionthatone could nothelpfear WW“ I My,

R‘hl‘w'll‘l ~ “l- ‘3‘~- “l-I’H'F‘ thatitmightnotliveupto expectations.

AWee Home From Home 1-,“ \\. \l_i\ \gp\ltt\ly‘~ll)ttti'. 1 ll?" \.tl \t t

\tlxiltlutittlx "\ll‘.cl'l.lll!\ \x l ".lflllz' .lllll\]il\l\"l[)lill' Romeo andJuliet ltl \ \xnl ~~\t.tu. \

in fact. the first marathon audience sat spellbound through nine astonishingly

M‘HMHHJ,‘ short hours and atthe endrose \t.t\tt:\t|)] ,,

The-Clydeis Red \m, l :A \M. spontaneouslytotheirfeet. flooded MutekiSha Dance 1:21;: ~ m ~\l

to m _‘1 \t.:-. so \i 1 n withfeelings. \.1tl\l\'\ll)llf'.

IDRAMASTUDIO \\ third, t it Why? One can only answerfor ~ . TillTlMenler \lwir \l M \l l'mwrxitx n | ' i f . . tm.‘ .

Seieco'sowipus 1y. ; M. \14, \_ fheejgr;tildtmzlgnsklfgggee's; 32:: yourbreath—rmgs offire. man Etariilnthe inlormng Sky \tlw / \.-.a i :\t MNNMW I mans genuinelycamartic.wnh crushedintoaball.vanishing and H. V g H M i V ShowUstheWaytotheNextWhiskyBarlxu conjuringtrickswnh material—work Politicsmthe Park tilt . sf \lm \

a arentettortless skillBrook's . . \ t l” W 3 l W‘- hv“ \l‘"-I<\llllll?‘- pp becausetheyspring from a deepwrsh W” I“ “‘

- . roductiontakes outothe hei htand . GreatEx ectations it s-: » lit : iv. sh Aurora Leigh“ \n A “in \u' p y. . . 9. orcomplexideathathasaccumulated. _ p y I \l-MN “w deplhmyourow"'mag'm’m” '3‘“ andsoc stallizesomethin vividl for \1"“““')“‘" Kvetch int-1n so: : :\i,-. m \tttutc-q once superblytheatrical. filled with you Theryalso hel to Ree a the y ITHEATREROYALHQIK \iv W mm wonderfulmagicalsleightofhand, and momentgmwmwfiole isapregnarkame l““‘““_j* “"1‘ V“ l”- "l " “’l‘i“ ICUMBERNAULDTHEATREl tlithg'I‘ttlllxl intenselyrealand simple. With combinamh ofsustamed narrativ 1;“ WI"! \ \1 n H '.:i1:\ttt "—"‘ l‘H‘fi‘H'tg \l‘k'l l> completelackofpretensronitbrings swee and recisedeta” Iar el (in [MM w lll‘tlll lipi‘t‘..\tl illttit‘. ‘t'wi t: \t‘nttht into tocusprmciplesand feelingsthat p p ~ g y \ R H 7 My . . f The Brass Bands.” \t... set M up tilt. l .m . accounto the depth. energyand . r . we know are essential. butusuallyrace . My.” The VlrlUOUS Burglar.:r:t1An Ordinary Day subtlety ofthe performances. ltis .t “I W \ \ H :H \HI \ b} ,H g; \ over. isolatefrom a castwho ITHIRD EYECENTRE‘ ‘l\.t 1_ ring." til ‘1] fi<l I‘l‘fkle'llllllx‘ Ill\’_lllx'( tl'l‘tl‘tlll"_ m Buggy 1;: .>>\A\: ( ll‘l‘ygx IE It]; ‘\ filmy “humus oft-.11 \nttmmn; Until! struggle between dynasties and individual” buwnéng V luv low! Jurizzxcx zzzrv wmcm x. m at d between good and evil. the battle to Mezzo mméls Muna is exce “one” l““"‘g”‘{""“‘ _ thump- lflll \\._l1w\1ll\hwDH“ end a“ battles_matrunsthr0ugh a“ SUbuegnd Bruce:V1 ers asthep y Anlmitation OlLIle ltiu \.\ \\\ t: .\i n. . - V . . L" t‘~L\ )tll'. 5H?” DaXSN'ghllleSil \l‘}- the greateducative storiesButone of d . dK. h .yd l. h” H LEV?“ [flA'h I" V K . ' Mislwm (Lo '91 lltttl llllltr. Brook‘striumphs ism give arslsenniglisatecigs U y Mina ltfinIHS 'ES ,. tr \ :l \l‘:. tutttc' \‘lll!\tll‘- ii‘ 'ilt 2‘. l‘..l‘. t=\ - .- k v1 \‘- 1-1" rk . . a . .. l‘tctlt‘ttc‘lx titnmm s l‘ 1:41 rema ab'filfinf'b'l'wzép helpyouteel Mephlstopheles. yetelusrve because ThCAlexanderSISlBrS l'Ix W - ‘\l n IEASTKlLBRlDEVILLAGETHEATRE Voua’e “3 0 '-309”' "WWW heisneimerevnorgood. sttxthtt~xiiiw \l.t\\\g'lll)11\,ke‘[.g\[l\1i:\;!\f\» .mxj lhmughlhe complex “10”?”an Hispamymmughme questionshis EntertainingtheTroops nurBeWhatYou mm dharmathatthe poemteaches.The Old actionsraise thatweleammmu hme Were Bornto Be l*:‘t'~- :i m 12m: \ TheGondolierusnF \tt w \pz TransportMuseum providesa Ia “oners'no m. (H H h '9 \l.t\lwlllllai\ “willpm Ll (witotft lxtt~ lltttzxmtlw wondeflulvenueforthi3:the ipnsiy'm f .l .ng Est 0 m ITRONTHEATRE'W l'wi: ' ll 1 l \lt‘lltl.l'. l.t\l e It]; \,tl‘\\‘«'l l‘l";‘. \13. (flll‘k‘ll.tll\1.\lllll\ tll\"\l‘\‘l\ tl‘. tttt'i‘wi‘tzlu the rough brick wallsand ruddy iron gm 11.3" accumu 3 mg r83 Isa long .. ‘Il trim: ( ltmw: \lt m.» tllk‘lk‘lln . . . . whatis important. a sense ofhumility TerryN8880n\ttii : \t so . \l . gtrders naturally enclosmgthe bunlt-In . OneActDrama FestivalandAwardsv m ochre cla floorwithns ex anses of beforethmgsgreaterthan ourselves lbw M 11V“ “PM! :5 s"! y . . p and yetofhumanresponsibility. ltis Thelomandsammwosmw“ "‘ -\mttc'11 l H'tt ‘tlll \t'urtt" 'l‘ll"lll"ll water~ we I've here WIm the two - - - - - \pr \tiit 1 HM t\ liic '1‘» \1tii \lil. l A A ix ~ - l . . .. . profoundly optimistic andttis partly SEUIIJHKl\'\\{]1f‘\'[\".\lli1\‘l‘y rth semi-mythicalfamilies ofcousmsfrom this me.0ume on whichmakes 0U \c-twttnit-uintzl IGLASGOWARTS CENTRE\\.t\ttttlgllwtt theirearlyinnocentbeginningsthrough ' l y . . y ' The FactorvGirls luv 3 w ‘\l H I. H.‘ . . . as wellasthe sheervrrtuosrtyandfun \1 . I) Mimi-l «1 « w theirquarrei, theirdescentto depair “h H nle Operation Elvis lttc" \n :1\t.f‘. \g-t- and outimowisdom 0 9 De. ormancelhalmakes Y0” Visrting Company [:1; in \n ;1\tt.v. \tt MNN Hm . , '. . . . wantto srtthroughttagain. as soon as \Lntc'xl mm London Catlin l’l -‘ s t ‘\t v \ ~ The preductlon SS'mphc'ty'S - - - - TheWhite Bird Passes \\ x t‘ \t l g “‘ deceptive however.lmagesthatcatch 'lhaSl'”'Sh9d~(sarahHemm'ngl- i " "

l Mustot [)1tli\ tM'c \lttwwl litttr‘»

Sk'L‘\l.t§lL'\ll)ltI‘x \lnxlcxtlhttix

the [.1.\t 2‘) .'\[tfl| 12 Max ill“ 41