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.\1‘11'\1ir::n;' ilix “11311111111111-11. 1111'1‘1x1
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"lininx 111‘.1\111\ 111111';1(11\1111.1.1'1111\ 1114:..1114 111111.11 111111.111 111.11 211111 111111. .1~1111‘\1\1111i111:1'11:' .1t‘1111.111\111\l()\' 11 111111.121111111111 1111‘111'11111111111n '.1(1\1k‘ 1111- 11111;1lc11 111111111 11 umpire 111 1’111111111111111 11111111111 .'\1( 11111111. 1.1111111111111111-11111111111w
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I Voyage a Paimpol 1.1111111 111'11} 11.111112 1‘).\51.\1\11.111111111111.Michel1111111c‘n.111. .Ic.111‘1‘1';1111‘11i\ ( 1.1111'.11111. k111 n11n\, 1111‘ 511111111.1_\1111111_1 woman's cwupc 1111111111t' t11’;111nc\\111 t-\t'1\11.1_\ 1111‘ 111111.111111‘111111 1111-;1111\.11111 1111.1};111.11111n. ( 1111\211u. 1-1r11u111111c—(111111
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IWish You Were Here1 1*1 111.1x1111 11.11111. 1‘1\'.1"\"11'n111\111111111111111511. (it-1111111 11111L‘11111tj\ ‘1311111‘x \n1.1t11i\
1 11;: \l.1n111 ll‘tnnm
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1111111_\.11111~ 1‘111L‘1\\\L‘L‘1{UIIIIL11L‘1111111‘111 111111C\C\111111111‘1C\11111111L‘\ 14111111 11\ . \\ 1111 .1111‘111'1111'11; pcttutnmnt‘c 1111111pc11\\ 11:;\\g11111c1_\1\1111\11 11111111111211. 111111111111“-
1511.31 1181
Friday 29—Thursday 5
This section gives details of programmes showing at cinemas in central Scotland over the next week. Readers are advised that programmes maybe subject to late change at any time.
Cinemas operating a tamily discount scheme allow an adult accompanying a child to ‘U' and 'PG' certificate programmes to gain admission torthe same price as the child up to 6pm.
'1 L-
ICANNUN1 1.111.\111111{11.111. \1111:;1:11 ' 111(1-\1’ 1 111111 1.: 11ist‘1111nt \‘111'1111'1111p1 111's l.ThreeMenandaBaby11’111\ 11111;. \ 3‘11111 _v\1\11\.11.11111\1v~11.11.‘ 2.0189118111’111< ‘111111: \ "111111. \ 11.11 \11111.11.‘. ,‘1111111
3. Nightmare on Elm Streetllll W111 1111111.. \ “1111111 5.11.11111\111n.11‘ ICANNON S.111p111g11.111 \11 ‘1‘.
:1111 t__‘ .‘I' 1.1:1111\
1. Fatal Attractionl 1111: 1111111» 1~1 \.111.~1 ‘1'11111.\ ‘1'1‘111
Batteries Notlncluded1l’111\.1:1~:.11
1 711111111
2.Moonstruck1l’(11l :\11111.1v1
\ 2‘11111
3. F10WBFSID11IEA11IC1 1111 “11111.1 “111:1: \ 3‘11111
4.The Unbearable Lightness otBeing1 \1 11511111." 11111111
5. Empire otthe Sun1l‘111.‘1~1:. “1 '11 ICANNONGRANDI‘inrni .. ~ 1111311 1:11.11
.‘\111111n11~\1c~ 1’111111.‘ 111' 111-1 111\ I CINEMA \1111111;.'.1lt'.1 .1x‘1 1x11‘1'111;.1"““ l1'01111111111111nl 3.‘111'1 '1 1111*111'\1‘ 9.1 ( 11‘\c‘11\111l1 1'.lL‘
Three Men andaBaby11'111 IGROSVENOR \\11111111.11:13111|11.1'.111. :.1"i.“"‘~ 1111\111111‘1111: 11111111..1111111 t.‘
l 1111111'11111,\11111t'111(l.\1’1.l.'
f.Three Men andaBahy1 1’111_‘ ~*~11~~~.
‘ “11121. ‘~ 311111;.\1111\ “0111111111111 2.W1111118118n(1111*1.‘. _1<i‘111.* “11111.
\ 1‘;‘:1‘..\.11“ 1<11111.11111‘1 1:11:1‘15'1111 \ l‘1111111‘.l\
\1'1 .13111111'1111411'11 / IODEON1(1-11111.-111\1'1‘1-1.*1: V111
11.11 .111-1111111111111“ 11111711111 9111111. 111:» t..‘.\‘.<1\”‘11111’.t.1’1‘. 1 [1111\111111‘11‘1 .111‘.t‘lll\1‘11 1.ThreeMenandaBaby1l‘ "
.1‘ 411.1111; 1\
“11111. ‘ 11111111. \ “1111. 1118.11.11\11.1111 31111111 2.BroadcastNewsl 1*1i 5.111.-111<}1:11_\11‘1‘111 The Fox and 1118 Hound 11 1\.1111111\ 11‘11‘,. 3 1*[1111
3.The LastEmperor11<1.i 351111." 4.TheBelievers11\113 1*11111. 1 5181:.
* ~1511111.\ 3511111
ISALON \1111(1‘1111‘L‘\111'\'1.1“‘1.i<'1 I1‘1 \k1111.1t1\.1nt‘c111111111'.11111n \1_111111-'1‘\. .-\111111('1111111.1 *lli) \1’ 1 111" "1
1 \1'111111I\.3\11\C.11\?_1 ‘11 Baby Boomil’hijpin.‘
11.1111111‘11 ‘11
11‘3.‘ 1
R11»- Stit-cl. 1‘1.‘ 111111\1111111 loom-111111411111 1111\1‘x‘1111n {1)1
1111.11111111’;1111~1:1111111\111111‘c [1 ]\11 \1111111111}; .\1.1l\. 2.1 \llmlthlt'ntl 11-111
11 1111 1-11111.11\_i.1 1111.-\11;1111o 141‘}
11111111131.” 51115111111-111‘1 11111111 11'1'1 \llimltd11111111.-\1’t_f ii‘
BettyBIue1 1M1 1111111111; :11. ‘ 9"11111
SATURDAYBU: Cat on a HotTin R0011 1x1.11111Nightotthe Iguana1 1‘11} 11'1‘111 BettyBlue1 1\1t111!1‘., SUNDAYt:
Repentance 1‘1 1 \1111‘. MDNDAYZ:
Crimes otthe Heart1 1‘1 1 Repentance11’111\ 1111111: TUESDAY 3: SovietCinema Talk.\ Repentance1 1’1 11 WEDNESDAY 4: DesperatelySeekingSusam1\1.111.1 301118111111ng1£11 .\ 1111.11 11111111 THURSDAY 5: The Dead 11 1‘1
IGROSVENOR “191111111 .111g
Fr129 SatBD:
2. Hearts olFire 1‘ 1 1y
IUDEON 1x‘. 1 ii 11
Fri 29 32313111111129 Men and a Baby1l’1 11
ICAMEU111 :11. \11'
111::‘11111‘ \1111 11
1'111111.‘ 511111
1111:11 Repentance11‘111
.-1_.‘,‘\1.1i 111111.11 \111:11 1111111
‘. 1.1‘. 11‘1. 11,1‘t'l1\.?. 111T ‘.11l;'.1.
if ‘11'111: 11‘111.:l Sammy and Rosie GetLaidi 111311111 . {‘1 \.11'1_ 1 i'l
‘. '1 11 11111:.‘111111
_.un 1: In a Lonely Place 1’1 1 .1111 The Big
H881I 3M 1,‘ “11:11
\11 / .’
ICANNUNI 111111111{11.111..‘.“l ‘11411 11.1: 1:.1rn 11'11‘1:.\ 111111111\11111 111111s1.
111111 1211:1111'1N1115 11'1‘11::\111‘.I 1111 111111111111111.111\1\.11111- 1111‘.‘.1\'l()\1’t.1
p112. :1:.1‘ .‘ 1\ 1111111: .‘ .. 1:11.111 ’1‘1.11‘!\'111‘71‘.1 1 111:11‘.111\11 11}11 1‘11. -,
‘~ ."'1'~11.
2. The Unbearable Lightness 01 8811191
.. . 11:1: ‘ 11111111 3.Fa1alAttraction1‘1\1‘1111. lDDMlNIDN \1~11'1111,l.~tum-.1 11'
*1111.. x 1: 1\)1‘\I 1".131‘. 111.11.\11 1111:11 M11111 1 111. 112111: 1‘11.111\.1111"1.1:
1‘ f. “11111.11 1111‘1111\11111 \111 111131111 11111111‘1‘l1\:1n if 111.10‘ ‘1'. 11111.11 11,111 \111111.111\t.1 1.1111‘\11\ 1. Empire otthe Sun 1‘1 1 .‘ .‘1111111. 2.FatalAttraction1?\1.‘ 511-11111. 111 5.111.‘ 1\11111.\1,‘ ‘.!
Bigfoot and the Hendersonsl 1’1 '11 \11111111
<11.11‘1l’2.2 .711
1‘1‘1 1 \ 111' [‘1‘tl\ 111 1111.':1‘1.1 11
I 1*11111 3. Hope and Gloryi i.\ .‘11111. ‘11111.\i1111 IODEDNt 1111 \111';1.1111fl1“1 11.11
11‘11111‘. 1’.1:11.11nth-111111111nut-w llt'kt-lx 1..‘_lt'111:.« 1.1 *11111‘1l‘t'lluininngo (1‘f1‘11111‘1‘11'1111'1‘.‘1111;'11[‘111 111111»
11' 1111\1,‘1 11111::1x1‘111111111'111‘1121 111111.
1.Three Men andaBaby1l‘1 1 11 11 \111 1511111111.111111.I~_‘1111:11.\ 1‘11111. \1111 111111\I
‘ 1‘112,‘
1\1111111 11511111. «11:11
.7 T118 LastEmpei‘on 111.1 1‘11111 11111111
3. r: ’1'11'1:astNews11111111.11111311111
‘\1'1 1131M '1'
'.1’1\". [111{\
1111111.1111{11. 11.111\111n \11 11'11'1R1'x1 1\11111 \.11.1t1 1111. "113111 1 "\1111nto 117111.111n» \111 111.11 111:.“ 11‘11111‘~‘I \111. \1.1111 11111=11ilq
1111111 .1.‘ “1111211-
11111111 1111111 \111‘.“ ‘1'
511112-111 112.11' 1 “11
FRIDAY 29: 1. Swann in Love1 ~ .1 2mm Babettevs
F8891 1 1‘1‘. 11111111 IT. 11/111111: in Heaven 1’1. 11 111111 1111111.
1. Dark Crystalil‘111,‘1111: Babette's Feast I1 1111“1‘111.\1l'11:12 2.MadeinHeaven1i’< 1512.11111v
\ 1‘51111
SUNDAYl: 1.Babette'sFeast11 11~ 2.AutumnSonata1'\ '1 “'1~~~ \ ‘ MDNDAYZ: 1.AngelHean11\1‘ F888111’1\ 1111211 2.0rphéell‘l 11 1:~.iLa Belle 111121111112 1‘11 pin TUESDAYS: 1.Ange|Heart1l\1‘ 1111 ~1~-1~ F888111 1\ 1111111: 2.0rphee1l'111.11«111811119 otla B1211: 1‘1 1111‘. WEDNESDAYA: 1.Babette'sFeast11 1111-12111 .\ 31111111 2.1heMinistryolFear1l‘11i C10Ck11‘111 ~11:11 THURSDAYS: 1.Equusli\1.‘ “11111: Bahette‘s Fenst1l 111‘11111.\ l1111111 2.WishYou WereHere1 ‘ 1 11-11 Pumpinglron111~111 11:1. 11:11
I T: l ' IEDINBURGHUNIVERSITY FILMSDCIETY (111111.111 \11111gii1'xl 111:; 1" 1‘1 111111 11111111':E;\1 11:1 \ ‘1 ‘2 1‘
!\¥\‘rii \ :II\'1‘
5‘111111; Babette/5
11111111.111111:.-'~.2. -". .- Kl 1111t'1111\.1n\ 1 11\1‘ 11 [‘.i\ .111 11:1 11 ‘1‘1‘ llit"1:1111\:".'.li :\ 11.1 tnllllctilw 11‘ 1.1v‘111:: 1111 : 11111‘1-1111‘1‘11."1111\ 111.1.~1'.1.1._1 11111.1:.1\1'1111111 \ \Q’nt 1‘1 \1.1tz11.-'1l .1‘1z. 1)..‘.=1111'1‘1.
1’(1\1_1:' 1’111~1: '1: 11: 1111111111;‘\‘\1‘1111‘
Fr129:DrEhrlich'sMagicBullei1l 11 4111111311111 ‘ i‘11‘1. l'f1~' Sunl:Blacknndt‘lhiteinCnlonr
11 1 1-1 .1‘1‘ThPMDQQlliIOVUF‘SI ‘~§i:1:111'.\. ‘.' Wedz‘liLettersirom :11i111z1111'11.r1
11‘ 11:1: 11‘ ‘1119199‘
’17.. Rose SUE-1:1 Glasgow 03 041-332 6535
Sun 151—831 7th (not 'WQTU Scottish Premiere Presentation THEfilmofGlas:.ost REPENTANCE 117131
Tue 3rd Lecture on 80viet Cinema 81 Glasnost by tan Christie plus REPENTANCE
Thu 5111—8311 7th 5.115 only John Huston's THE DEAD 1
Sat 7111 2.30 81 Sat 141112.30 Silent Russian Films wi'111'-:11' Cresswell at the Piano THE DEVIL'S WHEEL plm THE CLOAK (1117111 May THE. NEW BABY 1.011 1111 14111 May
Tue 10th 7.30 only Scottish Premiere of the controversialfilm onthe Baader Meinhof Group Winner of Golden Bearin Berlin