Mother“ ell (V515 lot lttrtlter details.

The Lewis London Ballet Company 2.x: :9 Apr. 7.30pm. This professionaleompan} has appeared on telex ision and the West

lindsinee its lounding in IDS-1. (‘ombining

elassieal \\ ith pop. the} perform a programme on this tour \\ hieh ineludex 'l'lrt’ .Vurt‘rut‘lu'r and The Home King. Harrie/um] (have! and tlte glitter ol llt)ll\ uood in a ( ierxhu in number. See (‘oui‘sex \eetion for details ol \peeial audition.

I THIRD EYE CENTRE 35llSauehieha|l Street 3.“: "5: l.

The Deadly Grove (litre 1‘) Sat 23 Apr. ".3llpm. USHlLZSlll, Installationopen lorxiexxing ltl,_‘~llam 5.30pm dail_\ . l-‘or

their first perlormanee CUllltillSSlttll. Third

li}e‘ haw brought together the sculptor l.aura l~ord \\ ith pertormanee tllllSl Annie (iriltin. The resulting uork isdexeribed as a romantie nightmare ol lo\ e and longing “Still: the ballets "('oppelia' and ‘(iiselle' as the souree. Though the artists are not daneers. the} are interested in ballet as a form in \\ hieh \\ omen are traditional subject matter The} \sillbeuorkingin tlte eentre tor a \\ eek itt tlte lead tip totlte pertormanee and during that time u ill be taking uorkxltops and seminars \sitlt

Annie Griffin and Laura Ford in The Deadly Grove at Third Eye Centre, Glasgow

‘I cut my feet off.‘ Annie Griffin performs this rather gruesome ritual in The Deadly Grove, a new performance created with the sculptor Laura Ford. In the book Red Shoes a little dancer gets her feet cut off because she can’t stop dancing and then floats to heaven. In the Wizard Of 02 a pair of red slippers dance the heroine out of the grasp of wicked witches in forests of lions and tigers and bears to emerald paradise and home. In Giselle the heroine meets an early grave and is recruited by the white-gowned Wilis to capture the soul of her lover. The Griffin and Ford duo enter the forest and the mythology of dance by their own route.

It‘s dark. There are bears about. Five bears made by Ford. ‘We were expecting them to be mate but they’re not. They're a bit bear, a bit dinosaur. They‘re heavy with big bums and yet they look like they‘re trying to fly.‘ Ballerinas try to fly and Griffin continues. ‘Ballet is all aboutthe body making you into something you really are not. It‘s about the illusion of weightlessness. ln Indian dance you use the heel. It's on the ground, but ballet is off the ground.‘

Though their performance takes a peek into the forest of classical ballet, Griffin readily admits that she, Ford and the live others in the cast are not

l l

i l


interested groups in the eit_\ . (‘ontaet lltlt‘d li}e for details.


I GARNETBANK SCHOOL Rentreu Street. Contemporary 'l‘uesda} \ " Spm \\ lllt .lane Simpson. £2. 33433-10 lorinlo.

I HILLHEAD HIGH SCHOOL ( )aktield .-\\ e. Contemporary Dance a ufsi lpm. L2. 'I'hurxda} exenings “llll l‘iona Alderman. Some L‘Xpet‘leltce llL‘CL‘SSJI') (‘ontaet 33-1 lb5" lor l'urtherdetailx.

Jazz'l‘hursda} L‘\Clllllg\ “,3” Spin, L2. (‘ontaet Karen l’axi 334 4""7 tor lurther LlL‘litllS.

I STEPS OUT :(tl \Vext l’rineex Street. 33] 20,“.

Tuesday Classes Junior C(tlllClltptiltll} elaxsl l2 tears and o\et‘l;tt 7pm and adtilt ja/l at '7 15--.\..‘\tlpm. l’rieex beloxt. Wednesday Class Adult eontetnporart elass at 7.3llpitt.

Steps ( )ut (‘laxsex run until 23 \lareh. Adults £3 Ll .luniors LI .5”.

See (‘( )l 'RSliS \eetion alter ladinburgh for details ol liaster and \peeial eouixexin (ilaxgtm.



I GEORGE SOUARETHEATREUt-orge Square. l-or details phone [)le \lehta 245 087'7 (da) j attd oh" ‘lS‘tlltewntnng Bhavaiyars of Gujarat :5 Apr. “Jtlpm.


xi v n a. s.‘ " 5 Jr %’ é‘vi‘f?‘“‘$ v 3:? r . .. a... t

D. .

two solo pieces, The Deadly Grove is physically as well as textually timed and choreography is a word which she is happy to accept.

And ballet classes have become part of herregularroutine. ‘I do it on an amateur level now and really love it. You maybe feel awful for about four classes and then you do this arabesque

or see someone else doing an exquisite

pour de bras. It's sublime. Still, in the age of choreography it's an awful thing to be a ballet dancer . . . you still can't decide what you do when you present yourself on stage, someone tells you.’

r'. {a 'i 'Ir 1

trained dancers. But like her previous 5

'l'raditional danee from North-West Indra. u here a danee pertormanee IS likely to be art all-night allair lor the \illage imolxed. 'l‘he touring eompanies \\ ho pro\ ide llllS eelebration tell stories based on m_\ th and folklore in songanddanee. l‘hetioupe also lllL‘lllle‘S an aerobat and a magieian

By tradition the eompany l\ all tttale. the lemale impersonators grim mg their hair to their \saixt and studs ing lemale

mox ements for man} tears llllS is the tirst time that a Bhaxai eompam has

\ lSlIL'tl the LR and pltltTTISL‘SL‘PlL‘ storytelling.

I ( il'L'L'lTSItlL‘ l’laee 13o\()lltee55" :59”.

Romeo and Juliet 3H 33 Apr, SL’ttlllSlt Ballet take to the \jtl'lllg mth llll\ ttto\l romantie ol ballets. l’tokoltu \ lllllSIL PttSSItHlithl} leatl\ tlte t\\o toting ltt\ erx to ltte\ itable tragedy

I MORAY HOUSE COLLEGE( ~ramond ('ampus. ( ‘ramond Road North. 3 l I (illlli ('l lL'le'lSttll the door) Dancescapers 25 3t: .-\jtl. (Ll l. This student based eompam ll.l\

.‘illpm. L25“

been performing lor litteen teats. llS membershipehanging annuth .\ eombination ol eontemporan and tau pieeex makes thisa \aried e\eningol

danee. The programme alw lllL'llltlL‘\ \otite

\sork b} |lllllUl'S lrom \lll'l'tllllltllllf; \t‘ltoolx I THEATRE WORKSHOPS-1llamiltonl’laee 23ft5425. Box ( )lliee \ltttt Sal

‘lfillam 5.3llpnt. Bar ('ate. |l)||l-]

Mime Theatre Project it). :n Apt _ set- ‘l‘heatre l’age tor inlerx It“ and tlL‘lttllS

Classes I EPWDRTH HALLS \it-ttlwn Slteel l 33*)

lllal lttt'ltllo).

Classeswith Tracy Hawkes WednesdayBalletr».t< “.fattpm Adults gettetal beginnerx\xeleome

MondayJazzofitt ".JFpm. .-\dult intermediate.

SatJazz 1345 3pm. .-\dult general. lk‘glltlte‘l‘x“Clettme.

part by the voice of American dancer Gelsey Kirkland ringing from her autobiography with tales of addiction and self-inflicted physical punishment. The Deadly Grove is a concoction. The 19th century ballet's forest sets take the place of lurking male sexual anxiety where women are predators and animals, even pretty young girls in white become 'scary‘. The ballet dancer on pointe is stumped and yet most girls at some time dream to become one. ‘The piece was driving us crazy. We just didn‘t know where we were. And I suddenly realised that's what it’s all about.‘ There are no Teddy

We agree there are levels of sacrifice, Bears in the woods according to Griffin butGriffin's grove was made deadly in 5 and Ford. (Alice Bain)

26 The List 15 28 April 1958

The men growtheirhairtotheirwaist to take on the female parts. The troupe includes an acrobat and a magician. Cymbals, drums, trumpets five feet long and a harmonium accompany the dance of the Bhavai Theatre Troupe from North-West India. This will be the lirsttime thatthis type oftraditional Indian dance will be seen in the UK and it‘s taking place in Edinburgh! Visually beautiful and full of energy they tell the stories of their land without need of translation. A colourful evening notto miss. See listings fordetails. (AB)

\ll e llSSL‘S LT. j‘ l l.) l. Reduetion lor bloek boolane,

Courses, Summer Schools

and Auditions f IDANCEINTOTHEATHEtinglixlilmnee

l heatie. l )aiit'e ( 'il\ l’eel lane.

\e\‘.t.i\tle.\'l'lr1l)\\ .lul} fw\ug

\ \ummt : \ehool \\ hieh [‘l'tlllllSL‘S to be not ill the eoxt. ineluding tuition by lack} l.ltl\lt'\ tneu tliieetoi ol l'lltllISll l)anee

l heatiet. Rosemary ltutehet loneol ltiitaink leading \e\\ l)anee ehtneoetaplierxt. l atiite lioothlknou n internationth to! lll\\\ttll~, inmmement theatre i and Rtne l- lltlllSll l a pertormanee Ltlll\l \Kllltll.t\\‘.t‘ll\t‘tlll'ttllllittlllL'plCRIIlLl

petvitlal ltt'lSltet‘lH ext L l SlllLSF ) not

intluding aetoniodalion.

I LEWIS LONDON BALLET COMPANY Auditions Lb .-\pt ‘pm I he I e\\i\ l .ondon ltallett ompant \\ ill be \lSlllllL' \lotheiuell on thi .tlate and \Hll be

lttt 'ixllltl lot \oung ballet tlaneeh to

per lot in \\ llll them at the ( ~i\ ie'l'lteatre.

'l hm need tout tlLlllk'L‘lS betueen theagex ot " and i l lodanee \\llll the eompant on .‘S and I" ~\pt .( oittaet \lothemellt'nie lheatie NF 1 " lot detail\ lintranee lee m hit h in. lltl(lt'\ \tttt l\\lltlp \L'SSlltll L l See .tlmt ilaxgou peiloimanee.

I MICHAEL S. LINEHAN l l} ntlland

Setontl i; \ .t latenee l)ll\ e. lo. likpr. l'lam ‘j‘m (’ontatt \atural l)anee

\\ oi l. drop. I‘ \\ bile Street. ( ilasgou 334 l_‘| ii to: booking\ and ltlrtltet tletailx.

_\ tlattet‘l . aeloltat atttl lilttelx‘ Bell .\l'r\ltll‘ inliuetoi . the ( 'anadian l.ineltan \ltttt\ Ill ( ila\go\\ on .i tour of l:ttrope. l lix \ktit ltxht tpx ealled ‘l .earn to H} ' are open toamone \tithxome ptexiouxexperienee ot danee or other mmement torm» l‘ee Li“

I SCOTTISH CHOREOGRAPHIC FESTIVAL loidanhill( ollege ot ltdueation. (ll.|\L‘tt\\ FIN-\pt' I May.

Siobhan l )a\ lL‘S. ex-london

(‘t intempoi ai \ and a muelt respeeted ehoieogi aphei \\ ltoxe “oil; has been teatuietlon lL'lL'HSlUll and seen aroundthe \xot ld. lS thi\ _\ ear \ :\l'll\lle [)ireetor. She IS joined bx l’hilippe ( iiradeau (ex-2nd Stride ). l’a'al ( 'laktlttll (ex-Mantis andan Str ide l and other» l~or.the first time in its sex en \ear lile. the le'Slqul will runover three dam and l\ ineredibly good Value at onlx L‘llll L l i all lll. l ltere are stillsome plaeex lett \o toiitaet( her} I Strongas \tltln,l\pt)\\ll‘lCUI]ll-11(\4‘)‘)‘)87.