
I George McGowan Trio with Linda Fletcher Blackli iais. Bell Street. \lcicliaiit ( "its. 5‘134 l‘\elllllL‘ RL'SlLlClll l‘tllltl.1.ltl\ singci.


I Alex Shaw Trio ( 'opjrei s. ( ’oeklrui ii Street. 335 1441 1-\citiirg

I SatstuttCaIc lliaiiilz. l'icdeiick Street. 3355344.1-\ciiing Song.indsaxsvvirigers I Peristalsis Brothers .\x c Rat . \11()tleelt Slrcct.33lI 13.53 ‘1 3|1j‘iii l'iec l-iltics class} pop jax/ songs and brass

SATURDAY 2 Glasgow

IBD Weevil lllackliiais. llcll Sliecl. .\ ( its . 552 5934 l'vcniiig l‘lL‘v‘lllc'l‘lllL'Sl‘.llltl

IThe Big Bands Riversidet‘lttlw. 1m Sticct.24\3l~14 2 5pm tl \ots ivvolrig bands iii llte .iltci noon (icoige .\lc( iovvair ()iclicstia .iirtl ltill l-aiiiiings Big Band Scoicsol musicians. li iciidsaiid enthusiasts

IJimmy Feighan Quartetwith Shelagh Buchanan ( il.isgo\\ Stic‘lel}()l\ltl\1e1.tll\. Bcikelc} Street. 331 111 13.3. 15 -1-15[‘lll 511p. Bat.

I Ron Moore. Rikki Fernandezl .t I .tteina laiisdovsneCrescent. 33931". S llpiii I Resident Quartet ( nasgmt secrets ()1 .\liisiciaiis. Berkeles Street. 231 61 12. S311 11 311piit 511p. liar.


.' I Melanie D‘Reilly and Francis Cowan. As e

Bar..\'llt)uecirStreet.32H12S3 ‘13llpiii. (‘Ie\ er. snrootli guitar tracked vocals.

. I Alex Shaw Trio ( 'oppers. ( 'ocklrtii it

Street. 225 1441 l~veiiing I Yella Dug Jazz Band Basin .s'tteet.

; ll;l_\lll.ll'l\et lei'i.icc.33"111116 Irveiiirig.

'l‘rad band

i IGeotlByrne Trio Shoreliatjl'lreSlroie l.citlr.5535l|.\ll. l unclitiirrc Various.

.\litstciiitlic bat restaurant.

I Alex Shaw Trio l’lalloi'iir 1. Rutland Street. 225 2433. lunchtime l’ianisl

I Toto And The Jazz Bostons l’i esci'\ .timn

llall. Victoria Street. 236 3S16. 2 4pm IPeristalsis Brotherscatelitaitttz.

l'redericls' Street. 225 5244.13 citing. l‘illies brass} svving soiigs



1 I Chick Lyall Trio l’aislei .-\

l’ulsle} Arts ( ‘enti'e. \eu SIl-CCI.1\\\- WI”. 3.311 3.3llpiii. Bar. l-‘ree. Young kc} board iitrprov isor.

I Perdido .lolrn Street .lam. John Street. 13.311 3.3llpiii, Mainstream and Latin.

I Dave Wilson And The Uptown Shuttlers Bonliams Wine Bar. B} res Road. 35" 3424. Lunchtime.

I Frank Bolan Quintet the Bar. lt'tin 'llreatre. l’arnie Street. 552 426211.511 (£11. 1..3tl-5prrr. "I was \seekl) ja/z scene. I So What 'I‘olbooth Bar. (ilasgovv ('ross. 552-1149.1ivening. ResideiitS“"tl;i\ band. I


I Jam Jazz Session t.‘.»\ttaehe. Rutland Hotel. Rutland Street. 22‘) 311-13.


The jazz message is Shorter this lortnight. The genius ol the soprano sax brings his group back to Scotland for the second time (Glasgow 9th. Edinburgh 8th). Plattorm are using the Maylest venue at the Govan Town Hall tor the first time, to accomodate the bigger audience. and with better bars. It's also handy tor the Underground. 0n the tenorand the soprano. but so exquisitely on the latter Wayne Shorter. see photo, has been at the loretront ol jazz evolution lrom his early 60s' days with Miles Davis. through the electrical storm 01 Weather Report to the extended intensity ol his new bands. where state-oi-the-art technology is kept at the service at the musical idea and the expressiveness ol the reed. See Guestlist.

Billie Holliday was the greatest singerthat lived in jazz. and hervoice told her lite story. Billie lbidun is an actress/singer from Glasgow. born at Nigerian parents, who has lovingly constructed a one woman show revealing in dramatic monologue the torces in society and the energies in her namesake that gave rise to those diamonds ol song. Ms Ibidun has been singing since she was tourteen, and her remarkable blues vocal style belies her twenty one years. The Third Eye Centre presents ‘Aint Nobody's

_ 311 6pm \Vithsiiigci Sopliieliancrolt and musicians.

I Waverley Jazz Band Racburii Bar. Raebtii'iil’lace.333o3-15. 13.311 3 3llptii. I Capital City Jazz Band ( 'tesi llotel. (.)llL‘L‘ll\1L‘l'l_\ Road. 332 3442

2 311 5 3l1piri.

I Ronnie Rae Trio l’lattorin 1.Rutland Street . 225 2433. lunchtime.

I Knights DtJazz \\'iiie(i1ass. .\'e\viirgton Road. “(1- (rStro. t'.\ L'lllllll.

I That Swing Thang ( ‘aie Biarriiz. l-rederick Street. 225 5244.1:seniirg.Six piece jump |l\e \ ocals arid svs iirg group. I Jazz Machine \ltntti Hotel. to Minto Street.66" 1534. S 11pm.

I Basin Street Stompers Basin Slt'eel. lltt}lllttl'kel terrace. 33" 11166. liveniirg. ltad and 1)i\ieland \ eirue.

I Waverley Jazz Band Marina 1 lotel. liiseileitlr Rim . 552 2563. ‘) 11.3llpm. l'l‘atldles.

I Jazz Engine 'l'he liligltte Room. ()tleenstet‘l} Street lane. 33.5 3143. ltveniiig.

MONDAY 4 Glasgow

IThat Swing Thang l’aisle} .-\rts(‘entre. Nets Street. Paisle} . HS" llllll. ".3llpm. Izdiirburglr based bunch ol sharp young platen singers vv ho dtist dovv n the music ot lite 4t1's and 5t1‘s give it a moderntvvist. \Votrdertul songs and casuallt assured deliver}.

I Dave Wilson And The Uptown Shuttlers Hobsoiis. 5‘3 Sauclrielrall Street. 1:\eirirrg. light. entertaining mainstream jazz. Soitgstoo.


I Edinburgh Jazz Duartett‘tippers. (‘ockburii Street. 225 1441. livening.

I Suave Maxies Bistro. \icolson Street 66‘ (1845. ('larinet. sax and guitar.

I East Coast Jazz Band Blue Lagoon. Angle Park ‘l‘errace. 331 9922. Evening. 9— 12pm. Resident 'I’radband.

I Brian Johns Rutland Hotel. Rutland Street. 22‘) 31142. livening.

Business‘ on the 13th.

Bill Kyle brings his New York Jazz each year to The Edinburgh Festival. giving the locals a taste ot the Big Apple's club scene. Playing the drums in NY and London has shown Bill too clearly what our Capital lacks, and he's taken steps to rectify it. It won’t cost you a thing. Every Thursday. at L'Attache, see listings, will be musicians lrom a ‘pool' ol the best players around. Visiting musicians sit in with the band, and the whole structure is tree and intormat. The band rehearses regularly in ditterent line ups and styles ol jazz and members include Glasgow bassist Andy Mitchell, altoist Jett Freedner and most at the top younger players on the scene. The tirst week had Tommy Smith up tor a blow. Roll along at 9pm. (Norman Chalmers)

TUESDAY 5 . Glasgow

I Bobby Wishart l lalt Bar. Woodlands Road. 332 131“. 1‘.\ citing. Leading saxophonist.

I Zeke's Jazz Company 1)e()utneev‘s. Reirtield Street. 333 (1633. 9pm.


I Swing '88 Malt Shos el. ( 'oekburn Street. 335 6843. laveiriirg. 'l‘vvo guitars. a double bass aitd clarinet or sax.

I Andy Thorburn Shore Bar. The Shore. l.eith. 1‘.\L‘tllllll. Solo piano. Stride. boogie. standards and rock and roll.

I Knights DlJazz litigine Room. ()uceirsterr} Street Lane. livening.

I Peristalsis Brothers Negoeiants. Bristo Square. liveiritig. Forties and titties popular svv ittg songs and brass.

I Criterion Jazz Band l-‘at Sam's. lr‘titirrtaiirbridge. liveiring.

I Louisiana Ragtime Band .‘s‘amar t louse Hotel. Ma} t’ield (iardcns. 66" 2828. Evening.

I West End Jazz Band Basin Street. Haviriarket Terrace. 337 11106. liveiiiirg. 'I'rad.


I Sandy Taylor/Alex Moore Duo (ilasgtm Society ()1 Sttisiciatis. Berkeley Street. 8.3l1pm. 511p. Bar.


I Alex Shaw Trio ('oppe rs. (‘ockburn Street. 235 144]. livening.

I Tam White Negoeiants. Bristo Square. 225 6313. 9pm. Blues and soul.

I Charlie McNair's Band Preservation Hall. Victoria Street. 226 3816. Evening. I Brian Johns Rutland Hotel. Rutland Street. 22‘) 31142. Iivening.

I Louisiana Ragtime Band Basin Street. Havmarls'et Terrace. 337 11166. Evening. I Fat Sam's Jazz band Fat Sam's. Fountainbridge. Iivenirig.

THURSDAY 7 Glasgow

I Electric Blues Night Riv erside(‘lub.1-'ox Street. 2483144. livening. 1.2. With Bo Weevil.

I Live MUStC Blacklriars. Bell Street. Merchant (‘itv . 552 5924. livening.


I Bill Kyle's Jazz Pool t.‘.-\tt;telie. Rutland Street. 33‘) 3042. Rpm midnight l'i'ce. l’ealuriiig the best ol local ja/z talent. See panel.

I Waverley Jazz Band Rat-hum Bar. Raeburiil’lace.3326345.14seiiiiig.

I Russian Roulette ( ‘aie than Ill. Frederick Street. 335 5244.1:seiiiitg l-ive piece sis ingcis

I Graham Blamire Jazzers Basin Street. llavirrarkct ‘l‘eriacc. 33" 111116. 11v entitg. I Criterion Jazz Band l‘at Sam's. l'ountainbridge. l-veniiig.

IJazz Machine \ttntt» l lotel. toxtmto Street.66" 1534 .S' Ilpiti

I Shore Jazz Shore Bar. the Shore. l.eilli. 553 511641.1~\etiiiig.Sa\aiidilivtlim section in bar restaurant.

I Beroda Swing .\ta\ics Bistro. Nicolsorr Street. 66"tl.\'45. fiveiiiirg. l'hieesoiiie \sitli \ iolin. guitar and vocals. Baraiid Restaurant.

I Templehall Stompers 'l emple l lotcl. [{splanade. .loppa. 66‘1 4264. 1'.\ citing. tract and dine residents.

IJimmy GilmourGroup Rantlttagon. Morrison Street lwenrng.

I Gordon Fytte Trio .-\ttoit l lolel.

(iross error ( 'rcscciit . 335 61133. l'.\ citing.

FRIDAY 8 Glasgow

I George McGowan Trio with Linda Fletcher Blacktriars. Bell Street. \lcrcltant ( ’it}. 552 5924. 1:\eiririg. Resident band \\ ttli singer and guest soloists


I Wayne Shorter Group ()tteen‘s 1 'all. (‘lerk Street. ‘13llpm. lickets tronr ()ueeii'sllall.l'slier11a1|.arrd\'irgin Records. Princes Street. {611.3 concessions as ailable at the door 3tlmiiis bel'ore pertorirrarice to Students. ( ).-\l’s. ttiider lS'saiid [134111. l’reseiitcdbv l’latt’orm Jan. '1 reirteirdousl) accorrrplished and exciting band. led by one ot the greatest \tl\t1plltllll\t\ and eotiiposers in \votld ja/z Sec ( iucstlist I Alex Shaw Trio ( ~tippers. ( ‘ocklrui ii Street. 335 1441 lzvciiiiig.

I Peristalsis Brothers A; e Bar. .si 1 Queen Street. 2311 13S3. ‘1.3llpni. l‘ree. l‘lltlL‘S Class) pop jazz songs and brass

I Satstuttoate Biar'r'itl. l-i'ederick Street. 225 5244. liveiting. Suing.

I Spirits 01 Rhythm Basin Street. Hasiirarket l'errace.33"11166 1‘\ellllltl Ri\ erboat decor and ran posters on the stairs. The lrad \ enue


Glasgow I Wayne ShorterGroup ( ios an '1 no it 1 tall.

Spin. to 1 £3 eoneessiotts a\ ailable at the door 3llmiirs betore pertorirrance to Students. ()Al’s. under lS's and 1134111 'l'iekets troiri 'l'icls'et (‘entrc (aridleriggs. Mitchell Theatre. arid Virgin Records. ['nion Street. or on the door on the tiight Presented by l’litlltlt'lll .la/z. 'l‘remeirdousl} aeeoiriplislied and exciting band. led b} one ot the greatest saxoplroriists and composers iir \vorld |.l// See (itiestlist.

I Isaac Guillory'l‘htrtl Ii_\e ( ‘entre. Sauchielrall Street. 332 "52]. Spm. L351! (12511). Born in ('uba. raised in the l ‘S.-\ and no“ p1a}iriga lot iii Britain. lt'sa return visit to the Third live tor the the most versatile acoustic guitarist _\ou \\ ill

ever see. He has plat ed session guitar tor 1

man} of the biggest names tn the rock

llle list 1 14 .-\pril WAS 27