tor a mammoth community performance project about the life of Lilsie lngils. tobe performed early in May. Anybody interested in getting involved at any level acting. music. design. stage management etc. is very welcome to attend.

I NETHERBOW 43 l ligh Street. 5560570. Box Office lllarii—--l.3tlpm. 7 9pm pert. evgs. Cale. |I)|. |li|.

1988 Edinburgh Puppet Festival wed 3o Mar 4) April. Started iust a levy yearsago the I’uppet l‘estival is now a phenomenal success: last year sold otit across the board. So book early this year not all just for children. but a lull list is givenon the Kids Listing l’age. As vvellas shows there will be workshops and street shows.

I IS 23 ( ii‘ccnsidc Place. 55— 25‘)“. Bo\()ttice Mon Sat ltlam-opm. Bar.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Inc 5

Sat () Apr. Wed Sat 2.30 «k 7pm.'l'ue 2.30pm only. L35” L55“. Children LI .5“ oft~ all ticket prices. Roald l)alil‘s lamous tale ot'Chai‘lie. and his v isit to Willy Wonka‘s Chocolate l-actor'y . in the successful stage adaptation by Jeremy Raisori. with music by (hi istopher Reason. l‘or 7 l I yearoldsand tlieyouiig at heart.

I ROYAL LYCEUM ( ir'indlay Street. 22‘) 9607. Botht'ice Mon Sat Illam (rpm. ltlam- Spin on pert. evgs. liar. Rest Cate. ID]. Ili]. l'I‘heatrcSaver ( ‘oncessionCards cost Ll. last all year . give Ll oil the full price each time you come for you and a friend availableto().-\I’s.I‘BJtls. Students. Disabled and YI‘S scheme) Tickets for Lyceum productions are also available at the Ticket (’entr'c. Way er Icy Bridge; branches ot A'l' May ‘s travel and the Queen's l lall. Clerk Street.

Loot Hi I l Mar Sat 2 April. ".45pm. £2.7ll-Lti. 'l‘heatr'eSaver'. Young Scot and Countdown card-holders Ll otl. Sat mat 2(i Mar 3. l5prii. Iltigli I lodgart directsloc ()rtori's black comedy in vv hich a collin becomes the centre ol attention. as murderer. detectiv e and bank robbers get entangled in a funeral to the detriment of all that is tastctul. A sharp production. revelling in ()i'ton'sverbal dexterity . with a nice sinister nurse and dctectiv e.

Mother Courage and Her Children lit-i .s Sat 30 April. 7.45pm. L2.7ll-Lh. 'l'lieatreSavei holders Ll otl'. Sat mat 23 April. l-"Rlzl: l’RliVIliW IItllt'\ 7 Apr. Ber'tolt Ilt'ccllt\ epic play . follow ing one woman's toi'tiines during the Thirty Years War. directed by Ian \Vooldridgc. Sec l’ancl.

IST BRIDES CENTREUrvy eIIiI‘et'race. Tales of the Arabian Nights ’I'Iiur's 31 Mai. 7.30pm. lior tickets please call “3] Mo 1405. ('omrnunicado ’l‘heatr‘e Company in their revival ol (ierry Mtilgrew'sliyely adaptation of the tairious'l'alcs. ITHEATRE WORKSHOP 34 I Iaiiirltoii I’lace. 22h 54.25. BU\ ( )llicc Mott Sat 9.3Uani 5..‘~tlprii. liar. (ate. |l)|. AWee Home trom Home to .s .v Sat t) Apr. Spin. L3 I L2). A line new piece oldance theatre by dancer I'l';lllI\ McConnell and singer pianist Michael Mar ia about life in the city . presented in association vv rtli ('ommunicado 'I lieatr'e ( ‘ompany.

Dance WorkshOps l'rr s .v Sal () Apt

I 3pm. L2(Ll l. l-‘rank McConnellaiid Michael Marra. presenting .‘l Ill-e Home from Home I see iitioy c l. giv c dance workshops. based on the approaches used in choreography. .\'o dance e\per rericc necessary.

The Matchgirls Wed 13 Sat to Apr. 7pm. Sat mat 2.30pm. L2tLl l. I‘ortli(‘Iirldrcn's Theatre in a musical by llill ()vv en set in the match factories ol the IS‘llls. ITRAVERSE THEATRE 1 12 West Bow. (irassmarket . 22b 2b.“. Box ( )tlice Tue-Sat ltlam Spin. Sun ti lllprri Bar. Rest. 'I'ickets also to all limit the 'l‘icket Centre. 22 Market Street. Seats tr'om L2. Sundays all seats L2 (non-member‘s L25l It The Straw Chair tTntil Sun 17 April. 7.30pm.L451HL25H): \Iifl'llleleRl- 'I‘Illi'l‘RAVl RSI-TS .\'l- Wl l( 'ls'l-fl


i .-ttltirii.Stiitt/i Ilieatre. Ktrkca/rlv Inc 12


'l‘l Il-IIR MliMBtiRSI III’ RI’NS ()l'I. (lieon. member's L-t; l-‘ull members £3.50: Student members L2). The 'I'raverse start their tvy erity -tittli anniversary season with a new play by Site (ilovcr about St Ktlda. See Review.

Courteous Men l’ri 1 Apr. (transmits Sat 2 Apr (b..‘\llpiril. L2tLI ). l’art ol'tlieScottish Student Drama I-‘estival. (ilasgoyv Independent Theatre Company in a new play . devised by lidvsard Blunt. set in the back streets ot a city vv here people are taking reltige from the authorities.

Shorts Mon 28 Mar Sat 2 Apr. I23tl-lprn. Ll (511p). Anew development in the Scottish Student l)rama l-‘estival. A programme ol new vvoi k by studentsor recent students. presented under the guidance ol loin Mc(ir'ath. playwright and literary director at the Royal I.ycctim. and Maggie KIITIUL‘II. vy ho has worked estensiycl,\ asa director with 'I'A(iand Annese 'I’lieatr‘e Companies

Thurs 31: Heart and [tone by Stephen (iraham.

Fri liliurnv ' Night by Mal Wooltord and l-rancrs I lills and Subterranean by Ales Robert.

Sat 2: \Ienioru'v [he Han] by (ior‘don [you

I WILKIE HOUSE ( 'ovv gate

Scottish Student Drama Festival Cabaret Mon 28 Mar Sat 2 Apr. SeeCabarct.


This section lists shows that are touring Scotland. We give detailed listings onlytor pertormancesin ornearthe CentralBelt. There is a phone numbertor each company. however. should you require more intormation. Unless otherwise specitied. the number atter each venue listed isthe telephone numbertorticket enquiriestor that particular evening (please note. this is notalways the venue number).

I The Importance ot Being Honest \y'ildeai Stage I’i'odirctroiis tour their latest shovv : a musical tar'ce by l)av id Mc.\'iv en. in which the Mcvaeen family get entangled in official sect cts. \\ Itcll Mrs McSyy cen overheats a coded message. I'tll lurtlier' details please call \thdcat on (MI 954 (ltlllll.

I'll/(10' Illt'tlll't’. l'.tl\l Killtl‘ltlt’ilitltll'SAI Mai . ~._‘~t|piii. “3552 ~1Stih‘). .-t vr ( ‘ti'u‘ llieatre. .~tvr I-ri 1 iv Sat 2 Apr. 7.30pm “292 2(i-lti3‘l (’ttt:ens I’lreatre. (iluvemr Inc 5 Sat23Api.7,.illpiii.l|-11J2‘Nlll22. l'ndot tour.

I Betty and Boaby's Macbeth ‘t oiry Roper and Hattie ( I Smitli star in a co-pioductron between Dundee Repaiid l’iristol l- \press'l’lieatr'e ( 'oinpany in which llettv and Boaby present their

ll reverent version ol the llar'd‘sclassicin then my It liv ing room.

lt'utt l/u'atre. (i/avgou IIltllS 24 Mar U Apr till 552 43o“ .s. land ol tour. I Tales of the Arabian Nights (‘oiiiniuriicado'l liealre( ompaiiy revive their popular show using music and highly v isual theatre to thI live ol the famous lalcs. l-or lurtliei details please call (‘ommuiiicadoonH312291M.

St. lirulev ( entre. lziltnburg/i 'I'hut'sFI Mar "..‘\l|piii H31.i-Itil~lll5..-tvveinbli Run/Its. larltnburg/i In t Apr . "..‘~llprii. Sat 2 Apr 2.3tltk "..‘‘~l22S1155l2nd ot tottt.

I The Cauldron 'l‘heati'e Alba start a tour ol a new play by l.dvs Ill Stiven that delves back into seventh century history and literature to create a mystical play intertwining history and myth. written in old Scots. I'Ul further detailsplease call

'I lieatie Alba on “51 22ti5‘)‘)2.

( ran lIl/tl l/teatre. Jordan/rill. (ilaxgmr 'lliur-s.‘~l Mai Sat2 Apr, tl-Il 054mm. llarbour.-trtv ('entre. ll'l'lllt’ Sat ‘lAPr‘.


Apr: Bonar Hall. Dundee Wed l3 Apr; Biggur Theatre Workshop. BiggarThurs l-l Apr. Tour continues.

I Checking Out Cumbernauld Theatre go on tour with their successful. new production of Marcella Evaristi'scomcdv about two Scottish girls coming to terms I with London. For further details please call 0236 732887.

xtl/tm Town Hall Fri I Apr. 025‘) 213 I3I: I ’ais'ley' A rts ('entre. Paisley Sat 2 Apr. tl-tl SS7 ltlltl‘. ('umbernaultl 'l‘lieatre.

( "unrbernaultl Ith 5 -- Sat 9 Apr. (I236 732887; 'I‘ron 'I‘lieatre. (ilaygoir'l'ue 12- Sat 24 Apr. (Ml 5524267 8. Tour continues.

I State of Contusion Theatre workshop tour their new show: a political t‘arce by David Kane. We are sometime in the ftiture. in a private nursing home. where the Prime Minister (a slightlycrazed Andrew I)allmeyer) has been incarcerated after having ‘visions‘. All is naturally not what it seems. and alter a rather slow start. the comedy hots up toa

series of wildly unpredicatable. and funny.

revelations. For further details please call 'I‘heatre Workshop on (Bl 225 7942. Bruntmi ’I‘lieatre. .llusselburgli Fri I Apr. 7.30pm. (Bl (ib5 2240; Covctllte ( etttre. Stirling Sat 2 Apr. Tourcontinues. butnot tn ( 'entral Belt. until Sat It) Apr. I’leasecall above number for details.

I A Wee Home from Home A virtuoso new piece of dance theatre front dancer l-‘rank McConnell and singer pianist Michael Marra set iii the City of (ilasgow. being toured in conjunction with ('ommunicado Theatre Company.

Paisley .-I fly ('entre. I’atslev Iiri I Apr. 7.3(lpm. (MI 887 Hill): 'I'lieatre HIM/(shop. Iz'tltnburg/r to S ck Sat 9 Apr. Spin. ()3! 225 7942; li’onar Hull. l)quIee'I‘hurs l-l Apr. 'I‘our continues.



I BLUE NOTE 'I‘hc Ili'tggart . 72 ( ‘ly dc Street. (MI 55: (M37. Jeanette Burns Sat 3 Apr. 0pm for t)..‘~tlpm. tree. The popular singer returns to the Blue Note.

Ceilidh Night Iiri S Apr. Itlpm onwards. L3 The regular cabaret slot giv es way toa ceilidh night tonrglit . vv itli music tr'oriilini MacRae and the Scottish l)ance Band and the Nostalgia Disco.



'I‘he (itldctl Balloon continues its new regular monthly cabaret spot; nest on the agenda will be l’er rier Avvai'd vv inner Arnold Brown on 22 and 23 April. I ickets can be bought noyy iroin the .WH iallery. (‘ovy gate.

I ST BRIDES CENTRE ( )r‘\y ell leri'ace. Ilayniat'kct. .‘i-Iti l-ltli.

Benefit Cabaret Sat 0 Apr. ‘lpin. Ur L2) I’ertorming l labits. the Msl-‘its and Siiiilev and San are among the line-up lot this benetit cabaret in aid of trust ( ‘liance Theatre I)ance ( ‘onipany . an I'tIlllI‘tll'gIl based company composed entirely ol peoplcyyitli a mentalhandicap


Scottish Student Drama Festival Cabaret t n t Apr. Irilor'mal cabaret startriigaround Spm. More serious liiiiny stutl from about llprii. late bar. Ll Fill Ll) (‘omedl tonight comes Il‘tllll Stir ling Drama Society ; .loliii Street 'I licatie; Resisting A Rest ('onipany ti‘om I'tIlllI‘llltYIlt ollegeol Art and Audrey .\ivcii's ‘l’ci'loi mance I’octry '_



THE camcsronv

l A musical celebration of 100 years of Celtic F. C. ;


Mon 2 May-Sat 25 June 7.30pm Tickets £5, £4 (£2.50 concession) _ Te|:_.041-_3_321846


Bertolt Brecht 8 April-3O April, Mon-Sat 7.45 p.m. Saturday matinee 23 April, 3.15 p.m.

Tickets from £2.70 (031) 229 9697 Grindlay Street, Edinburgh EH3 9AX

FREE PREVIEW Thursday 7 April, 7.45 p.m.

lliel N I I‘!.\l‘llI l"\\19
