IAIIyou need to know aboutthe world and its oysters isto belound inthe YOUNG TRAVELLER or

STA TRAVEL HANDBOOK availabletrom student travel centres. Student tlightsto every location are listed. plus a section on handytravelling hints. IArmchairiravelling needn't be contined to your living room. There is no easierway ottakingin miles and miles at landscapethan by sitting in atrain EUROTRAIN EXPLORERS otterpasses which enable you to stop overin anything from 4to15 cities across Europe. They havejust introducedthe EGYPTIAN EXPLORER which includes eitherGreek orltalian stops plusterry travelto Alexandrialor £171 01w. Nearer home. you can do London. Paris. Brussels and Amsterdamlor £62. The cost at a rail ticket to andlrom Scotland is extra. You have to be under 26. Tickets are valid tortwo months. Availablelromthe Edinburgh Travel Centre. and Campus Travel Centres in Glasgow and Dundee (see Uselul Contacts section).

I TOP DECK TRAVEL are an action-packed travel group who otteradventurous holidays Ioryoung and



‘Sunsport‘ and ski brochures show vigorous days and. by the looks olit. vigorous nights. The



American adventures are in

essence campingtours. You‘ll be led out underthe stars into the elements by otheryoung vigorous types.

Many ol Top Deck‘s trips are

'open age'-ie not necessarily young. butwith everything still intact. Goto


Centre tordetails.

I INSURANCE isamust. Yournearestand dearest will not thank you ilthey havetolork outwhen you breakyourleg and need air-titted back by Concorde lromthe Himalayas. You can get inexpensive policiestorlostorstolen valuables and tickets. Ior health and medicine. and. heaven lorbid. lite insurance. The health cover

most countries do not have ourgood olddiminishing NHS and they charge a tortune loran up-market

aspirin.Againtravelagents ,

will advise you on

. insurance.andmanyol ; themhavetheirowncheap schemesllyou are goingto

an EEC country. gettorm

' E111lromtheDHSStoget

coverthat way.

. I Transalpino will give you

things good enough to eat.

‘Swiss Roll‘ and ‘Spaghetti Junction' are set on their rail tour menu next to such delicacies andterrible puns as‘Art and Alps‘ or‘A Railot Two Cities. 0r Even Three'. For dessert. there’s ‘Rhine Time'. 'Alpine Action‘ and ‘Riviera Railing'. Orthe more boring-sounding Rail-Around-various-cities passes. Again you've gotta be under 26. You'llIind Transalpino in Edinburgh and Glasgow(see below). I USIT(CampusTravel’s own chartercompany) specialises in studentand youth travel. Theirschemes include Ferry Connection. Eurotrain. French Connection and Flight Connection. Budget-price Iares are the aim otthe game. Bookable through student travel centres (see below).

I EQUIPMENT Good comIortable rucksacks don‘t come cheap. lstruggled round Europe with a metal-tramed one that dug into every conceivable part olmy backand made litea misery. The best type are compact. light-weight trametess ones which cost about £80. A small shoulder bag/rucksack will be usetul lorpicnics and excursions. which are compulsory as youth hostels generallyturt you out inthe daytime. Squeeze in a cagoule and sensible shoes. Agood


' 5 v%i?1$i>'?g

penknite tor carving the


baguette and corkingthe wine is an invaluable tool. I STUDENTID AND MEMBERSHIP CARDS. The International Student Identity Card (ISIC) at £4 is staple diet. You‘ll need one (or student chartertlights. cheapertrain. terry and coach Iares. lt'Il also give you concessions all overthe world on entrance tees etc. I FAIR FERRIES: As well as the Ferry Connection deals. DFDS terriesto Scandinavia andthe Norway line will give discounts to holders ol the alore-mentioned ISIC

' card.

I SAFETY AND SECURITY Always carry a mixture 01 travellers‘ cheques and cash. Ideally passports should be stored separately Irom TCs. It is also advisable not to put allyour cash in one place. Having said that. the satesl place (or everything is a money belt. These cost only a tew pounds (Irom camping/outdoor shops). Wear it underyour clothes and sleep with it inside your sleeping bag. Keep iton whilst sleeping ontrains too. Carry a personal alarm ilyou Ieel uneasy. Women travelling alone should always try and sitin carriages where there are otherwomen and should. as a general rule. stay withthe crowd.

95": -‘I--*".

L: \ A‘“" " L your insurance. it is imperative that you report loss or theft within 24 hours tothe nearest police station. You will need a police report to verity your claim. For claims against medication. keep all receipts and. itpossible. the prescription. You should keep receiptstor insured goods when you purchase them. This helps ascertain the value at lost/stolen goods. and speeds up yourclaim. I WORKING HOLIDAYS may sound a contradiction interms. butthere‘s no betterwayto avoidleeling 'Ioreign‘ and like an inept tourist than knuckling down to some work abroad.


I SUMMERJOBS BRITAIN 1988 and SUMMERJOBS ABROAD 1988 list every type at gainlul employment in everyimaginable place (Vacation Work £5.95). They're the delinitive books onthe subject. Available in largerbookshops and in some libraries.

I Europe By Train £4.50 Irom Transalpino ollices or largerbookshops and libraries. Includes into on hostels. trains (some in Italy and Spain surcharge depending onthetype and speed otthe train). tips. routes etc.



I StudentTravel specialists CAMPUS can be lound atAirlie Place. Dundee University(0382 200412). Hillhead St.

l Glasgow (041 3570608)

and Strathclyde University (041552 2867). The EDINBURGH TRAVEL

CENTRE is situated at Bristo Square. Edinburgh

University (031 668 2162). I CAMP AMERICA—tor lurtherintormation about

E teaching sport. arts and

cralts in a US children's camp. send a postcard with yourname and addressto: OeptBR171.37A Dueen's Gate. London SW7 SHR. ITRANSALPINO ollices are at 180. Byres Rd. Glasgow (041 334 0800) and14 North Bridge. Edinburgh (031 557 3140). I Get ISIC CARDSIrom student travel centres or applyto NUS Services. 2nd Floor. Rigby House. 34 The Parade. Watlord W01 1LN


Inter-railing piece. Membership is £3.50 junior (16-20)and £6.00 senior (20 and over).







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'I'hc List IS 3| March I088 51