I Sport is listed as diary: by sport. then by day. then by event.
BADMINT Saturday 1 9—Sunday 20
I Scottish Schools Championships Meadowbank Sports Centre. London Road. lidinburgh. Illam.
Saturday 26—Sunday 27
I Scottish Veteran Masters(‘oekburn Centre. Bogmoor I’lacc. (ilasgow. 9.3llam.
I Senior Women and Youth Cup Finals Meadow-bank Sports Centre. London Road. lidinburgh. 1pm. A repeat oflast year's women's final. with holders MIM Livingston taking on All-Blacks.
Monday 21—Wednesday 23
I Scottish Schools Cup Finals
Meadow bank (as above). 5pm.
I National League Play-Oils Meadowbank
(asabove). 1pm.
Monday 22
I Whitbread Sporting Club 1 lospitality Inn. Cambridge Street. (ilasgow. (141 332
331 l Members Only. Membership enquiries to 1 IeIen Smith at Hospitality Inn (direct line ll4l 332 5024). Professional Boxing.
Thursday 24
I Scottish Amateur Boxing Championship Finals (irangemouth Sports Centre. .Abbots Road. (irangemouth. 7pm. Ringside £5. other £4. Available in
adv ance lrom venue and MarrinerCentre. I-‘alkirk. Scotland's big night in amateur boxing. with titles at all weights upl'or grabs.
CURLING Friday 25—Sunday 27
I Scottish Pairs Championship Murrayfield lee Rink. Riversdale Crescent. 1idinburgh.ll31 337(i‘)33.1-'ri 11am; Sat Iliam; Finals Sunday. Admission free.
EMILE— Wednesday 3Maturday 2
I Sun Lite Europa Diving Cup Royal Commonwealth Pool. Dalkeith Road. lidinburgh. Wed lli.3liam Slip. 2pm"£1. 7.3lipm £1 :Thurs lli.3llam. Slip. 2pmi£2. 7.3lipm £2; l-'ri ll).3liam £1 . 2.2llpm £1. 7.30pm £2: Sat Ili.3llam.£l . 2.30pm £1. opm £2. l’nreserved seats 5le all sessions. Tickets available from venue. Europe‘s premier diving event comes to Scotland at the start of the Scottiin Amateur Swimming Association‘s centenary year celebrations. The event was last staged here in 1970. and champions East Germany will be among the to nations represented. in the first of a series of major swimming events this year.
42The List 18— 31 March 1988
I Race Days Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday. I’owderhall Stadium.
Beaverhall Road. Edinburgh. Race meetings are for ll) races. startingat 7.30pm. £2.20 Stand; £1 .3l)(}round.
I Race Days Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday. Shawfield Stadium. Rutherglen Road. (ilasgow. Race meetings are for ll) races. starting at 7.45pm. £2.
FOOTBALL Saturday 19
I Dunlermline v Dundee East End Park. Dunlermline ( 15 mins from Stations).
3 m.
I Falkirk V Motherwell Brockville (as above). 3pm. Crucial relegation match for the two sides best-placed to avoid the drop.
I Hibs V Hearts Iiaster Road. Edinburgh (Buses 4. 5. 15. 42. 44). 3pm. All-ticket. lixpect the usual local derby fervour.
I Morton V St Mirren Cappielow (as above). 3pm.
I Airdrie V Clydebank Broomfield. Airdrie (15 mins from Airdrie Station). 3pm.
I Clyde V Raith Firhill (as above). 3pm.
I Dumbarton v Hamilton Boghead (as above). 3pm.
PREMIER LEAGUE I Rangers V Celtic Ibrox (as above). 2pm.
Cartoonist Maliry McCormick has come up with McSmasher as the otticial mascot tor the World Junior Men's Squash Championship (see listing). It has attracted a record entry tor the tournament. which will
teature both an individual and a team event.
ft!” 7:33 ' orgy?
Tickets will be like gold-dust for thisone. but the nation can participate in the ritual courtesy of Scottish Television. Who will bring us the whole thing live. The visitors probably only need to draw. but ilthey lost in midweek at Aberdeen. and do so again here. things get rather interesting again at the top oftlie Premier. ..
Saturday 26
I Celtic V Dundee Utd Celtic 1’ark.(ilas‘gow (Busesol . (i2. ()4). 3pm. All-ticket. Depending on last week's result. this could be a vital match. Rangers make the reverse trip to face Dundee.
I Hearts V Morton Tyneeastle. lidinburgh (Buses 1.2. 3. 4. 33. 34. 44). 3pm.
I Motherwell v Dunlermline l-‘ir I’ark. Motherwell ( All Motherwell buses pass ground). 3pm.
I St Mirren V Hibs Love Street. Paisley ( ll) mins from (iilmour St Station). 3pm. FIRST DIVISION
I Clydebank v Dumbarton Kilbowie. Clydebank (2 mins from Singer Station). 3pm.
I Hamilton V Airdrie Douglas I’ark. Ilamilton ( 15 mins lrom Bus Station). 3pm.
I Meadowbank v Fortar Meadowbank Stadium. lidinburgh (Buses 4. 5. 2b. 44 ). 3pm.
I Partick V Clyde l5irhill. (ilasgow ( Btises 1.8. 21 . 57. (ill. (i1 ). 3pm.
GYMNASTIC Friday 18—Saturday 19
I Scottish Junior Championships I‘alkirk School of (iymnastics. Cow Wynd. l-‘alkirk. and 1.asswade High School Sports Complex. liskvale Drive. Bonnyrigg. The Sets (compulsory routines) take place at Falkirk on Friday. starting at 7.30. admission free. The more interesting \"oluntaries are at Lasswade on Saturday at 2. 15pm. £1 .20 (blip). Sponsored by Royal Mail Letters.
HOCKEY Sunday27
I Scotland V France I’effermill. I’eft’ermill Road. Edinburgh. lllam.
with Scotland drawn in the same group as Canada. Singapore. USA. Belgium and Israel. An intormation centre will be set up at the Edinburgh Sports Club. where spectators will also be able to use the social lacilities.
DIE] Saturd
Monday 28-Tuesday 29
I Ayr Ayr Racecourse. 2 \Vhitletts Road. Ay r. Club £8. Iiglinton £5. l-‘irst race 2pm approx. l-‘irst l'lat meeting of the new
season at Scotland‘s premier racecourse.
Wed 30—Thurs 31
I Hamilton Park I lamilton l’ark Racecourse. Hamilton (access via M74). Club £9. Paddock £4.5ll (Couples £7). I-‘irst race 2pm approx. I‘lat meeting.
ICE HOCKEY Saturday 19
I File Flyers v Whitley Warriors Kirkcaldy Ice Rink. Kiikcaldy ((1592 52151 ).
"a 15pm. £3 (£1.75). lleineken League. Both teamsare still lighting it our with Murray field for the title in a very tight linish.
I Murraytield Racers v Peterborough Pirates Murraylield Ice Rink. Riv ersdalc Crescent. Iidinburgli (1131 33—7 (“133). b.3llpm. £2.b‘li(£l."lli. lleineken league. A straight-lorw ard task on paper for Racers. “1111 one ol their rivals sure to drop points.
I Murraytield Racers v File Flyers Murraytield Ice Rink (all details as above). This crucial postponed League match could now be a title decider.
I Scottish Cup Final: Murraytield Racersv File Flyers Murrayfield Ice Rink (as above). 2pm. Scotland‘s twogreatest rivals will light out the I‘inal.
I Ayr Bruins v Whitley Warriors A} r Ice Rink. Limekilns Road. A} rlll2‘)2 2(i3l124). 7.15pm. £2.5ll(£l.5li). Ileineken League.
I Murraylield Racers v Dundee Tigers .‘vluri'aylield Ice Rink (all detailsas above). The I’lay-l )lls lor the British Championship begin next week.with Murraylield and Tile both involved in three-team sections tor a place at Wembley on April 23 24. Check with respective rinks for match details.
INDOOR BOWLING Saturday19—Sun 20
I National Pairs. Triples and Four Championships l.anarkshire Indoor Bowling Club. Marshall Street. \Visliaw. Semi-l-‘inal and l-inal stages in all three formats. ‘).3llam.
Saturday 26
I Croft Original Team Championship Midlothian Indoor Bowling Club. ()ld Edinburgh Road. I)alkeitli. .‘slidlothian. 12 noon.
I Valentine Rally Starts at the Auction Mart. Stirling. 9am. w itli the main special stages at I)ivilla. nr Is'incardine. (lirst car 1ll.57am); Blair Adam. nr ls'elty (12.31pm). and I’itmaiden. nr Auchtermuchty. returning via (ilendevon and Divilla to finish under the Forth bridges at the South ()ueensferry 1 Intel. nr Iidinburgh. late afternoon.
I Scottish U18 v Scottish Schools Murraylield.1idinburgh.3pm. Representative Match.
I Musselburgh v Watsonians Stoneyhill. lidinburgh. 3pm. National League. Third time lucky for this twice-postponed fixture. which may have some bearingon relegation.