I'— f 7.30pm. ( oncert.
FRIDAY 25 Glasgow
I SCO City Hall. ( ’andleriggs. 227 5511. 7.30pm. £3 £8. Sec lhttrs 24. Iidinburgh. forfttll description.
I Graeme McNaught Milngavie 'l ovv ti 1 lall Further inlotmation: 956 2643 ( Milngay re MitsicClttb) 2.3tlpm I’tanorecttalby (iraeme McNaught. vvinnct ol the first Scottiin Piano Competition in limb.
I SNO 1'sher l lall. l othian Road. 228 1155. 7.3ttpm. listra date. Saturday 2o. (ilasgoyy £2.51) £9.91). As 1 huts 24. (ilasgovv. btit Shostakovich Symphony \‘o 15 replaces Brahms .\'o I.
I Afternoon Recital l’ollok llousc. l’ollols’ I’ark. tree at door. 2pm Informal recorder recital by .\'a ( ‘cilearatch
I 3N0 ( 'ity llall. ( ‘andlcriggs. 22" 5511 7.3ltpm. £2 5‘) £9 I’ll, See In 25. Iidinbttrgh. and I'hurs 24. ( ilasgoyy . for full description
I RSAMD Junior Department Orchestra Stevenson 1 tall. RSAMI). 11K) chtrevv Street. 332 5115". 2 3llpm. £2l£ll Saturday students vs ith l’etcr Mountain. violin. and James I)urrant. y iota. play music by Shostakovtch. Mo/art. I-dyyard McGuire and Malcolm Arnold. Christopher Adey conducts.
I Whistlebinkies 'l hird Iiye ( 'entrc. 351) Sattchiehall Street. 332 7521. S’pm. £3 (£2). Leading Scottish grottp vy ith ltsoyy n presentation of traditional Scottiin music
(‘laremont Street. 'I'ickets; 3346908 (AmbassadorClassics). '7,_‘~llprtt. listra date: 1‘ue2‘). Indinburgh. £3.5ti(£l.l)5) Samuel Bartos. lirst pri/eys inner in the Aeolian Competition. plays works by Mozart. Beethoven. Stravinsky and I‘tudes and Nocturnes by Chopin.
I Rodovre Youth Orchestra ()ueen's l lall. (ilctk Strcct. (ifib' 2111‘). ll ickets also; 223 1 155(l'sher I Iall). 7.30pm. lixtra date: 1tlc2‘).(i12tsgt)\y‘. £5l£2.5l1).()neof Denmark‘s leading youth vyind orchestras lysinncrolthc Scandinavian Championship iii l‘liS'bl \ istts Scotland “ith a programme of yyorks by (irainger. Mussorgsky . (‘arl Neilsen. Mel Broiles and other Danish composers.
I Lunchtime Recital Music library. (icorge IV Bridge. 12.15 lprn. I’recat door local guitarist Ian Smith giycsa recital including \yotks by latrega. \ll‘c‘lill. Rodrigo. Btouyvet and Rak. ('oflce and tilled rolls will be available.
in a fresh and exciting vvay . along yv ith neyy
compositions. Ihe linal concert in tlte I'lttttl I'yc's \cvy \Ittstcsct it's
IThe Jazz Harp ()ucen's l lall.(’lerk Street. («is 2111‘). 2 3llpm £5 (£4). .-\ neys experience \\ ith American harpist Deborah 1 lemon-Conant. in Britain for the first time.
I $011013 Cantorum St (iilcs'('athcdra1.
Iliin Street. Royal Mile. 'I‘ickcts; box 2111‘) "
(Oucen‘sllall). 7.3Itpm. £-I(£2.5()). Bach‘s .S'IJo/m Passion. yy ith soloists Patricia MacMahon. l'hora Ker. William Strachan arid Simon (‘rookalL conducted by Iiric Ibler.
I Bitter Sweet Theatre Royal. Hope Street. 331 123-1. 7.3tlpm. listra dates: Wed 3(1.'l'hurs3l (both at 2.30pm). Saturday 2 April at 3pm and7.45pm
£3 £12 5t)(yariottsconcsavailable). Sce Mon 28 and ( ittest list for full description. I Rodovre Youth Orchestra ( ‘ity l Iall. ('andlcriggs. 22" 5511.7.3Ilpm.
£2 51) £4.5lt(£2) See Mon 28. lidinburgh. for lull description.
I Pro Arte Piano Recital ()ueen‘s l Iall. (‘lct k Street. (itiS‘ 2(l1‘), 7.3llpm £3.51) (£1 ‘15). See Mon 2S. (ilasgovy . for fttll description.
snow 27 2
I Cantilena Henry Wood Hall.(‘laremont Street. ’I'ickcts: 227 5511 ('I‘ickctCentre).
Iprn. £3.51). Sunday lunchtime musiclrom
Adrian Shepherd and (‘antilena by Abel. l’ergolesi. Bach (Brandenburg No 3) and Haydn (SintoniaConcertantcl.
I Handel's Messiah Kelvin Stevenson Memorial Church. Belmont Street. Kelvinbridge. 7pm. £2.5l)(£1 25). Tickets: ()4) 221 WI)" ( Mr II. l’urdie l; (141 221 7662: on the door, l-orttm Arts 'I‘rust present a pertormance ol 1 Iandels oratorio for yy hich members of twelve different choirs have come together.
I Bitter Sweet lheatrc Royal. 1 lope Street. 331 1234 7.3llpm lixtradates. Tue 29. Wed 31). Ihttrs 31 (all at 7.30pm). Saturday 2 April at 3pm and 7.45pm. £3-£l2.5(l(various cones available). New Sadler's Wells ( )pcra visits ( ilasgovv yy ith Noel (‘oyvard‘s Bitter Sweet. featuring such well knoyyn songs as ‘If I .ove Were All' and ‘I‘ll See You Again Cast includes soprano Ann Mackay as Sari. Martin Smith as (‘arl linden. Rosemary Ashe as Manon and (iordon Sandison 7 playing Captain Schensi (see (iuest l.ist ). I Pro Arte Piano Recital Henry Wood 1 tall.
I Bitter Sweet 'Ihcatre Royal. Hope Street. 331 123-1. 7.30pm. I€xtrzttlzttc's: 'l'httrs 31 at 2.30pm. Saturday 2 April at 3pm and 7.45pm. £3 £ 1 2.5“ ( various concs available). See Mon 28 and (iuest 1.ist for full description.
I Edinburgh Quartet ()ueen's Hall. ('lerk Street. (~in 2tlll). 'l‘ickets also from: 228 1155 ( l7sher I Iall) or 332 8691(EQ). 7.45pm. £3.25 £4.51) (£1 .5ltconcession tickets available at door only). In the last concert of their current season. the lidiriburgh ()uartet play Mozart's K387. Britten‘s Quartet No 3 and()p l35by HL‘CL‘lltoy‘cti.
THURSDAY 31 Glasgow
I Bitter Sweet Theatre Royal. Hope Street. 331 1234. 7.3llpm. lixtradate: Saturday 2 April at 3pm and 7.45pm.
)3 £12.5Il(various concessions
as ailable). Sec Mon 28 and ( iuest 1.ist for lull description.
I Rodovre Youth Orchestra Wind Ensemble Assembly Rooms. ( ieorgc Street.
'1 icls‘cts: 228 1 155 (I'sher Hall). 1pm. £4 (£2),‘y1o/art‘s Serenade for 1.3 wind players K3bl
I Klarup Girls Choir ('raigmillar Park ('hurch. 7.30pm. Another grottpofy'oung Danish musicians (see abm e.'1‘uc 2‘) and Wed 31)) perform as part ol a tourof Scotland organised through the Danish (‘ultural Institute.
I Edinburgh Youth Wind Ensemble ()ueen‘s Ilall. (‘lerk Street. 668 2019. 7.30pm. £3 (£2) More youth music. but this time from Iidinburgh's oyvn young people after an intensive yveek of rehearsals. Christopher Bell conducts.
Why had Archie Fisher accepted the job oi Folk Festival Director. 'I had decided like some oimy contemporaries. not to do anything stresslui. On the road is wearing. Butthe benevolent dictatorship or this job was attractive to me. The most ditticultthing will be trying to endure the ten days. Every day you have to team a lesson and accept some lailure. and they stand out tor you more
than any credits.‘ Archie got
his lirst guitar 30 years ago. only aware of the American iolk music on the radio and becoming part otthe ‘Glasgow Cell'. a loose association at Nationalist. Socialist and Trade Unionist activists and singers centred round Norman Duchan and Maurice Blythman. ‘It was the visiting Americans who turned our attention to the likes olJeannie (Robertson) and Jimmy McBeath. They thought they were amazing so we started to listen.' Being one otthe lirst ol the revivalists. Archie sees the process overthe last three decades as ‘Sort ol stop-start. It's
been diverted up some dead
ends. A major one was whenlolk music was adopted into Light Entertainmentand every programme had straw bales. pints. a real tire. and every song three minutes. It wasa caricature. atolk archetype developed by the media. People tookthatas a model. Still do. It'slike the Stage Irishman. the
Kailyard Scot. The decadent
‘The music mutates. traditional singers are always eclectic. I rememberJeannie Robertson used to sing yodelling songs she picked up trom Stateside visitors. And the very lirst songthat was sung at a TMSAlestival
was “Thousand Guitars". in
the male singing
competition!‘ Folk rock took
the raw materials. the melody. text. lyric and
I Harp Festival Concert Festival Club Debating Hall. 7.309.45pm. £3 (£2.50). Maire Ni Chathasaigh and guitarist Chris Newman represent Ireland. Wire and gut strung harp duo Sileas fly the Scottish flag.
I Steve Young Festival Club Park Room. 8—Illpm. £3.5ll(£3). The New Country music. Very- big noise from the States. Presented in conjunction with Acoustic Routes.
. ’_ «it!!! superimposed a rhythm section and amplitied instruments. But that grah didn't take. The body ultimately rejected it. without being damaged. It can even strengthen the blood stock. Then lolk rock gives over into the lolkpunk thing. . . the appeal otthe Pogues. and some otthe new bands we are bringing. a sort ot tunctional. happy music.
But the most noticeable change has been the introduction or virtuosity into the Scottish instrumental side otthings. Players like Aly Bain or Phil Cunningham and others are setting standards torthe younger generation to attain. And there is so much more access to music now.
Tapes and discs. . . and live
pertormances. The visual element is really important. You can listen to music on record and enjoy it. be
; amazed by it. but when you ' see somebody doing it. it seems so easy. and that's
otten an encouragement. ‘And you know. it may
sound tatalistic, butwe
have a tinite resource at
. traditional singers. Every
yearthe EFF doesn't use the bestavailable. is one year less that we can. . .when you listen to. lorinstance. Lizzie Higgins. you see that lolk song is an extension 01 storytelling. and the amazing tenacity ot a good
story lyric.
‘So a lestival is a way of
givingthe protessionats. ~ amateurs. and the publica
chance to meetand mingle
I Scottish Brewers Opening Ceilidh Festival Club Debating Hall. lt).3()pm- lam. Free to Club Members. Music from reels to reggae courtesy otthe Wild Cigarillos.
I The Sirens/Amos And Rocks Festival Club Park Room. l().3()pm—- lam. £3 (£2.50)
The three acappella Glasgow women and Scots contemporary folk duo in the Festival Cabaret.
f I
1‘ .
\ “3 #6.
with each other.‘ Archie mixes a metaphor. ‘you try to get the chemistry at the pertormers right. that's what hooks the batteries up in series and increases the voltage. It‘s an attemptto organise spontaneity.‘
The Tenth Edinburgh Folk Festival is centred on the Younger‘s Tartan Special sponsored Festival Club in Teviot Row House. Bristo Square. 667 2091. This is the main venue tor concerts. ceilidhs. workshops. exhibitions and sessions. Open to the public trom mam—2.30am each day. but membership is required after 7.30pm each evening. Hot meals. cottee. sandwiches. bars open till very late. Also within the building are toilets. showers. banking iacilities and a shop. Membership lees:10 day. 210; 3day weekend. £4; daily weekend. £1.50; daily midweek. £1. Tickets and the Olticial programme now available lrom Usher Hall. Oueen's Hall or Canongate Music. Blacktriars Street and at the Club irom noon each day during the Festival orirom the Festival Dttice. 163 Fleshmarket Close. Cockbum Street. by post or to callers belore the 25th. included in the Festival are a number at separate events. The Piping Festival has the annual Lowland and Border Pipers Society competition 26th. instruction. pipe makers displays and workshops. The Harp Festival onthe lirst weekend doesthe same torthe small harp. There is a Piping Course and a Harp Course. Regular Dance Workshops. a room oi crafts and instruments (or sale. a Concertina Forum. one Guitar Master Class. an Oral History Conterence. and special Children's
Events are otherleatures. You will iind them all in the
s. 't (g , '
I Harp Festival Workshop
Alison House. Nicholson
5 Square.9.3()—I().2l)am. £1.50. With Leading Irish
f Ilarpcr Maire Ni
I Dance Workshop
5 Festival Club Debating
Hall. 11amr12.3(lpm. £1.50. Scottish Folk Dance with James MacDonald Reid.
I Children's Concert. 12.30—1 .3Ilpm. Sec Kids section.
V ‘ 337-.
'I‘he List 18—31 March 1988 25