THURSDAY 10 Glasgow
I Ian Bruce Star Folk Club. Glasgow Society ()1 Musicians. Berkeley Street. 8pm. £1.
I The Travel Agents Negoeiants Upstairs. Bristo Square. 225 6313. Evening. New band playing Eurofolk.
I Ceilidh Dance Walpole flail. Chester Street. Hay market. £1 before 9.30pm. £1 .50aiter. Mtisic by Scottish Blend. They ask that people refrain from smoking. More information 339 5374.. Kitty ()‘Shea's. (ieorge l\' Bridge. Evening. I Jim Knight/Colin Ramage/Robin Laing Ensign Iiwart. Lawnmarket. Evening. 'I'hree singer guitarists entertain.
I Graham McGirlt Royal Oak. Infirmary Street. 557 2976. Evening till 1.30am.
I Michael Marra Blue Note. Briggait Centre. Clyde Street. 8.30pm. £2. (ireat Dundee songwriter and performer. wicked and funny. a celtic Randy Newman.
I Tonight At Noon Scott's Corner. Derby Street. 334 4891. Evening. Best Electro folk around. (iosec.
I Haiian 'I‘olbooth Bar. (ilasgow Cross. Evening. l-iddle and accordion.
I Ceilidh Dance Riverside Club. Fox Street. 248 3144. 10pm. £2.50. Bartill late. Very popular. don't go late oryou risk it being lull.
I Le Rue Venue. Calton Road. 557 3073. 10,30pm. £3. Demon psydeco rock fiddlin'. See panel.
I North Sea Gas Platform 1.Rutland Street. Evening. Scottish music for tourists.
I Royal Oak Infirmary Street. 557 2976. Evening till 1.30am. Late night basement bar with informal songs and music.
I Kevin Tait Kitty ()‘Sheas. 50 (ieorge IV Bridge. 225 1681. Evening.
SATURDAY 12 Glasgow
I Nailan Blackfriars. Bell Street. Merchant City. 552 5924. Afternoon. 'I'raditional tunes and session with fiddles. accordions etc.
I Ceilidh/Dance Riverside Club. Fox Street. 248 3144. 10pm. £2.50. Bartill late.
I Kells Scott's Corner. Derby Street. 334 4891. Evening.
I Denny Swanson Kitty ()‘Sheas. 50 George 1\' Bridge. 225 1681. Evening. I Royal Oak Infirmary Street. 557 2976. Eveningtill 1.30am. Late nightsinging and drink.
I Session with Pat McNulty Riverside Club.
Fox Street. 248 3144. From 1pm. Free. All welcome. The idea is to get a regular session going. Pat plays the Irish pipes.
I Park Bar Argyle Street. nr Kelvin Park. Evening. The Gaels pub. big session in the back room every week. Irish and Scots tunes.
I Buddies Wintersgills. Great Western Road. Evening. Old time American songs and fiddle tunes.
I Ian Bruce Glenelg Music. Youngs Hotel. Leamington Terrace. 9pm--midnight. Free. Acoustic music nights.
I Seannachie Green Tree. Cowgate. Evening. Resident Scots band.
Tarka, Duena, Pinquillo, Moltolulu; Bombo, Zampona, Charango. Small stops on a Bolivian tin mine branch line? Their sound is not strange to Scottish audiences, alter the visits of lnti lllimani, Rumillaita orAwatinas and the regular penas (ceilidhs) that the Chileans-in-exile promote here. They are all South American tollt instruments, and the zamponas or pan pipes, in all sizes, are one of the specialities oi Caliche. Four Chilenos- and a Peruvian, they have based themselves in the English post-industrial Midlands, taking their local name for the nitrate that was the magnet torthe mining companies who have had such a devastating effect on the indigenous cultures. They bring their ancient and modern music to Glasgow’s Tron Theatre on the 4th.
An instrument, which has variants around the world. . . the Indian santoor and the Hungarian cymbalon being examples, and which you can lind still at The Barras, is the hammered
dulcimer. There are Indian and Hungarian virtuosos. and there is big Jim Couza. He has an astonishing technique and a repertoire from America and the British Isles. He is also a line singer and his use of the instrument to colour and shade the songs is a delight. A PhD student of folklore from the University of Pennsylvania, he is spending a lot of time in Britain at the moment and plays the Edinburgh FC on the 16th.
Time doesn't stand still, and one of the most influential song and guitar instrumental voices of the 60s alternative culture is still on the road, with new musical collaborators and in and out at bands. The re-lormed Pentangle paid a rather disappointing visit a year or so ago, but Bert Jansch returns for a series of Scottish gigs (Edinburgh 8th, 9th; Glasgow 5th) with ex Lindistarne guitarist Rod Clement, see photo. They play electric and acoustic, that peculiarly British, stringy, intricate tollt blues. (Norman Chalmers)
I Jim Knight/Colin Ramage/Robin Laing Ensign Ewart. Lawnmarket. Evening. Three singer guitarists entertain.
I North Sea Gas Rutland Ilotel. Rutland Street. 229 3042. Evening.
I Portobello Follt Group Maxies Bistro. Nicolson Street. 6670845. Evening.
I Irish Session Stage Door Bar. Gorbals Street. 429 0922. Evening. Best Glasgow Irish players.
I Peely Wallys Tolbooth Bar. Glasgow Cross. 552 4149. Evening.
I Hobody‘s Business. Bannermans Bar. Cowgate. Evening. MacBartok.
I Fiddlers Arms Grassmarket. Evening. Long running Scottish music session. Bar closes at 11pm.
I Happy Daze Malt Shovel. Cockburn Street. 225 6843. Evening. Pub guitar folk duo.
I Miro The Green Tree. Cowgate. Evening. Bar till 1am. Mainlylrish acoustic music.
I Gill Hewitt Royal Oak. Infirmary Street. 557 2976. Singer with banjo.
I Beggars Mantle Polmont Folk Club. Parkhili House. Polmont. Falkirk. 8.30pm.
I Live Music Tolbooth Bar. Glasgow (.‘ross. 552 4149. Evening.
I Horthumbrian Pipes Kitty ()‘Sheas. 50 George [V Bridge. 225 1681. Evening. Graham Dixon and friends on the little parlour pipes.
I Barrie Band Cowgate. 5563254. Evening. Amplified fiddle. flute and strings.
I Colin Ramage and WallyAllen Coppers. Cockburn Street. 225 1441. Evening. Singer/guitarists.
I Blue Blazer Bread Street. Evening. Guitarist singers. Jim Knight. Graham McGirk. Sheila McWhirter and Alan Johnston.
I erua Ensign Ewart. Lawnmarket. top ofthe High Street. Evening. Furious tunes I Royal Oak Infirmary Street. 557 2976. Eveningtill 1.30am. Informal musicinthe basement bar.
I Kevin Tait Kitty O'Sheas. George IV Bridge. Evening.
I Honest Sam And The Dealers Riverside Club. Fox Street. 248 3144. 9pm. £2. Bar till late. Country night.
I Eric Cuthbertson Tolbooth Bar. Glasgow Cross. 5524149. Evening.
I Naitan Halt Bar. Woodlands Road. 332 1210. Evening. Naifan play Irish and Scots fiddle and box. Always a big session.
I Jim Couza Edinburgh Folk Club. ()sbourne Hotel. York Place. 556 5577. 8pm. £2.30 (£1 .50). Giant amongthe few virtuoso hammered dulcimer players. From the States. he is a traditional music scholar and a fine singer.
I Shore Bar'l‘he Shore. I.eith. Evening. Acoustic music. fiddle. eoneertina. guitar. piano. accordion in variouscombinations. I Happy Daze Malt Shovel. Cockburn Street. 225 6843. Evening. Pub guitarfolk duo.
I Trilogy Bannertnans Bar. Cowgate. 556 3254. Evening. Scots and Irish.
I Muckle Ado Kitty ()‘Slteas. 50 ( ieorge I\' Bridge. 225 1681. Evening.
THURSDAY 17 Glasgow
I Star Folk Club 10th Anniversary ( ilasgow Society Of Musicians. Berkeley Street. 8.30pm. Bar. Ceoltas Late Night Ceilidh. Glasgow's Irish Music Society host the first of three consecutive nights ofmusic and dance. See panel.
I Red Neck Mothers 'I‘olhooth Bar. (ilasgow Cross. 552 4149. Evening.
I The Men They Couldn’t Hang Venue. Calton Road. 5573073. 10.30pm. £2.50. Rootsy rock. and most of the band are Scots.
I Jim Knight/Colin Ramage/Robin Laing Ensign Ewart. Lawnmarket. Evening. 'I'hree singer guitarists entertain.
I Graham McGirlt Royal Oak. Infirmary Street. 557 2976. Evening till 1.30am.
JAZZ ewes
FRIDAY 4 Glasgow
I George McGowan Trio with Linda Fletcher Blackfriars. Bell Street. Merchant City. 5525924. Evening. Resident band. lady singer.
I Diclt Lee‘s Chamber Jazz/Swing 'Be/Lee Whitelaw Duo Queen's Hall. Clerk Street. 668 2019. 9.30pm. £4 (£3). Bar. Presented by Platform Jazz. Reedsman Lee walked offwith the silverware in the BBC Big Band competition. Ilere he is in three settings. See Guestlist.
I Alex Shaw Trio Coppers. Cockburn Street. 225 1441. Evening.
I Satstult Cafe Biarritz. Frederick Street. 225 5244. Evening. Swingers.
I Perlstalsls Brothers Aye Bar. 80 Queen Street. 220 1283. 9.30pm. Free. Fifties classy pop jazz songs and brass.
SATURDAY 5 Glasgow I Scotbop Blackfriars. Bell Street.
J The List 4— 17 March 1988 29