Animal Photography, 1843—1985, Glasgow Art Centre, Glasgow

In the 1930s fashion photographers began to move out at the studio lor the lirst time and lound nothing distastelul or uncomlortable about using animals as props. It’s a vogue which has passed, but contemporary iashion photography, all bunches ol llowers and a wholesome, Laura Ashley aesthetic, looks as though it’s gone vegetarian by comparison.

Prominent amongst the iashion photographers shown here, is Lousie Dahl Wolle and tollowing the lead oi Richard Avedon, had much success with her picture Twins with Elephants. The twins, two svelte ladies, and the elephants are both seen irom behind a point at view not designed to ilatter the elephants. There are contrasts ol every description- shape, texture and size -lrom the skimpy waists and shiny hair oi the girls to the straw covered backs ol the elephants and their less than trim proportions.

Wolle's picture Model with Tortoise is also on show and here it is the animal who gains irom the comparison with a human model -though that may well not have been the original intention. The model, seated on the ground, wears an air oi studied nonchalance, her prolile, body and (unreadable) newspaperturned to give a supposedly engaging outline. The tortoise on the other hand, which scarcer comes up to her thigh, is


lirme retracted into its shell.

Other pictures have a more contemporary resonance. There is a woman walking down the Bois de Bologne in a photograph dated 1910, dripping with lurs and leading two comparatively bald Jack Bussells. She might have stripped the lur all their backs were it not lor the lact that their small bodies are clearly insullicent to clothe her so generously. Nor does the irony of a sophisticated woman and a newly-brushed dog both wearing well-groomed lur escape the attention at Andre Kertesz in another iashion shot ol the 30s.

Animals in iashion photography is only one at lour parts ol this excellent exhibition, which is on tourlrom the Photographers Gallery in London. From topiary to the iilms ol Disney, animals and their images have been charged with meaning lor human beings and this show goes a long way to address some at the complexities of the subject. It makes an unmissable show, it only lor Ylla's extraordinary Seal Prolile, showing the animal baring its teeth in anger, its whiskers pointed like poisoned darts, and, irom Thurston Hopkins, the last word in social comment. It shows a chaulleur and a poodle, both in prolile, seated in 3 lat shiny car waiting in attentive respectlul silence lor their mistress. it's entitled simply Knightsbridge 1953. (Sally Klnnes)

Glasgow Printmakers Until 12 Mar. A collection of work by established artists and recent graduates all working in Glasgow. Philip Reeves. Elspeth Lamb. Stuart Duffin and Elspeth Robertsamong them.

I 908 GALLERY I2 ()tago Street. 3393158. Mon—Sat 10am—6pm.

Children at the Universe 20 Feb—24 Mar. Spacekids by Gordon Davidson. his first solo show.

I PEOPLE'S PALACE MUSEUM Glasgow Green. 5540223. Mon—Sat 10am—5pm. Sun l—Spm. Glasgow‘s museum of working life.

Now in its 90th year. the museum is currently undergoing essential repairs and refurbishment which will last throughout the year.

I POLLOK HOUSE 2060 Pollokshaws Road. 6320274. Mon—Sat 10am—5pm. Sun 1—5pm.

Neighbour to the Burrell Collection. this 18th century house contains the Stirling

Maxwell ('ollection of Spanish paintings and period furnishings.

I THE SCOTTISH DESIGN CENTRE 72 St Vincent Street. 221 (il21 . Mon-~I5ri 9.3(iam—5pm; Sat 9am 5pm.

Design Review L'ntil 15 March. The annual look at the Design (‘entre's Selection of products during the past year.

I SPRINGBURN MUSEUM Ayr Street (adjacent to Springburn Railway Station). 557 HUS. Mon" Fri lll.3llam~5pm. Sun 2—5pm.

A Place l0 Stay I 'ntil Nov SS. ()ne olthe largest exhibitions ever mounted on the subject of housing in Scotland. The exhibition traces the transformation in Springburn from a small village and industrial suburb where property was privately owned. to today's town dominated by the council-owned tower blocks where Si)"; of the rsidents now live. Photographs by 19th century Springburn photographer William Graham are on display along with the work of amateurs in the following years. Domesticitems illustrate the change in living conditions—

from coal-fired range to gas cooker. from gramaphone to video.

The Cowlairs Railway Works Until June. Historical exhibition of life and times oi

Scotland‘sone time largest railway works.

I THIRD EYE CENTRE 35” Sauchiehall Street. 332 752] . Tue—Sat “lam—5.30pm. Sun 2—5.3(lpm. (are. [1)]

Pat Douihwaite Until b Mar. An opportunity to reassess the work of an extraordinary artist who took dance lessons with (ilasgow‘s inimitable Margaret Morris. used her experience in life as training instead ol‘eollcge and who paints from within.

Willie Docherty L'ntil 3 Mar. Photographs by this Northern Irish photographer.

I TRANSMISSION GALLERY 1.3 ('hisholm Street. 552 4813. Mon-Sal Noon—6pm. Nicaragua 9—27 Feb. Organised by the Nicaragua Solidarity (‘ampaign from the (ilasgow School of A rt.

I WASHINGTON GALLERY 44 \Vashinglon Street. 22] 6‘80. Mon»~l-‘ri lilam 5pm;Sat lllam~ 1 pm.

Scottish artists.


I ASSEMBLY ROOMS 5-1 (ieorge Street. Mon. Wed. Sal Uam— 4.30pm; Thurs. Fri 9am» 3 . 3i lpm.

I‘our exhibitions w ill be on display throughout thean lidinburgh Peace Festival. IU— ZS l‘eb. See ()pen. 'I‘heatre and Music pages lor l’ details. Alrica—The Frontline States

Central America ( )rganised by Campaign (‘ollcc Scotland.

Crafts irom Latin America—Tools lor Sell—Reliance

Chile Today ( )rganised by ( 'bile Democratico and (bile Solidarity


Hunterian Art Gallery University of Glasgow

DUTCH and F LEMISH OLD MASTER DRAWINGS From the Print Room of the University of Leiden 23 January - 31 March 1988 Glasgow showing subsidised by the Scottish Arts Council

Mon—Fri 9.30am—5pm; Sat 9.30am—‘1 pm

Admission Free

'I‘el: 0-11 330 4221

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The List I‘) l’eb 3 Mar IUSS 47