Street. 225 1441. Evening.
I Peristalsis Brothers Aye Bar. 800ueen Street. 220 1283. 9.30pm. Free. Fifties classy pop jazz songs and brass.
I Shore Jazz Shore Bar. The Shore. Leith. 553 5080. Evening. Piano and bass. Rob Pettigrew and Kenny Ellis.
I Satstuff (‘afe Biarritz. Frederick Street. 225 5244. Evening. Swing.
I Spirits 0t Rhythm Basin Street. llaymarket Terrace. 337 1066. Evening. Riverboat decor and jazz posters on the stairs. The Trad venue.
SATURDAY 27 Glasgow
I AboutTime Blackfriars. Bell Street. Merchant ('ity. 552 5924. Evening. Resident band with singer and guest soloists.
I Ron Moore. Rikki Fernandez La 'l‘averna. Landsdowne Crescent. 339 7128. 8—1 lprn. I The Big Bands Riverside ('lub. Fox Street. 248 3144. 2— 5pm. £1. Now twobig bands in the afternoon. George McGowan Orchestra and Bill Fannings Big Band. Scoresof musicians. friettdsand enthusiasts.
I Jimmy Feighan Quartet with Shelagh Buchanan Glasgow Society Of Musicians. Berkeley Street. 221 61 12. 2. l5—4.45pm. 50p. Bar.
I Resident Quartet (ilasgow Society ()1 Musicians. Berkeley Street. 221 61 12. 8.30—11.30pm. 50p. Bar.
I Madeleine Aye Bar. 80 Queen Street. 22(l1283.9.pm. Free. Blues. jazz andold swell songs from a Glasgow duo.
I Alex Shaw Trio Platform 1.Rutland Street. 225 2433. Lunchtime. The piano
I Alex Shaw Trio ('oppers. (‘ockburn Street. 225 1441. Evening.
I Toto And The Jazz Bostons Preservation Hall. Victoria Street. 226 3816. 2—4pm. I Shore Jazz Shore Bar. The Shore. Leith. 553 5080. Lunchtime. Various. Musiein the bar.
I Peristalsis Brothers (‘afe Biarritz. Frederick Street. 225 5244 1()pm till late. Fifties.
I Yella Dug Jazz Band Basin Street. llaytnarket. 337 1066. Evening. Trad
SUNDAY 28 Glasgow
I Paisley Arts Jazz Paisley Arts Centre. New Street. 887 1010. 12.30—2.30pm. Bar. Free. Presented by Platform Jazz. Different bands each week.
I Frank Bolan Quintet The Bar. 'I‘ron Theatre. Parnie Street. 552 4267. £1 .50 (£1). 1.30—5pm. Tron‘s weekly jazz scene. I Trilogy Diva Wine Bar. Park Terrace. 1—3pm. (‘ool cocktail jazz.
I So What Tolbooth Bar. Glasgow (‘ross. 5524149. Evening. ResidentSunday band.
I Capital City Jazz Band Crest Hotel. Queen‘sferry Road. 332 2442. 2.30—4.30pm. Trad band.
I Ronnie Rae Trio Platform 1.Rutland Street. 225 2433. Lunchtime.
I That Swing Thang (‘afe Biarritz. Frederick Street. 225 5244. Evening. Jump jive songs.
I Jan Machine Minto Hotel. 16 Minto Street.6671534.8—11pm.
I Basin Street Stompers Basin Street. HaymarketTerrace. 337 1006. Evening. Trad and Dixieland venue.
MONDAY 29 Edinburgh
I Jan 88 Music Box. 9c Victoria Street. 220 1708. 9—midnight. bar till 2am. Free. Last night ofa brave attempt by the
The BBC is to record Carol Kidd's Edinburgh concert on the 25th, a measure of the popular success that the Glasgow-based singer has found overthe last few years, in record sales and concert halls. This time she adds a neat line in brass arrangements to her usual trio format. Traditional jazz fans have a celebratory concert in Edinburgh (19th) when Platform present A Tribute To Sandy Brown, in remembrance of the clarinettist who led the Scottish jazz revival of the fifties, and went on to play in the best bands ofthe time. Back from abroad come trumpeterAl Fairweather and saxophonostJim Galloway, and another band on the evening is made up of players and ex-pupils from that cradle of traddies, Edinburgh's Royal High School.
Blues, especially Southern country blues is a form you don't hear much of, but in the cyclical nature of things, seems to be creeping back into
l l l
popularity. Steve Phillips has been sleeping himself in that music for quarter of a century. ‘I heard a record of Leadbelly, that's what I wanted to sound like.‘ In the early sixties he formed a jug band in his native Yorkshire, and when the blues boom came along mixed solo gigs with his work as a museum conservator. Through the mid 705 he built guitars and played as a twosome in the long lived Duolian String Pickers with Dire Straits’ Mark Knopflerwhen the latter was a student in Leeds. ‘I didn‘t play so much in the early 80$, 1 was making my
3 living as a landscape painter. ln oils.
But I used to play with Brendan Croker, in bands and as a duo.‘ Steve's long awaited and very good first album reveals his enthusiasm for rockabilly and white postwar country like the Delmore Brothers but his love is forthe songs of Blind Willie McTell and
Tampa Red, the Blues. (Norman
owners to keep a regular jazz venue going. Tonight. Melanie ()‘Reilly and Francis (‘owatL
I Edinburgh Jazz Quartet ( ‘oppers. (‘ockburn Street. 225 1441. livening.
I Suave Maxies Bistro. Nicolson Street. 6670845. Fvening. Wine bar music.
I Bossanovas Negociants. Bristo Square. 2256313. 9pm.
I East CoastJazz Band Blue Lagoon. Angle Park Terrace. 331 9922. livening. Resident Trad band.
I Brian Johns Rutland llotel. Rutland Street. 229 3042. Evening.
I Bobby Wishart Group 1 lalt Bar. Woodlands Road. 332 1210.1ivening. Resident sax master.
I Melanie O‘Reilly and Francis Cowan Handsels Wine Bar. Stafford Street. 225 5521. Evening. Vocal guitar duo.
I Swing '88 Malt Shovel. (‘oekburn Street. Evening. Django based llot(‘|ub with clarinet and sax.
I Peristalsis Brothers Negoeiants. Bristo Square. 2256313. 9pm. 50's revisited.
I Sophie Bancroft Rutland Hotel. Rutland Street. 9pm.
I Louisiana Ragtime Band Navaar l louse Hotel. Mayfield Gardens. 667 2828. Evening. Weekly residency.
I West End Jazz Band Basin Street. Haymarket Terrace. 337 1006. Evening. Trad.
I Sandy Taylor/Alex Moore Duo Glasgow
l l
Society ()1 Musicians. Berkeley Street. 8.30pm. 50p. Bar.
I Louisiana Ragtime Band Basin Street. llaymarkctTerrace.337 1006.12vening. The trad ventte.
I Tam White Negoeiants. Bristo Square. 2256313. 9pm. Soul blues. with asmall band.
I Alex Shaw Trio ( ‘oppers. (‘ockburn Street. 225 1441. livening.
I Charlie McNair‘s Band Preservation Hall. Victoria Street. 226 3816. livening. I Take Three Maxies Bistro. Nicolson Street. 66" 0845. livening. (‘ornet or sax and rhythm section. Bar Rest.
I Brian Johns Rutland Hotel. Rtttland Street. 229 3042. lavening.
THURSDAY 3 - Glasgow
I Blackfriars Jazz Bell Street. Merchant (‘ity. 552 5924. Evening. Live bands change weekly. Phone for info.
I Edinburgh Jazz Quartet(‘oppers. (‘ockburn Street. 225 1441. livening.
I Graham Blamire Jazzers Basin Street. llaytnarket Terrace. 337 1006. Evening. I Jazz Machine Minto I lotcl. lo Minto Street. 667 1534. 8 1 1pm.
I Shore Jazz Shore Bar. The Shore. Leith. 553 5080. livening. Sax and rhythm section in bar restaurant.
I Beroda Swing Maxios Bistro. Nicolson Street. 6670845. Evening. Threesome with violin. guitar and vocals. Bar and Restaurant.
I Templehall Stompers Temple Hotel. Esplanade. .loppa. 669 4264. Evening. Trad and dixie residents.
I The Woodentops/Worldwide Queen Margaret Union. University Gardens. 339 9784. 8pm. Students and guests only. The Woodentops tour to promote their current Rough Trade single. ‘You Make Me Feel‘. while Worldwide make only their second live appearance. The first was supporting Wet Wet Wet at the SE(‘(‘ and rather impressive it was too.
I My Bloody Valentine Rooftops. 92 Sauehiehall Street. 10.30pm. Standard indie fare - and not a lot to get excited about to these cars at least.
I Rough and Ready La Taniere. Fox Street. 9pm. Free. Residency.
I The Bathers Venue. (‘alton Road. 557 3073. Doorsopen 7.30pm. Enigmatieand compelling band led by former Friends Again maintnan (‘hris Thomson and featuring fortner Aztec (‘amera bassist (‘ampbell Owens and Love And Money drummer Stuart Kerr. The clear and sweeping melodies of the debut album. ‘Lfnusual Places To Die' were received
; with critical acclaim and a little
bemusement. I Slice 01 Life Music Box. Victoria Street.
I The Dan Blocker Experience Negoeiants.
Lothian Street. 2256313. 9pm. Free. Country. rock.
I The Blues Assassins Preservation Hall. Victoria Street. 226 3816. £1 after 9.30pm. I The Boonie Rats Moray House Student Union. Holyrood Road. 556 8455. £2 (£1.50,. Basically a rockabilly group who never got over their first viewingof Apocalypse Now. Supported by close friends the Tex Fillet 5.
I Live band ('avern. ('owgate. 2265641.
; I The Cross ()MU. University Gardens.
3399784. 8pm. Students and guestsonly. The band who feature a member of a very famous stadium rock group. who has got fed up with gigs in Sun (‘ity and isdeciding to try a college tour instead with a bunchof nobodies. amply proven by even the briefest listen to their album Shove It. The member of a stadium rock group in the hand says that he would never sell the band on his name — so it won‘t be mentioned here - but why then is it plastered all over the posters for this gig? I The River Detectives Blackfriars. 36 Bell Street. 9pm. Free. Acoustic gig.
I The Mighty Lemondrops Strathclyde University Union. 9()John Street. 9pm. A listen to their new album suggests that
2 they have developed a lot since their Blue
Guitar debut. Happy Head. Betterthan The Cross any day.
I Billy Forbes La Taniere. Fox Street. 3pm. Free.
I Zenith La Taniere. Fox Street. 9pm. Free.
I My Bloody Valentine Venue. (‘alton Road. 557 3073. Doors open 7.30pm. The drummer is the reincarnation of Keith Moon. but it‘s hard to find much else to recomtnend these indie Sixties revivalists. A few poppy numbers. but mainly last year‘s thing.
I Hold The Frame Music Box. Victoria Street. 220 1708. £1 after 9pm. Upbeat rock with touches of the Simple Minds school of epic sound.
I Shiver 'n' Shake Preservation Hall, Victoria Street. 226 3816. £1 after 9.30pm.
The List 19 Feb- 3 Mar 1988 37