2. Masters or the Universe (PG) 2.50pm. 5.5(lpm.8.3tlpm: Sun 7. ISpm.
3. BestSeller(18)3pm.6pm.8.-t()pm;8un 7.25pm.
I KELBURNE Glasgow Road. Paisley. 88‘) 3(Il2.
1. Best Seller( tar (1.20pm. 8.30pm.
2. Bigloot and the Hendersons ( PU) 5.45pm. 8. Itlpm.
See also Strathclyde Late.
I LA SCALA I Iamilton Street. Salteoats. 029-1 (r3345 [1)] (‘inema I. El .50
(‘hild ()AI’7Sp.
1. lnnerspace ( l’(i I
2. Hamburger Hillt I8)
I ODEDN Burns Statue Square. A} r. 0292 EMU-W. |I)| £2.5tl;(‘lrild [IMO ().-\I’
{I .5” i no eoneessions I'or last pert‘ormanee Fri and Sat ).
1. Hamburger Hill I 18) 2. Itlpm. 5.3rIpm. 8.25pm.
2. Bigtoot and the Hendersons ( I’( i I I.-1tlpm. 4pm. tr.2llpm. 8.4tlpm ( not showing Mon l I Jan).
Mon only: Gandhi ( l’( i I 2pm. 7pm.
3. BestSellert l8) 2. 15pm. 4.45pm. (1.55pm. ()pm.
I ODEDN 'I‘ou'nhead Street. I larnilton. “(108 283 81):. [D] cinemas 2 \3. Fri Sat £3.5(|('hild ()AI’L‘IJII. Sun Ihtlrs {3.3” (‘hild ().-\I’£I..‘stl. Mon I‘r‘i untiltrpm l'li-Itlil.
1. HamburgerHillr la)
Fri and Sat matinee ot The Rescuers l l 'l 2. Masters at the Universe r l’( i I 3 sltrnxx daily.
Outrageous Fortune 1 IS I “pm only.
3. Bigtoot and the Hendersons t I’( ll
I RlALTO ( ‘ollege Street. Dumharton. tl38‘ltI37tr3. {2(‘hr'ld I’IHII ().-\I’ El. (’Iosed Sunda_\\.
1. lnnerspace r Pt i I
2. Bigloot and the Hendersonst I’( i)
I KELBURNE ( ilasgou Road. I’aixle}. Sat 16: The Witches otEastwickr ISI I lpm.
Adx anee hooking: only
The French Institute presents
by Valere Novarina with André Marcon
artistic collaboration Alain Franqon musicAiméStehlin*
21 January at 7.30pm Assembly Rooms, 54 George Street,
Tickets availablefrom: French Institute and Assembly Rooms
Friday 12—Thursday 18
See underWeek1 tor details ottickelprices. opening hours. lacilities etc.
Provisional programme details only— not contirmed attime otgoing to press.
I CANNON ( 'Iarkston Road. Muir‘end. o3} 2I23.
1. The Witches ot Eastwickr IS I
2. Hamburger Hillr Ixr
3. Dirty Dancing I 15) (rpm. 83”me Sal also 3pm.
I CANNON Sauehiehall Street. 332 159.3.
. Masters at the Universe 1 l’( i) I .tr lptll. .Sllprrr. 8.2l Iprn.
Bigloot and the Hendersons r l’( i I .‘llprrr.4.45prrr.8.15pm.
NearDarltr IS) Illlprn. 3.45pm. oprrr. 35pm.
4. Dancers ( I’( i I I . Illprn. .i..‘\llprrr. 5.5llprn. 8..‘~llprn.
5. lnnerspace r I’( i I l..‘~upm. 4.15pm.
8. Illprn.
Seheduled to open on IS .Iarr are Cry Freedom t l’( i I and Fatal Attractionr IS)
I CANNON GRAND I.\.lanrare.r Street. 3-18 Jrrlu.
:‘ultlll mm tux I’IIUIIL‘ ltrl‘ details.
I CINEMA Southuale. I",a\l KIIIIl'ltIC. “3553 3ND“. (.ItISCtI Mutt (I He.
The Witches ot Eastwickr ISI
I GROSVENOR .v\\hlonl ane. I lrllhead. .‘Gn‘slt
1. lnnerspace r I’( 'r I
Tin Menr ISI
2. HamburgerHillt Isr
See also ( ilasgou I ales.
I ODEDN Rerrlreld Street. 33: \"III.
1. Predatorr I8) lprn. 3.25pm.!rpnr. 8.35pm.
2. Snow White and the Seven DwarISI t ‘ I Iprn. 33“an (rpm. Nil Iprrr
3. Spaceballs ( I’( i I l .3! lprn. F.~I*prn HamburgerHill r Ixrrrrrfiprrr. \ 35pm 4.Ange|Heartr Ixr I lllpm. .‘\ .illpru.
5.5(lprn. S .illprrr |
Selteduled to open on IS .Ian I\ Wish YOU Were Herer ISI I SALON \Inreornhe Street. KIN-135M
Best Sellerr ISI :pm.’ .Irrpm.
I: RUSL‘ SIIL‘L'I. 33:10.5
The Big Easyr I.\r _‘ .‘xrrpm. rrpm. \ Kripm SATURDAY16:
City olWomenr I\I.‘ Srrprrr
The Big Easyr 1M hprrr. \ 3| Ipnr SUNDAY17:
Belly olAn Architectr IS I trpm. \ .irlpm
MONDAY18: Breathlessr lMarId Blood Simpler I\I:prn Belly olAn Architectr IS I hpm. \ .‘llprrr
Erendirar I\Irrpm.
Belly olAn Architectr I> I \ Irrpm WEDNESDAY 20:
Crimes 01 the Heart I l " I I it lpIrI . trprrr BellyotAn Architectr I<r\ Irrpm
THURSDAY 21: Belly olAn Architectr I S I (rpm. \ Ir lpnr
W 7
I GROSVENOR :\\lrlorr I am Fri/Sat16:
1. Kiss 01 the Spiderwomanr W I rpm 2. The Shiningr ISI l lprn
i I i
rovisional programme details only-not contirmed at time 01 going to press. I CAMEO Ilome Street. 2284I-II. House 01 Games ( 15) 3pm (not Sun). 5pm. 7pm. 9pm. Sun 17: Gone With The Wind ( I’(i I 1pm. See also Iidinhurgh Latex I CANNON Lothian Road. 32‘)3ll31l. 1. Fatal Attraction ( 18) 2pm. 5pm. 8pm; Sun 5pm. 8pm. 2. Cry Freedom t I’( i I Phone einenra for times. 3. Near Dark ‘ll8l 3.25pm. 5.25pm. 8.25pm; Sun 5.25pm. 8.35pm. I DOMINION Nexxhattle 'I‘er'r‘aee. 447’ Itrhll. 1. lnnerspace r l’( i I 2. l5pm. 5. ISpm. 8.15pm. 2. Roxanne ( l’( i I 2.30pm (exeept Sat I. 5.3l lpm. 8.30pm. E.T. ( I ' I Sat only 3..‘~llprn. 3. The Untouchables t 15 I 2pm. 5prrr.8‘pm. I ( ‘Ier‘k Street. (In? ‘3.“ l. 1. Predatorr I8) 3. 15pm. (Iprn.8..‘~llprn. 2. Roxanne ( t’( i I 5.4rIpm. s. lllpm. 3. Hamburger Hill I IS) 3. Illpm. 5.5(lpm. 8.31lprrr. I PLAYHOUSE I.erth \Valk. SSTSIIII.
.\'o einema listings this Issue.
I.olhian Road. 328 2h88. FRIDAY 15:
1. EscalierCr IS I 3.45pm. The Big Easyr IS) 5 (r. ISprn. 8.3(lprrr. ' 2. Business As Usual t l’( “I I .‘~..‘~rrpm. (I.45prrr. 8.45pm.
1. The Court Jesterr t ' I 2pm. The Big Easy (18) tr. 15pm. 8.30pm.
2. Business As Usual r l’(iI.‘~..‘~upnI. i (r-IFpnI. 8.45pm,
1.The Big Easyr I.\I.\.,=rrpm.
2. Tenue de Soireer IS) (I 45pm. \I‘pnr MONDAY 18:
1. Hannah and HerSistersr I5 I 3.15pm. The Big Easyt ISI h. IFprn. 8..‘~llprrr.
2. Tenue de Soiree t ISItI.~15prrI. Slfiprrr TUESDAY 19: 1. Hannah and HerSistersr IS I 3.45pm. The Big Easyr I8 I (I. I5prn. .\..‘~tlpnr I 2. Rebecca Horn Films h..‘~llprrr. Junk Aesthetics It ISI.\.~15prn.
WEDNESDAY 20: 1.TheBig Easyr IS): .\._‘~llprn.
2. Fanny I I’( i I 5.3llpnr . 8pm.
1. Down By Law I l S I 3 ~15pm. The Big Easy ll.\lfr. I 5pm. .\,.‘~llpnr.
2. Your Contemporaryr IS I 1pm»? 1r lpnr. S. lllprn.[rrrr.
I olhran Road. 238 .‘hSS
Sun17: SunsetBoulevard r I’( iItI‘IlrrrlIouw Ilifillprn.
La Signe du Lion r //1(' .SIe/I (Ir l.r'ol
I I~rlmhouxe 3 I 5.31 lprn.
FILM SOCIETY ( ’ontaet; Soeretre\( 'entre. IIIL‘ I’lL'tIMIlIt'CJIIIT I'll I e\t-151-1 .\ 34-hourarrxuerrrru \er'\reet.‘5"ll-I.ihl
Fri 15: Rambo. First Blood Part 2(15) 11.15pm and Platoonr IN I: 55am ()tlL‘rIII.
Sun 17: The Magic Toyshopr ISIn ISprrrarrtI Labyrinth t l’( i I S It lprrr (ieor ue Square IIIL'rlIlC
Wed 20: Castawayr IS I n 45pm and My Lite ASA Dog I I’( r I S “pro. ( Ieor ere Square llrealre.
Thurs 21: Voyage a Paimpol (Iprrr. .\ .‘~I lpm
ICAMEOlIorrre-Street : Fri 15: Something Wildr ISIandDesperately seeking Susanr I‘I I lpnr
20'1'hel.ist8— 21 January I988
Sat 16: The Fly ( l8) and The Fury ( I8) I Ipm. I EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY FILM SOCIETY Fri 15: Rambo: First Blood Part 2(18)
I I . 15pm and Platoon ( I8) I2.55am. ()deon.
Provisional programme details only- not contirmed at time 01 going to press.
I CANNON I’l'illL‘L‘\.\ SIrL‘L‘I. I’alkrrkJBZ-I 233m.
1. Bestsellerr I8)
2. HamburgerHillr l8)
3. Masters ot the Universe r l’( i I
Provisional programme details only—not contirmed attime otgoing to press.
I CANNON 'I'rtehlreld Street. Krlmarnoek. n50} 3‘2.“
1. The Witches ol Eastwickr Is)
2. Wish You Were Here I lit
3. HamburgerHillr IsI
I KELBURNE ( ilaxgou Road. I’;ri\le\ . 88‘) Roll.
1. The Witches ot Eastwickr I8)
2. Unconlirmed.
I LA SCALA I Iarnrlton Street. Salleoatx. ultrt (r3345
1. Fatal Attractionr Ixr
2. The Witches ot Eastwickr ISI
I ODEDN Ilur nx Statue Square. A} Lill‘): jtr-tlIJII
1. Wish You Were Herer IS)
2. HamburgerHillr IS)
3. The Witches ot Eastwickr ISI
I ODEDN I'Imnheatl Street. Hamilton. INNS :83 Sill,
1. HamburgerHillr m
2. Masters at the Universe r I’( i I
3. Bigtoot and the Hendersons r I’( it
I RIALTO ( 'olleee Street. I)urnhar ton. 1'38” (137)}. ( 'oned Suttdatx.
1. The Witches ol Eastwickr I.\ I
2. lnnerspace r I’( "It
I Festival 01 New British Films
Runnrn}; at the Stirling; l-rlrrr I heatr'e Ir'orn Il|.|;IrrrI;rr‘} to tr l'ehr'rr;rr_\ IIIIS r Inrpr‘exxrxe-Iookrne IL'SII\.’II re\e;rI\ the r‘rehexol errrrerrt Ilrrlrxh ernerna \\Illt , nurrrer'orrx Seollhli [‘lL'IIIICIL‘S rueludrng; Stephen I'rears' XII/mm and Hour ( ir’l
laud t 33 .Ian I. I loraee ( he's l’Ia} In:
.-\\\ at t.‘~ .Ian I and .IaIIIe\ Ixort '\ III/urn e (Fillan I lull detarlx .narlahle Irorrr the
Slrr lure I'lIlll llrealre at the \IaeRoIIert (‘errrre(H‘srrrrluxl Fl“lr lThe Films otJohn Ford
Running on \r\ 'I lrursdatx lrorrr -1
l'elrr u.rr\ . the edueatron eorrrponent ol the I'drnlrurelr I‘IIIII(itlIItIII.I\L‘UI§.II1I\C\I.I eourse loe\arnrne tlre lltetlrex and \I\III\tII .'\rrrerrearr drreetor .lohrr I'ord I'aelr
e\ errrnzi. one ol I'ord'x Ie\\eI \een lrlrux
\\ III I‘L' \t'lc‘elletl .llltl ltlIIt‘“ ell I\\ .r drxeuxxrorr \Irrone. the tIt|e\.rre llre/rmr //rl'\r'l I": I I. [Ninth IIII'II'.“ //.’<’ Uri/lull A
I IAIN” .IlItI .\('l L’t'tlll/ /\)Ilr'."r'rI,L'('I lib-"l I II! eoxt ol the eourxe Is to WI .t-I .‘Illol the unuaeed and l-drnlrureh I‘rlnr ( itllItI rrrernlrerxland tuller details are no“
a\ arlalrle lrorrr tlre I l-( r at I-Ilrnhouse rrr lotlrrarr Road